Android Proguard Classes Obfuscation - android-proguard

I am enabling proguard to obfuscate my app's code. I have set minifyEnabled to true inside build.gradle and added -printconfiguration "build/outputs/mapping/configuration.txt" to my but it doesn't obfuscate class names?
Why it doesn't obfuscate them?
I also want to hide: logs,names of directories(i.e. /sys/bus/usb/devices) and inside classes to hide extends Service and extends BroadcastReceiver?


Get Tailwindcss in Salesforce org

I want get Tailwindcss into my Salesforce org, so that I can use those classes for UI requirements in LWC/Aura components, Searched online a lot but couldn't find anything, Help me with the steps?
You must to get the tailwind css file(, then you should upload as an static resource to the org.
You can add those styles from LWC using this code:
import resourceName from '#salesforce/resourceUrl/tailwind';
import { loadStyle, loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
loadStyle(this, resourceName + '/tailwind.min.css')
Just to mention, using in that way:
You can't customize Tailwind's default theme
You can't use any
directives like #apply, #variants, etc.
You can't enable additional
variants like group-focus
You can't install third-party plugins
can't tree-shake unused styles

How to apply styling to MapView when using #arcgis/core for imports?

In my React application I'm rendering a MapView. However, the zoom in/out button along with any popup templates are appended below the map in standard html.
When I previously used esri-loader for importing arcgis modules, I could fix this issue by setting a CSS option to true, like so. The styling would match the API examples.
loadModules(["esri/views/MapView"], {css: true})
But I can't find any instance of a CSS or styling property in the MapView class. So how do I apply this styling when using #arcgis/core for imports?
The documentation recommends importing directly from the cdn:
#import "";
Or if you want to import it from your local, you can follow their instructions for referencing local assets, and import from your node_modules:
#import "#arcgis/core/assets/esri/themes/dark/main.css";

Is it possible to use a custom class name generator for styled components in MaterialUI?

I'm using an unejected create-react-app project with MaterialUI and trying to replace JSS with Styled Components. It's working fine, but the class names generated are not human readable.
I read that you can use a babel plugin to do that, but I can't change the Babel config without ejecting the project. I know that you can supply a custom class name generator function to StylesProvider to generate JSS class names. Is there a similar mechanism for Styled Components that would allow me to change the class names without ejecting my project?
Basically import like this, with macro:
import styled from "styled-components/macro";
It has the same functionality of the plugin, take a look in the documentation:
example here:

export default class App extends React.Component

i am a begginer of expo and i encountered this in the app.js file
export default class App extends React.Component
Can anyone explain what this line of code actually mean? i cant understand this
You should tag this with react-native instead of react, react-native is used with Expo for creating mobile apps, the 'native' part refers to how it uses native components from either IOS or Android which are written in Swift and Java respectively.
However, I can tell you that what that line of code is doing is exporting the class App so that other files can import it. App extends React.Component which gives the class access to methods and lifecycle hooks. It's basic ES6 Javascript, if you're going to be writing React then you're going to want to start with the basics of Javascript including ES6.

How to configure WebStorm to recognise kebab-case class names when using CSS Modules with SASS

I recently started a project where they are using camelCase class names in the JSX, but kebab-case in the SCSS.
When Webpack builds the solution, the kebab-case class names are converted to camelCase by the css-loader. WebStorm is showing code warnings for all the class names however in the JSX because it doesn't recognise this.
Is there a way to configure it to realise that they exist in kebab-case form and remove the warnings? I don't want to just turn the rule off because it's quite useful to spot the classes that are actually missing from the SCSS.
there is no way to configure this in Webstorm; please vote for WEB-28203 to be notified on any progress with this feature
