using values in one table to update another - sql-server

[1] SqlDataAdapter SDA2 = new SqlDataAdapter("
I am trying to update the ACCT_BALANCE column of the ACCOUNT_T using a the value entered in the TRANS_AMNT of the TRANSACTION_T where the ACCT_NUMBER in the ACCOUNT_T is equal to the ACCT_NUMBER in the TRANSACTION_T.
when I try to do this I get this error
The multi-part identifier "TRANSACTION_T.ACCT_NUMBER" could not be
like depositing and withdrawing in a bank application.
ACCT_NUMBER | 001 |002 ACCT_NUMBER | 001 |002
TRANS_AMOUNT| 200 | 200 ACCT_BALANCE| 2000 |4000
I want to the account balance to increase when a deposit is made. Assume account_number 001 makes a deposit of 200, his account balance will increase to 2200.

try this,
where TT.TRANS_TYPE = 'deposit'


Adding multiple records from a string

I have a string of email addresses. For example, ";;"
My database is:
record | flag1 | flag2 | emailaddresss
1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 0 |
What I need to do is parse the string, and if the address is not in the database, add it.
Then, return a string of just the record numbers that correspond to the email addresses.
So, if the call is made with ";;", the rountine would add "", then return "1, 3,4" corresponding to the records that match the email addresses.
What I am doing now is calling the database once per email address to look it up and confirm it exists (adding if it doesn't exist), then looping thru them again to get the addresses 1 by 1 from my powershell app to collect the record numbers.
There has to be a way to just pass all of the addresses to SQL at the same time, right?
I have it working in powershell.. but slowly..
I'd love a response from SQL as shown above of just the record number for each email address in a single response. That is, "1,2,4" etc.
My powershell code is:
$EmailList2 = $EmailList.split(";")
# lets get the ID # for each eamil address.
foreach($x in $EmailList2)
$data = exec-query "select Record from emailaddresses where emailAddress = #email" -parameter #{email=$x.trim()} -conn $connection
if ($($data.Tables.record) -gt 0)
$ResponseNumbers = $ResponseNumbers + "$($data.Tables.record), "
$ResponseNumbers = $($ResponseNumbers+"XX").replace(", XX","")
return $ResponseNumbers
You'd have to do this in 2 steps. Firstly INSERT the new values and then use a SELECT to get the values back. This answer uses delimitedsplit8k (not delimitedsplit8k_LEAD) as you're still using SQL Server 2008. On the note of 2008 I strongly suggest looking at upgrade paths soon as you have about 6 weeks of support left.
You can use the function to split the values and then INSERT/SELECT appropriately:
DECLARE #Emails varchar(8000) = ';;';
WITH Emails AS(
FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(#Emails,';') DS)
INSERT INTO YT (emailaddress) --I don't know what the other columns value should be, so have excluded
FROM dbo.YourTable YT
LEFT JOIN Emails E ON YT.emailaddress = E.Email
SELECT YT.record
FROM dbo.YourTable YT
JOIN dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(#Emails,';') DS ON DS.Item = YT.emailaddress;

Updating one column based on parameter from another column in mssl1

Please I want to update my client database based on the job type
id Job_type Meal_Ticket
1 x 20
2 2x 12
Meaning if I click on add 20 meal tickets on button click, it should update to this:
id Job_type Meal_Ticket
1 x 40
2 2x 52
I tried
SET Rticket = CASE
WHEN Jobtype = 'x' THEN Rticket = SUM(Rticket + 20)
WHEN Jobtype = '2x' THEN Rticket = SUM(Rticket + 2*20)
ELSE Rticket
I think you want this:
SET Rticket = CASE WHEN Jobtype = 'x' THEN Rticket + 20
WHEN Jobtype = '2x' THEN Rticket + 40 END
WHERE Jobtype IN ('x', '2x');
The only problem I see with your logic is that you are using SUM to add two quantities, when you should just be using the + operator.

Usage of " " inside a concat statement in excel

I'm working on data cleansing of a database and I'm currently in the process of changing the upper case names into proper case. Hence, I'm using excel to have an update statement like this:
A | B | C | D |
| 1 | Name | id | Proper case name| SQL Statement |
| 2 | AAAA | 1 |Aaaa |=CONCAT("UPDATE table SET Name = "'",C2,"'" WHERE id = ",B2,";") |
| 3 | BBBB | 2 |Bbbb |=CONCAT("UPDATE table SET Name = "'",C3,"'" WHERE id = ",B3,";")|
The SQL state should be something like this:
UPDATE table SET Name = 'Aaaa' WHERE id = 1
UPDATE table SET Name = 'Bbbb' WHERE id = 2
I'm finding it difficult to get apostrophe around the name.
I think you need:
=CONCATENATE("UPDATE table SET Name = '",C2,"' WHERE id = ",B2,";")

SSIS Combine multiple rows into single row

I have a flat file that has 6 columns: NoteID, Sequence, FileNumber, EntryDte, NoteType, and NoteText. The NoteText column has 200 characters and if a note is longer than 200 characters then a second row in the file contains the continuation of the note. It looks something like this:
|NoteID | Sequence | NoteText |
|1234 | 1 | start of note text... |
|1234 | 2 | continue of note.... |
|1234 | 3 | more continuation of first note... |
|1235 | 1 | start of new note.... |
How can I in SSIS combine the multiple rows of NoteText into one row so the row would like this:
| NoteID | Sequence | NoteText |
|1234 | 1 | start of note text... continue of note... more continuation of first note... |
|1235 | 1 | start of new note.... |
Greatly appreciate any help?
Update: Changing the SynchronousInputID to None exposed the Output0Buffer and I was able to use it. Below is what I have in place now.
Dim NoteID As String = "-1"
Dim NoteString As String = ""
Dim IsFirstRow As Boolean = True
Dim NoteBlob As Byte()
Dim enc As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If Row.NoteID.ToString() = NoteID Then
NoteString += Row.NoteHTML
IsFirstRow = True
If IsFirstRow Then
IsFirstRow = False
End If
NoteID = Row.NoteID.ToString()
NoteString = Row.NoteHTML.ToString()
End If
NoteBlob = enc.GetBytes(NoteString)
Output0Buffer.ClaimID = Row.ClaimID
Output0Buffer.UserID = Row.UserID
Output0Buffer.NoteTypeLookupID = Row.NoteTypeLookupID
Output0Buffer.DateCreatedUTC = Row.DateCreated
Output0Buffer.ActivityDateUTC = Row.ActivityDate
Output0Buffer.IsPublic = Row.IsPublic
End Sub
My problem now is that I had to convert the output column from Wstr(4000) to NText because some of the notes are so long. When it imports into my SQL table, it is just jibberish characters and not the actual notes.
In SQL Server Management Studio (using SQL), you could easily combine your NoteText field using stuff function with XML Path to combine your row values to a single column like this:
select distinct
min(sequence) over (partition by n.noteid order by n.sequence) as sequence,
stuff((select ' ' + NoteText
from notes n1
where n.noteid = n1.noteid
for xml path ('')
),1,1,'') as NoteText
from notes n;
You will probably want to look into something along the line that does similar thing in SSIS. Check out this link on how to create a script component in SSIS to do something similar: SSIS Script Component - concat rows
SQL Fiddle Demo

GQL Query (python) to retrieve data using timestamp

I have a table in Google Datastore that holds n values in n columns, and one of them is a timestamp.
The timestamp property is defined like this, inside the table class (Java):
private Date timestamp;
The table is like this:
id | value | timestamp
1 | ABC | 2014-02-02 21:07:40.822000
2 | CDE | 2014-02-02 22:07:40.000000
3 | EFG |
4 | GHI | 2014-02-02 21:07:40.822000
5 | IJK |
6 | KLM | 2014-01-02 21:07:40.822000
The timestamp column was added later to the table, so some rows have not the corresponding timestamp value.
I'm trying, using Python Google App Engine to build an api that returns the total number of rows that have a timestamp >= to some value.
For example:
-- This is just an example
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE timestamp >= '2014-02-02 21:07:40.822000'
I've made this class, in python:
import sys
import webapp2
from google.appengine.ext import db
class myTable(db.Model):
value = db.StringProperty()
timestamp = datetime.datetime
class countHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self, tablename, timestamp):
table = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ FROM " + tablename + " WHERE timestamp >= :1", timestamp )
recordsCount = 0
for p in table:
recordsCount += 1
self.response.out.write("Records count for table " + tablename + ": " + str(recordsCount))
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/count/(.*)/(.*)', countHandler)
], debug=True)
I've successfully deployed it and I'm able to call it, but for some reason I don't understand it's always saying
Records count for table myTable: 0
I'm struggling with the data type for the timestamp.. I think the issue is there.. any idea? which type should it be declared?
Thank you!
You problem (as discussed in the comments as well) seems to be that you are passing a string (probably) to the GqlQuery parameters.
In order to filter your query by datetime you need to pass a datetime object in to the query params. For that take a look here on how to convert that.
Small example:
# not sure how your timestamps are formatted but supposing they are strings
# of eg 2014-02-02 21:07:40.822000
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" )
table = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ FROM " + tablename + " WHERE timestamp >= :1", timestamp)
