Angular Js dependency Injection Issue - angularjs

I am facing with a dependency injection issue.Please help me to resolve this issue.
I am trying to use ngIdle to add user session expired concept to my application for these i add angular-idle.min.js as dependency plugin.Now actually my issue is when i am adding ngIdle dependency to app.js file where my all dependencies are initiated along with routing.When i run the application the ngdile is also affecting for login page which is not expected.So please help me how to load this ngidle dependency when i login into application.Actually its working but i need to skip this dependency for login page.
Thanks in advance,

I think you can use something like to lazy load your dependencies when needed


bundling angular-permission with webpack

I'm currently in the process of migrating an AngularJS (1.5.8) from a Gulp pipeline to a webpack pipeline.
One of the dependencies we have is angular-permission.
We're relying on the commonjs style (require) and as documented here I added a require('angular-permission') before the declaration of my angular module.
I also added the angular dependencies permission and permission.ui right after ui.router.
The bundling process goes through, however every time we try to load the app we have this error message in the console: Unknown provider: PermissionStoreProvider <- PermissionStore(…)
I guess the problem is because angular-permission is not injecting the services properly but even playing with the require statement, adding provide plugin or few other attempts didn't solve the issue.
So the question is: how can I properly integrate angular-permission with webpack?
Finally found out what it was with the help of a friend. During my transition from bower to npm for client side deps I unintentionally changed the version of angular permission to the latest. And they changed the name of the service to PermPermissionStore (same thing for Role Store)

how to integrate somebody else's Angular code into my own?

I'm working on an Angular app using:
`<html ng-app="navops"></html>`
and we hired a designer how gave me a minified JS script and he is using:
so this create an error:
App Already Bootstrapped with this Element '<body>'
how can I integrate the two codes??
You are bootstrapping twice, remove the ng-app from the body tag and it will work. If your code then no longer works make sure you add it as a dependency into the bootstrap() command. Presumably you would just add "myLibs" or something into the modules array

Bower dependencies for Angular in Eclipse

I have a web app I am launching from Eclipse using Spring Boot. I am trying to use Angular modals to have a nice looking confirm delete modal and I was following this tutorial to get the right dependencies. The Bower install seemed to go well:
bower install angular-modal-service --save
And I copy this into my html:
<script src="bower_components\angular-modal-service\dst\angular-modal-service.min.js"></script>
And I add the dependency in my Angular file:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['angularModalService']);
But that is the point at which it fails. If I launch my app I just get a blank page, nothing at all loads. My console output from Chrome's developer tools gives me:
Uncaught Error: No module: angularModalService
This is a general problem I have had, anytime I try to add a dependency with something like
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['DEPENDENCY']);
it doesn't work. Is there something more I need to do in Eclipse in order for it to get it to pick up on my Bower dependencies?
When you have such problem, we can't resolve it for you.
But we can give you some advices to resolve this kind of problem :
Identify the problem. Open the developper tools of your navigator (F12), then the console. If you have nothing here, try to refresh. Angular will let you know if there is a dependency injection problem.
Check if you didn't forgot something. You have to import in your page angular, THEN angular-modal-service, THEN your application. The order is important.
Check if the module you want to use doesn't depend to something else. In your case, do this module needs bootstrap JS files ? Again, take a look at the console. It's here to help you.
Perhaps not specifying type="text/javascript in the script declaration causes your browser not to parse and execute the script? It is required in HTML < 5. Try adding that. Maybe that will help. Post your HTML file, if it still does not work.

AuthService with AngularJS not work

Hi friends i am new with angular js.
i try to create login and register with angular js.
i used this tutorials for authentication.Click here
i got this error i don't know why i think i forgot to include any authentication js file.
please how to resolve this error.
i think you are using $routeProvider for your angular app. but in your example angular app is using $ you have to install angular-ui-router.js and give reference to it to the index.html .
and also you have to put dependency 'ui.router' in to app.js
Stop the Javascript based authentication and opt for a token based approach using server-side language like PHP coupled with AJAX.

AngularJS: add dependencies to my app before bootstrap it

I am working with AngularJS from a short amount of time so I am still a kind of lost with it. Sorry if the question is trivial or was already asked... I have seen so many different questions / posts / docs that I am really confused.
This is the problem I am facing: I would like to dynamically add dependencies to my app (I am going to refer to it as rootApp), before bootstrap it.
At the moment the bootstrap happens manually: for what I have read on the web, should be possible to dynamically add dependencies to the app before bootstrap it (and that is why the bootstrap is happening manually).
I have different templates (powered by Template Toolkit) that can load different modules as dependency: for example, the template "myComponent" needs to load, as dependency, the Angular module myComponent; the template "myTable" needs to load, as dependency, the Angular module NGTable, etc...
What I would like to do is to define the module for the rootApp as:
// NOTE: no dependencies as argument!
rootAppModule = angular.module('rootApp', []);
and then add dependencies on demand, something like:
rootAppModule.pushDependency( myComponentModule );
rootAppModule.pushDependency( NGTableModule );
then finally bootstrap:
angular.bootstrap(document, ['rootAppModule']);
Someone can help me?
PS I have seen there are Angular plugins to load dependencies AFTER the bootstrap of the app but here I would be happy doing it before the bootstrap. It should be easier, so I would prefer to avoid (not needed?) complexity.
I have found the array "requires", follows an example:
from here
Anybody can tell if that is a reliable solution?
Well, this was already in the "edit" but a friend told me that is good habit to answer own questions when there is an answer, so here it is:
I have found the array "requires", follows an example: angular.module("rootAppModule").requires.push("myComponentModule");
from here
Anybody can tell if that is a reliable solution?
