Example of while loop in Haskell using monads - loops

I want to write a loop in haskell using monads but I am having a hard time understanding the concept.
Could someone provide me with one simple example of a while loop while some conditions is satisfied that involves IO action? I don't want an abstract example but a real concrete one that works.

Below there's a horrible example. You have been warned.
Consider the pseudocode:
var x = 23
while (x != 0) {
print "x not yet 0, enter an adjustment"
x = x + read()
print "x reached 0! Exiting"
Here's its piece-by-piece translation in Haskell, using an imperative style as much as possible.
import Data.IORef
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- newIORef (23 :: Int)
let loop = do
v <- readIORef x
if v == 0
then return ()
else do
putStrLn "x not yet 0, enter an adjustment"
a <- readLn
writeIORef x (v+a)
putStrLn "x reached 0! Exiting"
The above is indeed horrible Haskell. It simulates the while loop using the recursively-defined loop, which is not too bad. But it uses IO everywhere, including for mimicking imperative-style mutable variables.
A better approach could be to remove those IORefs.
main = do
let loop 0 = return ()
loop v = do
putStrLn "x not yet 0, enter an adjustment"
a <- readLn
loop (v+a)
loop 23
putStrLn "x reached 0! Exiting"
Not elegant code by any stretch, but at least the "while guard" now does not do unnecessary IO.
Usually, Haskell programmers strive hard to separate pure computation from IO as much as possible. This is because it often leads to better, simpler and less error-prone code.


MATLAB Broadcasting for unifrnd

I am coming back from NumPy to MATLAB and don't quite have the hang of the broadcasting here.
Can someone explain to me why the first one fails and the second (more explicit works)?
After my understanding, x0 and x1 are both 1x2 arrays and it should be possible to extend them to 5x2.
n_a = 5;
n_b = 2;
x0 = [1, 2];
x1 = [11, 22];
% c = unifrnd(x0, x1, [n_a, n_b])
% Error using unifrnd
% Size information is inconsistent.
% c = unifrnd(x0, x1, [n_a, 1]) % also fails
c = unifrnd(ones(n_a, n_b) .* x0, ones(n_a, n_b) .* x1, [n_a, n_b])
% works
There is a size verification within the unifrnd function (you can type open unifrnd in the command line to see the function code). It sends the error if the third input is not coherent with the size of the first 2 inputs:
[err, sizeOut] = internal.stats.statsizechk(2,a,b,varargin{:});
if err > 0
If you skip this part, though (as in if you create a custom function without the size check), both your function calls that fail will actually work, due to implicit expansion. The real question is whether calling the function this way makes sense.
TL;DR : It is not the broadcasting that fails, it is the function that does not allow you these sets of inputs
unifrnd essentially calls rand and applies scaling and shifting to the desired interval. So you can use rand and do the scaling and shifting manually, which allows you to employ broadcasting (singleton expansion):
c = x0 + (x1-x0).*rand(n_a, n_b);

Why does `clockTime` not seem to work for benchmarking, in Idris?

There are probably libraries to do this (although I haven't found any), I'm actually looking to measure the time a function takes to run in Idris. The way I've found is by using clockTime from System and differentiating between before and after a function runs. Here is an example code:
module Main
import Data.String
import System
factorial : Integer -> Integer
factorial 0 = 1
factorial 1 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
main : IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[self ] => putStrLn "Please enter a value"
[_, ar] => do
case parseInteger ar of
Just a => do
t1 <- clockTime
let r = factorial a
t2 <- clockTime
let elapsed = (nanoseconds t2) - (nanoseconds t1)
putStrLn $ "fact(" ++ show a ++ ") = "
++ show r ++ " in "
++ (show elapsed) ++ " ns"
Nothing => putStrLn "Not a valid number"
To avoid Idris optimising the program by already evaluating the factorial, I just asked that the program be called with an argument.
This code doesn't work though: no matter what numbers I enter, such as 10000, Idris always returns 0 nanoseconds, which makes me quite sceptical, even just allocating a bigint takes time. I compile with idris main.idr -o main.
What am I doing wrong in my code? Is clockTime not a good plan for benchmarks?
Idris 1 is no longer being maintained.
In Idris 2, clockTime can be used.
clockTime : (typ : ClockType) -> IO (clockTimeReturnType typ)
An example of its use for benchmarking can be found within the Idris2 compiler, here.

Prolog loop while dividing list over N lists

What I want to achieve when doing divide([1,2], 3, X). is something like:
I Should just get all the permutations of the first list, divided over N lists.
X = [[],[],[1,2]] ;
X = [[],[],[2,1]] ;
X = [[],[2],[1]] ;
X = [[],[1],[2]] ;
X = [[],[1,2],[]] ;
X = [[],[2,1],[]] ;
X = [[],[],[2,1]] ;
X = [[],[],[1,2]] ;
X = [[],[1],[2]] ;
X = [[],[2],[1]] ;
X = [[],[2,1],[]] ;
X = [[],[1,2],[]] ;
X = [[2],[],[1]] ;
X = [[2],[1],[]] ;
X = [[1],[],[2]] ;
X = [[1],[2],[]] ;
X = [[1,2],[],[]] ;
X = [[2,1],[],[]] ;
but for some reason, if my list is longer than 2 items, the code below goes into a loop and shows way too much information.
% Divides a list over N sets
divide(_,N,[]) :- N < 1.
divide(Items,N,[Selected|Other]) :- N > 1,
N1 is N-1,
the sublistPerm works as it should (you can test it if you want).
% Gets all power sets of a list and permutes them
sublistPerm(Items, Sel, Rest) :- sublist(Items, Temp1, Temp2),
permutation(Temp1, Sel),
permutation(Temp2, Rest).
% Gets all power sets of a list
sublist([], [], []).
sublist([X|XS], YS, [X|ZS]) :- sublist(XS, YS, ZS).
sublist([X|XS], [X|YS], ZS) :- sublist(XS, YS, ZS).
If you would do the effort of running the following code, you will see the redundant info that I am getting. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea why it doesn't just terminate, as it should. divide([1,2,3], 3, X).
As you can see in my example, there are no duplicates. Normally these won't occur, and if they occur, duplicates should be removed.
Thanks for anyone pointing me in the right direction.
There are several issues with your code, looping is none of them. We can set that issue apart very quickly:
?- divide([1,2], 3, X), false.
This terminates. No termination issues with this query.
There are some redundant solutions. But again this is not really an issue. However, what is most problematic is that your relation is incomplete. The minimal example is:
?- divide([1,2], 1, [[2,1]]).
which should succeed but fails. So let's attack this issue first. The fact
has to be generalized to cover all permutations.
divide(Items,1,[ItemsP]) :-
permutation(Items, ItemsP).
For the redundant answers/solutions the second goal permutation/2 is not needed, you can replace it by (=)/2 or rewrite your program accordingly.

Haskell infinite loop

I am implementing a calculator in Haskell to brush up on the language but I am hitting a snag in my main when I want it to enter an infinite loop until the user inputs q.
Heres my main let me know if you see what I'm doing wrong and ill also post my error
error: No instances for (Floating (IO a0), Read (IO a0))
arising from a use of `compute'
Possible fix:
add instance declarations for (Floating (IO a0), Read (IO a0))
In a stmt of a 'do' block: compute e
In the expression:
do { compute e;
evaluate_input }
In an equation for `evaluate_expression':
evaluate_expression e
= do { compute e;
evaluate_input }
In your do-statement
compute e
both function need to be of the same monadic type, in here IO (declared by evaluate_input :: IO ()). So GHC now can expect that compute is a function that takes the String e and returns an IO a0 (== a). Yet, it could not find any a0 so that IO a0 is an instance of Floating or Read, which a must be.
I'd assume that you want to output the result of the computation (and a is an instance of Show rather than Read), so use
putStrLn . show $ compute e

Comparing speed of Haskell and C for the computation of primes

I initially wrote this (brute force and inefficient) method of calculating primes with the intent of making sure that there was no difference in speed between using "if-then-else" versus guards in Haskell (and there is no difference!). But then I decided to write a C program to compare and I got the following (Haskell slower by just over 25%) :
(Note I got the ideas of using rem instead of mod and also the O3 option in the compiler invocation from the following post : On improving Haskell's performance compared to C in fibonacci micro-benchmark)
Haskell : Forum.hs
divisibleRec :: Int -> Int -> Bool
divisibleRec i j
| j == 1 = False
| i `rem` j == 0 = True
| otherwise = divisibleRec i (j-1)
divisible::Int -> Bool
divisible i = divisibleRec i (i-1)
r = [ x | x <- [2..200000], divisible x == False]
main :: IO()
main = print(length(r))
C : main.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
bool divisibleRec(int i, int j){
if(j==1){ return false; }
else if(i%j==0){ return true; }
else{ return divisibleRec(i,j-1); }
bool divisible(int i){ return divisibleRec(i, i-1); }
int main(void){
int i, count =0;
for(i=2; i<200000; ++i){
count = count+1;
printf("number of primes = %d\n",count);
return 0;
The results I got were as follows :
Compilation times
time (ghc -O3 -o runProg Forum.hs)
real 0m0.355s
user 0m0.252s
sys 0m0.040s
time (gcc -O3 -o runProg main.cpp)
real 0m0.070s
user 0m0.036s
sys 0m0.008s
and the following running times :
Running times on Ubuntu 32 bit
real 0m54.498s
user 0m51.363s
sys 0m0.140s
number of primes = 17984
real 0m41.739s
user 0m39.642s
sys 0m0.080s
I was quite impressed with the running times of Haskell. However my question is this : can I do anything to speed up the haskell program without :
Changing the underlying algorithm (it is clear that massive speedups can be gained by changing the algorithm; but I just want to understand what I can do on the language/compiler side to improve performance)
Invoking the llvm compiler (because I dont have this installed)
[EDIT : Memory usage]
After a comment by Alan I noticed that the C program uses a constant amount of memory where as the Haskell program slowly grows in memory size. At first I thought this had something to do with recursion, but gspr explains below why this is happening and provides a solution. Will Ness provides an alternative solution which (like gspr's solution) also ensures that the memory remains static.
[EDIT : Summary of bigger runs]
max number tested : 200,000:
(54.498s/41.739s) = Haskell 30.5% slower
max number tested : 400,000:
3m31.372s/2m45.076s = 211.37s/165s = Haskell 28.1% slower
max number tested : 800,000:
14m3.266s/11m6.024s = 843.27s/666.02s = Haskell 26.6% slower
[EDIT : Code for Alan]
This was the code that I had written earlier which does not have recursion and which I had tested on 200,000 :
#include <stdio.h>
bool divisibleRec(int i, int j){
if(j==1){ return false; }
else if(i%j==0){ return true; }
else{ j -= 1;}
bool divisible(int i){ return divisibleRec(i, i-1); }
int main(void){
int i, count =0;
for(i=2; i<8000000; ++i){
count = count+1;
printf("number of primes = %d\n",count);
return 0;
The results for the C code with and without recursion are as follows (for 800,000) :
With recursion : 11m6.024s
Without recursion : 11m5.328s
Note that the executable seems to take up 60kb (as seen in System monitor) irrespective of the maximum number, and therefore I suspect that the compiler is detecting this recursion.
This isn't really answering your question, but rather what you asked in a comment regarding growing memory usage when the number 200000 grows.
When that number grows, so does the list r. Your code needs all of r at the very end, to compute its length. The C code, on the other hand, just increments a counter. You'll have to do something similar in Haskell too if you want constant memory usage. The code will still be very Haskelly, and in general it's a sensible proposition: you don't really need the list of numbers for which divisible is False, you just need to know how many there are.
You can try with
main :: IO ()
main = print $ foldl' (\s x -> if divisible x then s else s+1) 0 [2..200000]
(foldl' is a stricter foldl from Data.List that avoids thunks being built up).
Well bang patters give you a very small win (as does llvm, but you seem to have expected that):
{-# LANUGAGE BangPatterns #-}
divisibleRec !i !j | j == 1 = False
And on my x86-64 I get a very big win by switching to smaller representations, such as Word32:
divisibleRec :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Bool
divisible :: Word32 -> Bool
My timings:
$ time ./so -- Int
real 0m2.332s
$ time ./so -- Word32
real 0m1.424s
This is a closer match to your C program, which is only using int. It still doesn't match performance wise, I suspect we'd have to look at core to figure out why.
EDIT: and the memory use, as was already noted I see, is about the named list r. I just inlined r, made it output a 1 for each non-divisble value and took the sum:
main = print $ sum $ [ 1 | x <- [2..800000], not (divisible x) ]
Another way to write down your algorithm is
main = print $ length [()|x<-[2..200000], and [rem x d>0|d<-[x-1,x-2..2]]]
Unfortunately, it runs slower. Using all ((>0).rem x) [x-1,x-2..2] as a test, it runs slower still. But maybe you'd test it on your setup nevertheless.
Replacing your code with explicit loop with bang patterns made no difference whatsoever:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XBangPatterns #-}
r4 n = go 0 2 where
go !c i | i>n = c
| True = go (if not(divisible i) then (c+1) else c) (i+1)
divisibleRec i !j | j == 1 = False
| i `rem` j == 0 = True
| otherwise = divisibleRec i (j-1)
When I started programming in Haskell I was also impressed about its speed. You may be interested in reading point 5 "The speed of Haskell" of this article.
