Send probe requests without waiting for an answer in C - c

for a project I am working on, I have to regularly send probe requests (~ 10 every 10 ms) for a chosen SSID.
Currently I am doing this with the following code:
char *args[] = {"iwlist", INTERFACE, "scan", "essid", ssid, (char *) NULL};
where runQuietlyNonblocking runs the command in args with execvp and fork without waiting for the new thread to finish.
But since iwlist scan waits for probe answers and this takes more time than I need to create new probe requests, the probe requests get send but I got about 10000 threads after about half an hour and the program crashes due to memory shortage.
I am working on a raspberry pi with raspbian lite installed.
Is there a better way to send probe requests without the need to wait for an answer? Can i send probe requests manually or tell iwlist not to look for responses?

There are a few options. As far as I know popen() with "w" parameter does not wait for command execution, though it forks the process and pclose() will wait until command executes. system() just waits for command execution, but you might try feeding it to shell like this
system("iwlist wlan0 scan &")
That is, if you are stuck with iwlist.
As an alternative you can try using wpa_supplicant. It has a "scan" interface and "scan_results", first one sends request while the later gives out results.
for (;;)
FILE *fp = popen ("wpa_cli -i wlan0 scan", "w");
if (fp)
pclose (fp);
sleep (1);
(implying wpa_supplicant is up and running).
Last but not least, there are drivers which allow doing background scanning with their own interfaces, have seen it on proprietary Redpine driver.


posix_spawn pipe dmesg to python script

I've got several USB to 422 adapters in my test system. I've used FTProg to give each adapter a specific name: Sensor1, Sensor2, etc. They will all be plugged in at power on. I don't want to hard code each adapter to a specific ttyUSBx. I want the drivers to figure out which tty it needs to use. I'm developing in C for a linux system. My first thought was to something like this in my startup code.
system("dmesg |");
The python script would find the devices since each one has a unique Product Description. Then using the usb tree to associate each device with its ttyUSBx. The script would then create /tmp/USBDevs which would just be a simple device:tty pairing that would be easy for the C code to search.
I've been told...DoN't UsE sYsTeM...use posix_spawn(). But I'm having problems getting the output of dmesg piped to my python script. This isn't working
char *my_args[] = {"dmesg", "|", "", NULL};
pid_t pid;
int status;
status = posix_spawn(&pid, "/bin/dmesg", NULL, NULL, my_args, NULL);
if(status == 0){
if(waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != -1);{
printf("posix_spawn exited: %i", status);
I've been trying to figure out how to do this with posix_spawn_file_actions(), but I'm not allowed to hit the peak of the 'Ballmer Curve' at work.
Thanks in advance
Instead of using /dev/ttyUSB* devices, write udev rules to generate named symlinks to the devices. For a brief how-to, see here. Basically, you'll have an udev rule for each device, ending with say SYMLINK+=Sensor-name, and in your program, use /dev/Sensor-name for each sensor. (I do recommend using Sensor- prefix, noting the initial Capital letter, as all device names are currently lowercase. This avoids any clashes with existing devices.)
These symlinks will then only exist when the matching device is plugged in, and will point to the correct device (/dev/ttyUSB* in this case). When the device is removed, udev automagically deletes the symlink also. Just make sure your udev rule identifies the device precisely (not just vendor:device, but serial number also). I'd expect the rule to look something like
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="VVVV", ATTRS{idProduct}=="PPPP", ATTRS{serial}=="SSSSSSSS", SYMLINK+="Sensor-name"
where VVVV is the USB Vendor ID (four hexadecimal digits), PPPP is the USB Product ID (four hexadecimal digits), and SSSSSSSS is the serial number string. You can see these values using e.g. udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyUSB* when the device is plugged in.
If you still insist on parsing dmesg output, using your own script is a good idea.
You could use FILE *handle = popen("dmesg |", "r"); and read from handle like it was a file. When complete, close the handle using int exitstatus = pclose(handle);. See man popen and man pclose for the details, and man 2 wait for the WIFEXITED(), WEXITSTATUS(), WIFSIGNALED(), WTERMSIG() macros you'll need to use to examine exitstatus (although in your case, I suppose you can just ignore any errors).
If you do want to use posix_spawn() (or roughly equivalently, fork() and execvp()), you'd need to set up at least one pipe (to read the output of the spawned command) – two if you spawn/fork+exec both dmesg and your Python script –, and that gets a bit more complicated. See man pipe for details on that. Personally, I would rewrite the Python script so that it executes dmesg itself internally, and only outputs the device name(s). With posix_spawn(), you'd init a posix_file_actions_t, with three actions: _adddup2() to duplicate the write end of the pipe to STDOUT_FILENO, and two _addclose()s to close both ends of the pipe. However, I myself prefer to use fork() and exec() instead, somewhat similar to the example by Glärbo in this answer.

Core dump when running C program using systemd

I have a program in C that runs well when running it directly from the comand line but fails when running it with systemd:
Core was generated by `/usr/local/bin/midnite-modbusd'.
Program terminated with signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
#0 0x0000000000401308 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7ffeae390268) at src/midnite-modbusd.c:139
139 slen= interval - (millis % interval);
The code in question:
//wait for start of each sample interval
millis= (long long unsigned)tv.tv_sec*1000 + (tv.tv_usec/1000);
slen= interval - (millis % interval);
i= (millis+slen) % 1000;
usleep (slen*1000);
The full code is available on github.
The systyemd unit:
Description=Midnite Classic modbus data polling
What can be so different when a program runs with systemd ?
Edit 1
It seems that my program has major issues that only happen when running with systemd:
it won't read my configuration file, which should throw an error message and exit(1) because of invalid values
journactl doesn't get filled in real time. Using journactl -f I have to wait a couple of minutes before seeing a bunch of logs that appear suddenly
As a side note for my tests using the command line I run: sudo -H -u midnite-modbusd /usr/local/bin/midnite-modbusd
A defined value of sample_interval from configuration file will initialize the interval, please check if the file is correct and sample_interval is present. An uninitialized value of interval might cause the divide by zero exception
I found the issue in this code:
if (getppid()==1) {
sprintf(str, "Daemon aready running");
This code is here for when the program was intended to fork itself to run as an "old style" daemon.
I didn't realize that, as systemd is forking it, then the program have a parent process (thus getppid() returning 1 when running with systemd but not from the command line)
Anyway it is badly written: this test should stop the script.

Get signal level of the connected WiFi network

Using wpa_supplicant 2.4 on ARM Debian.
Is there a way to get signal level, in decibels or percents, of the wireless network I’m currently connected to?
STATUS command only returns the following set of values: bssid, freq, ssid, id, mode, pairwise_cipher, group_cipher, key_mgmt, wpa_state, ip_address, p2p_device_address, address, uuid
I can run SCAN afterwards, wait for results and search by SSID. But that’s slow and error-prone, I'd like to do better.
The driver should already know that information (because connected, and adjusting transmit levels for energy saving), is there a way to just query for that?
This question is not about general computing hardware and software. I'm using wpa_supplicant through a C API defined in wpa_ctrl.h header, interacting with the service through a pair of unix domain sockets (one for commands, another one for unsolicited events).
One reason I don’t like my current SCAN + SCAN_RESULT solution, it doesn’t work for hidden SSID networks. Scan doesn’t find the network, therefore I’m not getting signal level this way. Another issue is minor visual glitch at application startup. My app is launched by systemd, Unless it’s the very first launch, Linux is already connected to Wi-Fi by then. In my app’s GUI (the product will feature a touch screen), I render a phone-like status bar, that includes WiFi signal strength icon. Currently, it initially shows minimal level (I know it's connected because STATUS command shows SSID), only after ~1 second I’m getting CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS event from wpa_supplicant, run SCAN_RESULT command and update signal strength to the correct value.
On the API level my code is straightforward. I have two threads for that, both call wpa_ctrl_open, the command thread calls wpa_ctrl_request, the event thread has an endless loop that calls poll passing wpa_ctrl_get_fd() descriptor and POLLIN event mask, followed by wpa_ctrl_pending and wpa_ctrl_recv.
And here's the list of files in /sys/class/net/wlan0:
You can get the signal level of the connected wifi by wpa_supplicant cmd SIGNAL_POLL
The wpa_supplicant would return:
The value of the RSSI is the signal level.
You can get the signal level of the connected wifi by wpa_supplicant cmd BSS <bssid>.
About the bssid of the connected wifi, you can get from wpa_supplicant cmd STATUS.
For iw compatible devices:
Following command gives the current station(aka AP) signal strength:
iw dev wlp2s0 station dump -v
If you need C API, just dig the source code of iw.
After a quick glance, the function you need is here
For broadcom devices, try search broadcom wl. It is close source, don't know if C API is provided.

How to print response to AT commands in Arduino serial port?

I want to print the response to AT command. I'm sending AT command but I'm not getting any response in the Arduino serial port. It's giving -1 instead of OK.
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
String ssid = "connectify-krish";
String password = "12345678";
String myword= "";
SoftwareSerial esp(10, 11);
void setup() {
void loop() {}
As already pointed out in the comments you are not terminating the AT command line, so the modem will never respond to this.
Make sure you read V.250 and learn the difference between an AT command and an AT command line. ATI is an AT command, and "ATI I I\r" is a command line invoking this command three times in a row. Notice by the way in this example that you will get just one single Final result code for all three of them, i.e. the Final result code is a response to a complete command line and not to individual command invocations.
Then after fixing the sending of the command you must implement proper handling of the response. This includes reading and parsing what the modem sends back as a response to the sent command line. See this answer for the code structure and implementation hints.
As you've been told, terminate your AT commands with a carriage return character \r. Also you current code will read only a byte of the response, and thats if the response has even arrived since you included no delay at all. To communicate with the ESP interactively with the Serial monitor, I'd recommend using this:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial esp(10, 11);
void setup(){
void loop()
while (Serial.available()) // forward data from monitor to esp
while (esp.available()) // forward data from esp to monitor
This basically makes your Arduino a conduit for communication between your PC and the ESP. You can send commands to the ESP with the Serial monitor and get their results immediately. Its great for testing commands. Just remember to set the serial monitor to BOTH NL & CR; this will serve you well for commands as well as any HTTP requests you send, as it appends \r\n to everything you send.
If you do want to write a sketch to talk to the ESP, you must provide some delay after sending a command to wait for the module to process the command and respond. The delay varies depending on the command, at least 500ms. The usual procedure is to define a timeout period for each command, depending on how long its expected to take, after which you 'give up' if there's no response yet. There are lots of libraries on GitHub that involve talking to some device using AT commands; study them to learn their techniques.

How to configure GDB in Eclipse such that all prcoesses keep on running including the process being debugged?

I am new in C programming and I have been trying hard to customize an opensource tool written in C according to my organizational needs.
IDE: Eclipse,
Debugger: GDB,
The tool is multi-process in nature (main process executes first time and spawns several child processes using fork() ) and they share values in run time.
While debugging in Eclipse (using GDB), I find that the process being debugged is only running while other processes are in suspended mode. Thus, the only running process is not able to do its intended job because the other processes are suspended.
I saw somewhere that using MI command in GDB as "set non-stop on" could make other processes running. I used the same command in the gdbinit file shown below:
Note: I have overridden above .gdbinit file with an another gdbinit because the .gdbinit is not letting me to debug child processes as debugger terminates after the execution of main process.
But unfortunately debugger stops responding after using this command.
Please see below commands I am using in the gdbinit file:
Commenting non-stop enables Eclipse to continue usual debugging of the current process.
Adding: You can see in below image that only one process is running while others are suspended.
Can anyone please help me to configure GDB according to my requirement?
Thanks in advance.
OK #n.m.: Actually, You were right. I should have given more time to understand the flow of the code.
The tool creates 3 processes first and then the third process creates 5 threads and keeps on wait() for any child thread to terminate.
Top 5 threads (highlighted in blue) shown in the below image are threads and they are children of Process ID: 17991
The first two processes are intended to initiate basic functionality of the tool and hence they just wait to get exit(0). You can see below.
if (0 != (pid = zbx_fork()))
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
if (0 != (pid = zbx_fork()))
That was the reason I was not actually able to step in these 3 processes. Whenever, I tried to do so, the whole main process terminated immediately and consequently leaded to terminate all other processes.
So, I learned that I was supposed to "step-into" threads only. And yes, actually I can now debug :)
And this could be achieved because I had to remove the MI command "set follow-fork-mode child". So, I just used the default " .gdbinit" file with enabled "Automatically debug forked process".
Thanks everyone for your input. Stackoverflow is an awesome place to learn and share. :)
