How to insert an array of items in sqlite using angularjs and ionic - angularjs

Is there a way to loop through linked values in angular to download a list of objects in a sqlite database. The tables am working on are modules, courses and library. So now when I download an item in courses it shows a linked reference to modules which tells me I have 4 or 2 link references based on that particular course then the second step comes in where that module has a linked reference to library the final table.
My question is how will i use a angular.forEach statement to loop through the first two tables and download the the course and the linked modules together.
modules.forEach(function(item) {
var lib ={};
lib._id = item._id; =;
lib.course = item.course;
lib.tests = item.tests;
lib.libraryItems = item.libraryItems;
return lib;
var no = {};
no._id = item._id;
no.TextContent = item.TextContent;
no.HtmlContentBase64 = item.HtmlContentBase64;
The code snippet I have above can list the items from the other table in my course table but only shows one instance of it. The second part of the code am still testing it now to see if am on the right track. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


How to use the laravel command 'whereIn' and 'WhereNotIn' in the same query on laravel collection

I have a query that works fine when randomly selecting a new product from the database. But to prevent duplication, in my view I pass a JSON object of products already for sale on the page. I want my query to essentially query my DB for products for sale but are also not in the collection of products already for sale.
This part works absolutely fine
$nproduct = Product::whereIn('seller_id', Auth::user()->samegroup())->inRandomOrder()->first();
$nprice = $nproduct->price;
$nquantity = $nproduct->quantity_available;
$nid = $nproduct->id;
$nseller = $nproduct->seller_id;
But I struggle when trying to make sure my query doesn't include anything inside $products_already_for_sale
$products_already_for_sale = $request->current_product_ids;
try this
$products_already_for_sale = $request->current_product_ids; //it must be array []
$nproduct = Product::whereIn('seller_id', Auth::user()->samegroup())->whereNotIn('product_id',
totally untested, but I think this would work

How to sort when also using a where clause

I am currently pulling a list from a database, using the following code. The list is retrieved using a WHERE condition, however the list is returned unsorted. This is in the controller.
How can I modify this code so that the returned list is sorted alphabetically?
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetYear))
ViewBag.HSID = new SelectList(db.Hotspots.Where(g => g.HSID.Contains(TargetYear)).ToList(), "ID", "HSID");
On several other fields I have used the following method to order, but I'm not sure how, or if I can combine this with the where clause above. The key piece is ".OrderBy(e=>e.FIELD), however this is precisely the piece I'm not sure how to integrate with the query.
ViewBag.LocalityCode = new SelectList(db.Localities.OrderBy(e=>e.LOCALITY1), "LOC_CODE", "LOCALITY1");
Other helpful bits of info:
Microsoft SQL 2012
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetYear))
var data =
.Where(g => g.HSID.Contains(TargetYear))
ViewBag.HSID = new SelectList(data,"ID", "HSID");

How do I delete objects within objects in Angular-Meteor?

NOTE: the following code and demo are extracted from a larger Meteor + Angular project.
I have the following functions to select and delete objects:
$scope.selectParty = function(party) {
$ = party;
$scope.type = party.type;
$ =;
$scope.deletParty = function(party) {
$scope.selectOrganizer = function(organizer) {
$scope.organizer = organizer;
$ =;
$scope.title = organizer.title;
$scope.deletOrganizer = function(organizer) {
The Select action works on both Parties and Organizers as you can see in the demo, displaying the data in the table underneath.
The Delete action doesn't work. Although, let me point out that in my app, the one I have on my machine and currently working on in Meteor, the Delete action works splendidly on Parties, meaning the syntax "$scope.parties.remove(party)" works. But it doesn't work on the plnkr demo for some reason :(
My question is really about the Organizers Delete action, where I'm targeting an object (organizer) inside an array inside the selected object (party)… that one doesn't work. I'm wondering why, and what is the right syntax.
NOTE 2: I'm aware of Angular's splice and index but I can't use them here as I'm not simply working with Angular arrays but with database data in Meteor.
The organizer is a part of the party object and not a collection on it's own. So what you would need to do is remove the party from the object and then save the party object.
Note2 is incorrect. Unless you wrote your question and plunker wrong.

Knockoutjs how to data-bind observable array members based on IDs

I'm not if the title explains what I need to achieve or not but I can change it later if some has a better suggestion.
I'm using KO to manage a whole bunch of data on the client side.
Here's the basic.
I have a list of training sessions
Each has a list of training session parts
Each training session parts are referencing items kept in other lists. For example, I have a list of activities (ex: biking, running, swimming, etc.)
Each activity is identified by an ID which is used in the training session parts to identify which activity was used for a particular session.
Now, all these list are stored as observable arrays, and each member of the lists are observables (I use KO.Mapping to map the JSON coming from the server)
When I display a training session in my UI, I want to display various information coming from various lists
Duration: 1h30
Activity: Biking
Process: Intervals
The only information I have in order to link the training session to its component is an ID which is fine. What I'm not sure is how to data-bind the name (text) of my activity to a <p> or <div> so that the name will change if I edit the activity (by using some functionality of the application).
The training session only has the ID to identify the activity, so I don’t know how to bind the name of the activity based on its ID.
Hopefully this makes senses and someone can help me figure it out. I found lots of info on how to bind to observable array but nothing addressing ID and linked information.
The easiest way would probably be to make your own constructors and link the data by hand. You can use mapping if you really want to, but you'll basically have to do the same manual linking, only in a more verbose format.
This is the fiddle with the example implementation:
The most important part of the code is the linking, you have to take care to create the activity objects only once, and use the same objects everywhere, as opposed to creating new activity objects for the parts.
var TrainingSession = function(rawData, actualActivities){
var self = this; = ko.observable(; = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(, function(rawPart){
return ko.utils.arrayFirst(actualActivities(), function(ac){
return ac.ID() == rawPart.ID;
var Activity = function(rawData){
var self = this;
self.ID = ko.observable(rawData.ID); = ko.observable(;
var MainVM = function(rawData){
var self = this;
//first create an array of all activities
self.activities = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(rawData.activities, function(rawAc){
return new Activity(rawAc);
self.trainingSessions = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(rawData.trainingSessions, function(session){
return new TrainingSession(session, self.activities);

Is it possible to create a public database (spreadsheet) search with Google Scripts?

I'm trying to create a website where users can come and look for a set of resources, something like a portal, or a database like JSTOR. I am using Weebly; this website will eventually be turned over to someone who does not know computers well, so I'm trying to keep things simple (and free, where doable).
My thought was to use Google Spreadsheets/Forms to handle the input and storage of the data for each individual resources (Title, Author, Type, Topic, Country, etc.), and then find some some method of creating a search function that could placed on the website. Any user could arrive at the site, put in whatever criteria they want to look for, and any resources in the database would be listed out for the user to further investigate. Users would not be adding data to the spreadsheets; only querying it for data.
My first question is such a script/arrangement possible and can it be embedded into a website page? My second question is what would the best approach be?
Yes this is certainly possible, but can achieved in a variety of ways.
One approach you could take with this is to retrieve all the data from the spreadsheet as JSON format and add it to the DOM as a HTML table. Then you can use a nice plugin like dataTables which has a pretty good native search function. I'll give a basic example below.
To retrieve the data you can use Googles spreadsheet JSON API. A basic example is below.
<script src="*ID*/*WS*/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=*FN*"></script>
Where ID is the spreadsheet's long ID.
Where WS is the worksheet number e.g. 1,2,3 etc.
Where FN is the function you want to call. In my below function i use importGSS
Then I've written the below script that adds the data to a HTML table. It first adds the first row to a <thead> section and then adds the rest to the <tbody> section.
function cellEntries(json, dest) {
var table = document.createElement('table');
var thead = document.createElement('thead');
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var thr;
var tr;
var entries = json.feed.entry;
var cols =$colCount.$t;
for (var i=0; i <cols; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
if ($cell.col == '1') {
if (thr != null) {
thr = document.createElement('tr');
var th = document.createElement('th');
for (var i=cols; i < json.feed.entry.length; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
if ($cell.col == '1') {
if (tr != null) {
tr = document.createElement('tr');
var td = document.createElement('td');
$(dest + ' table').dataTable();
You can then call back the function with ... where #Destination is the <div> you want to add the HTML table to.
function importGSS(json){
cellEntries(json, '#Destination');
Once all completed you'll see something like the below screenshot, the top the final results and the bottom the original spreadsheet. I've edited out some information. I hope this has been of some help.
