SSIS package runs slow on server but fine on dev machine - sql-server

I have an SSIS package that moves data from SQL server to a Postgres 9.5 database. I'm using the latest Postgres ODBC drivers to connect to the postgres server. The bulk of the operations are inserts and updates and upserts. When I run this package from my development machine (Win 10 64-bit) in Visual Studio 2012 it's quite speedy. It can transfer about 80k rows in around 40 seconds.
When I deploy it to the server (an SQL Server 2012 instance) and run it using SQL management studio it executes painfully slow. It took around 20 seconds to transfer less than 10 rows, and takes forever to work on the full data set. I never let if finish because it just takes too long.
Both my development machine and the server have the exact same postgres driver installed and identically configured ODBC sources.
Edit: I should also note that I have other packages deployed to that server that run just fine, though these packages don't touch postgres or use ODBC for anything.

If all else is equal:
Same drivers
Same configurations - ODBC (i.e. ssl, same boxes ticked), package parameters
Same tables - with same amount of data in them and indexes
Same bit-ness (64x)
I would look towards resource differences. I.e.
is the IO the same. Assuming this is writing to the same database (and files), then this should not be an issue.
Memory - is the ram constrained on the dev instance? If the dataflow has large buffers this could really slow things down.
CPU - is the dev server more limited than your dev machine
Network - is the dev server sitting in a different subnet with differing QoS. I would guess this is not an issue since other packages are not affected. Unless there is something weird when connecting to Postgres.
Another way to zero in on the issue would be to run different versions of the package, stripping out parts of the dataflow. i.e. remove the odbc / destination and run the package. If it finishes quickly, you know the issue is there. If it is still slow, keep going upstream until you've identified the component that's slow.
Lastly, I would consider using psql over odbc. psql is a postgres utility, like SQL's bcp, which would allow you to bulk copy data to postgres. The odbc driver will only allow row by row inserts which tend to be sluggish. Writing the data to a tab delimited file and then using psql to bulk copy the data into postgres is actually significantly faster (80k rows might take 5s all told).


Facing slowness in database server after migrating from SSMS 2008 to SSMS 2016

We have a RDP server which is running in 2008 version of SSMS and OS. Recently we migrated this server to 2016 version, both the OS(2016) and SSMS(2016).
The configured new machine(with ssms2016) is same to the old one(with ssms2008) in terms of system configuration. It has a 64-bit OS with x64-based processor. RAM memory is 64.0 GB and 2.39 GHz (32 processor).
We are facing severe performance issue while running stored procedures in SSMS 2016 version, as the same code base has been migrated from sql server 2008.We are loading data to these servers using SSIS ETL tools.
For example if we are running a stored procedure in old server(with ssms2008) it is taking 1 hour of time to complete the execution but the same SP is taking 10 hours of time in new server(with ssms 2016) sometimes even more.
To identify the root cause we have tried below approaches but so far nothing worked.
• After migration we changed the compatibility level of sql server from 2008 to 2016.
• Restored the database once again from old server (ssms 2008) to new server (ssms 2016 ) without changing the compatibility level.
• Recompiled the stored procedures in new server(ssms2016).
• updated the statistics in new server(ssms2016).
• Done the disc reconfiguration/thickening of windows new server drives also.
• While running time consuming stored procedures in new server(ssms2016), parallely ran sql server
profiler to identify the issue, but couldn't find anything
• Ran parallelly same query in ssms 2008 and ssms 2016 servers at the same time, in old
server(ssms2008) execution got completed much faster than new server(ssms2016)
Note: Is there any solution we can try to get the same execution time in both servers.
Thanks in Advance
Bala Muraleedharan
I'm going to assume the SQL server version got updated too, as SSMS version would not make any difference.
It's impossible to tell of course, but query execution times can be drastically effected by the use of the new cardinality estimator in SQL Server 2014 and above. 99% of the time, things run faster, but once in a while, the new CE gets crushed. Add this line to the stored procedure to run with the old 2008 CE and see if it makes any difference.
This problem may have two reasons:
1- Control the setting of your SQL server. Specifically limit maximum server memory to 60% of your RAM and increase the number of your tempdb(system database) files to reach to your CPU cores number.
2- Check your SP syntax. If you are using table type variable(#Table) change them to temp table(#Table).

SSIS Transferring Data to an Oracle DB is Extremely Slow

We are transferring data to an Oracle Database from two different sources and it's extremely slow.
Please see notes and images below. Any suggestions?
We're using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle.
One data source is SQL Server and includes about 5M records.
The second data source is Oracle and includes about 700M records.
When trying to transfer the SQL Server data, we broke it up into
five "Data Flow Tasks" in the "Control Flow". Each "Data Flow Task"
in turn use an "OLE DB Source" which internally uses a "SQL command"
that effectively selects 1M of the 5M records. When we run this
package it ran the first data flow task for about 3 hours and only
transferred about 50,000 records until we ended the process.
We had similar experience with the Oracle data as well.
For some reason saving to a Oracle Destination is extremely slow.
Interestingly, we once transfer the same 700M records from Oracle to
SQL Server (so the opposite direction) and it worked as expected in
about 4.5 to 5 hours.
On the Oracle side you can examine v$session to see where the time is being spent (if AWR is licensed on the Oracle instance you can use DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY or v$active_session_history).
I work on Oracle performance problems every day (over 300 production Oracle instances), so I feel qualified to say that I can't give you a specific answer to your question, but I can point you in the right direction.
Typical process mistakes that make inserts slow:
not using array insert
connecting to the DB for each insert (sound strange? believe me
I've seen DataStage and other ETL tools set-up this way)
app server/client not on same local area network as the Oracle instance
indexes on table(s) being inserted into (especially problematic with
bit mapped indexes); requires index update and table update per
redo log files too small on Oracle instance (driving up
redo log file switching)
log_buffer parameter on DB side too small
not enough db writers (see db_writer_processes initialization
committing too often
Not an answer, just a bunch of observations and questions...
Any one of the components in the data pipeline could be the bottleneck.
You first need to observe the row counts when running interactively in SSIS and see if there is any obvious clogging going on - i.e. do you have a large rowcount right before your Data conversion transformation and a low one after? Or is it at the Oracle destination? Or is it just taking a long time to come out of SQL? A quick way to check the SQL side is to dump it to a local file instead - that mostly measures the SQL select performance without any blocking from Oracle.
When you run your source query in SQL Server, how long does it take to return all rows?
Your data conversion transformation can be performed in the source query. Every transformation requires set up of buffers, memory etc. and can slow down and block your dataflow. Avoid these and do it in the source query instead
Various buffers and config that exists in Oracle driver. Already addressed in detail by #RogerCornejo. For read performance out of Oracle, I have found altering FetchBufferSize made a huge difference, but you are doing writes here so that's not the case.
Lastly, where are the two database servers and the SSIS client tool situated network wise? If you are running this across three different servers then you have network throughput to consider.
If you use a linked server as suggested, note that SSIS doesn't do any processing at all so you take that whole piece out of the equation
And if you're just looking for the fastest way to transfer data, you might find that dumping to a file and bulk inserting is the fastest
Thank you all for your suggestions. For those who may run into a similar problem in the future, I'm posting what finally worked for me. The answer was ... switching the provider. The ODBC or Attunity providers were much faster, by a factor of almost 800X.
Remember that my goal was to move data from a SQL Server Database to an Oracle database. I originally used an OLE DB provider for both the source and destination. This provider works fine if you are moving data from SQL Server to SQL Server because it allows you to use the "Fast Load" option on the destination which in turn allows you to use batch processing.
However, the OLE DB provider doesn't allow the "Fast Load" option with an Oracle DB as the destination (couldn't get it to work and read elsewhere that it doesn't work). Because I couldn't use the "Fast Load" option I couldn't batch and instead was inserting records row by row which was extremely slow.
A colleague suggested trying ODBC and others suggested trying Microsoft's Attunity Connectors for Oracle. I didn't think the difference would be so great because in my experience ODBC had similar (and sometimes less) performance than OLE DB (hadn't tried Attunity). BUT... that was when moving data from and to a SQL Server database or staying in the Microsoft world.
When moving data from a SQL Server database to an Oracle database, there was a huge difference! Both ODBC and Attunity out performed OLE DB dramatically.
Here were my summarized performance test results inserting 5.4M records from a SQL Server database to an Oracle Database.
When doing all the work on one local computer.
OLE DB source and destination inserted 12 thousand records per minute which would have taken approx. 7 hours to complete.
ODBC source and destination inserted 9 Million records per minute which only took approx. 30 seconds to complete.
When moving data from one network/remote computer to another network/remote computer.
OLE DB source and destination inserted 115 records per minute which would have taken approx. 32 days to complete.
ODBC source and destination inserted 1 Million records per minute which only took approx. 5 minutes to complete.
Big difference!
Now why when working locally it only took 30 seconds and remotely it took 5 minutes is another issue for another day, but for now I have something workable (it should be slower on the network, but surprised it's that much slower).
Thanks again to everyone!
Extra notes:
My OLE DB results were similar with either Microsoft's or Oracle OLE DB providers for Oracle databases.
Attunity was a little faster than ODBC. I didn't get to test on remote servers or on larger data set, but locally it was a consitently about 2 to 3 seconds faster than ODBC. Those seconds could add up on a large data set so take note.

Will clustering Oracle Database into multiple PCs enhance performance?

There are several packages in my oracle DBMS which sometimes fails to complete the task of takes more than 6 to 7 hours to complete the task even if the procedures and packages are error free.
This only occurs when multiple clients try to run different packages from their system into a server pc which contains the database at same time like the picture shown.
There are 20 client systems and 1 single server PC in my office.
I am asking if I use 2 or more pcs to cluster my oracle db will that be helpful to enhance performance i.e. will it reduce package run time and will it reduce chances of failing package run ?

Virtualized II7 page runs slow when querying against SQL server

OK… I’ve been tasked to figure out why an intranet site is running slow for a small to medium sized company (less than 200 people). After three days of looking on the web. I’ve decided to post what I’m looking at. Here is what I know:
Server: HP DL380 Gen9 (new)
OS: MS Server 2012 – running hyper-v
Server 2012 was built to run at most 2 to 3 VMs at most (only running one VM at the moment)
16GB of RAM dedicated for the VHD (not dynamic memory)
Volume was created to house the VHD
The volume has a fixed 400GB VHD inside it.
Inside that VHD is server 2008r2 running SQL 2008r2 and hosting an iis7 intranet.
Here is what’s happening:
A page in the intranet is set to run a couple of stored procedures that do some checking against data in other tables as well as insert data (some sort of attendance db) after employee data is entered. The code looks like it creates and drops approximately 5 tables in the process of crunching the data. The page takes about 1min50secs to run on the newer server. I was able to get hold of the old server & run a speed test: 14 seconds.
I’m at a loss… a lot of sites say alter the code. However it was running quick before.
Old server is a 32bit 2003 server running SQL2000… new is obviously 64bit.
Any ideas?
You should find out where the slowness is coming from.
The bottleneck could be in SQL-Server, in IIS, in the code, on the network?
Find the SQL statements that are executed and run them directly in SQL server.
Run the code outside of IIS web pages
Run the code from a different server
Solved my own issue... just took a while for me to get back to this. Hopefully this will help others.
Turned on SQL Activity Monitor under tools\options => at startup => Open Object Explorer and Activity Monitor.
Opened Recent Expensive Queries. Right clicked on the top queries and selected Show Execution Plan. This showed a missing index for the db. Added index by clicking the plan info at the top. Added the index.
Hope this helps!

Configuration for SSIS server and database server

My current environment is: 3 servers, one for source database, one for destination database and one for IS packages. Now I need to adjust the configurations, like CPU, Memory for each server .
I do believe that running IS packages will consume a lot of resources because of large data volume. However, I do not know which server needs to be configured with more power for IS packages. That is, which server's resource will be mostly used when IS is running?
Also, I need to setup SQL agent for daily ETL processing, then which DB server I should use, the source or destination one?
I'm new to IS deployment,thanks for any advice!
The data will be read from the source server and written to the destination server, so here you need nice fast IO subsystem. Ideally RAID 10. Also, providing your data is split across multiple discs on the source server, more cores will achieve more parallelism. This is not so important on the destination as inserts are normally single threaded.
The server running SSIS needs lots of memory as the data flow buffers will be on this server (providing you run Server Agent here) and you need a fast network connection between all three.
Server Agent should be on the ETL server, otherwise SSIS will consume resources on the box that Server Agent is on, and could therefore fight for threads with SQL Server whilst reading or writing.
