What is the optimal architecture combining Scala-Play and AngularJS? - angularjs

I have recently worked in a pure Scala-Play application and later in a pure AngularJS application. I'm very impressed with both and I'm wondering what is the sweet spot of combining the two frameworks together. Since the two frameworks can be complementary but also overlapping in different areas e.g. MVC and page routing, as far as I know these are some of the possibilities:
Single Page design, use AngularJS MVC-only and use Scala-Play as "dull" service layer backend with no full page refreshes.
Allow page reloads and each page reload becomes a different AngularJS root application. This seems quite flexible e.g. the client side is not bloatted with so much data for larger applications but better partitioned for the different use-cases. The downside is that I'd need different AngularJS MVC applications and I'm not even sure how to organize it as a project. Are there examples of this?
Typical server side Web App, use Play MVC-only and AngularJS for handling UI models for each separate page.
My choice of IDE for these types of architecture would of course be WebStorm but unfortunately I can't have all client-side (AngularJS and JavaScripts) and sever-side (Scala-Play) codes in a single project.

I believe that there is no the ultimate optimal architecture for combining Play and Angular. It depends on the specificity of the project, team etc.
The decision to develop UI part with Angular and the server side back-end with Play is very reasonable. Technically it may be done as following:
Both parts are developed as detached projects with the preferable IDE.
The client should have some entry point HTML page. It is reasonable to name it index.html, but is may be any other name.
For client-server integration do on the Play side as following:
Select a sub-folder under the play application root, which will serve as the "home" for the client files. The default solution is to use the folder public, since all files under it are automatically deployed.
All client files should be copied under the public folder. The files may be organized in any structure.
Add a route for the default URL as a route to the index.html. The argument path in the route should be the full path of the index.html relatively to the application root.
If index.html is directly in the public folder, the route is like this:
GET /defaultUrl controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file ="index.html")
Add routing to the client files:
GET /*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
Now the distribution package will include all the client files.
Putting of the client files into the public folder should be done automatically, for example by organizing the client directory structure and appropriate configuration of the client IDE.
You can find more examples in this post.


How can multiple html5 games be hosted in a server?

I'm am looking to host a website which contains multiple html5 games.
Similar to the Poki Games, or any other web game platform.
What I understand
I went through their (Poki Games) website and I found that multiple html5 game icons are listed on the website in a grid. And on clicking any one of the game icons, the website starts loading that particular game from an external source inside an iframe.
What I Need answer on
I want to know how they are serving multiple html5 games from another domain. Since each of the games are loaded in a iFrame I'm aware that they all have their own index.html
How to achieve the same, what approaches should I take? So that if I do
<iframe src="//another.domain.com/randomHtml5Game_1"> // will load randomHtml5Game1 game
<iframe src="//another.domain.com/randomHtml5Game_2"> // will load randomHtml5Game2 game
My skillset
I am primarily a frontend developer have experience with hosting in heroku. Also have some experience with firebase. I'll be using React along with phaser for development.
From my understanding of your question, the answer is very simple.
Just use code splitting and different render enpoints.
We would have our home page with various links to other pages (Image grid). When we click a image it changes the route.
You will need to code split the routes using various different ways. You could use webpack, or NextJS (Easier framework), or if your just using create-react-app, just use suspend and lazyload.
On a particular route it will load your html and javascript and run the game.
I am going to guess this isnt the answer your looking for but its a start ?
Let me know your thought ?
Firebase supports hosting multiple sites/domains using a single Project.
You could sepparate each game into a folder and host each of them separately and with a different domain.
You can find more about it here.
I use this for example when deploying Web Apps. One domain is the app like app.appname.com then another domain www.appname.com is the landing page and if the project as an REST API I host that under api.appname.com. In my case I just use different prefixes but the whole domain and url can be different.
The benefit is that if you use other Firebase features you can shared them between all those projects. For example the authentication or databases.

Single Page Application Slow to Load all Files

I have been using Asp.Net Core MVC to load views and their content for several years. However, the trend seems to be pushing us strongly towards Single Page Applications (SPA). From my understanding, all html files are downloaded directly to the client. From now on we don't need to make requests to a server anymore in order to receive HTML, CSS, etc. because the routing of Vue (if configured properly) will serve the appropriate components.
All of this makes a lot of sense to me and seems like a good option. The thing I don't understand or am worried about is the loading time. Wouldn't it be extremly slow to download all files the first time when the website is called?

Structuring a NodeJS app using Angular and NodeJS Tools for Visual Studio

I would like to know how do you usually organize your application structure when building a NodeJS application using nvst. When I create my app it automatically build up this structure for me:
So, the first thing that came to my mind was, where should I put my controllers and how do I connect them with the routes and views?
Also, how can I organize my unit testing logic?
An NTVS angular app is still just an angular app. The advice in AngularJS application file structure applies.
Going further, General principle: You should be able to find what you're looking for without excessive drilling or scrolling.
for smaller apps, folder by type: controller; service; model
for larger apps, folder by function: user; cart; search; grid
I lean toward folder by function, as it keeps files that may need to be modified at the same time together.
As for unit tests, I have seen either myfile.test.js or myfile.spec.js sitting right beside myfile.js. If you do not include the test files in the index.js, then they won't be loaded and don't cause a problem.

AngularJS SPA Template

I've been reading alot about AngularJS and I just absobutely love the concept behind it and want to get my feet wet. I've read up on several tutorials and eventually downloaded Visual Studio Template SPA and that's where the "fun" stops. The way I see it - using that template seems to go against the grain of creating a SPA - there are very little examples to go on.
By default, the SPA Template installed sets up this like:
(the rest you get the idea)
you get the idea.
The question is really bugging me. For example,I want to insert a hockey player and coach page (two separate SPA) to work under the current masterpage content. This is where I'm a bit lost on "separation"
The way I see it, I would have to add a route to app.js and a controller to controller.js for coach and player but I don't like that because I want to separate the player and coach controller code and put it under the player and coach modules like this.
But what I tried to do and fail is:
I'm struggling to "hook" them up. I certainly do not want to put the coach controller and the player controller in the control.js file under the scripts folder and the views (player and coach) under the Views folder. It would become too difficult to read and eventually become messy.
Any guidance would be appreciate on what I should be reading on.
This is somewhat of an opinionated question and answer, but I want to offer one possible scenario which I have found works well.
Unless you have a compelling need for Razor (i.e. existing user controls), your path of least resistance is to not use ASP.Net MVC at all. Instead, you can leverage ASP.Net WebAPI, which operates similarly to MVC, but provides a REST interface to handle JSON data instead of using Views and Server Routing.
In your Web App, you can simply use a single index.html which can be hooked up with angular, and your individual modules can be separated without needlessly being concerned with multiple "app" pages, how to interact between them, etc.
On the server, you can either run the WebAPI from a different URL, or more commonly, from something like http://yoursite.com/api/. IIS would be configured to redirect anything that is not static files (.css, .js, images, etc.) or api calls back to the single index.html.

Recommended nginx setup for AngularJS as front end and Symfony2 as back end

I want to use Symfony2 as back end to create a REST API and use AngularJS as front end. The 2 are completely separated ie Symfony 2 will not render anything, it'll just send json data to AngularJS.
I'm not sure on how to configure my web server (nginx).
The Symfony documentation gives the configuration but it's intended for a site that only uses Symfony, and so everything outside of the /web/ folder is not accessible.
I can see several possibilities:
Create 2 different directories (eg /path/frontend and /path/backend) and a corresponding website for both. I would then have 2 different addresses to access the front end and the back end (eg http://myfrontend.com and http://mybackend.com). The problem I see is that I probably won't be able to directly use AJAX calls in AngularJS.
Create 2 different directories (eg /website/frontend and /website/backend) and only one website. I would then probably need to access the front end and back end with something like http://example.com/frontend and http://example.com/backend. I'm not sure how to configure the web server though (issue with root /website/backend/web).
Put the AngularJS directory inside the web folder of Symfony, but then I'd need to also change the configuration so that nginx doesn't only server app.php, app_dev.php and config.php.
Put the AngularJS directory in the src folder of Symfony, and have Symfony handle the routing. I don't know if it will mess with AngularJS' one routing. Also I will probably have a few other php that should be accessible, so I'd need to route them through Symfony also.
What would you suggest and why? Maybe I'm missing something obivous?
I guess you could accomplish your task using any of those methods. It would come down to how you want to structure you application and what it's objectives are. For large scale projects the first method (having the API separate from the AngularJS) would serve you well. Twitter really made that software model big.
So I would suggest going with method one. All you would have to do is specify an Nginx header in your server block that allows cross domain access to another domain. So you would specify the following directive in your frontendangular.com site:
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin backendsymfony.com;
This way every time a page request comes in on your front end app Nginx tells the browser that it is safe to access another domain (your symfony setup).
These are 2 frameworks that both have powerful routing capabilities, and it looks like you are going for a best of both worlds. There are many pros and cons to any setup, so I'll list a few that come to mind:
Angular routing / templating is great but it will leave you with SEO and meta issues to solve . It's probably better to manage your major pages with symfony2 and any routing within each page with angular. This would allow you to still make dynamic pages w/out compromising your meta and SEO control. Access Control seems flexible but probably not necessary, I would just put all calls to REST API under http://www.thesite.com/api and if I need another setup something like https://api.thesite.com, nginx can route or proxypass this without leaving the domain.
Locating partials gets a little wonky but that's probably fine for a large application. Just note that you will probably need to search the js location object for [host] / [path] /web/bundles/someBundle/public/blah.... Or you can setup a '/partials' path in nginx.
Twig and Angular tpl may end up a confusing mix as they both use {{foo}}. This alone would make me reconsider mixing the 2, and I might look to go with a frontend server, like node with ejs where I could also benefit from the streaming transfer of the data sent from the API.
You can get around it easy enough with but it's still concerning:
angular.module('myApp', []).config(function($interpolateProvider){
You do get the benefit of angular partials as symfony twig, which can be good or bad depending on how you see the flexibility being used. I have seen guys making examples of forms that fill out values with symfony data, but they are just undermining the power of angulars binding.
Don't get me wrong, I actually do really like the idea of the two harmonizing.
Just food for thought - cheers
