How to detect iframe load failure in an ionic application - angularjs

In my ionic application I need to show external website which I show in an iFrame.
While the website is fetched and loaded I show loading spinner. I want to hide it once the iframe/website is loaded and it it fails then I need to show a button saying "Launch in an external browser". So the question is how to check if iframe website load is failed in an IONIC app.


How to disable back button when open browser using InAppbrowser in Ionic3

I am using InAppbrowser component in Ionic3 for the open browser in ionic App. Please suggest me, how to disable hardware android back button when open browser. when I am using custom back handler or this .view.showBackButton(false), it's working perfectly in any ionic page but in not working in the browser.

How to get the full screen mode of a web page

I am developing react web page. and what I'm wanting to do is,
when a button pressed I want my web page to view on full-screen mode. How can I implement that
Is there a way to do this without using any external packages

How to load ng-walktrrough function on page load in ionic

Hi I'm pretty new to Ionic i just want to show an walktrough on my new ionic app but i'm not able to do it on page load i can invoke it on button click but i'm not able to get it on page load
If you are using ionic 2 or higher refer "Lifecycle events" section in below link
Also you can make use of angular life cycle events

How to get html page content before rendered in CEFSharp

I have developed a Chromium Enabled Framework Web browser and i want to get the html page content before it render how it can be possible.

ionic - $ionicLoading freezes the whole app, how to change it?

I'm in the process of making an Ionic Android app. I need to show a loading icon when fetching the data from internet. I use $ionicLoading for this, but $ionicLoading freezes the whole app. Is there a way to show a loading icon, but the app doesn't freeze? Thanks
