"Azure Queues" trigger for Logic App - no help or docs on settings - azure-logic-apps

I added an "Azure Queues" trigger and I get these three fields:
Connection Name
Storage Account Name
Shared Storage Key
But no explanation. Is there documentation for this trigger? I see that it is a "preview".

"Connection Name" can be anything, it's for you to remember which connection it is.
"Storage Account Name" and "Shared Storage Key" can be found under the storage account's "Access keys" blade, you can use either key1 or key2.
We're working on a better UI for you to pick storage accounts under your subscription without you having to fish the information yourself. It should be available within a few weeks.

Have a look at this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/connectors/connectors-create-api-servicebus.
You will find a complete tutorial to trigger a logic app from a SB connector.


Which ADuser's record does NPS check to validate an account? Can we change it?

For a school I implemented eduroam two years ago and from time to time we add new students in the AD.
Five days ago I added 40 more new students but I changed the CN's (or what in New-ADUser is called "-Name") format:
from "name.surname" to "SURNAME, NAME" (quotes excluded), hence
earlier it was
CN=name.surname, OU=CLASS_A, OU=STUDENTS, DC...
now it is
an eduroam's username normally is <string with no blanks>#<yourschool>.<tld> so that the RADIUS proxies can route the auth request based on #<yourschool>.<tld> , So I must keep such a format.
Now, the new users cannot be authenticated anymore by NPS.
All the tests I ran back my thesis (i.e. that NPS uses CN to authenticate) but I cannot find any Microsoft document that states that.
Could anybody share the link to such doc?
is it a way to change the check from CN (if proved by answer of point 1)) to another user's recor like sAMAccountNAme or UPN?
I'm sure I'm touching something deep in AD but I hope somebody has tripped into this issue and has found a answer.
P.S. I guess the alternative would be to use FreeRADIUS but I would rather explore the options to still make within NPS/AD
• Please check the Windows Server event security log for more details on the issue for NPS authentication because that might shed some more light on the actual issue that you might be facing. Till then, please clear the cache and temporary files from the server and restart the whole infrastructure regarding NPS, i.e., domain controller, NPS Server, Access points and other related devices through which users can login through NPS.
• Once restarted, please try to authenticate any allowed user through NPS once again and check. Also, as you are using NPS as a radius server proxy, please check for the attribute manipulation rules for message forwarding since the CNs are changed in their order/format in your AD. Specifically, regarding the username which is provided by the access client and is included by the NAS in the Radius access-request message. The value of this attribute is a character string that typically contains a realm name and a user account name.
• To correctly replace or convert realm names in the username of a connection request, you must configure attribute manipulation rules for the User-Name attribute on the appropriate connection request policy.
Also, find the below links regarding your query whether which attribute you can use to authenticate in case of NPS. In it, it clearly stated that user principal name should be used as an attribute as a best practice: -
Please check the below documentation link for your condition: -

Watson Studio unable to create an empty project by adding new storage

A seemingly easy task is really bothering me. (By the way, I'm using the free version.)
I created a "Watson Studio-35" service with location as London. (Based on my profile the system assigned it. I didn't have an option to select it.)
The system took me to the "IBM Cloud Pack for Data" section so I can create a project.
I selected "Create a Project"/"Create and empty project".
In the "New Project" page I entered the Name and Description fields and selected "Add" storage.
After creating a new storage, came back to the "New Project" page so I can assign the newly added storage to the project.
Even after selecting the Refresh the newly created storage in not being assigned to the New Project.
There is no error whatsoever, and the task is just hanging there. There are no options for me to change, like the location, etc. I deleted the Service and Storage in the Dashboard multiple times and did the same steps as stated above, and always the same result.
Anyone with some knowledge on this issue, kindly put some light on this. Thanks in advance!
I guess the problem occurred since your Watson Studio and Cloud Object Storage services are not located in the same region so the project could not find the provisioned COS. Please check that in your case, COS also should be provisioned in London.

Connecting Zaper to Salesforce Sandbox Troubleshoots

Writing this post because I could not locate much content on troubleshooting specifically for connecting a Salesforce Sandbox as a connected Zapier account.
First troubleshoot issue is that you must select that you wish to connect to a sandbox account from the "advanced options" feature by doing as follows
1) From Zapier dashboard, nagivate to "Connected Accounts"
2) use the search bar with text "add new account", to find Salesforce, selecting this will open a pop-up, you must select "advanced options" and then select "sandbox, instead of production.
Secondly, I had an issue with Privilege error and could not locate a soluton on the forums. Here was my solution -
1) Zapier would constantly default to connecting to an old sandbox. To cause Zapier to allow me the option of selecting a new sandbox, I had to log out of both, Zapier and all Salesforce sandboxes and Productions.
2) Once I logged onto the desired sandbox, I had an error stating I did not have the privileges to perform my requested action, despite being an admin. It turned out the new custom objects I had made in Sandbox did not have any users down as having read/write authorization and even though it was only two custom objects, this was enough to trigger a rejection for the whole Zapier-Sandbox account linking. I made a permission set for the new objects, assigned them to all users and allowed all read/write access (note, use more appropriate security settings for your organisation). This finally fixed the issue and I could now test zaps on my Sandbox.
First troubleshoot issue is that you must select that you wish to connect to a sandbox account from the "advanced options" feature by doing as follows
1) From Zapier dashboard, nagivate to "Connected Accounts" 2) use the search bar with text "add new account", to find Salesforce, selecting this will open a pop-up, you must select "advanced options" and then select "sandbox, instead of production.
Secondly, I had an issue with Privilege error and could not locate a soluton on the forums. Here was my solution -
1) Zapier would constantly default to connecting to an old sandbox. To cause Zapier to allow me the option of selecting a new sandbox, I had to log out of both, Zapier and all Salesforce sandboxes and Productions.
2) Once I logged onto the desired sandbox, I had an error stating I did not have the privileges to perform my requested action, despite being an admin. It turned out the new custom objects I had made in Sandbox did not have any users down as having read/write authorization and even though it was only two custom objects, this was enough to trigger a rejection for the whole Zapier-Sandbox account linking. I made a permission set for the new objects, assigned them to all users and allowed all read/write access (note, use more appropriate security settings for your organisation). This finally fixed the issue and I could now test zaps on my Sandbox.

How to recover Gmail Id from the API key

I created a Gmail account for development and enabled the APIs for developer console. I generated one API key which I used in my application but now I forgot the Id that I used. I have to upgrade the plan for APIs but for this, I need the Gmail Id. Is there any way I can get the Id?
Ok, So after I have tried different options I was standing in the same position. So I dig all into my accounts and luckily my recovery email id was one of them, so I searched for all the emails from Google having the subject as Security your linked Google Account and sender as no-reply#accounts.google.com this will give you all the Ids associated with it.
The only workaround to fix the issue is to contact "Google API support team"
Just Go to the given link and raise your issue. They will assist you further steps to follow. https://support.google.com/googleapi/?hl=en#topic=7014522
I hope this will help you :)

Why can't my Google App Engine Instance ID include the word "admin"?

I was trying to create a new app instance that would be used for the admin site of a site I'm building. When I entered "myappadmin" in the Application Identifier field on the Create an Application page and clicked Check Availability, I received a "Sorry, 'myappadmin' is invalid." message. Is that a bug or a limitation? Or am I just doing something wrong?
admin is not a restricted word for AppEngine Application Identifiers. I've just tried admin-a and it worked. Just try to use a name with -.
According to this old Google Group thread, App Engine IDs share a namespace with Gmail accounts. That would explain why so many IDs cannot be used.
appids must be globally unique within google including existing appids but also email addresses. If it's not available then there is an account/appid that matches what you are trying.
