Material UI components not working in React - reactjs

I have the following code snippet, which doesn't display anything at all in the browser window. Can you please tell me why.
return (
//console.log('In Render'),
enter code here
<RaisedButton label="Login" primary={true} />
<TextField>Login Successful</TextField>
pastebin link for complete component:

To render material-ui components you need to wrap them in MuiThemeProvider.
As Per DOC:
Beginning with v0.15.0, Material-UI components require a theme to be
provided. The quickest way to get up and running is by using the
MuiThemeProvider to inject the theme into your application context.
How to use these components?
First use this line to import MuiThemeProvider :
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
Use this render method:
return (
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={getMuiTheme()}>
<RaisedButton label="Login" primary={true} />
If you are using material-ui components across the project then no need to use MuiThemeProvider on each page, you also include it globally. Include this in your router or put this line on main page of the application.
One more thing you are only importing the injectTapEventPlugin, you need to initialise that also. Put this line in this component after importing:

Looks like you're having JS-comments (//) in your JSX code. That'll make stuff break.
If you want to comment something out in JSX, you have to escape into JS with curly brackets and then use multi line comments (/* comment */) - like so:
render() {
return (
{/* <button>Commented out button</button>*/}

Remove text from between the TextField tags. Also wrap your code in your render method between MuiThemeProvider.
This worked for me.
return (
<RaisedButton label="Login" primary={true} />

As an FYI, so it is not the most obvious responses, but just in case this is your situation, my issue was that I had changed my Windows 10 personalise settings to use contrast and my blue bar in my React app disappeared! After a while of searching, I switched it off and my bar was back.


From parent component give style to child customized component in styled component

TodoListContainer is a styled component, So Inside this container, I would like to give style to the Footer component which I import from other places.
My goal is to access different Footer inside TodoListContainer and give different CSS styles.
It is straightforward to access the regular dom element, I have a hard time accessing customized component.
Thanks for the help!
const TodoListContainer = styled.div`
className=" task-input"
aria-label="Create a new todo..."
placeholder="Create a new todo..."
<li className="footer-section">
<span className="itemInfor">
{todosRemaining} item{suffix} left
<Footer />
aria-label="Clear Completed"
Clear Completed
<Footer />

How to use <br/> in string to put string in new line?

I was creating React project and here is the component that I want to ensure that is put inside a string.
tooltip={`${hints.todoHint} <br/> ${hints.inProgressHint} <br/> ${hints.doneHint}`}
but it is not working since br/ is literally rendered like br/
One option is to convert tooltip in to three props and add <br /> in the InfoIcon component. For example InfoIcon component can be
const InfoIcon = ({ todoHint, inProgressHint, doneHint }) => (
<br />
<br />
// Using Info Icon
<InfoIcon todoHint={todoHint} inProgressHint={inProgressHint} doneHint={doneHint} />
Other option is to send tooltip as follows
const tooltip = (
<br />
<br />
<InfoIcon tooltip={tooltip} />
Well, material-ui tooltip allows you to use ANY kind of HTML content. => refer to official document customized tooltiops
This means you can use normal <div> and <Typography />, and any other styled elements to handle multi-line content.
The only thing you need to do is pass the content to props title => refer to document of tooltip api
import {
} from '#material-ui/core';
title={ // customized content here via props `title`
<div>Seperate line</div>
<Typography>Seperate line</Typography>
<IconButton aria-label="delete">
<InfoIcon /> // You can use your original icon here
Watch it online:
You can find related question here: How to make line break for ToolTip titles in Material-UI

How to add search bar in AppBar of material-ui?

I want to implement Search bar in the center of App bar of material-ui. I have tried all possible ways and I have referred this code snippet , but can't find a solution for it.
My code snippet is
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={muiTheme} class="navbar">
title='Module Name'
iconElementRight={<FlatButton label='LogOut' />}
onClick = {handleclick}
It will be helpful if I get any solution for it.
You can use children property to add any node in AppBar, like this:
children= {
<input />
Use styling on input field, check the working codesandbox.
you can add a ToolBar contains a Textfield
you can check documentation ,this is a Demo
Using only Material UI
You can check the docs here.
Installing another framework.
npm i material-ui-search-bar
A basic code snippet can be found on the main page.
import SearchBar from "material-ui-search-bar";
// *snip*
return (
onChange={(newValue) => this.setState({ value: newValue })}
onRequestSearch={() => doSomethingWith(this.state.value)}
You can check the docs here.
Try this
<InputBase placeholder="Search for products, brands and more" />
Pass a prop in the AppBar component
showSearch= {
<InputBase placeholder="Search" />
You can handle AppBar component based on customName prop like if you're passing this prop then it should show Search else not.

HintText of a TextField component in Material UI does not hide its value when start typing into the field

I have recently started exploring Material UI and I have run into this strange behavior of a hintText in a TextField Component(the one from Material UI)
This is my code:
/* in my component ... */
/* ... */
render() {
const actions = [
return (
tooltip="Add Asset"
<Add color={"#000"} />
<TextField hintText="Type"
So when I start typing in the textfield, the hinttext remains, resulting in unreadable text due to letters over another letters.
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. :)
Try using placholder="Type" rather than hintText="Type".
The solution for this is that you will have to update the variable name in the function handleName everytime the user updates the field. So the complete code is:
and the function handleName:
It should work. If not, let me know in the comments below!

Popover in material-ui - display glitches when using components

It's a trivial issue but I'm not seeing where the problem exactly lies.
As far as I know, React offers the ability to pull stuff apart into (somewhat) independent components which results in cleaner pages because not everything is crammed into one huge HTML file. Or so the philosophy goes, I think.
Basically, when I do this, everything works fine:
<Popover open={this.props.popover === LoginPopoverState.LOGIN}
onRequestClose={this.handleHideLogin.bind(this, dispatch)}>
<div style={loginStyle}>
<TextField hintText="Username oder E-Mail" ref="username_login" floatingLabelText="Username / E-Mail"/><br />
<TextField hintText="Passwort" type="password" ref="password_login" floatingLabelText="Passwort" /><br />
<RaisedButton label="Login" onTouchTap={e => this.handleLoginTap(e, dispatch)} />
<p>Zur <a href="javascript://" onTouchTap={e => this.handleShowRegisterTap(e, dispatch)}>Registration</a>.</p>
Which looks like this:
However, when I pull out the <div> into another module and then do something like this:
import LoginFragment from './loginBar/LoginFragment.jsx'
<Popover open={this.props.popover === LoginPopoverState.LOGIN}
onRequestClose={this.handleHideLogin.bind(this, dispatch)}>
<LoginFragment />
where LoginFragment.jsx contains something like this:
var LoginFragment = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<TextField hintText="Username oder E-Mail" ref="username_login" floatingLabelText="Username / E-Mail"/>
Which results in this hot mess:
So, what is going on here?
It can be a CSS styling issue, since you arenĀ“t wrapping your fields inside a div anymore (and you are now skipping the loginStyle that was applied to this containing div.)
So, in the old version you had:
<Popover ...>
<div style={loginStyle}>
<TextField ...><br />
<TextField ...><br />
<RaisedButton .../>
But what you are including in your new version right now, using a single LoginFragment component, once expanded, would look like:
<Popover ...>
<TextField ...>
In this version, the wrapping divs (and their styling) would be missing. Including <div style={loginStyle}> in your code again would fix any CSS styling conflict, or help find and isolate the issue. Like so:
import LoginFragment from './loginBar/LoginFragment.jsx'
<Popover open={this.props.popover === LoginPopoverState.LOGIN}
onRequestClose={this.handleHideLogin.bind(this, dispatch)}>
<div style={loginStyle}>
<LoginFragment />
