SQL Server reporting services scheduler loops, running amok - sql-server

We have a Windows Server 2008 R2, Service Pack 1 with an SQL Server 2008 R2 (Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition (64-bit), version 10.50.4042.0) for creating scheduled reports in SSRS. The Report Server services didn't start up after a server restart a while ago and when I noticed that after several days, I started the service. Then it began to loop thru all reports constantly, as if the server not was aware of that it had already done that report.
When I look in the table [ReportServer].[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] I can see that new reports are created constantly as fast as the previous report is ready. It looks to loop thru all reports.
I found two errors in Windows application log which maybe are connected to the problem, or not.
Failed to unload app domain DefaultDomain. The following exception occurred: Error while unloading appdomain. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131015).
ProcessName: ReportingServicesService
ProcessId: 4308
Failed to trace event: System.AppDomainUnloadedException: Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain.
I really don't understand what to do. The server has been running for several years, doing the scheduled jobs without any problem. I have restarted SQL Server Agent, Reporting Services as well as the whole server and it doesn't make any difference.
I am thankful for any help.

I got help from MS Developer Network, so want to share it here if someone get similar problems.
Best regards


MS Access on Windows 10 drops connection to SQL Server randomly

We have a MS Access 2010 app, using SQL Server 2008 R2 as its database. All workstations were running on Windows 7 with no problems.
Our customer started to upgrade the workstations to Windows 10, and now we see connection to the server drops at a random occasions. Not related to any specific action, query, report or form.
The application is using ODBC connection to access the tables.
When this happens, all connections to all tables are dropped, and the app is unusable.
To resolve this, we need to restart the application and everything is working fine again, until the next time.
We opened up a table when this error occurs and see all the records showing #Name as the data.
Please help
Tested the network connection - no problems or errors
Upgraded SQL Server Service Pack to the latest (thought it might related to TLS version)

SQL Server 2014 - Windows could not start SQL server on local computer

I have an AWS instance, on which SQL Server 2014 has been running for more than 3 years.
But a few days ago, suddenly the SQL Server stopped running.
I checked the server and tried to start SQL Server service from services, from SQL Server Configuration Manager etc. but I'm not able to start the server and got following error:
So I checked event viewer entries and I found these two errors:
I started some research work over web to overcome on this issue and I found that I can start SQL service using below command using T902:
net start MSSQL$REVCORD /T902
And SQL Server service started successfully.
But I want to make SQL Server / services back to normal as before so I can start / stop services normally.
I found on web that this cause is due to corruption in master SQL Server database, I don't have backup of master SQL Server database so I cannot restore it back.
I checked multiple threads over web and tried multiple things to overcome this issue but no luck.
So finally I decided to reinstall/recover SQL Server 2014, but I am getting another error while reinstalling:
Based on finding over web, all threads showing that I have to uninstall and reinstall SQL Server to make it normal again.
Please help! It's a live server with multiple calls continously so I cannot uninstall/reinstall SQL Server there due to possible data loss.
The first thing:
select * from sys.sysmessages where error = 5833
The message:
The affinity mask specified is greater than the number of CPUs supported or licensed on this edition of SQL Server.
Check your edition, and fix the affinity mask so that the number of CPUs satisfy the number which is supported by your edition.
You can fix it in SSMS on the Processors tab in your server properties, or using sp_configure

"Reporting Services Error" in Project Dashboard

Im using TFS 2012, SQL2012, and Sharepoint 2010. I went through the advanced installation of TFS and believe I missed some permission or something with an application pool. Everything related to TFS works well but any time I go to the project dashboard under Task Burndown I see this error:
Reporting Services Error
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help
Query execution failed for dataset 'dsProjectGuid'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
SQL Server Reporting Services
Then under Burn Rate I see this error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help
Query execution failed for dataset 'dsProjectGuid'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
SQL Server Reporting Services
I came across this post which seems similar but then I try to actually
process the database I get an error.
Also, if I go to the TFS Administration Console >> Application Tier >> Reporting, I see the Warehouse database and Analysis database are "Configured and Jobs Enabled".
What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
First you don't mention:
The OS (Windows Server 2012 or 2008 or 2008 R2 and which SP???)
SharePoint Foundation or SharePoint Server 2010, is it SharePoint with SP1 or not??
The error you faced when you manually try to process the warehouse???
Anyway, the reporting errors could be happened because many reasons, so my advice to you, just take a look on my 2 Guides about installing TFS 2012 and 2010, see the reporting section, you will know exactly what you should do and how to verify every step before moving to the next one, they have videos and documents with every detail steps needed.
I recommended to have a look on the whole sections because sometimes the error will be in the service account used for configuring the Report Service which will exiting on the first section.
TFS 2012 Guide
TFS 2010 Guide
I referred the above link which worked for me.
I set initial catalog for data source TfsReportDS as "Tfs_Warehouse" and the initial catalog for data source TfsOlapReportDS as Tfs_Analysis. Other setting I left it to default which is 'windows Integerated security' for TfsReportDS and 'credentials are not required for Tfs2010OlapReportDS

FluentMigrator & Lock request timeout period exceeded

I am shifting my development platform to a virtual machine (using VirtualBox), and have installed Win7, VS2010 and SQL Server Express 2008 R2. I have a project that uses FluentMigrator to look after the database.
When I (try to) run the initial migration, all console messages come back from FluentMigrator reporting success, but when I look at the database, no changes have been made. Also, if I try to refresh the schema in SQL Server Management Studio Express within a couple minutes of running the migration, I get a "Lock request timeout period exceeded" message.
Unfortunately SQL Server Express does not come with SQL Profiler. Is there a way I can look at the queries hitting the database without this?
Any other ideas on why FluentMigrator would be reporting success when there is no success to be found?

scheduled web synchronization with MS Sql Server 2005

I have settled a web synchronization between SQLSERVER 2005 as publisher and SQLEXPRESS as suscriber. Web synchro has to be launched manually through IE interface (menu tools/synchronize) and to be selected among available synchronizations.
Everything is working fine except that I did not find a way to automate the synchro, which I still have to launch manually. Any idea?
I have no idea if this synchro can be launched from SQLEXPRESS by running a specific T-SQL code (in this case my problem could be solved indirectly).
Denny Cherry, a SQL Server MVP, is writing a replacement for SQL Server Agent.
Denny's blog about it
His Standalone SQL Agent project on Codeplex
Using this, you would be able to automatically initiate code on a scheduled basis. But it's either this, or writing your own .NET app to kick off jobs. SQL Server Express Edition doesn't include any kind of automated job scheduling.
I don't really know about SQL Server web synchronization, but as SQL Express don't have an SQL Server Agent, you can write a C# console application that runs with the scheduled tasks.
