Resource usage increases abnormally in Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I am using GAE for my product development. Now it is MVP version and in development phase. So the user traffic is still small.
But today (14:00 27th Feb 2017 UTC+7) when I saw the statistics I cannot believe my eyes. So huge numbers of requests and bandwidth. I am attaching here:
Abnormal resource usage
My request log and the App Engine Dashboard show the same traffic as usual (very small). So I think the Resource usage numbers is not correct.
Dashboard and Request log
Please explain me where the huge number of requests come from?

Here is the answer I got from Google Cloud Support. I am sharing below, in case someone get the same problem as I had:
The number of requests you see on your App Engine Dashboard is not 100% reliable as it sometimes reflect the only the projected usage not the exact usage. Your exact bill will only be reflected on your transaction history and it takes 24-48 hours for it to refresh to be able to display your usage for February 27, 2017. We can wait for 24-48 hours to validate that your transaction history will be the one to show your charges and usage.
And here is the final resource usage statistics


Google App Engine Billing inconsistent with Usage History

I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask this question, but Google has moved customer support for Bronze Tier to Community Forum aka Stackoverflow... So here I am, stuck with a bill that I can't figure out. Just to give you the context, I am running an Android app sending videos averaging 2 megabytes per video to users. There are around 70 daily users downloading 2 videos a day.
Image here: (Sorry I don't have 10 reputation yet)
As you can see, there are supposedly 516 Gibibyte of Cloud Storage Download APAC. However, I only have around 150 megabytes of data stored on the cloud. So it is mathematically impossible to have such traffic over this period of time. On top of this, here is the Usage History which suggests totally different usage.
Image here:
Please help if you have any idea what is going on as I am stuck with no customer support and no helpful information on the internet...
The usage history you posted (your second picture) is only for the App Engine application, but does not include Cloud Storage usage. It also does not include any usage you may make of Compute Engine, Big Query etc.
That is why the usage history shows less than 1$ per day whereas your final bill shows additional charges for Cloud Storage.
You can ask billing-related questions to the Cloud Platform billing team here :
You can also find more info on your current usage here :
If you have doubted about how your cloud storage buckets are used, set up access logging as explained here.

Updating in datastore not working in GAE 1.9.0

We have a PHP application running on GAE. It connects to Cloud Datastore using the Google PHP library (v0.6.7).
Google introduced in the last days a new version of App Engine, v1.9.0 (not oficially released), which apparently was running fine, just as 1.8.9 was. However, we have been experiencing some issues related to Cloud Datastore. Sometimes, all the operations regarding to entities updating are just ignored. All the queries used to retrieve information work perfectly, however if we want to create a new entity of update any property, no action is performed. I have been checking for some errors in the response returned by the Cloud Api, but there is no errors or warnings at all.
This situation happened for the first time the 31st of January, and it is also happening today. It started to fail at 3am (GMT +1) and according to the instance log, at the same time the latency times of all the requests suffered an important increase (from 1-3 secs to 5-10 secs). The first time after a few hours the system started to work properly again, but now this problem is lasting much more.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Thank you for the report, we're investigating the issue now.
Update: We've addressed the issue. Please join the Google Cloud Datastore downtime notify mailing list for future updates.!topic/gcd-downtime-notify/sNXCFJYFNQU
For future reports about production issues, please refer to the Contact support section of our documentation.

Why am I hitting the datastore read operation quota?

I was in a place without Internet access for 3 weeks and just came back to find out that one of my apps since January 18 started to reach a quota limit (Datastore Read Operations) after around the 18 hours.
I don't see any increase in traffic from either users or crawlers.
This is the error in the logs:
"The API call datastore_v3.RunQuery() required more quota than is available."
It seems very strange since this application has been running for some years and I'm memcaching most the datastore requests.
Please help - This is affecting my bottom line!
I found a subset of pages in the site that had got a sudden interest from several crawlers and some of the requests that those pages made to the Datastore were not being memcached, so that was it...problem solved.

How to get more information about an appengine outage if not a premium customer?

We had an outage for our app shown on the dashboard below. There was no appengine outage notification and nothing on twitter so it looks like it was local to us. There was nothing noticeable in our logs (no increased failed requests, just silence). It lasted about 40 minutes and was noticed by our customers (we get about 1.5 requests per second). We are a paying customer but not premium (additional $500 per month) so can't email google about the issue. What's the best way to get more information / resolution of the problem?
Subscribe to the app engine mailing lists. There's usually a flurry of activity on the general one when !##$ hits the fan.!forum/google-appengine
There's usually a message posted to on the downtime-notify list too, but it usually shows up after a bunch of people complain. On the other hand, there's much less fluff to sort through.!forum/google-appengine-downtime-notify
In terms of resolution, you file a production issue (search for "production issue template" in that first mailing list), and wait.

App Engine server + Android multiplayer game

I'm creating a multi-player android game and thought it would be a interesting idea to have App Engine handle the server work.
The game consists of 4 players, each phone requests an update every 0.5 seconds.
These requests are very simple and lightweight so i shouldn't be over reaching any free quotas.
The problem i found was that App Engine only handles 500 requests per second, i would only be able to
have around 60 game sessions active before App Engine will start ignoring new requests?
"App Engine's quota system allows for efficient applications with billing enabled to scale to around 500 queries per second (qps) or more than 40 million queries per day."
Or should i just not use this platform because it is not made for this kind of usage?
I sent this same question to the discussion groups on google but after 4 hours it hasn't been posted, there was no response on whether it was a bad question or anything. Hopefully someone here can give me some advice.
Thank you kindly, i'm looking forward to an answer and or advice.
Rohan C
That's an interesting question, considering the only page where I can find that quote contains the answer in the same paragraph.
App Engine's quota system allows for
efficient applications with billing
enabled to scale to around 500 queries
per second (qps) or more than 40
million queries per day. This is a
substantial amount of traffic and
should easily suffice for even the
heaviest of Slashdottings. But if you
expect your application will need to
handle even higher qps, please
complete this form so we can assist
