Pipes in c linux to connect 3 processes to execute a command - c

My task is to write a C program that executes the command "ls -l /bin/?? | grep rwxr-xr-x | sort". There are 3 child processes where each of them executes one of the commands separately and sends the result through a pipe to the next child process. I'm using a Swedish modified verision of debian so the error message is in Swedish, but i'll translate the error i get, it's something along the lines of: sort: failed to status -: unknown fileidentifier.
Maybe it's my pipes that do not work as intended, I'm not too sure about the close() commands. I'm pretty sure the error comes from the pipes. Would be grateful if someone could run the program and get the english error message.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int ret;
int fds1[2], fds2[2], fds3[2];
char buf[20];
pid_t pid;
///initiating pipes
if(ret == -1){
perror("could not pipe");
if( ret == -1){
perror("could not pipe");
if (ret == -1){
perror("could not pipe");
fprintf(stderr,"fork failed");
///CHILD 1
execlp("/bin/sh","bin/sh", "ls-l /bin/??", (char *)NULL);
fprintf(stderr,"fork failed");
execlp("/usr/share/grep/", "grep", "rwxr-xr-x", NULL);
fprintf(stderr,"fork failed");
execlp("sort", "sort", NULL);

Your code has several problems, but before I discuss them, let me introduce you to a flavor of one of my favorite preprocessor macros:
#define DO_OR_DIE(x, s) do { \
if ((x) < 0) { \
perror(s); \
exit(1); \
} \
} while (0)
Using this macro where it is applicable can clarify your code by replacing all the boilerplate error checking. For example, this:
if(ret == -1){
perror("could not pipe");
becomes just
DO_OR_DIE(pipe(fds1), "pipe");
That makes it a lot easier to see and focus on the key parts of the code, and it's easier to type, too. As a result, it also reduces the temptation to skip error checks, such as those for your calls to dup().
Now, as to your code. For me, it exhibits not just the one misbehavior you now describe in your question, but three:
It emits an error message "bin/sh: ls-l /bin/??: No such file or directory".
It emits the error message you describe, "sort: stat failed: -: Bad file descriptor".
It does not terminate.
The first error message pertains to multiple problems in the arguments to your first execlp() call. If you want to launch a shell and specify a command for it to run, as opposed to a file from which to read commands, then you must pass the -c option to it. Additionally, you've omitted mandatory whitespace between the ls and its arguments. It looks like you want this:
execlp("/bin/sh","sh", "-c", "ls -l /bin/??", (char *)NULL);
Setting aside the second problem for the moment, let's turn to the failure to terminate. You have several problems in this area, falling into these categories:
Holding pipe ends open where you should ensure them closed
Calling wait() at the wrong points
When you set up a pipe between two processes, you generally want to make sure that there are no open file descriptors on either end of the pipe other than one on the write end held by one process, and one on the read end held by the other process. Each end should be open exactly once, in exactly one process. Since the processes being connected invariably inherit these file descriptors from their parent, it is essential that the parent close its copies (except that the parent will want to keep one open in the event that it itself is one of the communicating processes).
The process on the read end of a pipe will not see EOF on that pipe until all open file descriptors on the write end are closed. Child processes running programs such as grep and sort that read their input to its end will hang indefinitely if the write end of the pipe is not completely closed.
That can be a particularly perverse problem when the child reading the pipe also has a copy of the write end of that pipe, unused, or if one of its siblings does.
Additionally, the whole point of a pipeline is that the processes involved run concurrently. If you wait() after starting one before starting the next, then at minimum you prevent such concurrency. Worse, however, that can also cause your program to hang, because a pipe has finite buffer capacity. If the child is writing output to a pipe, but no one is reading it, then the pipe's buffer can fill to capacity, at which point the child blocks. If the parent is waiting for the child to finish before launching the process that will drain the pipe, then you have a deadlock. Therefore, you should start all the processes in the pipeline first, then wait for them all.
Having fixed such problems in your code, I find that the program emits a different error for me:
execlp: No such file or directory
(The specifics of this message derive from the nature of my fixes.) This should be especially concerning, because if execlp() fails then it returns in the process in which it was called. In your cases, control will then fall right out of your if statement, into the code intended only for the parent to execute. For this reason, it is essential to handle errors from execlp(). At minimum, add a call to exit() or _Exit() immediately after.
But what's failing? Well, it's the grep this time. Note that you specify the command to execute as "/usr/share/grep/" -- that trailing / is erroneous, and the path itself is suspect. On my system, the correct path is /usr/bin/grep, but since we're using execlp, which resolves the executable in the path, we might as well omit the path altogether:
execlp("grep", "grep", "rwxr-xr-x", (char *) NULL);
Et voilà! After making that correction as well, your program runs for me.
Additional advice: do not use dup() when you care what file descriptor number you want the duplicate to have, such as when you're trying to dup onto one of the standard streams. Use dup2() for that, which has the additional advantage that you don't need to close the specified file descriptor first.


C language pipe between 2 child processes blocks indefinitely

I am trying to make a program to takes a command including pipes and then executes it. This is a simplified version of it where I'm trying to pipe the ls and wc command:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main(){
char* arglist1[] = {"ls", NULL}; // writing process
char* arglist2[] = {"wc", NULL}; // reading process
int pipefd[2];
pid_t p1, p2;
if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) {
printf("\nPipe could not be initialized");
return 0;
p1 = fork();
if (p1 < 0) {
printf("\nCould not fork");
return 0;
if (p1 == 0) { // Child 1 executing it needs to write at the write end
dup2(pipefd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
if (execvp(arglist1[0], arglist1) < 0) {
printf("\nCould not execute command 1..");
} else { // Parent executing
p2 = fork();
if (p2 < 0) {
printf("\nCould not fork");
return 0;
if (p2 == 0) { // Child 2 executing it needs to read at the read end
dup2(pipefd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
if (execvp(arglist2[0], arglist2) < 0) {
printf("\nCould not execute command 2..");
} else { // parent executing, waiting for two children
return 0;
Although there is error handling in the program, it neither shows anything nor ends. Where is it blocking?
Your problem is that the parent doesn't close both the pipe's file descriptors, and the wc process won't die until it gets EOF on the pipe, and that won't happen until every process that has the write end of the pipe open has closed it. You need to close both ends of the pipe in the parent before waiting for the children to die.
Rule of thumb: If you
one end of a pipe to standard input or standard output, close both of the
original file descriptors returned by
as soon as possible.
In particular, you should close them before using any of the
family of functions.
The rule also applies if you duplicate the descriptors with either
If the parent process will not communicate with any of its children via
the pipe, it must ensure that it closes both ends of the pipe early
enough (before waiting, for example) so that its children can receive
EOF indications on read (or get SIGPIPE signals or write errors on
write), rather than blocking indefinitely.
Even if the parent uses the pipe without using dup2(), it should
normally close at least one end of the pipe — it is extremely rare for
a program to read and write on both ends of a single pipe.
Note that the O_CLOEXEC option to
and the FD_CLOEXEC and F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC options to fcntl() can also factor
into this discussion.
If you use
and its extensive family of support functions (21 functions in total),
you will need to review how to close file descriptors in the spawned process
Note that using dup2(a, b) is safer than using close(b); dup(a);
for a variety of reasons.
One is that if you want to force the file descriptor to a larger than
usual number, dup2() is the only sensible way to do that.
Another is that if a is the same as b (e.g. both 0), then dup2()
handles it correctly (it doesn't close b before duplicating a)
whereas the separate close() and dup() fails horribly.
This is an unlikely, but not impossible, circumstance.
Side notes:
Error messages should be written to stderr, not stdout, and should end with a newline. They don't normally need to start with a newline.
You don't need to test the return value from the exec*() family of functions. If they succeed, they don't return; if they return, they failed. But it is important to have code after the eec*() call to trap the error.
The program should exit with a non-zero status (e.g. EXIT_FAILURE) if the exec*() function fails. Exiting with status zero reports success.

Feeding stdout to a child process which will execv() sort

I am trying to find out how I can send output of one process into a child process. I have gone down a journey learning of file descriptors and pipes. I think I am almost there but am missing a key component.
This is what I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int fd[2];
pid_t sort_pid;
/* Create the pipe */
if(pipe(fd) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Pipe failed\n");
/* create child process that will sort */
sort_pid = fork();
if(sort_pid < 0) { // failed to fork
fprintf(stderr, "Child Fork failed\n");
else if(sort_pid == 0) { // child process
close(0); // close stdin
dup2(fd[0], 0); // make stdin same as fd[0]
close(fd[1]); // don't need this end of the pipe
execlp("D:/Cygwin/bin/sort", "sort", NULL);
else { // parent process
close(1); // close stdout
dup2(fd[1], 1); // make stdout same as fd[1]
close(fd[0]); // don't need this end of the pipe
printf("It Works!\n");
This doesn't work, as it seems to go into an endless loop or something. I tried combinations of the wait() but that doesnt help either.
I am doing this to learn how to apply this idea in my actual program. In my actual program I read files, parse them line by line and save the processed data to a static array of structs. I want to be able to then generate output based on these results and use the fork() and execv() syscalls to sort the output.
This is ultimately for a project in uni.
These are similar examples which I dissected to get to the stage I am at so far:
pipe() and fork() in c
How to call UNIX sort command on data in pipe
Using dup,pipe,fifo to communicate with the child process
Furthermore I read the manual pages on the relevant syscalls to try and understand them. I will admit my knowledge of pipes and using them is still basically nothing, as this is my first every try with them.
Any help is appreciated, even further sources of information I could look into myself. I seem to have exhausted most of the useful stuff a google search give me.
sort will read until it encounters end-of-file. You therefore have to close the write-end of the pipe if you want it to complete. Because of the dup2, you have two copies of the open file description, so you need
close(fd[1]); anytime after the call to dup2
close(1); after you're done writing to (the new) stdout
Make sure to fflush(stdout) before the second of these to ensure that all your data actually made it into the pipe.
(This is a simple example of a deadlock: sort is waiting on the pipe to close, which will happen when the parent exits. But the parent won't exit until it finishes waiting on the child to exit…)

error in executing system function with STDOUT_FILENO closed

I have an strange issue. I am not very good in C language. I am trying to create a daemon to execute my bash script based service in Linux. To make it easy I have made the code simple. Below is my code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syslog.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
pid_t process_id = 0;
pid_t sid = 0;
process_id = fork();
if (process_id < 0)
printf("fork failed!\n");
if (process_id > 0)
printf("daemon creatd with process id %d \n", process_id);
sid = setsid();
if(sid < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Return error\n");
int status = system("ls");
openlog("slog", LOG_PID|LOG_CONS, LOG_USER);
syslog(LOG_INFO, "Returned status is %d", status);
return (0);
As you can see, the above program will execute the system function to execute the ls command and output the exit code to system log.
After I compile the program and run, in the logs I can see the status code is 512. But If I comment out the following line,
then it works perfect and I can see in the log the status code is 0,
What I might be doing wrong?
My program is pretty big and I am not using ls in real environment. i made the program simple to reproduce the issue what I am facing. Also, to see the status of program, I am not looking at the output but the status code in the syslog.
In case it is not clear from other comments and answers, ls writes its output to stdout. If it can not write to stdout it terminates and (apparently) sets an status code of 512 (non-zero in any case).
The child process will inherit stdout from the parent, so if you do not close stdout in the parent, the child will have a stdout to write to and the command will succeed. If you close stdout, then the child has nowhere to write its output and the error occurs.
So, although ls is just an example for this question, your actual child process is writing to stdout which results in the same problem.
The simplest way around this, and assuming that you do not want the child's output, is to redirect the child's stdout on the command line:
int status = system("ls >/dev/null 2>&1");
This will redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null, effectively throwing away the child's output while still giving it somewhere to write to.
Your daemon creation looks fine. But daemon processes by convention do not have a controlling terminal which you accomplish by closing all the standard file descriptors and call setsid() to create a new session to make the daemon a session leader. So, you can't make the daemon produce any output on the stdout stream. It obviously works if you don't close the stdout stream.
So, what you are doing is trying to write something to a tty from a terminal. So, you either don't need a daemon for this purpose or you need to write to a different file (instead of stdout).

How to call UNIX sort command on data in pipe

I am creating a C program and with it I am setting up a pipe between separately forked process for interprocess communication.
The first process has written the data I need into the pipe.
However, with the second process reading from the pipe, I am trying to exec the process to become the UNIX sort command. I want to somehow call sort on the data in the pipe.
How can I call sort on a pipe? On the commandline, I can sort by supplying the filename to sort as a commandline argument e.g. "sort -r MyFileToSort". I know that pipes are essentially considered files, but they are only described by their file descriptor, and as far as I know, sort won't know what to do with a fd.
Thanks for any help/feedback
int p[2];
if (pipe(p) != 0) ...report error and do not continue...
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) ...report error, close pipe descriptors, and do not continue...
if (pid == 0)
/* Child - becomes sort */
dup2(p[0], 0);
int fd = open("output-file", O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644);
if (fd < 0) ...report error and exit...
dup2(fd, 1);
execlp("sort", "sort", (char *)0);
...report error and exit...
/* Parent - writes data to sort */
...write data to fd[1]...
int status;
int corpse;
while ((corpse = wait(&status)) > 0 && corpse != pid)
...consider reporting which child died...
...consider reporting sort status...
...continue with the rest of the program...
You can decide whether to report errors related to dup2() failing, or close() failing. There isn't much you can do in either case except report the problem and exit. Unless someone has subjected your program to cruel and unusual punishment by not supplying it with standard input, standard output and standard error (or something elsewhere in the program has closed any of the standard channels), then the pipe and file descriptors can't be the standard I/O descriptors, so the closes are safe. If you're not sure how sick your users are, you might protect the closes:
if (p[0] > FILENO_STDERR)
That is normally unnecessarily paranoid (but it can be fun trying programs with missing standard I/O).
You don't need to pass sort any arguments to specify input source or output sink at all in this case. Instead, before execing it, you should make attach your pipeline's file descriptors to its stdin (FD 0, if receiving data from a pipe) or stdout (FD 1, if writing data to a pipe), as appropriate.
See the dup2() call, which lets you set the destination to which you're copying a FD, for this purpose. As #JonathanLeffler points out, you'll want to be sure to close the original FDs (after duplicating them to the numbers you want) before your exec call.
Since you've clarified, in comments, that your goal is to write to a file, you would attach FD 1 to that destination file before calling exec, with FD 0 attached to the output side of the pipeline containing input.

How to pipe own output to another process?

I want to do simple thing: my_process | proc2 | proc3, but programatically - without using shell, that can do this pretty easy. Is this possible? I cannot find anything :(
Well, without code, nobody will know, what problem I'm trying to resolve. Actually, no output is going out (I'm using printfs)
int pip1[2];
dup2(pip1[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
int fres = fork();
if (fres == 0) {
dup2(pip1[0], STDIN_FILENO);
execlp("wc", "wc", (char*)0);
else {
Please learn about file descriptors and the pipe system call. Also, check read and write.
Your 'one child' code has some major problems, most noticeably that you configure the wc command to write to the pipe, not to your original standard output. It also doesn't close enough file descriptors (a common problem with pipes), and isn't really careful enough if the fork() fails.
You have:
int pip1[2];
dup2(pip1[1], STDOUT_FILENO); // The process will write to the pipe
int fres = fork(); // Both the parent and the child will…
// Should handle fork failure
if (fres == 0) {
dup2(pip1[0], STDIN_FILENO); // Should close pip1[0] too
execlp("wc", "wc", (char*)0);
else { // Should duplicate pipe to stdout here
close(pip1[0]); // Should close pip1[1] too
You need:
fflush(stdout); // Print any pending output before forking
int pip1[2];
int fres = fork();
if (fres < 0)
/* Failed to create child */
/* Report problem */
/* Probably close both ends of the pipe */
else if (fres == 0)
dup2(pip1[0], STDIN_FILENO);
execlp("wc", "wc", (char*)0);
dup2(pip1[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
Note that the amended code follows the:
Rule of thumb: If you use dup2() to duplicate one end of a pipe to standard input or standard output, you should close both ends of the original pipe.
This also applies if you use dup() or fcntl() with F_DUPFD.
The corollary is that if you don't duplicate one end of the pipe to a standard I/O channel, you typically don't close both ends of the pipe (though you usually still close one end) until you're finished communicating.
You might need to think about saving your original standard output before running the pipeline if you ever want to reinstate things.
As Alex answered, you'll need syscalls like pipe(2), dup2(2), perhaps poll(2) and some other syscalls(2) etc.
Read Advanced Linux Programming, it explains that quite well...
Also, play with strace(1) and study the source code of some simple free software shell.
See also popen(3) -which is not enough in your case-
Recall that stdio(3) streams are buffered. You probably need to fflush(3) at appropriate places (e.g. before fork(2))

