Cannot send messages using Messenger Send API even after mobile app asked for page_messages permission - facebook-messenger

In my mobile app facebook login I'm asking for page_messages and page_messaging_subscription permissions.
When I try to send a message to a test user from a Node.js server, I get this error:
"(#100) Parameter error: You cannot send messages to this id"
The id is a app scoped user ID and the request is a POST request issued to this endpoint:
Note: The user has not interacted with the page before.


Connect react native with my dialogflow account

I am creating this application currently following this tutorial
When I send a message in the chatbot, the onSend function works, however, I get an error with my chatbot's response and I am given this error in the console.
Received response:
"message":"Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie, or another valid authentication credential. See",
Can anyone help?
I have tried to see if my Google cloud APIs and services status is active and checked if my credentials have been revoked in IAM & Admin, still, the same error is returned in my console

Service worker failing after email link/redirect

I created a website using React Create App (v1), and I'm hosting with Firebase hosting. My site looks great when visiting normally (ie - just typing in the url and browsing); however when I send emails ("Reminder to sign in", etc.) and I have an email button that links back to my site I get an error. Note: it looks like the email button has a redirect tracker on it (I assume so SendGrid or someone can see email stats).
My service worker is failing to load:
And console shows this error:
The script resource is behind a redirect, which is disallowed.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT
How can I fix this? Why does service worker failed to load when my site is accessed through email?

Facebook Messenger Bot cannot send message to a given ID not working

I want to send message to a user any time using facebook messenger API.
I'm using developer version of messaging app and has not submitted for review yet.
We are two friends both as developer in the app. I want when my friend sends message to my page, Bot replies and a copy of message sent by friend comes to my inbox. But when I tried api throws following error.
{"error":{"message":"(#100) Parameter error: You cannot send messages to this id","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"HRTLdvidA4u"}}
Is there any solution.

AppEngine gmail - missing email in chat message

Is there any reason, why I don't get email along with chat message retrieved by gmail.users.messages.get? When I try to execute the request via API explorer I can see the email in "From" field of the MessagePartHeader, however when I try it programmatically, the email is missing (using the same paramters as in API explorer).

Facebook login: code not sent

I've implemented Facebook login workflow in my website using Satellizer, and it's working fine. But for some reason, some users that try to login don't get the code parameter sent to the server, just the clientID, so I can't exchange it with the access token to get them logged in. Why is this happening?
