Union in C changing machine behavior of Float Addition - c

New to C programming, and I've been told to avoid unions which in general makes perfect sense and I agree with. However, as part of an academic exercise I'm writing an emulator for hardware single-precision floating point addition by doing bit manipulation operations on unsigned 32-bit integers. I only mention that to explain why I want to use unions; I'm having no trouble with the emulation.
In order to test this emulator, I wrote a test program. But of course I'm trying to find the bit representation of floats on my hardware, so I thought this could be the perfect use for a union. I wrote this union:
typedef union {
float floatRep;
uint32_t unsignedIntRep;
} FloatExaminer;
This way, I can initialize a float with the floatRep member and then examine the bits with the unsignedIntRep member.
This worked most of the time, but when I got to NaN addition, I started running into trouble. The exact situation was that I wrote a function to automate these tests. The gist of it was this:
void addTest(float op1, float op2){
FloatExaminer result;
result.floatRep = op1 + op2;
printf("%f + %f = %f\n", op1, op2, result.floatRep);
//print bit pattern as well
printf("Bit pattern of result: %08x", result.unsignedIntRep);
OK, now for the confusing part:
I added a NAN and a NAN with different mantissa bit patterns to differentiate between the two. On my particular hardware, it's supposed to return the second NAN operand (making it quiet if it was signalling). (I'll explain how I know this below.) However, passing the bit patterns op1=0x7fc00001, op2=0x7fc00002 would return op1, 0x7fc00001, every time!
I know it's supposed to return the second operand because I tried--outside the function--initializing as an integer and casting to a float as below:
uint32_t intRep1 = 0x7fc00001;
uint32_t intRep2 = 0x7fc00002;
float *op1 = (float *) &intRep1;
float *op2 = (float *) &intRep2;
float result = *op1 + *op2;
uint32_t *intResult = (uint32_t *)&result;
printf("%08x", *intResult); //bit pattern 0x7fc00002
In the end, I've concluded that unions are evil and I should never use them. However, does anyone know why I'm getting the result I am? Did I make stupid mistake or assumption? (I understand that hardware architecture varies, but this just seems bizarre.)

I'm assuming that when you say "my particular hardware", you are referring to an Intel processor using SSE floating point. But in fact, that architecture has a different rule, according to the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures
Software Developer's Manual. Here's a summary of Table 4.7 ("Rules for handling NaNs") from Volume 1 of that documentation, which describes the handling of NaNs in arithmetic operations: (QNaN is a quiet NaN; SNaN is a signalling NaN; I've only included information about two-operand instructions)
SNaN and QNaN
x87 FPU — QNaN source operand.
SSE — First source operand, converted to a QNaN.
Two SNaNs
x87 FPU — SNaN source operand with the larger significand, converted to a QNaN
SSE — First source operand, converted to a QNaN.
Two QNaNs
x87 FPU — QNaN source operand with the larger significand
SSE — First source operand
NaN and a floating-point value
x87/SSE — NaN source operand, converted to a QNaN.
SSE floating point machine instructions generally have the form op xmm1, xmm2/m32, where the first operand is the destination register and the second operand is either a register or a memory location. The instruction will then do, in effect, xmm1 <- xmm1 (op) xmm2/m32, so the first operand is both the left-hand operand of the operation and the destination. That's the meaningof "first operand" in the above chart. AVX adds three-operand instructions, where the destination might be a different register; it is then the third operand and does not figure in the above chart. The x87 FPU uses a stack-based architecture, where the top of the stack is always one of the operands and the result replaces either the top of the stack or the other operand; in the above chart, it will be noted that the rules do not attempt to decide which operand is "first", relying instead on a simple comparison.
Now, suppose we're generating code for an SSE machine, and we have to handle the C statement:
a = b + c;
where none of those variables are in a register. That means we might emit code something like this: (I'm not using real instructions here, but the principle is the same)
LOAD r1, b (r1 <- b)
ADD r1, c (r1 <- r1 + c)
STORE r1, a (a <- r1)
But we could also do this, with (almost) the same result:
LOAD r1, c (r1 <- c)
ADD r1, b (r1 <- r1 + b)
STORE r1, a (a <- r1)
That will have precisely the same effect, except for additions involving NaNs (and only when using SSE). Since arithmetic involving NaNs is unspecified by the C standard, there is no reason why the compiler should care which of these two options it chooses. In particular, if r1 happened to already have the value c in it, the compiler would probably choose the second option, since it saves a load instruction. (And who is going to complain? We all want the compiler to generate code which runs as quickly as possible, no?)
So, in short, the order of the operands of the ADD instruction will vary with the intricate details of how the compiler chooses to optimize the code, and the particular state of the registers at the moment in which the addition operator is being emitted. It is possible that this will be effected by the use of a union, but it is equally or more likely that it has to do with the fact that in your code using the union, the values being added are arguments to the function and therefore are already placed in registers.
Indeed, different versions of gcc, and different optimization settings, produce different results for your code. And forcing the compiler to emit x87 FPU instructions produces yet different results, because the hardware operates according to a different logic.
If you want some bedtime reading, you can download the entire Intel SDM (currently 4,684 pages / 23.3MB, but it keeps on getting bigger) from their site.


Convert __m256d to __m256i

Since cast like this:
__m256d a;
uint64_t t[4];
_mm256_store_si256( (__m256i*)t, (__m256i)a );/* Cast of 'a' to __m256i not allowed */
are not allowed when compiling under Visual Studio, I thought I could use some intrinsic functions to convert a __m256d value into a __m256i before passing it to _mm256_store_si256 and thus, avoiding the cast which causes the error.
But after looking on that list, I couldn't find a function taking for argument a __m256d value and returning a __256i value. So maybe you could help me writing my own function or finding the function I'm looking for, a function that stores 4x 64-bit double bit value to an array of 4x64-bit integers.
After further research, I found _mm256_cvtpd_epi64 which seems to be exactly what I want. But, my CPU doesn't support AVX512 instructions set...
What is left for me to do here?
You could use _mm256_store_pd( (double*)t, a). I'm pretty sure this is strict-aliasing safe because you're not directly dereferencing the pointer after casting it. The _mm256_store_pd intrinsic wraps the store with any necessary may-alias stuff.
(With AVX512, Intel switched to using void* for the load/store intrinsics instead of float*, double*, or __m512i*, to remove the need for these clunky casts and make it more clear that intrinsics can alias anything.)
The other option is to _mm256_castpd_si256 to reinterpret the bits of your __m256d as a __m256i:
alignas(32) uint64_t t[4];
_mm256_store_si256( (__m256i*)t, _mm256_castpd_si256(a));
If you read from t[] right away, your compiler might optimize away the store/reload and just shuffle or pextrq rax, xmm0, 1 to extract FP bit patterns directly into integer registers. You could write this manually with intrinsics. Store/reload is not bad, though, especially if you want more than 1 of the double bit-patterns as scalar integers.
You could instead use union m256_elements { uint64_t u64[4]; __m256d vecd; };, but there's no guarantee that will compile efficiently.
This cast compiles to zero asm instructions, i.e. it's just a type-pun to keep the C compiler happy.
If you wanted to actually round packed double to the nearest signed or unsigned 64-bit integer and have the result in 2's complement or unsigned binary instead of IEEE754 binary64, you need AVX512F _mm256/512_cvtpd_epi64 (vcvtpd2qq) for it to be efficient. SSE2 + x86-64 can do it for scalar, or you can use some packed FP hacks for numbers in the [0..2^52] range: How to efficiently perform double/int64 conversions with SSE/AVX?.
BTW, storeu doesn't require an aligned destination, but store does. If the destination is a local, you should normally align it instead of using an unaligned store, at least if the store happens in a loop, or if this function can inline into a larger function.

Round floating-point value to e.g. single precision

C and C++ provide floating-point data types of several widths, but they leave precision unspecified. The compiler is free to use idealized arithmetic to simplify expressions, to use double precision in computing an expression over float values, or to use a double-precision register to keep the value of a float variable or common subexpression.
Correct me if I'm wrong is wrong, see edit, but it's even legal to hoist a float in memory into a double-precision register, so storing a value and then loading it back doesn't necessarily truncate bits.
What is the safest, most portable way to convert a number to a lower precision? Ideally, it should be efficient too, compiling to cvtsd2ss on SSE2. (So, while volatile may be an answer, I'd prefer something better.)
Edit: Summarizing some of the comments and findings…
Wider precision for intermediate results is always fair game.
Expression simplification is allowed in C++, and in C given FP_CONTRACT on.
Using double precision for a single-precision float is not allowed (in C or C++).
However, some compilers (particularly GCC on x86-32) illegally forget some precision conversions.
Edit 2: Some folks are expressing doubt as to the conformance of failing to narrow intermediate results.
C11 § (same as the C99 ref cited in the answer) is specific about "remove all extra range and precision" because it specifies how other computations may be done in wider precision. Among several conforming alternative precisions is "indeterminable," which to me means no constraint whatsoever.
C11 §7.12.2 and §6.5/8 defines #pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT on which enables the compiler to use infinite precision where possible.
The intermediate operations in the contracted expression are evaluated as if to infinite range and precision, while the final operation is rounded to the format determined by the expression evaluation method. A contracted expression might also omit the raising of floating-point exceptions.
C++14 likewise specifically waives the constraints of finite precision and range on intermediate results. N4567 §5/12:
The values of the floating operands and the results of floating expressions may be represented in greater precision and range than that required by the type; the types are not changed thereby.
Note that allowing the identity x - x = 0 to simplify a + b - b + c into a + c is not the same as making addition commutative or associative. a + b + c is still not the same as a + c + b or a + (b + c), when the CPU only provides addition with two addends and a rounded result.
The C99 excplicitly says that
assignment and cast [..] remove all extra range and precision
So, if you want to limit the range and precision to that of a float, just cast to float, or assign to a float variable.
You can even do stuff like (double)((float)d) (with extra parentheses to make sure humans read it correctly), limiting a variable d to float precision and range, then casting it back to double. (A standard C compiler is NOT allowed to optimize that away even if d is a double; it must limit the precision and range to that of a float.)
I've used this in practical implementations of e.g. Kahan summation algorithm, where it can be utilized to allow the C compiler to do very aggressive optimization, but without risk of invalidation.
I'm not so sure I share your fear here ... I tried this glorified cast-as-a-function:
float to_float(double x)
return (float) x;
when entered into the Compiler Explorer, I get this:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
movsd QWORD PTR [rbp-8], xmm0
cvtsd2ss xmm0, QWORD PTR [rbp-8]
pop rbp
That seems to generate the requested opcode (cvtsd2ss) right away, and I didn't even enter any compiler options to force SSE2 or anything.
I'd say that a cast has to convert to the target type, the compiler isn't free to ignore casts as far as I know.
Can you provide some case where you think the compiler can ignore a cast, that you've seen happen? Perhaps there's undefined behavior of some kind lurking in the code, which makes the compiler take unexpected shortcuts.

Clang reciprocal to 1 optimisations

After a discussion with colleagues, I ended up testing wether if clang would optimize two divisions, with a reciprocal to 1, to a single division.
const float x = a / b; //x not used elsewhere
const float y = 1 / x;
Theoretically clang could optimize to const float y = b / a if x is used only as a temporary step value, no?
Here's the input&output of a simple test case: https://gist.github.com/Jiboo/d6e839084841d39e5ab6 (in both ouputs you can see that it's performing the two divisions, instead of optimizing)
This related question, is behind my comprehension and seem to focus only on why a specific instruction isn't used, whereas in my case it's the optimisation that isn't done: Why does GCC or Clang not optimise reciprocal to 1 instruction when using fast-math
No, clang can not do that.
But first, why are you using float? float has six digits precision, double has 15. Unless you have a good reason, that you can explain, use double.
1 / (a / b) in floating-point arithmetic is not the same as b / a. What the compiler has to do, is in the first case:
Divide a by b
Round the result to the nearest floating-point number
Divide 1 by the result
Round the result to the nearest floating-point number.
In the second case:
Divide b by a.
Round the result to the nearest floating-point number.
The compiler can only change the code if the result is guaranteed to be the same, and if the compiler writer cannot produce a mathematical proof that the result is the same, the compiler cannot change the code. There are two rounding operations in the first case, rounding different numbers, so it is unlikely that the result can be guaranteed to be the same.
The compiler doesn't think like a mathematician. Where you think simplifying the expression is trivial mathematically, the compiler has a lot of other things to consider. It is actually quite likely that the compiler is much smarter than the programmer and also knows far more about the C standard.
Something like this is probably what goes through the optimizing compiler's "mind":
Ah they wrote a / b but only use x at one place, so we don't have to allocate that variable on the stack. I'll remove it and use a CPU register.
Hmm, integer literal 1 divided with a float variable. Okay, we have to invoke balancing here before anything else and turn that literal into a float 1.0f.
The programmer is counting on me to generate code that contains the potential floating point inaccuracy involved in dividing 1.0f with another float variable! So I can't just swap this expression with b / a because then that floating point inaccuracy that the programmer seems to want here would be lost.
And so on. There's a lot of considerations. What machine code you end up with is hard to predict in advance. Just know that the compiler follows your instructions to the letter.

How to avoid floating point round off error in unit tests?

I'm trying to write unit tests for some simple vector math functions that operate on arrays of single precision floating point numbers. The functions use SSE intrinsics and I'm getting false positives (at least I think) when running the tests on a 32-bit system (the tests pass on 64-bit). As the operation runs through the array, I accumulate more and more round off error. Here is a snippet of unit test code and output (my actual question(s) follow):
Test Setup:
static const int N = 1024;
static const float MSCALAR = 42.42f;
static void setup(void) {
input = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*input) * N, 16);
ainput = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*ainput) * N, 16);
output = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*output) * N, 16);
expected = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*expected) * N, 16);
memset(output, 0, sizeof(*output) * N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
input[i] = i * 0.4f;
ainput[i] = i * 2.1f;
expected[i] = (input[i] * MSCALAR) + ainput[i];
My main test code then calls the function to be tested (which does the same calculation used to generate the expected array) and checks its output against the expected array generated above. The check is for closeness (within 0.0001) not equality.
Sample output:
0.000000 0.000000 delta: 0.000000
44.419998 44.419998 delta: 0.000000
...snip 100 or so lines...
2043.319946 2043.319946 delta: 0.000000
2087.739746 2087.739990 delta: 0.000244
...snip 100 or so lines...
4086.639893 4086.639893 delta: 0.000000
4131.059570 4131.060059 delta: 0.000488
4175.479492 4175.479980 delta: 0.000488
...etc, etc...
I know I have two problems:
On 32-bit machines, differences between 387 and SSE floating point arithmetic units. I believe 387 uses more bits for intermediate values.
Non-exact representation of my 42.42 value that I'm using to generate expected values.
So my question is, what is the proper way to write meaningful and portable unit tests for math operations on floating point data?
*By portable I mean should pass on both 32 and 64 bit architectures.
Per a comment, we see that the function being tested is essentially:
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
D[i] = A[i] * b + C[i];
where A[i], b, C[i], and D[i] all have type float. When referring to the data of a single iteration, I will use a, c, and d for A[i], C[i], and D[i].
Below is an analysis of what we could use for an error tolerance when testing this function. First, though, I want to point out that we can design the test so that there is no error. We can choose the values of A[i], b, C[i], and D[i] so that all the results, both final and intermediate results, are exactly representable and there is no rounding error. Obviously, this will not test the floating-point arithmetic, but that is not the goal. The goal is to test the code of the function: Does it execute instructions that compute the desired function? Simply choosing values that would reveal any failures to use the right data, to add, to multiply, or to store to the right location will suffice to reveal bugs in the function. We trust that the hardware performs floating-point correctly and are not testing that; we just want to test that the function was written correctly. To accomplish this, we could, for example, set b to a power of two, A[i] to various small integers, and C[i] to various small integers multiplied by b. I could detail limits on these values more precisely if desired. Then all results would be exact, and any need to allow for a tolerance in comparison would vanish.
That aside, let us proceed to error analysis.
The goal is to find bugs in the implementation of the function. To do this, we can ignore small errors in the floating-point arithmetic, because the kinds of bugs we are seeking almost always cause large errors: The wrong operation is used, the wrong data is used, or the result is not stored in the desired location, so the actual result is almost always very different from the expected result.
Now the question is how much error should we tolerate? Because bugs will generally cause large errors, we can set the tolerance quite high. However, in floating-point, “high” is still relative; an error of one million is small compared to values in the trillions, but it is too high to discover errors when the input values are in the ones. So we ought to do at least some analysis to decide the level.
The function being tested will use SSE intrinsics. This means it will, for each i in the loop above, either perform a floating-point multiply and a floating-point add or will perform a fused floating-point multiply-add. The potential errors in the latter are a subset of the former, so I will use the former. The floating-point operations for a*b+c do some rounding so that they calculate a result that is approximately a•b+c (interpreted as an exact mathematical expression, not floating-point). We can write the exact value calculated as (a•b•(1+e0)+c)•(1+e1) for some errors e0 and e1 with magnitudes at most 2-24, provided all the values are in the normal range of the floating-point format. (2-24 is the maximum relative error that can occur in any correctly rounded elementary floating-point operation in round-to-nearest mode in the IEEE-754 32-bit binary floating-point format. Rounding in round-to-nearest mode changes the mathematical value by at most half the value of the least significant bit in the significand, which is 23 bits below the most significant bit.)
Next, we consider what value the test program produces for its expected value. It uses the C code d = a*b + c;. (I have converted the long names in the question to shorter names.) Ideally, this would also calculate a multiply and an add in IEEE-754 32-bit binary floating-point. If it did, then the result would be identical to the function being tested, and there would be no need to allow for any tolerance in comparison. However, the C standard allows implementations some flexibility in performing floating-point arithmetic, and there are non-conforming implementations that take more liberties than the standard allows.
A common behavior is for an expression to be computed with more precision than its nominal type. Some compilers may calculate a*b + c using double or long double arithmetic. The C standard requires that results be converted to the nominal type in casts or assignments; extra precision must be discarded. If the C implementation is using extra precision, then the calculation proceeds: a*b is calculated with extra precision, yielding exactly a•b, because double and long double have enough precision to exactly represent the product of any two float values. A C implementation might then round this result to float. This is unlikely, but I allow for it anyway. However, I also dismiss it because it moves the expected result to be closer to the result of the function being tested, and we just need to know the maximum error that can occur. So I will continue, with the worse (more distant) case, that the result so far is a•b. Then c is added, yielding (a•b+c)•(1+e2) for some e2 with magnitude at most 2-53 (the maximum relative error of normal numbers in the 64-bit binary format). Finally, this value is converted to float for assignment to d, yielding (a•b+c)•(1+e2)•(1+e3) for some e3 with magnitude at most 2-24.
Now we have expressions for the exact result computed by a correctly operating function, (a•b•(1+e0)+c)•(1+e1), and for the exact result computed by the test code, (a•b+c)•(1+e2)•(1+e3), and we can calculate a bound on how much they can differ. Simple algebra tells us the exact difference is a•b•(e0+e1+e0•e1-e2-e3-e2•e3)+c•(e1-e2-e3-e2•e3). This is a simple function of e0, e1, e2, and e3, and we can see its extremes occur at endpoints of the potential values for e0, e1, e2, and e3. There are some complications due to interactions between possibilities for the signs of the values, but we can simply allow some extra error for the worst case. A bound on the maximum magnitude of the difference is |a•b|•(3•2-24+2-53+2-48)+|c|•(2•2-24+2-53+2-77).
Because we have plenty of room, we can simplify that, as long as we do it in the direction of making the values larger. E.g., it might be convenient to use |a•b|•3.001•2-24+|c|•2.001•2-24. This expression should suffice to allow for rounding in floating-point calculations while detecting nearly all implementation errors.
Note that the expression is not proportional to the final value, a*b+c, as calculated either by the function being tested or by the test program. This means that, in general, tests using a tolerance relative to the final values calculated by the function being tested or by the test program are wrong. The proper form of a test should be something like this:
double tolerance = fabs(input[i] * MSCALAR) * 0x3.001p-24 + fabs(ainput[i]) * 0x2.001p-24;
double difference = fabs(output[i] - expected[i]);
if (! (difference < tolerance))
// Report error here.
In summary, this gives us a tolerance that is larger than any possible differences due to floating-point rounding, so it should never give us a false positive (report the test function is broken when it is not). However, it is very small compared to the errors caused by the bugs we want to detect, so it should rarely give us a false negative (fail to report an actual bug).
(Note that there are also rounding errors computing the tolerance, but they are smaller than the slop I have allowed for in using .001 in the coefficients, so we can ignore them.)
(Also note that ! (difference < tolerance) is not equivalent to difference >= tolerance. If the function produces a NaN, due to a bug, any comparison yields false: both difference < tolerance and difference >= tolerance yield false, but ! (difference < tolerance) yields true.)
On 32-bit machines, differences between 387 and SSE floating point arithmetic units. I believe 387 uses more bits for intermediate values.
If you are using GCC as 32-bit compiler, you can tell it to generate SSE2 code still with options -msse2 -mfpmath=sse. Clang can be told to do the same thing with one of the two options and ignores the other one (I forget which). In both cases the binary program should implement strict IEEE 754 semantics, and compute the same result as a 64-bit program that also uses SSE2 instructions to implement strict IEEE 754 semantics.
Non-exact representation of my 42.42 value that I'm using to generate expected values.
The C standard says that a literal such as 42.42f must be converted to either the floating-point number immediately above or immediately below the number represented in decimal. Moreover, if the literal is representable exactly as a floating-point number of the intended format, then this value must be used. However, a quality compiler (such as GCC) will give you(*) the nearest representable floating-point number, of which there is only one, so again, this is not a real portability issue as long as you are using a quality compiler (or at the very least, the same compiler).
Should this turn out to be a problem, a solution is to write an exact representation of the constants you intend. Such an exact representation can be very long in decimal format (up to 750 decimal digits for the exact representation of a double) but is always quite compact in C99's hexadecimal format: 0x1.535c28p+5 for the exact representation of the float nearest to 42.42. A recent version of the static analysis platform for C programs Frama-C can provide the hexadecimal representation of all inexact decimal floating-point constants with option -warn-decimal-float:all.
(*) barring a few conversion bugs in older GCC versions. See Rick Regan's blog for details.

How can I account for round-off errors in floating-point arithmetic for inverse trig (and sqrt) functions (in C)?

I have a fairly complicated function that takes several double values that represent two vectors in 3-space of the form (magnitude, latitude, longitude) where latitude and longitude are in radians, and an angle. The purpose of the function is to rotate the first vector around the second by the angle specified and return the resultant vector. I have already verified that the code is logically correct and works.
The expected purpose of the function is for graphics, so double precision is not necessary; however, on the target platform, trig (and sqrt) functions that take floats (sinf, cosf, atan2f, asinf, acosf and sqrtf specifically) work faster on doubles than on floats (probably because the instruction to calculate such values may actually require a double; if a float is passed, the value must be cast to a double, which requires copying it to an area with more memory -- i.e. overhead). As a result, all of the variables involved in the function are double precision.
Here is the issue: I am trying to optimize my function so that it can be called more times per second. I have therefore replaced the calls to sin, cos, sqrt, et cetera with calls to the floating point versions of those functions, as they result in a 3-4 times speed increase overall. This works for almost all inputs; however, if the input vectors are close to parallel with the standard unit vectors (i, j, or k), round-off errors for the various functions build up enough to cause later calls to sqrtf or inverse trig functions (asinf, acosf, atan2f) to pass arguments that are just barely outside of the domain of those functions.
So, I am left with this dilemma: either I can only call double precision functions and avoid the problem (and end up with a limit of about 1,300,000 vector operations per second), or I can try to come up with something else. Ultimately, I would like a way to sanitize the input to the inverse trig functions to take care of edge cases (it is trivial for do so for sqrt: just use abs). Branching is not an option, as even a single conditional statement adds so much overhead that any performance gains are lost.
So, any ideas?
Edit: someone expressed confusion over my using doubles versus floating point operations. The function is much faster if I actually store all my values in double-size containers (I.E. double-type variables) than if I store them in float-size containers. However, floating point precision trig operations are faster than double precision trig operations for obvious reasons.
Basically, you need to find a numerically stable algorithm that solves your problem. There are no generic solutions to this kind of thing, it needs to be done for your specific case using concepts such as the condition number if the individual steps. And it may in fact be impossible if the underlying problem is itself ill-conditioned.
Single precision floating point inherently introduces error. So, you need to build your math so that all comparisons have a certain degree of "slop" by using an epsilon factor, and you need to sanitize inputs to functions with limited domains.
The former is easy enough when branching, eg
bool IsAlmostEqual( float a, float b ) { return fabs(a-b) < 0.001f; } // or
bool IsAlmostEqual( float a, float b ) { return fabs(a-b) < (a * 0.0001f); } // for relative error
but that's messy. Clamping domain inputs is a little trickier, but better. The key is to use conditional move operators, which in general do something like
float ExampleOfConditionalMoveIntrinsic( float comparand, float a, float b )
{ return comparand >= 0.0f ? a : b ; }
in a single op, without incurring a branch.
These vary depending on architecture. On the x87 floating point unit you can do it with the FCMOV conditional-move op, but that is clumsy because it depends on condition flags being set previously, so it's slow. Also, there isn't a consistent compiler intrinsic for cmov. This is one of the reasons why we avoid x87 floating point in favor of SSE2 scalar math where possible.
Conditional move is much better supported in SSE by pairing a comparison operator with a bitwise AND. This is preferable even for scalar math:
// assuming you've already used _mm_load_ss to load your floats onto registers
__m128 fsel( __m128 comparand, __m128 a, __m128 b )
__m128 zero = {0,0,0,0};
// set low word of mask to all 1s if comparand > 0
__m128 mask = _mm_cmpgt_ss( comparand, zero );
a = _mm_and_ss( a, mask ); // a = a & mask
b = _mm_andnot_ss( mask, b ); // b = ~mask & b
return _mm_or_ss( a, b ); // return a | b
Compilers are better, but not great, about emitting this sort of pattern for ternaries when SSE2 scalar math is enabled. You can do that with the compiler flag /arch:sse2 on MSVC or -mfpmath=sse on GCC.
On the PowerPC and many other RISC architectures, fsel() is a hardware opcode and thus usually a compiler intrinsic as well.
Have you looked at the Graphics Programming Black Book or perhaps handing the calculations off to your GPU?
