vaadin grid in polymer, Adding an expandable details row - polymer-1.0

There is a vaadin video explaining how to add expandable details to a vaadin grid.
I was looking for the same example, but using POLYMER.
Is there an example like this anywhere?

That video is for the Polymer element, 1.x
If you need help with vaadin-grid 2.0, it works a bit differently.


`md-center-tabs` attribute of `md-tabs` in AngularJS Material 1.1.7 not working properly on mobile

Is anyone else having an issue with the md-center-tabs attribute for md-tabs in AngularJS Material 1.1.7?
We recently upgraded from AngularJS Material 1.1.3, which is when I observed it to be working as intended and stated in the documentation. We upgraded in order to take advantage of the upgraded md-datepicker directive in Angular JS Material 1.1.7. Anyway, here is the documentation that I am referencing for md-tabs:
On mobile screen sizes (i.e. smaller viewports) the tabs end up getting scrunched up as show below:
I have tried to use md-stretch-tabs to "offset/counter" this issue; however, that does not seem to solve the problem. We had not used md-stretch-tabs when coding in AngularJS Material 1.1.3 and presumably md-center-tabs was automatically stretching each individual tab to be equal to the viewport size on smaller screen sizes, where users could scroll through all md-tabs as shown below:
I've searched the web endlessly hoping that someone might be having the same issue here or on Github, but cannot find anything. Hopefully, it's such a small nit that someone can help me figure out an easy workaround.

How to sort the Ionic grid using drag and drop?

is ionic contains this feature or using in angular ? below is the jquery link
same thing am looking for.
No Ionic does not provide the requirement that you are looking for, but ionic provides Reorder feature in list view.
Use this link for further reference

Looking for comparable tooltip capability for AngularJS that cluetip gave me

I've gotten the code from the post Angular-ui tooltip with HTML working but it's capabilities are not near what cluetip gave me. Things like not having automatically aligning based on screen position and other options make it not very useful for me. You can see the capability I'm wanting with Angular when you hover over the details buttons on the page
Is there anything comparable to cluetip in the angular world? has anyone done an integration with angular and cluetip?
you could mod a popover element from with css to do the same

Using Multi select grid sencha ext js 4.1

I am new to Sencha. In one of my projects I have to use a Multiselect Grid Panel and update the store to and from the Grid. I have no clue as to how to achieve this.
I will highly appreciate if someone can send me their sample code or even links that display the usage of Multiselect grids. I found a few but unfortunately those links dont use Ext JS 4.1.
Thanks guys
First, have a look at the API docs:!/api/Ext.selection.RowModel-cfg-mode!/example
Then look at the infinite grid example:!/example/grid/infinite-scroll.html
Oddly enough, this example uses an undocumented "multiSelect" config on the grid... but it could have been defined on the selection model per the API docs.

How to assign a array to grid in extjs

My extjs grid will be refresh after a few seconds with data loaded from server (thru jQuery). I am new to extjs. Please show me how to do that.
Ext comes with a lot of examples you'd be better off looking through those, especially the grid and ajax ones.
