Still no Codename One Library project option when using Eclipse? - codenameone

I recently read FIRST CLASS ECLIPSE SUPPORT which made me expect a cn1lib-wizard. But there still is none, right?

The gist of the article is that we will update the Eclipse plugin with the NetBeans & IntelliJ versions. With the trend of migrating towards common code across IDE's within our plugin (the new settings UI) this should be much easier and Eclipse should no longer be out of date with the other IDE's.
I'm not sure when we'll get around to do the library template, unlike the other features it requires some work since the Ant implementation on Eclipse is rather different. So it's hard to give a specific date.


Integrating a Today Extension into a Codename One iOS App

I'm new to this topic and couldn't find any guides concerning this. I'm wondering how the Today Extension files from a xcode project (originated from the CN1 iOS debug build sources) needs to be added to the actual CN1 project in order to get integrated properly.
We don't have builtin support for that and didn't really study it. We never had official support for Android widgets either.
Both can be used through native code though. E.g. in this case you can use ios.plistInject to add the necessary plist changes. The actual UI/code that implements them should be done in a native interface anyway.

Codename one methods not available on android device

The methods that are missing from the apk file are
Dialog constructor with (String, Layout) as arguments.
There are probably more but these are the ones I encountered. I can work around the problem by using alternate methods and constructor but there seems to be a mismatch between the local library and the android build library.
Please note that when building the project I had to use the android.gradle=false hint for the apk to be readable on my older android 2.3.6 device. Without this hint the apk is not accepted on the device.
In addition the theme resource file is not loaded on the device while it is in the simulator. All these problems might be related ?
Thanks for your help
New features are no longer added to the old Ant build pipeline as maintaining it has become unwieldy since Google no longer supports proper versions of play services or other features we need.
We still have it for compatibility for people who built old applications with it but it's version of the Codename one libraries is frozen in time as newer versions of the libraries will break it. Google killed support forthe 2.x device family ages ago in play services so basic things like in-app purchase or proper location API's can't work on those old devices. The problem is that supporting them would make support for newer features MUCH harder.
I've edited the docs to reflect that this flag is deprecated.

How to create (and release) both a paid and lite version of an app using codename one

I have seen answers to this question using other tools but I cannot see how to do it with CN1. If I release a LITE version of an app, what is the process for the user to get the PRO version once they have paid?
Like I said I have seen other answers but they talk about settings within the development studio itself which makes me think that it may be related to the toolset I am using - in this case Codename One.
P.S. I will need to know this for both Android and Apple
This will work for all the platform Codename One supports and is explained in this tip. Effectively you keep two or more and multiple Main packages/classes. Then toggle them by replacing the file.

How to use Codenameone Source into Eclipse project?

I have an eclipse codenameone project. I would like to execute this project on Eclipse using my own codenameone modified sources (codenameone sources project is in netbeans). How could I do that ?
As it is mentioned in this video, we should linked the project in the build path but it works only if we have a netbean project.
Better solution is to edit Codenameone source in Eclipse (but sources in github has structure of a Netbeans project).
Right now debugging with the Codename One sources is only supported on NetBeans because that is the platforms we use for our coding. It's harder to work with other IDE's and might not be worth your effort.
Someone posted a while back in the discussion forum about running this in Eclipse but I couldn't find the reference.
Generally if you want to build the native sources and debug from there just work based on the logic we have and adapt it to Eclipse (or any other IDE). Running a Codename One project has 2 major dependencies:
Codename One project - that's a regular Java project you can work with
JavaSEPort another regular project, this is the implementation of the Codename One code and includes the simulator.
Make sure to add the source trees of both these projects to the compile but not packaging phases and set the Simulator class as your main class.
If you are successful in doing this it would be really nice if you write about it for the developer guide wiki next to the NetBeans build and explain how this is done for future developers.

Selenium2 WebDriver release notes

I've been looking around to find the release notes for the latest releases but I couldn't find it. Anyone have a link?
Different parts of the project have different logs of the changes between versions. The most comprehensive changelog for the project is the one for the Java language bindings, and it can be found here. Other portions of the project may have their own changelogs, but they are usually limited to changes only within that part of the project. Examples include the changelogs for the .NET language bindings and for the IE driver standalone server.
