Pass multiple scope members from controller to angular service - angularjs

I am new to AngularJS world. I am developing AngularJS SPA application. I have a controller paymentController which is going to use an angular custom service paymentService. The paymentController $scope has multiple members like billerId, billAccount, paymentAmount, etc. I want to pass all/most of these members to the function exposed by angular service. I don't know what is the best way to do so. My code is given below:
app.controller("paymentController", function ($scope, $rootScope, paymentService) {
$scope.platform = 1;
$scope.makePayment = function(){
paymentService.makePayment(/*what should be passed to this function*/);
Please suggest me the ideal way.

Better way is to create a object with all those properties and pass the object,
$scope.bill ={};
$scope.bill.platform = 1;
$scope.makePayment = function(){


Angularjs : Using common service in different modules

I am trying to use the same service for different modules. There are many modules so i tried to inject them in a parent module. Something like this:
var app=angular.module('myapp',['module_1','module_2',....,'module_n']);
var module_1=angular.module('myapp1',[]);
var module_2=angular.module('myapp2',[]);
var module_3=angular.module('myapp3',[]);
var module_n=angular.module('myappN',[]);
and the service which is common to all the n modules is like this:
...doing something here...
Now I am not able to figure out how to use this service for all the submodules.
With which module should I associate this service ?
I tried doing app.service('myService',function(){...}), but it did'nt work.
Where am I going wrong?
Moreover I am trying to share a variable with all these submodules using the service. I am not sure if, I am doing the right thing by using a service for sharing variable or should I use a Provider or Factory for this job.
I found these links, but I could not grasp the answer. Refer to them and please provide my answer
How to share a variable between multiple modules in AngularJS
Passing variable between controllers which are on different modules
Lets suppose you want to build a Service to share a certain variable between two Controllers. You should be able to use your Service doing the following:
// Lets suppose you want to share a certain variable between controllers
.service('myService', function () {
// If you wish you can inject and use $scope
var vm = this;
// Variable to share
// Method to set a certain value into a variable
function setItem(item){
vm.sharedItem = item;
// Method to get that variable
function getItem(){
return vm.sharedItem;
// Exposing your methods
return {
setItem : setItem
getItem : getItem
.controller('SetController', SetController);
// Inject your Service
function SetController(myService) {
var vm = this;
// variable used to set the value
vm.setMe = 'hello';
// Call `setItem()` method from `myService` -> sharedItem will get setMe value
console.log("Set shared item "+vm.setMe);
.controller('GetController', GetController);
// Inject your Service
function SetController(myService) {
var vm = this;
// variable used to get shared the value
vm.getMe= null;
/* Call `getItem()` method from `myService` to get the shared
* value and assign it to `getMe`*/
vm.getMe = myService.getItem();
console.log("Got shared item "+vm.getMe);
I remind you can access this.var in your view using controllerName.var. It is a good solution to make sure you are using a certain controller. You can always use $scope if you wish.
I hope I've been helpful.

Angular - reusing code (service or controller)

I'm using Angular to develop commenting functionality for a web app.
Currently there are two sections in the application were a user can comment:
About 90% of the commenting functionality is the same for both sections and as such I would like to make this reusable - i.e write some service or controller that I can reference/use as a base.
So far, my research seems to point to using a factory service but unfortunately this doesn't seem to work (I've spent the whole day running through various tutorials).
It is quite possible that I am over thinking this and making it far too complicated but I honestly don't know which way to turn anymore.
Herewith a quick and dirty overview of what I have so far:
HTML view for the category
Controller for the category (receives data from service and posts data to service in order to bind data to model)
Service for the category (retrieve and stores all the necessary
The product uses the same logic and a lot of the code in the service and controller will be duplicated.
I've merged the two services into one service successfully but I'm having trouble doing the same for the controller.
Do I:
Write a base controller that will communicate with the above mentioned service and that will hookup with the two existing controllers
Write a factory/provider service that hooks up to the two existing controllers as well as the above mentioned service.
If you go the route of using a factory, you could put all the common functionality into its return object and reference that from your controllers.
angular.module('myModule').factory('CommonFunctions', function(){
return {
foo : foo,
bar : bar
function foo(){
function bar (){
.controller('myController', ['CommonFunctions', function(CommonFunctions) {
var vm = this; =; =;
angular's separation of service types ie:
for specific values
(constant for specific values needed before other services are created)
for functions
(provider for specific instances when you need a services before other services are created, usually taking advantage of constants)
allow the ability to share data and ways to process that data between controllers and or directives, anything that can be a value can also be a constant, the only difference there being where they can be injected. Similarly any service can be rewritten to a factory or a provider, it is more your specific use case / what your more comfortable writing that would determine which to use, but really the best way to think about it is if you have a value that needs to be shared but is not needed inside angular.module.config then use value, otherwise use constant, now if you have a single function that you want to share, (maybe it processes that value in some way or maybe it just does something else) you should write it as a factory, then when you have a few of those factory's that deal with either that value, or anything else, you can combine them into a service or configure and combine them using a provider. here is a simple example (note i am using the recommended syntax for writing angular services):
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('',[]);
configureValueProvider.$inject - ['configureableValue'];
function configureValueProvider(configureableValue){
var defaultVal = configureableValue.defaultValue,
originalVal = defaultVal;
return {
function getValue(){
return defaultVal;
function setValue(val){
defaultVal = val;
function providerFunc(){
return {
get:function(){ return getValue(); },
reset:function(){ resetValue(); }
function resetValue(){
defaultVal = originalVal
// this factory is an example of a single function service, this should almost always be defined as a factory
getEditableValue.$inject = ['editableValue'];
function getEditableValue(editableValue){
return function(){
return editableValue.editedValue ? editableValue.editedValue : editableValue.defaultValue;
// same with this one
setEditableValue.$inject = ['editableValue'];
function setEditableValue(editableValue){
return function(val){
editableValue.editedValue = val;
// now this is an example of a service service collecting the factorys for an object with all the related behavior we need
editableService.$inject = ['getEditableValue','setEditableValue'];
function editableService(getEditableValue,setEditableValue){
var self = this;
self.setVal = setEditableValue;
self.getVal = getEditableValue;
appConfig.$inject = ['configureValueProvider'];
function appConfig(configureValueProvider){
configureValueProvider.setValue('i changed '+ configureValueProvider.getValue() +' to this!!!!');
appRun.$inject = ['configureValue','editableService'];
function appRun(configureValue,editableService){
console.log('before editing: ',editableService.getVal());
console.log('after editing: ',editableService.getVal());
console.log('we changed this in the config func: ',configureValue.get());
console.log('and now its back to the original value: ',configureValue.get());
i know thats a lot for a simple example, but there are a lot of features provided by angular, and many ways to use them, hopefully this helps.

Angular IoC best practice

What's the best practice in AngularJS when one needs to use a different implementation of a service/factory depending on the environment.
Let's say I have a service MessageService, which is injecting some other service, but based on the device/platform, it should use WebService vs. MobileService.
Here's what I do now:
.service('MessageService', messageService);
var service = 'WebService';
if (mobileDevice) {
service = 'MobileService';
messageService.$inject = [service];
function messageService(service) {; // use the shared interface for both services inside this service
Is there a better - more elegant - way to do this?
You can use the module's 'config' block to do this using a 'provider' like here -
angular.module('app').config(['$provide', '$injector', 'mobileDevice',
function($provide, $injector, mobileDevice) {
$provide.value('MessageService', (mobileDevice) ? $injector.get('MobileService') : $injector.get('WebService'));
This is assuming that 'mobileDevice' is an angular constant.
Now you can inject 'MessageService' to do what you wanted.

Best practice to store and access data objects in Angular

I have a json endpoint that returns a list of objects. The first view is a list with just some basic info but if you select an item I want to show more details. Should I just construct and object in my factory and have another method to get the details? so
getItems() // returns list data
getItem(id)// goes through the object already retrieved and returns just the data?
I don't want to hit the server again for each item but I'm not sure of the best way to do this in Angular. It doesn't appear the Model is made for this in Angular.
Also, assuming Item has additional information that I may need to make another server request. What's the best way to store this locally so if I already fetches these details once I don't need to get it again?
If you want to exchange data between 2 controllers, you can use a provider
App.provider('Data', function() {
//Properties declaration = '';
this.setInfo = function(info) { = info;
this.getInfo = function() {
controller 1
['$scope', 'Data',
function($scope, Data) { Data.setInfo('here you put what you want') }]);
controller which get back information
['$scope', 'Data',
function($scope, Data) { Data.getInfo() }]);
More likely, you'll want to use either a factory or a service:$provide#factory$provide#service
In both cases, you provide a function which Angular will call once and store the return reference, then provide that reference to any controller or other Angular-managed object that requests it. The difference between a factory and service is that a service function is expected to be a constructor function (it's called using the "new" keyword) whereas a factory is a just invoked as a regular function.

Can I create a factory to create servicesin AngularJS?

I have this service I'd like to use, but it could happen that some parts of my application require the same service but with different parameters to use internally. Since services always refer to the same instance as far as I understand it, this would mean either manually having to edit the parameters everywhere before performing an action, or passing them in to every function. This would get messy very fast and I was wondering if it was possible to create a factory to initialise the different versions of the service I need.
Something like this, for instance:
function FooService(){
this.setParams = function(params){
function FooServiceFactory(){
createService: function(name, params){
var serv = new FooService();
ServiceModule.service(name, serv);
You can create factories as well.
app.factory("InstantiateMe", [function() {
return function(params)
// some code
app.controller("Ctrl", ["InstantiateMe", function(InstantiateMe) {
var instance = new InstantiateMe({param: "value"});
In short, the factory function returns just that: a factory. Its return value can be an object, a function or, in this particular case, a constructor. You can this way instantiate multiple instances of your desired service.
Here is a nice article on the subject, elaborating on what I've summarised, that you may find useful.
