Render table when getting data asynchronous - reactjs

I have some data which i get in state when componentDidMount.
I am trying render table using this data.
In my case rows not rendering.
How i can send data to tbody ?
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
var rows=[]"GET", url ,function(error,result){
$.each(JSON.parse(result.content), function(key, value){
$.each(this.state.rows, function(d){

Another option, not using JQuery and avoiding having a separate render function, is to use .map
React likes it if you have a unique key on each element in a list, so hopefully one of the fields on your row can serve this purpose.
{ => (
<tr key={d[0]}>
You'll also need to set your initial state for rows to be [] rather than null, in order for the first render to work.

renderRows is a function so you need to execute it. Also you will need to update that function a bit:
export default class App extends Component {
// ...
var rows=[];
var self = this;"GET", url ,function(error,result){
$.each(JSON.parse(result.content), function(key, value){
rows: rows
const rows = this.state.rows || [];
return => {
{/* ... */}


Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop Error in React

Hi I am currently working with Spotify API with Spring Boot as the backend and React for the front end.
I was able to retrieve a user's favorite artist using the API in a json format but as I am not familiar with React, I am currently having problems displaying the data.
The json data that I have retrieved looks something like this.
[{"externalUrls":{"externalUrls":{"spotify":""}},"followers":{"href":null,"total":929384},"genres":["complextro","edm","progressive electro house"],"href":"","id":"3dz0NnIZhtKKeXZxLOxCam","images":[{"height":640,"url":"","width":640},{"height":320,"url":"","width":320},{"height":160,"url":"","width":160}],"name":"Porter Robinson","popularity":68,"type":"ARTIST","uri":"spotify:artist:3dz0NnIZhtKKeXZxLOxCam"},{"externalUrls":{"externalUrls":{"spotify":""}},"followers":{"href":null,"total":27618208},"genres":["dance pop","pop","uk pop"],"href":"","id":"6M2wZ9GZgrQXHCFfjv46we","images":[{"height":640,"url":"","width":640},{"height":320,"url":"","width":320},{"height":160,"url":"","width":160}],"name":"Dua Lipa","popularity":94,"type":"ARTIST","uri":"spotify:artist:6M2wZ9GZgrQXHCFfjv46we"}]
I am hoping to display this with React but seem to run into an error that reads
"Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop."
My 'ListArtistComponent.jsx' file in my React application looks something like this.
class ListArtistComponent extends Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
artist: []
ArtistService.getArtist().then((res) => {
this.setState({ artist: Array.from(});
render() {
<h2 className="text-center">Artist List</h2>
<div className="row">
<table className="table table-striped table-bordered">
<th>Artist Name</th>
<th>Artist Popularity</th>
artist =>
<tr key = {}>
<td> {} </td>
<td> {artist.popularity} </td>
export default ListArtistComponent;
And my ArtistService looks something like this
class ArtistService {
return axios.get("http://localhost:8080/api/topartist")
export default new ArtistService()
I am guessing that a problem occurred when setting the 'id'(in the given json "3dz0NnIZhtKKeXZxLOxCam" and "6M2wZ9GZgrQXHCFfjv46we" respectively) value as the key, it would be appreciated if I could know what seems to be causing the problem and a solution for it.
Thank you in advance!!
I don't see any problem.
But if we use array index for the unique key.
can you try this?
class ListArtistComponent extends Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
artist: []
ArtistService.getArtist().then((res) => {
this.setState({ artist: Array.from(});
render() {
<h2 className="text-center">Artist List</h2>
<div className="row">
<table className="table table-striped table-bordered">
<th>Artist Name</th>
<th>Artist Popularity</th>
(artist,index) =>
<tr key = {index}>
<td> {} </td>
<td> {artist.popularity} </td>

Filling a form dynamically in React

I want to generate a row for each item in my list. The way i'm currently trying to achieve this is with the following:
{ this.renderEvents() }
renderEvents() {
const events =;
return (
{ events.forEach((event) => {
return (
<td><Badge color="success">Coming</Badge></td>
The problem i'm currently facing is that my console.log(events) line gets executed twice and the table stays empty.
Any help is appreciated! :)
Array#forEach does not return a new array. Try Array#map instead!
return (
{ => {
return (
<td><Badge color="success">Coming</Badge></td>
Another way to do this
const data =
event => {
<td><Badge color="success">Coming</Badge></td>
return (
More React idiomatic solution would be to use a React Component instead of calling function that returns jsx. Component is created once and mounted once, instead, function will each time return a new component (meaning the memory link will change) that will cause React reconciliation mechanism to each time mount and unmount a Component. That is not good for React performance.
I would recommend structuring your code in a next manner:
class EventViewer extends React.Component {
// keep logic of fetching events here and saving them (to state for example)
render() {
return (
<EventVieverHeader />
<EventVieverBody events={}/>
const EventVieverHeader = () => (
<td><Badge color="success">Coming</Badge></td>
const EventVieverBody = ({events}) => (
event => {
<td><Badge color="success">Coming</Badge></td>

ReactJS - Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag Error. When trying to include two <tr> tag

Am working in the Reactjs application with mongoDB. Am getting data from MongoDB and displaying in the table. Due to the table row is too long. I want to split the table row into two lines.
So, for this am trying to include two <tr> tags but it giving me the error Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag.
I have written 3 separate component class for this requirement.
Please find my code below. ( Am using ReactJS 15.6.1 version )
class Details extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { item: props.item };
render() {
return (
<table className="table table-bordered" style={{fontsize: '8'}}>
<th>Line Number</th>
<th>Product Code</th>
<th>Unit Price</th>
<DetailsList items={ this.state.item.order_items } />
class DetailsList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { };
render() {
return (<tbody>{ => <DetailsItem key={
item.line_id } item={ item } />) }
class DetailsItem extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { item: props.item };
render() {
return (
<td><input name="line_number" type="text"
value={ this.state.item.line_number } /> </td>
<td><input name="product_code" type="text"
value={ this.state.item.product_code } /></td>
<td><input name="product_description" type="text"
value={ this.state.item.product_description } /> </td>
Product Quantity <td>{ this.state.item.product_quantity } />
Unit Price <td>{ this.state.item.unit_net_price } /></td>
For Example am trying to like below snippet.
I already wrapped my <tbody> tag with props data in my previous component.
render() {
return (<tbody>{ =>
<DetailsItem key={ item.line_id } item={ item } />) } </tbody>);
If i use single <tr> tag instead of two, then its working fine. But i want to split this row into two.
Please find the screenshot after adding <div> tag
Yes, JSX does not allow unwrapped adjacent HTML elements. This is because React uses Javascript to create the DOM elements. So something like this:
return (
causes React to call document.createElement() twice, one for the <h2> and one for <h1/>, and this is not allowed.
If you really need to separate your table rows rather render them as an array. That is:
Please note though, that, this approach works for at least React16. Otherwise, I would suggest to simply wrap these separated table rows with a div. That is:
I would also like to point out that, this does not have to be a div. It could be other HTML elements, the point is to return one HTML element inside the render() of your component.
If you are using React 16+, you can return an array.
return [

How to delete an entire row from html table using ReactJS?

I want to delete an entire row (text & button) from html table on button click. How can I do that using ReactJS instead of using simple JavaScript?
var RecordsComponent = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return (
<td>row 1</td>
<td><button onClick={deleteRow}>DELETE</button></td>
<td>row 2</td>
<td><button onClick={deleteRow}>DELETE</button></td>
<td}>row 3</td>
<td><button onClick={deleteRow}>DELETE</button></td>
deleteRow : function() {
//how to delete row using ReactJS?
React.render(<RecordsComponent/>, document.getElementById('display'))
You should to know how to make a react components.
Below is one of example to delete items.
class RecordsComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
rows: ['row 1', 'row 2', 'row 3'],
deleteRow = (index) => {
// make new rows. note: react state is immutable.
const newRows = this.state.rows.slice(0, index).concat(this.state.rows.slice(index + 1));
rows: newRows,
render() {
const rows =, index) => (
<tr key={row}>
<td><button onClick={() => { this.deleteRow(index); }}>DELETE</button></td>
return (

How to get a onClick to work in a row - reactjs

I am trying to get a click even to work with a table in reactjs. My first attempt was to make the whole row clickable. Here is my code:
var UserList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return getUsers();
handleClick: function(e) {
render: function() {
var users = {
return (
<tr onClick={this.handleClick}>
<div className="container">
<table className="table table-striped">
<th>Full Detail</th>
This did not work. I then tried to add a button in the table:
<button className="btn" onClick={this.handleClick}>Full Detail</button>
That also did not work. I have other onClick's working throughout my app, but how do I make this work with a table?
Your problem is the function of user that creates the table row is not bound to your react component. The value of this will not be your react component and handleClick will not exist as a property of this.
var users = {
return (
<tr onClick={this.handleClick}>
Or use Underscore's bind if you want it to work on all browsers.
I'm new to react. How about this? You just wrap it in another function, then that function holds the closure scope and it calls it correctly.
No idea if this is bad practice or the performance difference, but it seems to work...
var users = {
return (
<tr onClick={()=>this.handleClick(user)}>
Binding creates a new object. Thus if you bind your function for N employees, you are inefficiently creating N new functions. A more elegant approach is to bind the function once, and pass a reference to every row. Your original code was quite close. This is what I would suggest:
handleClick = e => {
const user = this.state.users.find(u => u.uuid ==
render() {
<div className="container">
<table className="table table-striped">
<th>Full Detail</th>
{ =>
<tr data-uuid={user.uuid} onClick={this.handleClick}>
<td>{user.details || ''}</td>
