How to customize kibana field datetime format to MMM YY format in table visualization - datetime-format

I am trying to create a simple table kibana visualization that summarizes data into monthly buckets for with row counts. Unfortunately, I am not able to figure out how to customize this summary so the time perspective is represented as "MMM YY" format rather than the original timestamp format of the index.
Kibana displays timestamp, but would like month
Any advice would be appreciated.

you need to navigate to the kibana screen with list of all fields in your index (I think it's management)
Then look for the date field and press on the edit button, in the new screen that will open you can define the format.


Google Studio - How to change the display of dates in line chart?

I am using Google Data Studio and have a date field that comes in as "2022-05-23".
But in the charts themselves they always get displayed as May 23, 2022.
How does one tell google to stick to something like "2022-05-23" or does google insist on spelling out the Month to avoid any confusion?
You can create a calculated field that format the date column as string, using the function FORMAT_DATETIME:
FORMAT_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d", my_date_column)

Can time series settings in Google Data Studio change depending on date format?

I have a table with column "date" in YYYY-MM-DD format HH:MM:SS:MMM (2015-01-27 11:22:03:742). I'm trying to make a time series with the dimension of month/year grouping, to display the total number of records by period.
period dimension: date (type: date and time)
period: date (type: year and month)
metric: record count
My time graph doesn't display anything. Can someone help me identify what's going on?
formatDate is the column created with the expression:
PARSE_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",REGEXP_EXTRACT( create_date,"(.*):[0-9]*"))
Using the date in its standard format, as mentioned at the beginning of the question, the same happens.
When entering dates (original and formatted), both appear with null values.
The milliseconds have to be separated by a . not a :. An option is to import your date a as string/text and add a calculated field, which parse the string in Data Studio:
PARSE_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",REGEXP_EXTRACT( data_field,"(.*):[0-9]*"))
If the dates are several years in the past, please adjust the Default date range in your graph:
I leave the solution to my problem to the community.
The problem is in the date format. Failed to get Google Data Studio to receive a date with milliseconds. By removing the milliseconds it was possible to work with the dates normally, managing to apply the available functions.
Note: It may be a knowledge limitation, but none of the date formatting functions work if the datetime field contains milliseconds (FORMAT_DATETIME, PARSE_DATETIME,...)

Converting UNIX time to Date in Google Data Studio

As title, is it possible in Google Data Studio to Convert Unix Timestamp to a human-readable date?
For example, to convert '1618087345 to a date format consisting of year month day.
Actually, to treat a field with an Unix timestamp as a date, you don't need to do anything. Just mark the field as "Date & Time" type and you're done.
Check this Data Source and Dashboard as an example:
Data Source
If you really need to convert manually for whataver reason, you may want to have a look into DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE function.

How to display a UK date on a HTML Form, then save it in a standard format to the database

I'm building a web app and the customer has requested that any date field that must have data entered in to it be in the UK format (DD/MM/YYYY). Currently, I have it so that all the date fields must have a date entered in the YYYY/MM/DD format because this is what the database uses.
How can I let a user enter a date in the UK format, but then flip it around to then save it correctly to the database?
In beforeSave callback check if a date field is provided and if so, use DateTime::createFromFormat to create a DateTime object from your display format. And then change it to sql format via DateTime::format()
if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['date_field'])) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['date_field'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $this->data[$this->alias]['date_field'])->format('Y/m/d');

PL/SQL Date Insert

I am firing a insert query in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format but it is storing date into MM/DD/YYYY format.
I just want to know why it is happening?
This is insert query i am using.
insert into txnblackout(endtime,idtxn,blackoutflag,starttime,startdate,typeuser,id_entity,idsequence,idapp,enddate)
If you don't want to change the Windows date format (as suggested by Colin 't Hart), you can
use an explicit to_char() date format in your query (as suggested by Robert Hanson)
set your client NLS settings
configure your client (since you seem to be using PL/SQL developer):
Tools -> Preferences -> NLS options -> Date -> check user defined + enter your format
Personally, I'd set the client NLS settings.
This is a front-end issue: it's displaying the dates in that format. Because they are date fields, the dates really do represent the dates that you inserted.
I note in the bottom right hand corner of your screenshot that the date there is displayed in MM/DD/YYYY order. Change this setting in Windows and it will more than likely display correctly in your front-end tool.
The important bit can be gleamed by your insert, which includes "TO_DATE('30/12/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')". This is converting the string '30/12/2012' to an internal date object format that is specific to the DB. You can't control the underlying storage format. What you can control however is how that internal date object is converted back to a string by using date formatting functions when you call select.
select to_char(some_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') my_date from some_table;
In the visual interface you referenced it is simply showing the default date to string conversion.
