State and country picklist in salesforce - salesforce

I configured the Billing Country and Billing State/province as picklist in salesfoce. The problem of this picklist; it contains just some of countr's state like Canada, US. When I choose US as country automatically the billing state/province displays list of state of US. But when I choode Belguim as Country I get None in billing state/province picklist. My question is How to import the Country's states/provinces list like Belguim.
Best regards

By default SF doesn't include any Belgium states, but you can add them yourself. Just go to Setup > Data Management > State and Country/Territory Picklists > Configure States and Countries and Territories. Find Belgium in the list and click "Edit" next to it. You'll see that it has 0 States and there will be a "New State" button.


How to use Django oscar catalogue options?

I have a product where it as multiple options for the user to select. say its a food item and it has different flavours and size packs.So i need to have an option in the UI for the users to select the option they want and that product need to be added to the basket with the user provided options.My question is how can i create these options in the backend and show that options in the UI.I saw a model named options in the admin dashboard.How can i make use of it.

SalesForce - country auto complete?

When my users create accounts in SalesForce, they usually mis-type the name of the country.
Is there some way to autocomplete them with the account standard layout?
Not auto-complete, but dropdown is available natively.Implementing Country Picklist

Enabling country/State picklist on custom fields in Salesforce

Under Accounts, we have a custom fields for Project country and Project State, I am trying to enable to the Country/State picklist for these custom fields.
Looking for any 3rd party plugin which will implement for Country/State picklist within Salesforce on custom field.
Followed the steps from for Enabling the State/country picklist, however it just worked on Address Standard field.
I need to implement the same on custom fields.
Please note: I have already implemented Global value picklist, and using the field dependency created controlling picklist (Country) and Controlled (State), however the dependent picklist has a limitation of 1500 values only.
Looking for any 3rd party plugin which will implement for Country/State picklist within Salesforce on custom field.
According to me there is no standard approach or configuration you can do to achieve this. I would suggest you to have a custom metadata and lightning component.
On the Account have a text field:
1. Country
2. State
Custom Metadata:
1. Country
2. State
You can have a relationship field from State to Country. Create all the country and State records.
Build a custom lightning component to add it on the detail page of Account. On this component show the Country and State value from Account fields. Have a edit button when you edit Country and State should be displayed as picklist. When you change the Country State picklist should be populated from the metadata.

Add additional data to order information during checkout process

I have prestashop website and during the checkout process when choosing the carrier I added a dropdown which contains additional information about shipping when you choose the certain carrier.
More specific: one carrier provide "self-service parcel terminals" service, where customer have to choose the final shipping destination(address) from where he'll pick up the product. The dropdown list contains about 30 choices.
I added dropdown with carrier information as a module and hooked it in hookDisplayBeforeCarrier hook.
How should I save this data into database and then display it in backoffice in orders section?
To fulfills your requirements, you need to use following hooks of PrestaShop.
processCarrier - To save the selection in a cookie or something temporarily
hookNewOrder - To fetch and save the selection into database on order place
displayBackOfficeHeader - To display the selection in back office order details.

how does pof generate cities from countries chosen manually or automatic

How does the site generate the cities based on the country you choose?
when you click the country you currently live in, in the city selection there is a drop down menu of different cities. How did they accomplish this?
i would like to know this to help guide registration in my website based on city of residence.
were all the cities from each individual country entered manually?
You can use the Google Places API for that.
