I can't wrap my head about idea of array of pointers. Problem is I'm trying to iterate throught list of pointers (or at least get second value from pointer's array). I understand that integer is 4 bytes long (assuming im on 32-bit). And what I'm trying to do is get first address that points to a[0] and add to this address 4 bytes, which in my opinion will result in a[1]. However, this works as I'm just adding value to index. I.e. f[0] + 4 -> f[5]
And I don't quite understand why.
#include "stdio.h"
int main()
int a[6] = {10,2,3,4,20, 42};
int *f[6];
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(int); i++) f[i] = &a[i];
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(int); i++) printf("Current pointer points to %i\n", *(*f+i));
printf("The is %i", *(f[0]+sizeof(int)));
return 1;
Pointer arithmetic takes into account the size of the pointer.
f[0] + 4 will multiply 4 by the size of the integer type.
Here's an online disassembler: https://godbolt.org/.
When I type the code f[0] + 4, the disassembly appears as
add QWORD PTR [rbp-8], 16
Meaning it has multiplied the 4 by 4 (32-bit = 4 bytes) to make 16.
An array is a pointer to a chunk of RAM. int a[6] = {10,2,3,4,20, 42}; actually creates a chunk with [0x0000000A, 0x00000002, 0x00000003, 0x00000004, 0x00000014, 0x0000002A], and a points to where the list starts.
Using an index a[n] basically means go to the position of a (start of the array), then advance by n*sizeof(int) bytes.
a[0] means Go to position of a, then don't jump
a[1] means Go to position of a, then jump 1 time the size of an integer
a[2] means Go to position of a, then jump 2 times the size of an integer
supposing a is at the address 0xF00D0000, and you're on a 32bit machine:
a[0] // Pointer to 0xF00D0000
a[1] // Pointer to 0xF00D0004
a[2] // Pointer to 0xF00D0008
a[32] // Pointer to 0xF00D0080
I hope this makes sense.
I created a 3d array
Now when I try to print
printf("%d",a[1] - a[0]);
I get 3 as the output.
What I understand is that a[1] gives me the address of a[1][0][0] element and a[0] the address of a[0][0][0].
Let Address of a[0][0][0] is BA then Address of a[1][0][0] is BA + 4*2*3 where 4 byte is the memory space of an integer datatype
I was expecting the result to be 6.
Similarly I tried
printf("%d",(&a + 1) - &a);
and the output received was 1.
Where am I going wrong?
Edit 1: Entire Code
int main(){
int a[2][3][2] = {{{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}},{{7,8},{9,10},{11,12}}};
return 0;
What I understand is that a[1] gives me the address of a[1][0][0] element and a[0] the address of a[0][0][0].
This is wrong a[0] will give the address of the first 2D array. The address of the first 2D array and the address of a[0][0][0] might be co-incident, but they are not the same.
Specifically &a +1 is not equal to &a[0][0][0] +1
Let's break the expression a[1] - a[0] apart:
a[1] - refers to the second [3][2] array.
a[0] - refers to the first [3][2] array.
Now, when arrays are used in most contexts, they decay into pointers to the first element. So a[i] will decay into a pointer to a 2d array int(*)[2].
The difference is calculated in sizeof(int[2]) as dictated by pointer arithmetic. And you can see that there are 3 units of int[2] in the range [a[0], a[1]).
I compiled this code and it gave the the value of '&x' 3 times. That is if &x = 2000 it printed 2036 three times. I want to know the reason for this behaviour assuming an integer requires 4 bytes of memory.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// your code goes here
int x[4][3] = {0};
printf("%u %u %u", x+3, *(x+3), *(x+2)+3);
return 0;
What will be the output of this code
Anything can happen as the code provokes undefined behaviour by printing a pointer value using the conversion specifier for an unsigned.
To print pointer values use the conversion specifier p.
The address of an array and the address of its 1st element are the same. Pointers to them both however are of different type.
x as well as x + 3 are of type int (*)[3], that is pointing to an array of three ints. Assuming int to be of size 4, an array of three ints is of size 12.
Increasing x (a pointer to int (*)[3]) by three elements one ends up with an address 3 * 12 bytes beyond where x points to. This is called pointer arithmetic.
You're misusing a format specifier and invoking undefined behavior because of that. At that point, what happens is arbitrary and uninteresting.
If you want to print a pointer, use the %p specifier.
x is a pointer to an array of pointers. The array of pointers has 4 elements. Each of these four elements points to 3 integers.
Hence if x = 2000 then,
x[0] = 2000, x[1] = 2012, x[2] = 2024, x[3] = 2036.
x + 3 = 2036 (because x is an array pointer and it increases by 12 each time.)
*(x+3) = x[3] = 2036 again.
*(x+2)+3 = x[2] + 3 = 2024 + 3*4 = 2036 again.
Hence the output will be three same numbers.
What should be the value of y and why?
int x[] = { 1, 4, 8, 5, 1, 4 };
int *ptr, y;
ptr = x + 4;
y = ptr - x;
I think y should be 4*sizeof(int), but it is giving 4. Why ?
I think y should be 4*sizeof(int)
Good thinking, and guess what? It is giving 4*sizeof(int), but you're not looking at it right. ;)
When you're playing with pointers, you're looking at addresses, so let's check out some addresses
int x[] = { 1, 4, 8, 5, 1, 4 };
//Just for fun, what is the address of each element in the array?
printf("%#x, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x\n", x+0, x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4, x+5);
ptr = x + 4;
printf("%#x - %#x\n", ptr, x); // Give us the address of ptr in hex
// and give us the address of x
y = ptr - x;
printf("%d\n", y);
x[0] x[1] x[2] x[3] x[4] x[5]
0xbf871d20, 0xbf871d24, 0xbf871d28, 0xbf871d2c, 0xbf871d30, 0xbf871d34
ptr x
0xbf871d30 - 0xbf871d20
So ptr is x+4 (which is really x + 4*sizeof(int) or x+16 in your case). And we're going to subtract from that x or the base address, so the actual math is 0x30 - 0x20 = 0x10 or in dec 16.
The reason you're seeing 4 on the output is because the compiler knows you're doing operations on int * so it's dividing that 16 by sizeof(int) for you. Nice hm?
If you want to see the actual value you need to do something like this:
int one, two;
one = (int)ptr; //get the addresses, ignore the "type" of the pointer
two = (int)x;
y = one - two;
Now y will give you 0x10(hex) or 16(dec)
It should be the number of int's between the address that points to the start of x and the address of x's 4-th element => 4.
From c99 standard:
6.5.6 Additive operators
9/ When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of
the same array object, or one past the last element of the array
object; the result is the difference of the subscripts of the two
array elements.
To find out more, try searching for pointer arithmetic.
Just apply some simple algebra
ptr = x + 4
y = ptr - x
y = (x + 4) - x
hence y = 4 + x - x
thus y = 4 + 0
y = 4
Edit: Addressing the comment
This is C, a ptr is just value of whatever size bits. Adding a number to it (except in the case of overflow) is just some integral number + another integral number (cast to the appropriate size), and thus removing the original number leaves a remainder. Since we only added 4 (smaller than an int) this means that there is no issue implicitly casting it to the y int.
if the operands of the binary '-'
are both pointers of same type it is evaluated as
(p-q)/sizeof(type of p or q)
in case the second operand is integer
p - sizeof(p)*q
If I have the following code in a function:
int A[5][5];
int i; int j;
printf("%d\n", A[i][j]);
This simply prints out the sum of each index. What I want to know is if it's possible to access each index in the static array in a similar fashion to dynamic array. So for example, if I wanted to access A[2][2], can I say:
I want to perform some matrix operations on statically allocated matrices and I feel like the method used to dereference dynamic matrices would work the best for my purposes. Any ideas? Thank you.
That's the way to do it: A[i][j].
It prints out the sum of the indexes because, well, you set the element A[i][j] to the sum of the indexes: A[i][j] = i+j.
You can use:
*(*(A + 2) + 2)
for A[2][2]. Pointer arithmetics is done in unit of the pointed type not in unit of char.
Of course, the preferred way is to use A[2][2] in your program.
The subscript operation a[i] is defined as *(a + i) - you compute an offset of i elements (not bytes) from a and then dereference the result. For a 2D array, you just apply that definition recursively:
a[i][j] == *(a[i] + j) == *(*(a + i) + j)
If the array is allocated contiguously, you could also just write *(a + i * rows + j).
When doing pointer arithmetic, the size of the base type is taken into account. Given a pointer
T *p;
the expression p + 1 will evaluate to the address of the next object of type T, which is sizeof T bytes after p.
Note that using pointer arithmetic may not be any faster than using the subscript operator (code up both versions and run them through a profiler to be sure). It will definitely be less readable.
Pointer arithmetic can be tricky.
You are on the right track, however there are some differences between pointer and normal arithmetic.
For example consider this code
int I = 0;
float F = 0;
double D = 0;
int* PI = 0;
float* PF = 0;
double* PD = 0;
cout<<I<<" "<<F<<" "<<D<<" "<<PI<<" "<<PF<<" "<<PD<<endl;
cout<<I<<" "<<F<<" "<<D<<" "<<PI<<" "<<PF<<" "<<PD<<endl;
cout<<I<<" "<<F<<" "<<D<<" "<<(int)PI<<" "<<(int)PF<<" "<<(int)PD<<endl;
If you run it see the output you would see would look something like this (depending on your architecture and compiler)
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0x4 0x4 0x8
1 1 1 4 4 8
As you can see the pointer arithmetic is handled depending on the type of the variable it points to.
So keep in mind which type of variable you are accessing when working with pointer arithmetic.
Just for the sake of example consider this code too:
void* V = 0;
int* IV = (int*)V;
float* FV = (float*)V;
double* DV = (double*)V;
cout<<IV<<" "<<FV<<" "<<DV<<endl;
You will get the output (again depending on your architecture and compiler)
0x4 0x4 0x8
Remember that the code snippets above are just for demonstration purposes. There are a lot of things NOT to use from here.
int main()
int (*x)[5]; //pointer to an array of integers
int y[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; //array of integers
int *z; //pointer to integer
z = y;
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
printf("%d ",z[i]);
x = y;
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
printf("%d ",(*x)[i]);
return 0;
Both the above printfs print numbers 1 through 6.
If both "pointer to array of integers" and "pointer to integer" can do the same thing, do they have the same internal representation?
EDIT: This code does give warnings when compiled as pointed out by the answers below, however it does print the values correctly both the time on my x86_64 machine using gcc
Firstly, your code will not compile. The array has type int[6] (6 elements), while the pointer has type int (*)[5]. You can't make this pointer to point to that array because the types are different.
Secondly, when you initialize (assign to) such a pointer, you have to use the & on the array: x = &y, not just a plain x = y as in your code.
I assume that you simply typed the code up, instead of copy-pasting the real code.
Thirdly, about the internal representation. Generally, in practice, you should expect all data pointers to use the same internal representation. Moreover, after the above assignments (if written correctly), the pointers will have the same numerical value. The difference between int (*)[5] and int * exists only on the conceptual level, i.e. at the level of the language: the types are different. It has some consequences. For example, if you increment your z it will jump to the next member of the array, but if you increment y, it will jump over the whole array etc. So, these pointers do not really "do the same thing".
The short answer: There is a difference, but your example is flawed.
The long answer:
The difference is that int* points to an int type, but int (*x)[6] points to an array of 6 ints. Actually in your example,
x = y;
is undefined** behavior, you know these are of two different types, but in C you do what you want. I'll just use a pointer to an array of six ints.
Take this modified example:
int (*x)[6]; //pointer to an array of integers
int y[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; //array of integers
int *z; //pointer to integer
int i;
z = y;
for(i = 0;i<6;i++)
printf("%d ",z[i]);
x = y; // should be x = &y but leave it for now!
for(i = 0;i<6;i++)
printf("%d ",x[i]); // note: x[i] not (*x)[i]
1 2 3 4 5 6
Would be printed. Then, we get to x[0]. x[0] is nothing but an array of 6 ints. An array in C is the address of the first element. So, the address of y would be printed, then the address of the next array in the next iteration. For example, on my machine:
1 2 3 4 5 6 109247792 109247816 109247840 109247864 109247888 109247912
As you can see, the difference between consecutive addresses is nothing but:
sizeof(int[6]) // 24 on my machine!
In summary, these are two different pointer types.
** I think it is undefined behavior, please feel free to correct my post if it is wrong.
Hope this code helps:
int main() {
int arr[5] = {4,5,6,7,8};
int (*pa)[5] = &arr;
int *pi = arr;
for(int i = 0; i< 5; i++) {
printf("\n%d %d", arr[i], (*pa)[i]);
printf("\n0x%x -- 0x%x", pi, pa);
printf("\n0x%x -- 0x%x", pi, pa);
prints the following:
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
0x5fb0be70 -- 0x5fb0be70
0x5fb0be74 -- 0x5fb0be84
You can notice that pointer to integer incremented by 4 bytes (size of 32 bit integer) whereas pointer to array of integer incremented by 20 bytes (size of int arr[5] i.e. size of 5 int of 32 bit each). This demonstrates the difference.
To answer your question from the title, from the comp.lang.c FAQ: Since array references decay into pointers, if arr is an array, what's the difference between arr and &arr?
However, the code you've posted has other issues (you're assigning y, not &y to x, and y is a 6-element array, but *x is a 5-element array; both of these should generate compilation warnings).
Who knows - this code exhibits undefined behavior:
printf("%d ",(*x)[i]);
Hope this code helps.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXCOL 4
#define MAXROW 3
int main()
int i,j,k=1;
int (*q)[MAXCOL]; //pointer to an array of integers
/* As malloc is type casted to "int(*)[MAXCOL]" and every
element (as in *q) is 16 bytes long (I assume 4 bytes int),
in all 3*16=48 bytes will be allocated */
for(i=0; i<MAXROW; i++)
printf(" %2d ", q[i][j]);
int main(void)
int (*x)[6]; //pointer to an array of integers
int y[6] = {11,22,33,44,55,66}; //array of integers
int *z; //pointer to integer
int i;
z = y;
for(i = 0;i<6;i++)
printf("%d ",z[i]);
x = &y;
for(int j = 0;j<6;j++)
printf("%d ",*(x[0]+j));
return 0;
11 22 33 44 55 66
11 22 33 44 55 66
Pointer to an array are best suitable for multi-dimensional array. but in above example we used single dimension array. so, in the second for loop we should use (x[0]+j) with * to print the value. Here, x[0] means 0th array.
And when we try to print value using printf("%d ",x[i]);
you will get 1st value is 11 and then some garbage value due to trying to access 1st row of array and so on.
One should understand the internal representation of (*x)[i]. Internally, it is represented as
*((*x)+i), which is nothing but the ith element of the array to which x is pointing. This is also a way to have a pointer pointing to 2d array. The number of rows is irrelevant in a 2d array.
For example:
int arr[][2]={{1,2},{3,4}};
int (*x)(2);
x=arr; /* Now x is a pointer to the 2d array arr.*/
Here x is pointing to a 2d array having 2 integer values in all columns, and array elements are stored contiguously. So (*x)[0] will print arr[0][0] (which is 1), (*x)[1] will print the value of arr[0][1] (which is 2) and so on. (*x+1)[0] will print the value of arr[1][0] (3 in this case) (*x+1)[1] will print the value of arr[1][1] (4 in this case) and so on.
Now, a 1d array could be treated as nothing but a 2d array having only one row with as many columns.
int y[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int (*x)[6];
x =y;
This means x is a pointer to an array having 6 integers. So (*x)[i] which is equivalent to *((*x)+i) will print ith index value of y.