Cannot understand why program crashes after a couple iterations of while loop? - c

I am writing the following program to parse the text file (attached) but it keeps crashing after couple of iterations of while loop or it seems that the buffer storing file contents is corrupted somehow?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
char * pick_question(char *, char, int);
char * print_answer(char *, char, int);
int no_of_questions(char*, char);
void clear();
int debug = 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
system("cmd /c chcp 1252");
// system("cmd /c chcp 65001");
if (argc < 2)
perror("Please enter a filename!\n");
if (argc > 2)
debug = atoi(argv[2]);
char const* const fileName = argv[1];
FILE* file = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (!file)
perror("Unable to read file!\n");
if (debug == 1)
printf("File opened successfully\n");
static char *buffer;
int fileSz;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
fileSz = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
buffer = (char*) malloc((fileSz + 1) * sizeof(char));
if (!buffer)
perror("Unable to allocate buffer!");
fread(buffer, sizeof(char), fileSz, file);
while (1)
time_t t;
srand((unsigned) time(&t));
int sub = rand() % 5 + 1;
char del;
switch (sub)
case 1:
del = 'A';
case 2:
del = 'B';
case 3:
del = 'C';
case 4:
del = 'D';
case 5:
del = 'E';
int nrOfQues = no_of_questions(buffer, del);
if (nrOfQues == 0)
perror("main(): no_of_questions() returned 0. Unsupported text structure in file or incorrect file encoding!");
int qNo = rand() % nrOfQues + 1;
char *ques = pick_question(buffer, del, qNo);
if (ques)
perror("main(): pick_question() returned NULL. Unsupported text structure in file!");
printf("Do you want to see the answer(y/n)?");
char ans, repeat;
scanf("%c", &ans);
if ( ans == 'Y' || ans == 'y')
char *ans = print_answer(buffer, del, qNo);
if (ans)
perror("main(): print_answer() returned NULL. Unsupported text structure in file!");
printf("Do you want to try more questions (y/n)?");
scanf("%c", &repeat);
if (repeat == 'N' || repeat == 'n')
printf("******** Thank you for using TULE Master! ********");
return 0;
char * pick_question(char * buffer, char sub, int qNo)
char tmpBuff[20];
char tmpBuff2[20];
const char * searchStr = "FRÅGA";
const char * searchStr2 = "A 1 SVAR:";
const char * searchStr3 = "*****************************************";
char *pStr, *currPos, *nStr, *tmpStr, *tmpStr2;
currPos = buffer;
int count = snprintf(tmpBuff, 20, "FRÅGA %c %d", sub, qNo);
if (count >= 0 || count < 20)
if (debug)
printf("tmpBuff is %s\n", tmpBuff);
currPos = strstr(currPos, tmpBuff);
if (currPos)
pStr = currPos;
nStr = currPos + 1;
nStr = strstr(nStr, searchStr);
if (!nStr)
nStr = currPos;
nStr = strstr(nStr, searchStr2);
if (!nStr)
printf("pick_qestion(): nStr is NULL. Unsupported "
"text structure");
return NULL;
// Check if it is a scenario based question
count = snprintf(tmpBuff2, 20, "FRÅGA %c %d", sub, qNo-1);
if (count >= 0 || count < 20)
tmpStr = strstr(buffer, tmpBuff2);
tmpStr2 = strstr(tmpStr, searchStr3);
if (tmpStr < tmpStr2 && tmpStr2 < pStr)
pStr = tmpStr2;
int qLen = nStr - pStr;
char *ques = malloc(sizeof(char) * (qLen+1));
snprintf(ques,qLen,"%s", pStr);
return ques;
printf("pick_qestion(): string \"FRÅGA\" not found in file!");
return NULL;
printf("pick_qestion(): snprintf was not successful!");
return NULL;
char * print_answer(char * buffer, char sub, int qNo)
char tmpBuff[20];
char *pStr, *currPos, *nStr;
int count = snprintf(tmpBuff, 20, "%c %d SVAR:", sub, qNo);
if (count >= 0 || count < 20)
currPos = strstr(buffer, tmpBuff);
if (!currPos)
printf("print_answer(): string \"SVAR\" not found in file!");
pStr = currPos;
nStr = currPos + 1;
char tmpBuff2[20];
int count = snprintf(tmpBuff2, 20, "%c %d SVAR:", sub, qNo+1);
if (count < 0 || count >= 20)
printf("print_answer(): snprint was not successful!");
return NULL;
nStr = strstr(nStr, tmpBuff2);
if (!nStr)
nStr = buffer + strlen(buffer);
int ansLen = nStr - pStr;
char *ans = malloc(sizeof(char) * (ansLen+1));
snprintf(ans, ansLen, "%s", pStr);
return ans;
printf("print_answer(): snprint was not successful!");
return NULL;
int no_of_questions(char *buffer, char sub)
char tmpBuff[20];
char *currPos, *pStr;
int count = snprintf(tmpBuff, 20, "FRÅGA %c", sub);
if (count >= 0 || count < 20)
if (debug)
printf("tmpBuff is %s\n", tmpBuff);
currPos = strstr(buffer, tmpBuff);
while (currPos != NULL)
pStr = currPos;
currPos = currPos + 1;
currPos = strstr(currPos, tmpBuff);
if (pStr != buffer)
pStr += 9;
char tmpBuff2[20];
memcpy(tmpBuff2, pStr, 2);
if (debug)
printf("No. of questions for %c DEL is are %d\n", sub,
return atoi(tmpBuff2);
return 0;
return 0;
void clear()
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) { }
This is the file that is given as input to the program:


Why is does the file become NULL?

I'm new on the subject of data structures so forgive me if Im asking a stupid question, I've been trying to figure this out myself but got nowhere.
These are the functions I'm working on and I think I initialized the file properly. However I couldn't understand why the function GetString prints an infinite loop of spaces. I have another function that exported some data on the said file. When i deleted the ImportListOfCompanyData function everything seems in order and the file is exported as it should be. However when ImportListOfCompanyData is there, the file is NULL.
void char * GetString(FILE *fp)
char c;
while(c != '\n')
c = fgetc(fp);
printf("%c", c);
void ImportListOfCompanyData(char *FileName, struct CompanyType s[], int maxit1, int maxit2)
FILE * fp;
char c;
fp = fopen(FileName, "r");
if (fp==NULL)
printf("Error creating the file \n");
Someone asked for the complete code: It's bit long sorry!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXNUM 100
struct Department
char DepName[MAXNUM];
int NuEmp;
double Budget;
int dflag;
typedef struct Department DEP;
struct CompanyType
char CompName[MAXNUM];
char OwnerName[MAXNUM];
int Year;
double StockPrice;
int flag;
struct ImpDepartment
char IDepName[MAXNUM];
int INuEmp;
double IBudget;
int Idflag;
typedef struct ImpDepartment IDEP;
struct ImpCompanyType
char ICompName[MAXNUM];
char IOwnerName[MAXNUM];
int IYear;
double IStockPrice;
int Iflag;
void CreateCompany(struct CompanyType s[], char * cname, char * cowner, int year, double sprice, int i)
strcpy(s[i].CompName, cname);
strcpy(s[i].OwnerName, cowner);
s[i].Year = year;
s[i].StockPrice = sprice;
s[i].flag = 0;
int PrintCompany(struct CompanyType s[], int maxit1, int maxit2)
int flag = 0, i = 0;
while(i <= maxit1)
if(s[i].flag == 1)
flag = 1;
printf("%d. Company %s: \n\n", i + 1, s[i].CompName);
printf("Owned by: %s\n", s[i].OwnerName);
printf("Establishment year: %d\n", s[i].Year);
printf("Stock price: %.2lf\n", s[i].StockPrice);
int j = 0;
while(j < maxit2)
if(s[i].Dep[j].dflag == 1)
flag = 1;
printf("%d. Department %s: \n", j + 1, s[i].Dep[j].DepName);
printf("Number of employees: %d\n", s[i].Dep[j].NuEmp);
printf("Budget: %.2lf\n", s[i].Dep[j].Budget);
if(flag == 1)
return -1;
return 0;
int CompareName(char * str1, char * str2)
char *stra, *strb;
int result;
result = strcmp(str2, str1);
return result;
void DeleteCompany(struct CompanyType s[], char * cname, int n)
int i = 0, check = 0;
while(i <= n)
if(CompareName(s[i].CompName, cname)== 0)
check = 1;
if(check == 1)
s[i].flag = 1;
printf("Company %s was successfully deleted!\n", s[i].CompName);
printf("The input is wrong!");
void UnDeleteCompany(struct CompanyType s[], char * cname, int n)
int i = 0, check = 0;
while(i <= n)
if(CompareName(s[i].CompName, cname)== 0)
check = 1;
if(check == 1)
if(s[i].flag == 0)
printf("The Company %s wasn't deleted in the first place.\n\n", s[i].CompName);
s[i].flag = 0;
printf("Company %s was successfully undeleted!\n\n", s[i].CompName);
printf("The input is wrong!");
int SearchForCompany(struct CompanyType s[], char * cname, int maxit, int a)
int i = 0;
int check = 0;
int m = 0;
while(i <= maxit)
if(CompareName(s[i].CompName, cname)== 0)
check = 1;
if(check == 1)
if(s[i].flag == 1)
printf("The company ""%s"" doesn't exist\n\n", cname);
if(a == 1)
printf("The company %s was found!", s[i].CompName, s[i].CompName);
m = 1;
m = 1;
printf("The company ""%s"" doesn't exist\n\n", cname);
if (m == 1)
return i;
return -1;
void AddDeparments(struct CompanyType s[], char * cname, int maxit, int a, char * dname, int nem, double bud, int depno)
int n;
n = SearchForCompany(s,cname, maxit, a);
if(maxit == -1)
return -1;
strcpy(s[n].Dep[depno].DepName, dname);
s[n].Dep[depno].NuEmp = nem;
s[n].Dep[depno].Budget = bud;
s[n].Dep[depno].dflag = 0;
printf("The department %s was created in the %s company\n",s[n].Dep[depno].DepName, s[n].CompName);
int SearchForDepartments(struct CompanyType s[], char * dname, int maxit1, int maxit2, int a, int *succ, int *i, int*j)
int check = 0;
while((*j) <= maxit1)
while((*i) <= maxit2)
if(CompareName(s[(*i)].Dep[(*j)].DepName, dname)== 0)
check = 1;
if(check == 1)
if(check == 1)
if(s[(*i)].Dep[(*j)].dflag == 1)
printf("The department ""%s"" doesn't exist.\n\n", dname);
(*succ) = 1;
printf("The department ""%s"" doesn't exist\n\n", dname);
if ((*succ) == 1)
return 0;
return -1;
int SearchForDelDepartments(struct CompanyType s[], char * dname, int maxit1, int maxit2, int a, int *succ, int *i, int*j)
int check = 0;
while((*j) <= maxit1)
while((*i) <= maxit2)
if(CompareName(s[(*i)].Dep[(*j)].DepName, dname)== 0)
check = 1;
if(check == 1)
if(check == 1)
if(s[(*i)].Dep[(*j)].dflag == 1)
(*succ) = 1;
printf("The department ""%s"" doesn't exist\n\n", dname);
if ((*succ) == 1)
return 0;
return -1;
void DeleteDepartments(struct CompanyType s[], int maxit1, int maxit2, int a, char * dname)
int n, i = 0, j = 0;
int succ = 0;
n = SearchForDepartments(s, dname, maxit1, maxit2, a, &succ, &i, &j);
if(n == -1)
return -1;
if(succ == 1)
s[i].Dep[j].dflag = 1;
printf("The department %s was deleted from the %s company\n", dname, s[i].CompName);
void UnDeleteDepartments(struct CompanyType s[], int maxit1, int maxit2, int a, char * dname)
int n, i = 0, j = 0;
int succ = 0;
n = SearchForDelDepartments(s, dname, maxit1, maxit2, a, &succ, &i, &j);
if(n == -1)
return -1;
if(succ == 1)
s[i].Dep[j].dflag = 0;
if(s[i].Dep[j].dflag == 0)
printf("The department %s was undeleted\n", dname);
ExportListOfCompanyData(struct CompanyType s[], int maxit1, int maxit2, char * FileName)
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(FileName, "w");
if (fp==NULL)
printf("Error creating the file \n");
return -1;
int flag = 0, i = 0;
while(i <= maxit1)
if(s[i].flag == 1)
flag = 1;
fprintf(fp,"%s\n", s[i].CompName);
fprintf(fp,"%s\n", s[i].OwnerName);
fprintf(fp,"%d\n", s[i].Year);
fprintf(fp,"%.2lf\n\n", s[i].StockPrice);
int j = 0;
while(j < maxit2)
if(s[i].Dep[j].dflag == 1)
flag = 1;
fprintf(fp,"%s\n", s[i].Dep[j].DepName);
fprintf(fp,"%d\n", s[i].Dep[j].NuEmp);
fprintf(fp,"%.2lf\n\n", s[i].Dep[j].Budget);
if(flag == 1)
return -1;
return 0;
char * GetString(FILE *fp)
char * str; char c;
str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)* MAXNUM);
while(c != '\n')
c = fgetc(fp);
printf("%c", c);
ImportListOfCompanyData(char *FileName, struct CompanyType s[], int maxit1, int maxit2)
FILE * fp;
char c, *str;
str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)* MAXNUM);
fp = fopen(FileName, "r");
if (fp==NULL)
printf("Error creating the file \n");
int i = 0, j = 0, n;
return 0;
int main()
struct CompanyType CompanyList[MAXNUM];
CreateCompany(CompanyList, "alara inc", "alara", 2020, 6969, 0);
CreateCompany(CompanyList, "Shah inc", "shah", 2020, 3245, 1);
DeleteCompany(CompanyList, "Shah inc", 1);
SearchForCompany(CompanyList, "Shah inc", 1, 1);
UnDeleteCompany(CompanyList, "Shah inc", 1);
SearchForCompany(CompanyList, "Shah inc", 1, 1);
SearchForCompany(CompanyList, "alara inc", 1, 1);
AddDeparments(CompanyList, "alara inc", 1, 0, "computer", 20, 300, 0);
AddDeparments(CompanyList, "Shah inc", 1, 0, "chemistry", 30, 450, 0);
DeleteDepartments(CompanyList, 0, 1, 0, "chemistry");
UnDeleteDepartments(CompanyList, 0, 1, 0, "computer");
PrintCompany(CompanyList, 1, 1);
UnDeleteDepartments(CompanyList, 0, 1, 0, "chemistry");
ExportListOfCompanyData(CompanyList, 1, 1, "Data.txt");
ImportListOfCompanyData("Data.txt", CompanyList, 1, 1);
PrintCompany(CompanyList, 1, 1);
return 0;
It was a really easy solution. I replaced "w" and "r" with "a+"
I guess it was a stupid question, still learning!

How to pass array to a function that writes to a file

I have this long program and I need to write an array to a file but I'm having issues creating a function that passes array to it so I can write to file without redoing it every time.
This is what I want the function to be but I'm having issues passing the array to it.
the whole part of the program for this functionallity is at bottom plus contents of the file that the program needs to be able to run
void wtf(char *array)
int fdi = open("board.txt", O_RDWR);
char msg[1] = "\n";
char msg1[1] = ",";
char msg2[1] = " ";
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
char *neg4 = "-4";
char *neg2 = "-2";
char *neg3 = "-3";
char *neg5 = "-5";
char *neg6 = "-6";
char *neg1 = "-1";
char *cero = "+0";
char *pls4 = "+4";
char *pls2 = "+2";
char *pls3 = "+3";
char *pls5 = "+5";
char *pls6 = "+6";
char *pls1 = "+1";
char *table[8][8] = {{NULL}};
if (fdi != -1)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if ((strcmp(table[i][j], neg4) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg3) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg2) == 0) ||
(strcmp(table[i][j], neg5) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg6) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg1) == 0))
write(fdi, table[i][j], strlen(table[i][j]));
else if ((strcmp(table[i][j], pls4) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls3) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls2) == 0) ||
(strcmp(table[i][j], pls5) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls6) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls1) == 0))
write(fdi, table[i][j], strlen(table[i][j]));
else // if (strcmp(table[i][j], cero) == 0)
write(fdi, msg2, sizeof(msg2));
write(fdi, table[i][j], strlen(table[i][j]));
if (j <= 6)
write(fdi, msg1, sizeof(msg1));
write(fdi, msg, sizeof(msg));
the code..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // For exit() function
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define MAXC 1024
void wtf(char *array);
int main()
char c[1000];
char ch[1000];
FILE *fp, *fd, *op;
char word[1000], *token;
char *table[8][8] = {{NULL}};
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
char input[50];
char *endPos, *begPos;
char *buffer;
char *exit = "exit";
char *show = "show";
char *move = "mv";
char *cp = "cp";
char *prq = "prq";
char *prr = "prq";
char *prb = "prb";
char *prk = "prk";
char *neg4 = "-4";
char *neg2 = "-2";
char *neg3 = "-3";
char *neg5 = "-5";
char *neg6 = "-6";
char *neg1 = "-1";
char *cero = "0";
char *pls4 = "+4";
char *pls2 = "+2";
char *pls3 = "+3";
char *pls5 = "+5";
char *pls6 = "+6";
char *pls1 = "+1";
char *one = "1";
char msg[1] = "\n";
char msg1[1] = ",";
char msg2[1] = " ";
char msg3[1] = "+";
char msg4[1] = "-";
char yes[4] = "yes";
int a0Row, b0Col, a1Row, b1Col;
int fdi;
int flag = 0;
size_t len = 10;
if ((fp = fopen("board.txt", "r")) == NULL)
printf("Error! opening file");
return 0;
//fill array
while (fscanf(fp, "%3s", c) != EOF)
token = strtok(c, ",");
len = strlen(token);
//printf("%s ", token);
table[i][j] = malloc(len + 1);
memcpy(table[i][j++], token, len + 1);
if (j >= 8)
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
printf("%s ", table[i][j]);
fdi = open("new.txt", O_RDWR);
if (fdi != -1)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if ((strcmp(table[i][j], neg4) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg3) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg2) == 0) ||
(strcmp(table[i][j], neg5) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg6) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], neg1) == 0))
write(fdi, table[i][j], strlen(table[i][j]));
else if ((strcmp(table[i][j], pls4) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls3) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls2) == 0) ||
(strcmp(table[i][j], pls5) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls6) == 0) || (strcmp(table[i][j], pls1) == 0))
write(fdi, table[i][j], strlen(table[i][j]));
write(fdi, msg2, sizeof(msg2));
write(fdi, table[i][j], strlen(table[i][j]));
if (j <= 6)
write(fdi, msg1, sizeof(msg1));
write(fdi, msg, sizeof(msg));
return 0;
contents of file board.txt so program can run
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
I'm sure its probably very ineficient, just learning
Thanks for any input.
update:added errors I get
when I try doing
compiler says
warning: passing argument 1 of 'wtf' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
chess.c:8:16: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'char * (*)[8]'
void wtf(char *array);
then I try
compiler says
chess.c:586:18: warning: passing argument 1 of 'wtf' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
chess.c:8:16: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'char **'
void wtf(char *array);
There were a number of errors, including warnings about unused variables.
Too many to enumerate them, but ...
wtf had it's own table and not the one read by main.
It looks as though you tried to put the wtf into main when you couldn't pass the table array correctly.
Plus, doing neg1, neg2, ... instead of an array: char neg[6] makes the code needlessly complicated. Likewise for pls*
Also, neg* and pls* were being replicated in both functions. I've moved them to globals for compactness and speed. After doing this, I realized they could go [back] to wtf but having them as global is actually faster.
I fixed the table array passing to wtf [which was your main issue, I believe].
I refactored your program. It is still incomplete [and probably still a bit broken], but it should get you a bit further:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // For exit() function
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define MAXC 1024
#if 0
char msg[1] = "\n";
char msg1[1] = ",";
char msg2[1] = " ";
char msg3[1] = "+";
char msg4[1] = "-";
const char *msg[5] = {
"\n", ",", " ", "+", "-"
#if 0
const char *neg1 = "-1";
const char *neg4 = "-4";
const char *neg2 = "-2";
const char *neg3 = "-3";
const char *neg5 = "-5";
const char *neg6 = "-6";
const char *neg[6] = {
"-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6"
//const char *cero = "+0";
#if 0
const char *pls4 = "+4";
const char *pls2 = "+2";
const char *pls3 = "+3";
const char *pls5 = "+5";
const char *pls6 = "+6";
const char *pls1 = "+1";
const char *pls[6] = {
"+1", "+2", "+3", "+4", "+5", "+6"
const char *exitmsg = "exit";
const char *show = "show";
const char *move = "mv";
const char *cp = "cp";
const char *prq = "prq";
const char *prr = "prq";
const char *prb = "prb";
const char *prk = "prk";
const char *cero = "0";
const char *one = "1";
char yes[4] = "yes";
#define ARRSIZE(_arr) (sizeof(_arr) / sizeof((_arr)[0]))
write_string(int fdo,const char *str)
int len = strlen(str);
wtf(int fdo,char *table[8][8])
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
#if 0
char *table[8][8] = { {NULL} };
char *tab;
int idx;
int match;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
tab = table[i][j];
do {
match = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < ARRSIZE(neg); ++idx) {
if (strcmp(tab,neg[idx]) == 0) {
write_string(fdo, tab);
match = 1;
if (match)
for (idx = 0; idx < ARRSIZE(pls); ++idx) {
if (strcmp(tab,pls[idx]) == 0) {
write_string(fdo, tab);
match = 1;
if (match)
if (strcmp(tab, cero) == 0) {
write_string(fdo, msg[2]);
write_string(fdo, tab);
match = 1;
} while (0);
if (j <= 6) {
write_string(fdo, msg[1]);
write_string(fdo, msg[0]);
char c[1000];
char ch[1000];
FILE *fp,
char word[1000],
char *table[8][8] = { {NULL} };
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
char input[50];
char *endPos,
char *buffer;
int a0Row, b0Col, a1Row, b1Col;
int fdo;
int flag = 0;
char *bp;
size_t len = 10;
if ((fp = fopen("board.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Error! opening file");
return 0;
//fill array
while (1) {
// get a line
bp = fgets(c,sizeof(c),fp);
if (bp == NULL)
// parse all tokens on the line
while (1) {
token = strtok(bp,", \t\n");
bp = NULL;
if (token == NULL)
len = strlen(token);
// printf("%s ", token);
#if 0
table[i][j] = malloc(len + 1);
memcpy(table[i][j++], token, len + 1);
table[i][j++] = strdup(token);
if (j >= 8) {
j = 0;
// printf("\n");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// printf("\n");
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
printf("%s ", table[i][j]);
fdo = open("new.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,0644);
if (fdo == -1) {
return 1;
return 0;

realloc : corrupted data returned

I'm trying to read from a file using C and after shrinking the size using realloc I get corrupted data. I don't really see what the problem could be.
Here's the function that returns the string :
char *read_string(FILE *fichier) {
char car = 0;
size_t size = 1;
char *symbole = realloc(NULL, sizeof(char) * size);
char *s;
size_t len = 0;
if (!symbole)
return symbole;
s = symbole;
do {
car = getc(fichier);
} while (car != '"' && car != EOF);
if (car == EOF)
return EOFP;
else {
car = getc(fichier);
while (car != '"' ) {
s[len] = car;
car = getc(fichier);
if (len == size) {
symbole = realloc(s, sizeof(char) * (size += 1));
if (!symbole)
return symbole;
s = symbole;
s[len] = '\0' ;
symbole = realloc(s, sizeof(char) * len);
if (!symbole) {
return symbole;
} else
s = symbole;
return s;
My main function is:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fichier = NULL;
fichier = fopen("C:/Users/Nabila K/Documents/test.json", "r");
if ((fichier != NULL)) {
while (feof(fichier) == 0) {
char *test = read_string(fichier);
if (test == NULL) {
printf("test == NULL\n");
} else
if (test == EOFP) {
} else {
printf("%s\n", test);
} else {
return 0;
My json file looks something like this :
"2017-08-07 09:50:50" : {
"Anomalie" : {
"description" : "Test",
"theme" : "Engins mobiles"
"date" : "2017-08-07",
"date_now" : "2017-08-07 09:50:50",
"etat" : "Cree",
"nb_personne" : 2,
"temps" : 5,
"visiteur" : "KARIM BENNI",
"visite" : "AHMED RABII",
"zone" : "COUPE"
There are multiple issues in your code:
char car = 0; is incorrect: you must define car as int to correctly distinguish all values returned by getc(), especially EOF.
while (feof(fichier) == 0) is always wrong. Learn why there: Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?
EOFP is not defined, you should probably use NULL instead for more clarity.
the final realloc() to shrink the allocated block is one byte too short. You must keep len+1 bytes for len characters plus the null terminator.
Here is a simplified and corrected version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char EOFP[1]; /* special value used to signal end of file */
char *read_string(FILE *file) {
int c;
size_t size, len;
char *symbol;
char *s;
while ((c = getc(file)) != '"') {
if (c == EOF)
return EOFP;
size = 16;
len = 0;
symbol = malloc(size);
if (symbol == NULL) {
/* allocation failure */
return NULL;
while ((c = getc(file)) != '"') {
if (c == EOF) {
/* premature end of file in the middle of a string */
return EOFP;
if (len + 2 < size) {
size += size;
s = realloc(symbol, size);
if (s == NULL) {
/* allocation failure */
return NULL;
symbol = s;
symbol[len++] = c;
symbol[len] = '\0';
s = realloc(symbol, len + 1);
return s ? s : symbol;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *file = fopen("C:/Users/Nabila K/Documents/test.json", "r");
if (file != NULL)) {
char *test;
while ((test = read_string(file)) != EOFP) {
if (test == NULL) {
printf("test == NULL\n");
} else {
printf("%s\n", test);
} else {
return 0;
Parsing the full JSON syntax for strings would be required if the strings can contain escaped characters such as \" or \n, \\ etc.

Only printing last line of txt file when reading into struct array in C

I am reading from a txt file into an array of structures. Example txt:
-4.5 -1 0 0
4.0 1 0 0
8 0 1 2
12.1 0 -6 1
-3.2 2.5 -3.0 4
The 4 values of each line correspond to the 4 values in the structure. The file may contain up to 100 lines (MAX is defined as 100). With the following code I am trying to store each line into the respective index of the struct array and then print:
FILE *fileName = NULL;
typedef struct chargeData_struct {
double Q, x, y, z;
} ChargeData;
ChargeData values[MAX], *p = values;
fileName = fopen("charge2.txt", "r");
if (fileName == NULL)
printf("ERROR: Could not open file.");
int k = 0;
while (fscanf(fileName, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &p[k].Q, &p[k].x, &p[k].y, &p[k].z) != EOF);
printf("%f %f %f %f\n", p[k].Q, p[k].x, p[k].y, p[k].z);
However, only the last line of the txt file is printed. Is the same index of the struct array being overwritten each time?
You are using an extra semicolon which makes all the trouble, here:
while (fscanf(...) != EOF);
Remove it and you should be fine.
What happens with your code is that while(..); is equivalent to this:
; // do nothing
thus does not enter the body (the one you think is the body) of your loop (since the actual body does nothing). However scanf() continues to parse the file, and then this section of your code executes:
printf("%f %f %f %f\n", p[k].Q, p[k].x, p[k].y, p[k].z);
independently, where the curly braces are treated like they wanted to state scope.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define LINE_BUFFER_LEN (512)
typedef int (* LINE_READER)(char * pstrLine, int uiBufferLen, void * pvData);
typedef struct st_HW_SSP_CONFIG
const char * pstrConfigPath;
LINE_READER pfLineReader;
FILE * pstFile;
void * pvData;
int CurrentLine;
int Flag;
int CloseConfig(CONFIG_ST * pstConfig)
if (!pstConfig)
// record error
return -1;
if (fclose(pstConfig->pstFile))
// record error
return 0;
int OpenConfigFile(const char * pstrFilePath, CONFIG_ST * pstConfig)
FILE * pstFile = NULL;
if ((!pstrFilePath) || (!pstConfig))
return -1;
pstFile = fopen(pstrFilePath, "r");
if (!pstFile)
return -1;
pstConfig->pstFile = pstFile;
pstConfig->pstrConfigPath = pstrFilePath;
pstConfig->Flag = RESERVE_NEWLINDE;
return 0;
int IsNullStr(const char *pcStr)
const char *pcTmp = pcStr;
while ('\0' != *pcTmp)
if (!isspace(*pcTmp))
return 0;
return 1;
int IsEffectiveLine(char acFileLineBuffer[LINE_BUFFER_LEN])
if (0 == strlen(&acFileLineBuffer[0]))
return 0;
if ('#' == acFileLineBuffer[0]) // strip as a comment line
return 0;
if (IsNullStr(&acFileLineBuffer[0]))
return 0;
return 1;
void FilterNewLine(char* pcLine, int MaxNumLen)
int uiLen = strlen(pcLine);
if (uiLen > 1)
if ('\n' == pcLine[uiLen - 1])
pcLine[uiLen - 1] = '\0';
if (uiLen > 2)
if ('\r' == pcLine[uiLen - 2])
pcLine[uiLen - 2] = '\0';
int ReadConfigFile(CONFIG_ST * pstConfig)
char acFileLineBuffer[LINE_BUFFER_LEN] = {0};
char * pstrRead = NULL;
int Ret = 0;
if (!pstConfig)
return -1;
if ((!pstConfig->pstFile) || (!pstConfig->pfLineReader))
return -1;
pstConfig->CurrentLine = 0;
memset((void *)&acFileLineBuffer[0], 0, LINE_BUFFER_LEN);
pstrRead = fgets(&acFileLineBuffer[0], LINE_BUFFER_LEN - 1, pstConfig->pstFile);
if (pstrRead)
pstConfig->CurrentLine ++;
if (0 == IsEffectiveLine(acFileLineBuffer))
if (AUTO_FILTER_NEWLINDE == pstConfig->Flag)
FilterNewLine(acFileLineBuffer, LINE_BUFFER_LEN - 1);
if (pstConfig->pfLineReader)
Ret = pstConfig->pfLineReader(&acFileLineBuffer[0],
if (Ret)
while (pstrRead);
return Ret;
int ReadConfigFileEx(const char * pFilePath,
void * pData, int Flag)
int Ret = 0;
CONFIG_ST stConfig = {0};
Ret = OpenConfigFile(pFilePath, &stConfig);
if (Ret)
return Ret;
stConfig.pfLineReader = pfReader;
stConfig.pvData = pData;
stConfig.Flag = Flag;
Ret = ReadConfigFile(&stConfig);
return Ret;
int StringSplit(char *pcStr, char cFlag,
char * pstArray[], int MaxNum,
int *pNum)
char * pcStrTemp = 0;
unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
pcStrTemp = pcStr;
while (pcStrTemp)
pstArray[uiIndex] = pcStrTemp;
pcStrTemp = strchr(pcStrTemp, cFlag);
if (pcStrTemp)
*pcStrTemp = '\0';
pcStrTemp ++;
uiIndex ++;
if (uiIndex >= MaxNum)
if (0 != MaxNum)
*pNum = uiIndex >= MaxNum ? (MaxNum - 1) : uiIndex;
*pNum = 0;
return 0;
int MyLineReader(char * pstrLine, int uiBufferLen, void * pvData)
printf("Read line:[%s]\r\n", pstrLine);
char *pArray[8] = {0};
int Num = 0;
int index = 0;
StringSplit(pstrLine, ' ', pArray, 8, &Num);
for (index = 0; index <= Num; index ++)
printf("Get value :[%s]\r\n", pArray[index]);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int ret = 0;
if (argc != 2)
printf("Please input file to read.\r\n");
return 0;
ret = ReadConfigFileEx(argv[1], MyLineReader, NULL, AUTO_FILTER_NEWLINDE);
if (ret)
printf("Open file error.\r\n");
return 0;

Segmentation fault using fgets in C

My code is not working and it is when I call fgets in the commandSplit function. I figured this out by printing "Am I here" in multiple places and find that the error at fgets it seems. I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure. I get a segmentation fault and I can not figure out why. Below is my code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MAX_CHARACTERS 512
int Execute(char *a[], int t[], int num) {
int exitShell = 0;
int l = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int status;
if (strcmp(a[0], "quit") == 0) {
exitShell = 1;
if (t[i] && ((strcmp(a[l], "quit") == 0))) {
exitShell = 1;
char *holder[t[i]+1];
for (int j = 0; j < t[i]; j++) {
holder[j] = a[l];
holder[t[i]] = NULL;
pid_t p = fork();
pid_t waiting;
if (p == 0) {
execvp(holder[0], holder);
fprintf(stderr, "Child process could not execvp!\n");
} else {
if (p < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Fork FAILED!\n");
} else {
waiting = wait(&status);
printf("Child %d exit with status %d\n", waiting, status);
for (int g = 0; g < t[i]; g++) {
a[g] = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
t[i] = 0;
return exitShell;
int commandSplit(char *c, FILE *f, char *a[], int t[]) {
int count = 0;
int emptyfile = 1;
int stat = 0;
int total1 = 0;
char *temp[MAX_CHARACTERS];
if (c != NULL) {
char *readCommands = strtok(c, ";");
while (readCommands != NULL) {
temp[count] = readCommands;
readCommands = strtok(NULL, ";");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
char *read = strtok(temp[i], " ");
int track1 = 0;
while (read != NULL) {
a[total1] = read;
read = strtok(NULL, " ");
t[i] = track1;
stat = Execute(a, t, count);
} else {
char *buildCommands = "";
printf("Am I here???\n");
while ((fgets(buildCommands, MAX_CHARACTERS, f) != NULL) && !stat) {
printf("Am I here???\n");
emptyfile = 0;
commandSplit(buildCommands, NULL, a, t);
stat = Execute(a, t, count);
if (emptyfile) {
printf("File is empty!\n");
stat = 1;
printf("Am I here???\n");
return stat;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int exitProgram = 0;
FILE *fileRead = NULL;
if (argc == 2) {
fileRead = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (fileRead == NULL) {
printf("No such file exists\n");
exitProgram = 1;
if (argc > 2) {
printf("Incorrect batch mode call\n");
exitProgram = 1;
char *args[MAX_CHARACTERS];
int tracker[MAX_CHARACTERS];
while (!exitProgram) {
if (argc == 1) {
char *commands = (char *)(malloc(MAX_CHARACTERS * sizeof(char)));
if (fgets(commands, MAX_CHARACTERS, stdin) == NULL) {
exitProgram = 1;
int len;
len = strlen(commands);
if (len > 0 && commands[len-1] == '\n') {
commands[len-1] = '\0';
if (len > MAX_CHARACTERS) {
printf("TOO MANY CHARACTERS - MAX: 512\n");
if (strlen(commands) == 0)
exitProgram = commandSplit(commands, NULL, args, tracker);
} else {
exitProgram = commandSplit(NULL, fileRead, args, tracker);
return 0;
As commented #Jean-François Fabre , buildCommands points to insufficient space and potential const space;
char *buildCommands = "";
// bad code
while ((fgets(buildCommands, MAX_CHARACTERS, f) != NULL) && !stat) {
Allocate space with an array or malloc()
char buildCommands[MAX_CHARACTERS];
while ((fgets(buildCommands, sizeof buildCommands, f) != NULL) && !stat) {
// or
char *buildCommands = malloc(MAX_CHARACTERS);
while ((fgets(buildCommands, MAX_CHARACTERS, f) != NULL) && !stat) {
