<router-outlet> and <div ng-view>, AngularJS and Angular routing at the same time - angularjs

My app component (an Angular 2 component, downgraded for index.html) contains this:
<div ng-view></div>
This is just like it says to do in "Dividing routes between Angular and AngularJS"
But the ng-view isn't picking up any AngularJS routes.
How would ng-view work in an Angular 2 template anyway? How am I supposed to be able to use both types of routers at the same time?
<router-outlet></router-outlet> isn't working either -- this html just shows up on the page statically as-is.
I have <base href="/"> and the javascript console has no errors in it.
Google, message me :) who/ajxtaylor

This has gotten me closer in the right direction but it's still not working.
<router-outlet> wasn't working because I was missing the top level app component in the bootstrap array:
bootstrap: [
export class AppModule {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
Submitted GitHub issue regarding lack of error message: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/14572
I don't know if the Angular AppComponent is supposed to have downgradeComponent called on it and if so, whether the index.html should use the AngularJS selector or the Angular selector.


Can't run AngularJS inside Angular 8 using ngUpgrade

I'm trying to run Hybrid Angular application using ngUpgrade from documentation. The problem is that no matter what I'll do AngularJS is just not raising.
When I put Angular and AngularJS together then both application runs.
<div ng-app="app"></div>
but of course this is wrong, Angular should bootstrap AngularJS, so I changed it to:
<div id="ng-app"></div>
And in Angular Module I added:
export class AppModule {
constructor(private upgrade: UpgradeModule) { }
ngDoBootstrap() {
this.upgrade.bootstrap(document.getElementById('ng-app'), ['app']);
But still nothing, I have no idea even how I can investiage it and where the problem may be.
Ok I found issue, I had declared bootstrap inside #NgModule({...})

Reuse angularJS controller from Homepage in other pages in a multipage application

I'm new to AngularJS. In our project, we're forced to create our web app(multi-pages) in angularJS, though we know AngularJS is only for SPA.
At the moment I've a homepage, which is created in AngularJS and all other connected pages are in jQuery.
I've created a navBar in the Homepage, which needs to show up on all other pages as well.
But at the moment the navBAr data is not showing up in the other pages.
How could I do that?
How do I reuse my navCtrl in all the pages?
Please note that footer is still in jQuery, and will have to do the same with that as well.
This is how my homepage looks as of now:
<body ng-app="App">
<nav ng-controller="navCtrl"></nav>
<main ng-controller="mainCtrl"></main>

how to switch ng-view to normal page

See image
=>Layout1 master page which include ng-view in that i used angular routing.
=>Layout2 login.cshml page when I tried to call login page
this login page included in ng-view which i donot want
its total different page Login.cshtml
I called this page like
Log out
when I tried url directly in address bar like http://localhost:1395/admin/home/Login
it works fine see image
but i tried from master panel to login page it shows wrong see first image
example code
<div>Layout 1</div>
<div ng-view></div>
<div ng-controller="contactcontroller">
Contact Page
<div ng-controller="helpcontroller">
Help Page
routing code
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when("/admin/home/contact", {
templateUrl : "contact.html",
controller: "contactcontroller"
.when("/admin/home/help", {
templateUrl : "help.html",
controller: "helpcontroller"
<div>Layout 2</div>
///Login code
when I call this url admin/home/help and admin/home/contact pages included in ng-view but when I call admin/home/login i donot want this include in ng-view it is separate header and footer . I want call as separate page
Thanks in advance
It is hard to understand this, but I'll take a shot at answering the question.
Your problem is probably unrelated to angularjs, what it seems to me is, that you're probably using ASP.NET MVC and your Login action is rendered inside the master layout. Basically you need to render the page without the template. See this question and answers there: Razor View Without Layout
I will also point out that angular is used for single page applications and it is hard to mix angular and ASP.NET MVC routing. You should probably decide which routing you will use. Sure, you can use .NET and initialize angular in every page, but I don't recommend this. If you can, build all your pages in angular and then then use ASP.NET Web API as a back-end.
Also you don't need to use ng-controller attribute when you use routing and specify controller.

Using a directive to add content to areas outside ng-view

I'm attempting to port an existing Ruby on Rails frontend to Angular. So far I've managed to get a single page app in place that switches out the content of ng-view depending on your angular route. This is great, however - in my RoR layout I have several defined areas where content can be placed, all of these are contextual to the main view. For example: Sidebar and Heading.
In RoR I can do the following from within an action view to set sidebar content.
<p>Product page content</p>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<% render :partial => 'product_sidebar' %>
<% end %>
I am struggling to determine the best method to achieve this in Angular. I've got it working with two methods:
SidebarUrl added to route definitions, route change event updates a scope variable which an ng-include directive uses in the layout.
Custom directive that is served with the template loaded into ng-view, e.g.
<p>Main content for the view</p>
Content for sidebar
The directive basically copies its innerHTML to the sidebar element in the main layout and then removes itself. It could be written to place the content into a target element defined by an attribute to make it more generic and reusable.
This way is more natural to me as the result is closest to the Ruby on Rails way but I'm not sure if its a decent solution or something that I will run into problems with later on (I'm very new to Angular).
Any thoughts or suggestions welcome.
UPDATE 18/06
I've found the Angular UI Router project: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router which seems to cover my requirements in an official way. Leaning towards that as a solution at the moment.
Try this (not tested).
You can have another element outside of your <div ng-view> element: say, <div id="sidebar" ng-controller="sidebarContr">. Since you can inject as many dependencies as you like in to sidebarContr, you can use $location as one of its parameters and check the location there and add properties to $scope to make the div display what you need.
For example:
in your controllers JS:
.module('app.controllers', ['ng'])
.controller('sidebarContr', [
/******/ '$scope', '$location',
function ($scope, $location) {
if ($location.path() === '/') {
$scope.file = 'include_0.html';
else {
$scope.file = 'include_1.html';
in your HTML:
<div id="sidebar" ng-controller='sidebarContr'>
<div ng-include src='file'></div>
EDIT: The Angular-UI Router component that you mention seems to be what you need, it looks more powerful. But my solution can be useful when you just need something simple and do not want to have one more dependency.

Master Page Concept in AngularJS?

I would like to create master page, that is main page which will be used in all views of the application.
For example, Left navigation and top men navigation. This navigation should be displayed in all the views, whenever url changes in application.
As per ng-view, it only renders given partial view and replace previous view. In the image above all my left and top navigation should be displayed by using angular Controller.
Controller code
angular.module('modelDemo').controller("authCtrl", ['$scope', function($scope) {
Please let me know, how can i achieve this
You can use angular-route or Angular-ui-router, and setting your master, following this steps:
Step 1. Make your index.html your master page.
Step 2. Add the <header>, <footer>, <aside>, <div>, etc. referencing your templates by using ng-include
NOTE: your left and top navigation will be part of it
Step 3. The content of the view will be rendered using the directive attribute ng-view or ui-view
Step 4. Use your module app.config() to configure the children pages
using Angular Route: https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_07
template for a brand-new app: https://github.com/angular/angular-seed
using Angular UI Router: Angular Tutorial 30 mins
ng view should be able to do that just fine. Keep your top navigation / left navigation html intact and use ng view for the various display area. http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:ngView
To use the controller from the top navigation inside ng-view you can use $parent to get access to that scope : https://stackoverflow.com/a/14700326/390330
Fiddle for parent scope : http://jsfiddle.net/ezhrw/2/
<button ng:click="$parent.letter = greek">Assignment expression {{ greek }}</button>
I was trying to create the same concept, but needed a way to define placeholders. I started experimenting in Plnkr.co and thus far, I resorted to using a LayoutManager that drives itself from settings within the routeProvider object.
Here is an example: http://embed.plnkr.co/4GPDfTSQCuqukJE7AniZ/
You'll see an example of how multiple routes use the same header and footer, I did not include an example with a sidebar.
Let me explain the LayoutManager.
I wanted to have placeholders that could be overridden. In this example, I have a toolbar that contains a title and provides a space to the right of the title for additional toolbar items. This gives views an opportunity to throw in additional functionality.
All of this is driven by the LayoutManager. The LayoutManager is a service that reads layout properties set on the $routeProvider. I wanted to implement this in a way keep things clean and self contained, per route. The LayoutManager is injected into the toolbar directive. The toolbar directive drives it's scope properties of the LayoutManager.
In turn, the LayoutManager has a dependency on the routeProvider as well as the rootScope $routeChange event.
I'm very new to Angular, open to suggestions.
I could not see any problem, if you are using bootstrap then use can easily divide your screen as you want
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3">
Left panel
<div class="col-lg-9" style="border:1px solid #999; overflow-y:auto">
<div> Top Banner </div>
<!-- Main view to render all the page -->
<div ui-view> </div>
If you want complete demo and code on then see this link
Edited: 3 Nov. 2016:
If you are using ui-router then we can user abstract state to create different master pages.
You don't need to play show/hide, ng-if but just define the routing properly with you master pages and child pages
Better to see the detail
I know this is an old thread, but thought it should be noted that as of Angular 1.5+ we have been introduced to components. Instead of dealing with routes with named views and all that nonsense or using ngInclude you should be using a header component and footer component. Simply add these to your index.html (or whatever you call your master html template) and voila.
For example (this is using Angular Material and is missing the layout module but hopefully you get the point)
1. Added to index.html
2. header.component.js (you don't need all of this but I think it's helpful)
(function () {
'use strict';
.component('layoutHeader', {
templateUrl: 'layout/header.html',
bindings: {},
controller: Controller
Controller.$inject = [];
function Controller() {
var ctrl = this;
function initialize(){
3. header.html
<div class="md-toolbar-tools">
<span>Really Awesome Title!!!!</span>
<span flex></span>
<md-button class="md-icon-button" aria-label="More">
<md-icon class="material-icons">more_vert</md-icon>
