gcc generating a list of function and variable names - c

I am looking for a way to get a list of all the function and variable names for a set of c source files. I know that gcc breaks down those elements when compiling and linking so is there a way to piggyback that process? Or any other tool that could do the same thing?
EDIT: It's mostly because I am curious, I have been playing with things like make auto dependency and graphing include trees and would like to be able to get more stats on the source files. And it seems like something that would already exist but i haven't found any options or flags for it.

If you are only interested by names of global functions and variables, you might (assuming you are on Linux) use the nm or objdump utilities on the ELF binary executable or object files.
Otherwise, you might customize the GCC compiler (assuming you have a recent version, e.g. 5.3 or 6 at least) thru plugins. You could code them directly in C++, or you might consider using GCC MELT, a Lisp-like domain specific language to customize GCC. Perhaps even the findgimple mode of GCC MELT might be enough....
If you consider extending GCC, be aware that you'll need to spend a significant time (perhaps months) understanding its internal representations (notably Generic Trees & Gimple) in details. The links and slides on GCC MELT documentation page might be useful.
Your main issue is that you probably need to understand most of the details about GCC internal representations, and that takes time!
Also, the details of GCC internals are slightly changing from one version of GCC to the next one.
You could also consider (instead of working inside GCC) using the Clang/LLVM framework (but learning that is also a lot of time). Maybe you might also look into Frama-C or Coccinnelle.
Another approach might be to compile with debug info and parse DWARF information.
PS. My point is that your problem is probably much more difficult than what you believe. Parsing C is not that simple ... You might spend months or even years working on that... And details could be target-processor & system & compiler specific...


Can I run GCC as a daemon (or use it as a library)?

I would like to use GCC kind of as a JIT compiler, where I just compile short snippets of code every now and then. While I could of course fork a GCC process for each function I want to compile, I find that GCC's startup overhead is too large for that (it seems to be about 50 ms on my computer, which would make it take 50 seconds to compile 1000 functions). Therefore, I'm wondering if it's possible to run GCC as a daemon or use it as a library or something similar, so that I can just submit a function for compilation without the startup overhead.
In case you're wondering, the reason I'm not considering using an actual JIT library is because I haven't found one that supports all the features I want, which include at least good knowledge of the ABI so that it can handle struct arguments (lacking in GNU Lightning), nested functions with closure (lacking in libjit) and having a C-only interface (lacking in LLVM; I also think LLVM lacks nested functions).
And no, I don't think I can batch functions together for compilation; half the point is that I'd like to compile them only once they're actually called for the first time.
I've noticed libgccjit, but from what I can tell, it seems very experimental.
My answer is "No (you can't run GCC as a daemon process, or use it as a library)", assuming you are trying to use the standard GCC compiler code. I see at least two problems:
The C compiler deals in complete translation units, and once it has finished reading the source, compiles it and exits. You'd have to rejig the code (the compiler driver program) to stick around after reading each file. Since it runs multiple sub-processes, I'm not sure that you'll save all that much time with it, anyway.
You won't be able to call the functions you create as if they were normal statically compiled and linked functions. At the least you will have to load them (using dlopen() and its kin, or writing code to do the mapping yourself) and then call them via the function pointer.
The first objection deals with the direct question; the second addresses a question raised in the comments.
I'm late to the party, but others may find this useful.
There exists a REPL (read–eval–print loop) for c++ called Cling, which is based on the Clang compiler. A big part of what it does is JIT for c & c++. As such you may be able to use Cling to get what you want done.
The even better news is that Cling is undergoing an attempt to upstream a lot of the Cling infrastructure into Clang and LLVM.
#acorn pointed out that you'd ruled out LLVM and co. for lack of a c API, but Clang itself does have one which is the only one they guarantee stability for: https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/group__CINDEX.html

How to write your own code generator backend for gcc?

I have created my very own (very simple) byte code language, and a virtual machine to execute it. It works fine, but now I'd like to use gcc (or any other freely available compiler) to generate byte code for this machine from a normal c program. So the question is, how do I modify or extend gcc so that it can output my own byte code? Note that I do NOT want to compile my byte code to machine code, I want to "compile" c-code to (my own) byte code.
I realize that this is a potentially large question, and it is possible that the best answer is "go look at the gcc source code". I just need some help with how to get started with this. I figure that there must be some articles or books on this subject that could describe the process to add a custom generator to gcc, but I haven't found anything by googling.
I am busy porting gcc to an 8-bit processor we design earlier. I is kind of a difficult task for our machine because it is 8-bit and we have only one accumulator, but if you have more resources it can became easy. This is how we are trying to manage it with gcc 4.9 and using cygwin:
Download gcc 4.9 source
Add your architecture name to config.sub around line 250 look for # Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations. In that list add | my_processor \
In that same file look for # Recognize the basic CPU types with company name. add yourself to the list: | my_processor-* \
Search for the file gcc/config.gcc, in the file look for case ${target} it is around line 880, add yourself in the following way:
tmake_file="${tmake_file} my_processor/t-my_processor"
Create a folder gcc-4.9.0\gcc\config\my_processor
Copy files from an existing project and just edit it, or create your own from scratch. In our project we had copied all the files from the msp430 project and edited it all
You should have the following files (not all files are mandatory):
create a path gcc-4.9.0/build/object
run ../../configure --target=my_processor --prefix=path for my compiler --enable-languages="c"
make install
Do a lot of research and debugging.
Have fun.
It is hard work.
For example I also design my own "architecture" with my own byte code and wanted to generate C/C++ code with GCC for it. This is the way how I make it:
At first you should read everything about porting in the manual of GCC.
Also not forget too read GCC Internals.
Read many things about Compilers.
Also look at this question and the answers here.
Google for more information.
Ask yourself if you are really ready.
Be sure to have a very good cafe machine... you will need it.
Start to add machine dependet files to gcc.
Compile gcc in a cross host-target way.
Check the code results in the Hex-Editor.
Do more tests.
Now have fun with your own architecture :D
When you are finished you can use c or c++ only without os-dependet libraries (you have currently no running OS on your architecture) and you should now (if you need it) compile many other libraries with your cross compiler to have a good framework.
PS: LLVM (Clang) is easier to port... maybe you want to start there?
It's not as hard as all that. If your target machine is reasonably like another, take its RTL (?) definitions as a starting point and amend them, then make compile test through the bootstrap stages; rinse and repeat until it works. You probably don't have to write any actual code, just machine definition templates.

How to create a C compiler for custom CPU?

What would be the easiest way to create a C compiler for a custom CPU, assuming of course I already have an assembler for it?
Since a C compiler generates assembly, is there some way to just define standard bits and pieces of assembly code for the various C idioms, rebuild the compiler, and thereby obtain a cross compiler for the target hardware?
Preferably the compiler itself would be written in C, and build as a native executable for either Linux or Windows.
Please note: I am not asking how to write the compiler itself. I did take that course in college, I know about general compiler-compilers, etc. In this situation, I'd just like to configure some existing framework if at all possible. I don't want to modify the language, I just want to be able to target an arbitrary architecture. If the answer turns out to be "it doesn't work that way", that information will be useful to myself and anyone else who might make similar assumptions.
Quick overview/tutorial on writing a LLVM backend.
This document describes techniques for writing backends for LLVM which convert the LLVM representation to machine assembly code or other languages.
[ . . . ]
To create a static compiler (one that emits text assembly), you need to implement the following:
Describe the register set.
Describe the instruction set.
Describe the target machine.
Implement the assembly printer for the architecture.
Implement an instruction selector for the architecture.
There's the concept of a cross-compiler, ie., one that runs on one architecture, but targets a different one. You can see how GCC does it (for example) and add a new architecture to the set, if that's the compiler you want to extend.
Edit: I just spotted a question a few years ago on a GCC mailing list on how to add a new target and someone pointed to this
vbcc (at www.compilers.de) is a good and simple retargetable C-compiler written in C. It's much simpler than GCC/LLVM. It's so simple I was able to retarget the compiler to my own CPU with a few weeks of work without having any prior knowledge of compilers.
The short answer is that it doesn't work that way.
The longer answer is that it does take some effort to write a compiler for a new CPU type. You don't need to create a compiler from scratch, however. Most compilers are structured in several passes; here's a typical architecture (a lot of variations are possible):
Syntactic analysis (lexer and parser), and for C preprocessing, leading to an abstract syntax tree.
Type checking, leading to an annotated abstract syntax tree.
Intermediate code generation, leading to architecture-independent intermediate code. Some optimizations are performed at this stage.
Machine code generation, leading to assembly or directly to machine code. More optimizations are performed at this stage.
In this description, only step 4 is machine-dependent. So you can take a compiler where step 4 is clearly separated and plug in your own step 4. Doing this requires a deep understanding of the CPU and some understanding of the compiler internals, but you don't need to worry about what happens before.
Almost all CPUs that are not very small, very rare or very old have a backend (step 4) for GCC. The main documentation for writing a GCC backend is the GCC internals manual, in particular the chapters on machine descriptions and target descriptions. GCC is free software, so there is no licensing cost in using it.
1) Short answer:
"No. There's no such thing as a "compiler framework" where you can just add water (plug in your own assembly set), stir, and it's done."
2) Longer answer: it's certainly possible. But challenging. And likely expensive.
If you wanted to do it yourself, I'd start by looking at Gnu CC. It's already available for a large variety of CPUs and platforms.
3) Take a look at this link for more ideas (including the idea of "just build a library of functions and macros"), that would be my first suggestion:
You can modify existing open source compilers such as GCC or Clang. Other answers have provided you with links about where to learn more. But these compilers are not designed to easily retargeted; they are "easier" to retarget than compilers than other compilers wired for specific targets.
But if you want a compiler that is relatively easy to retarget, you want one in which you can specify the machine architecture in explicit terms, and some tool generates the rest of the compiler (GCC does a bit of this; I don't think Clang/LLVM does much but I could be wrong here).
There's a lot of this in the literature, google "compiler-compiler".
But for a concrete solution for C, you should check out ACE, a compiler vendor that generates compilers on demand for customers. Not free, but I hear they produce very good compilers very quickly. I think it produces standard style binaries (ELF?) so it skips the assembler stage. (I have no experience or relationship with ACE.)
If you don't care about code quality, you can likely write a syntax-directed translation of C to assembler using a C AST. You can get C ASTs from GCC, Clang, maybe ANTLR, and from our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.

Getting type information of C symbols

Let me try to give some background first. I'm working on some project with some micro controller (AVR) which I'm accessing through some interface (UART). I'm doing direct writes to its global variables and I'm also able to directly execute functions (write args, trigger execution, read back return values).
AVR code is in C compiled with GCC toolchain. PC, that is communicating with it, is running python code. As of now I have imported adress & size information into python easily by parsing 'objdump -x' output. Now what would greatly boost my development would be information about types of the symbols (types & sizes of structs elements, enums values, functions arguments & return values, ...).
Somehow this seemed like a common thing that people do daily, and I was naively expecting ready-made python tools at start. Well, not so easy. By now I've spend many hours looking into various ways how to accomplish that.
One approach would be to just parse the C code (using e.g. pycparser). But seems like I would have to at least 'pre-parse' the code to exclude various unsupported constructs and various ordering problems and so on. Also, in theory, the problem would be if compiler would do some optimizations, like struct or enum reordering and so on.
I've been also looking into various gcc, gdb and objdump options to get such information. Have spent some time looking for tools for extracting information from various debugging formats (dwarf, stabs).
The closest I get so far is to dump stabs debugging information with objdump -g option. This outputs C-like information, which I would then parse using pycparser or on my own.
But before I spent my time doing that, I decided to raise a question here, strongly hoping that someone will hit me with possibly totally different approach I just haven't think of.
There's a quite nice tool called c2ph that dumps a parsable descripton of the types and sizes (using debug info as the source)
To answer myself... this is what I found:
Actually I knew about it before, but it didn't really work for me at first.
So basically I made it Python 3 compatible and did few other fixes/changes also - here you can get it all:
Actually there is some more code which actually uses this module, but it is not finished yet. I will probably add it when finished.

Delphi dcu to obj

Is there a way to convert a Delphi .dcu file to an .obj file so that it can be linked using a compiler like GCC? I've not used Delphi for a couple of years but would like to use if for a project again if this is possible.
Delphi can output .obj files, but they are in a 32-bit variant of Intel OMF. GCC, on the other hand, works with ELF (Linux, most Unixes), COFF (on Windows) or Mach-O (Mac).
But that alone is not enough. It's hard to write much code without using the runtime library, and the implementation of the runtime library will be dependent on low-level details of the compiler and linker architecture, for things like correct order of initialization.
Moreover, there's more to compatibility than just the object file format; code on Linux, in particular, needs to be position-independent, which means it can't use absolute values to reference global symbols, but rather must index all its global data from a register or relative to the instruction pointer, so that the code can be relocated in memory without rewriting references.
DCU files are a serialization of the Delphi symbol tables and code generated for each proc, and are thus highly dependent on the implementation details of the compiler, which changes from one version to the next.
All this is to say that it's unlikely that you'd be able to get much Delphi (dcc32) code linking into a GNU environment, unless you restricted yourself to the absolute minimum of non-managed data types (no strings, no interfaces) and procedural code (no classes, no initialization section, no data that needs initialization, etc.)
(answer to various FPC remarks, but I need more room)
For a good understanding, you have to know that a delphi .dcu translates to two differernt FPC files, .ppu file with the mentioned symtable stuff, which includes non linkable code like inline functions and generic definitions and a .o which is mingw compatible (COFF) on Windows. Cygwin is mingw compatible too on linking level (but runtime is different and scary). Anyway, mingw32/64 is our reference gcc on Windows.
The PPU has a similar version problem as Delphi's DCU, probably for the same reasons. The ppu format is different nearly every major release. (so 2.0, 2.2, 2.4), and changes typically 2-3 times an year in the trunk
So while FPC on Windows uses own assemblers and linkers, the .o's it generates are still compatible with mingw32 In general FPC's output is very gcc compatible, and it is often possible to link in gcc static libs directly, allowing e.g. mysql and postgres linklibs to be linked into apps with a suitable license. (like e.g. GPL) On 64-bit they should be compatible too, but this is probably less tested than win32.
The textmode IDE even links in the entire GDB debugger in library form. GDB is one of the main reasons for gcc compatibility on Windows.
While Barry's points about the runtime in general hold for FPC too, it might be slightly easier to work around this. It might only require calling certain functions to initialize the FPC rtl from your startup code, and similarly for the finalize. Compile a minimal FPC program with -al and see the resulting assembler (in the .s file, most notably initializeunits and finalizeunits) Moreover the RTL is more flexible and probably more easily cut down to a minimum.
Of course as soon as you also require exceptions to work across gcc<->fpc bounderies you are out of luck. FPC does not use SEH, or any scheme compatible with anything else ATM. (contrary to Delphi, which uses SEH, which at least in theory should give you an advantage there, Barry?) OTOH, gcc might use its own libunwind instead of SEH.
Note that the default calling convention of FPC on x86 is Delphi compatible register, so you might need to insert proper cdecl (which should be gcc compatible) modifiers, or even can set it for entire units at a time using {$calling cdecl}
On *nix this is bog standard (e.g. apache modules), I don't know many people that do this on win32 though.
About compatibility; FPC can compile packages like Indy, Teechart, Zeos, ICS, Synapse, VST
and reams more with little or no mods. The dialect levels of released versions are a mix of D7 and up, with the focus on D7. The dialect level is slowly creeping to D2006 level in trunk versions. (with for in, class abstract etc)
Yes. Have a look at the Project Options dialog box:
As far as I am aware, Delphi only supports the OMF object file format. You may want to try an object format converter such as Agner Fog's.
Since the DCU format is proprietary and has a tendency of changing from one version of Delphi to the next, there's probably no reliable way to convert a DCU to an OBJ. Your best bet is to build them in OBJ format in the first place, as per Andreas's answer.
