why angular is making 2 http post req - angularjs

a.accordion-trigger(href='#accordion4', data-accord-group='group1')
p(style='color:white;') 2. Subjects Average Pass Percentage :
#accordion4.accordion-content.collapsed(ng-controller='ListController2', scroll='')
th Subject Name
th Year-Sem-Branch-Sec
th No.of.Students Appeared (A)
th Passed (B)
th Pass Percentage (B/A*100)
input.btn.btn-primary.add.pull-right(type='submit', value='Add New')
tr(ng-repeat='subjectAverage in subjectAverages')
input(type='text', ng-model='subjectAverage.subjectName', required='')
input(type='text', ng-model='subjectAverage.yearSem', required='')
input(type='text', ng-keyup='calculatePercentage(subjectAverage)', ng-model='subjectAverage.studentsAppeared', required='')
input(type='text', ng-keyup='calculatePercentage(subjectAverage)', ng-model='subjectAverage.studentsPassed', required='')
input(type='text', ng-model='subjectAverage.percentage', disabled='disabled')
input.btn.btn-danger.pull-right.delete(type='button', ng-click='removeRow($index)', value='Remove')
td Average :
input(type='text', ng-model='subjectAverages[0].average')
h3 Faculty text box (optional):
textarea#comment.form-control(rows='3', ng-model='subjectAverages[0].facultyComment')
button.btn.btn-default(type='submit', ng-click='saveavg()') Save
this is .pug code
angular controller code
var app = angular.module("myapp", []);
app.controller("ListController2", ['$scope','getAverage', '$rootScope','postSubAverage',function($scope,getAverage,$rootScope,postSubAverage) {
$scope.subjectAverages = [{
'subjectName': '',
'yearSem': '',
'studentsAppeared': '',
$scope.calculatePercentage = function(val) {
val.percentage = (parseFloat(val.studentsPassed)*100)/parseFloat(val.studentsAppeared);
$scope.addNew = function(personalDetail) {
'subjectName': "",
'yearSem': "",
'studentsAppeared': "",
$scope.parseFloat = function(value) {
return parseFloat(value);
// remove the row specified in index
$scope.subjectAverages.splice( index, 1);
// if no rows left in the array create a blank array
if ($scope.subjectAverages.length() === 0){
$scope.subjectAverages = [];
var total =0;
total += item.percentage;
$scope.subjectAverages[0].average = (total/$scope.subjectAverages.length).toFixed(2);
else if(($scope.subjectAverages[0].average>=80)&&($scope.subjectAverages[0].average<90))
else if(($scope.subjectAverages[0].average>=70)&&($scope.subjectAverages[0].average<80))
else if(($scope.subjectAverages[0].average>=60)&&($scope.subjectAverages[0].average<70))
$scope.isDisabled = false;
$scope.isDisabled = true;
url: '/appraisalform/subaverage',
method: "POST",
data: subAverage,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(function(postData){ //.success is deprecated,so use .then
alert("Updated Successfully");
.catch(function(err){//using .catch instead of .error as it is deprecated
console.log("Error in request =>", err)
when i click on save button
router.post is fired
but the problem is deepak is written is console immediately but the after some time its again apperring
POST /appraisalform/subaverage - - ms - -
i am using angular + javascript in the pug file.
can anyone help with this.

Could be tried this :
$scope.isDisabled = true;
Because the second called could be by native navigator.
And other idea is using ng-submi t only, and not using click and submit.
Expect it helps.


add click function to retrieve related data from object in web api

this is my starter work
I just call the web API and retrieved the hotel names
(function() {
var myAPI = "https://gmgapi.azurewebsites.net/SystemParameters/Hotels/GetAll?langId=en";
$.getJSON(myAPI, {
format: "json"
.done(function(data) {
console.log("Load was performed.");
function doSomething(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var div = $("<div>");
var label = $("<label>").text(data[i].DisplayValue);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="result"> </div>
now i want to click on hotel name to get other data related to hotel like deescription and other data
the proplem faced me that i couldn't get the value correctely when i clicked on html to retrive the data
i tried to declare var and use it but not worked for me like showed here
(function () {
var myAPI = "http://gmgapi.azurewebsites.net/SystemParameters/Hotels/GetAll?langId=en";
$.getJSON(myAPI, {
format: "json"
.done(function (data) {
function doSomething(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var div = $("<div>");
var h1 = $("<h1>").text(" Hotel name : " + data[i].DisplayValue);
function doSomethinginClick(data) {
// var clicked = data[this].Id;
var clicked = data[0];
$('h1').click(function () {
var divx = $("<div>");
var h1 = $("<h1>").text(" Hotel name : " + clicked.DisplayValue);
var p = $("<p>").text(" Hotel Description : " + clicked.DisplayValueDesc);
var p2 = $("<p>").text(" CurrencyTitle : " + clicked.CurrencyTitle);
var price = $("<p>").text(" PriceStart : " + clicked.PriceStart);
var rate = $("<p>").text(" Rate : " + clicked.Rate);
$(divx).append(h1, p, p2, price, rate);
<div id="result">
<div id="resultsec">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
First of, In the method doSomethinginClick(), where you define the h1 click function, you have missed to define the div element which you are appending to.
Add the following
var div = $("<div>");
To make the solution more dynamic, you can store a identifier on the h1 tag thats connect the tag to an hotel.
I added a custom field called hotelId on the html tag for this
function doSomething(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var h1 = $("<h1></h1>").text(" Hotel name : " + data[i].DisplayValue);
h1.data('hotelId', i);
function doSomethinginClick(data) {
$('h1').click(function () {
var id = $(this).data('hotelId');
var clicked = data[id];
var h1 = $("<p>").text(" Hotel name : " + clicked.DisplayValue);
var p = $("<p>").text(" Hotel Description : " + clicked.DisplayValueDesc);
var p2 = $("<p>").text(" CurrencyTitle : " + clicked.CurrencyTitle);
var price = $("<p>").text(" PriceStart : " + clicked.PriceStart);
var rate = $("<p>").text(" Rate : " + clicked.Rate);
var div = $("<div>");
$(div).append(h1, p, p2, price, rate);
Here's a plunker with mocked data

Field update after autocompletion with angularJS

I'm quite new to AngularJS and struggling a bit to have some input fields updated after an autocompletion event using google maps.
The idea is that when the user inputs his city/zip code, I would update 3 fields which are themselves linked to an object.
So far, I managed to have a working code except that sometimes the fields are not updated immediately : I have to autocomplete twice so that the good value will appear in the fields.
I've tweaked an existing angular directive in order to get what I want but since this is new to me, I dont know if I'm using the correct approach.
Below is the JS directive I use :
angular.module( "ngVilleAutocomplete", [])
.directive('ngAutocomplete', function($parse) {
return {
scope: {
details: '=',
ngAutocomplete: '=',
options: '=',
data: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs, model) {
//options for autocomplete
var opts
//convert options provided to opts
var initOpts = function() {
opts = {}
if (scope.options) {
if (scope.options.types) {
opts.types = []
if (scope.options.bounds) {
opts.bounds = scope.options.bounds
if (scope.options.country) {
opts.componentRestrictions = {
country: scope.options.country
//create new autocomplete
//reinitializes on every change of the options provided
var newAutocomplete = function() {
scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], opts);
google.maps.event.addListener(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.details = scope.gPlace.getPlace();
var HasCP = false;
for (var i=0 ; i<scope.details.address_components.length ; i++){
for (var j=0 ; j<scope.details.address_components[i].types.length ; j++){
if (scope.details.address_components[i].types[j] == 'postal_code' && scope.data.CP != 'undefined'){
scope.data.CP = scope.details.address_components[i].long_name;
HasCP = true;
} else if (scope.details.address_components[i].types[j] == 'locality' && scope.data.Ville != 'undefined') {
scope.data.Ville = scope.details.address_components[i].long_name;
} else if (scope.details.address_components[i].types[j] == 'country' && scope.data.Pays != 'undefined') {
scope.data.Pays = scope.details.address_components[i].long_name;
if (!HasCP){
var latlng = {lat: scope.details.geometry.location.lat(), lng: scope.details.geometry.location.lng()};
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder;
geocoder.geocode({'location': latlng}, function(results, status) {
if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
for (var i=0 ; i<results[0].address_components.length ; i++){
for (var j=0 ; j<results[0].address_components[i].types.length ; j++){
if (results[0].address_components[i].types[j] == 'postal_code' && scope.data.CP != 'undefined'){
scope.data.CP = results[0].address_components[i].long_name;
console.log('pc trouvé :' + scope.data.CP);
scope.ngAutocomplete = element.val();
//watch options provided to directive
scope.watchOptions = function () {
return scope.options
scope.$watch(scope.watchOptions, function () {
element[0].value = '';
scope.ngAutocomplete = element.val();
}, true);
The matching HTML code is below :
<div class="form-group">
<lable>Code postal : </label>
<input type="text" id="Autocomplete" class="form-control" ng-autocomplete="cities_autocomplete" details="cities_autocomplete_details" options="cities_autocomplete_options" data="client" placeholder="Code postal" ng-model="client.CP" />
<div class="form-group">
<lable>Ville : </label>
<input type="text" id="Autocomplete" class="form-control" ng-autocomplete="cities_autocomplete" details="cities_autocomplete_details" options="cities_autocomplete_options" data="client" placeholder="Ville" ng-model="client.Ville" />
<div class="form-group">
<lable>Pays : </label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="Pays" ng-model="client.Pays" placeholder="Pays" />
You'll see that I pass the "client" object directly to my directive which then updates this object. I expected angular to update the html page as soon as the values of the client object are updated but I will not always be the case :
If I search twice the same city, the values are not updated
If I search a city, Google wont send me a zip code so I have to do another request to the geocoding service and I get the zipcode in return but while my client.CP field is correctly updated, changes are not visible in the CP input field until I do another search.
Thanks in advance for any advice on what I'm doing wrong.

CSV upload filtering in AngularJS

I am currently adding a CSV email-list option to an existing AngularJS-based site. I use Papa Parse to parse the CSV straight to objects. What I need to do is have these results add up to the HTML and filter them so that only the email addresses will appear in the results, which will then later be counted for sending. How can I filter a CSV parse reult so that it only displays email addresses and ignores all the other values? Naturally, this would have to be done using just Angular to avoid conflicts.
Here's the Papa Parse section:
config: {header: true,
step: function(results, handle) {
rows = _.union(rows, results.data);
console.log("Row data:", results.data);
console.log("Row errors:", results.errors);
// Define HTML output
for (var i = 0; i < $files.length; i++) {
var file = $files[i];
$.each(results.data, function(i, el) {
var row = $('<ng-form ng-repeat="row in rows"/>');
$.each(el, function(j, cell) {
if (cell !== "")
row.append($('<td type="text" class="form-control csv-form medium" ng-model="row.email"></td>').text(cell));
function FileUploadCtrl(scope) {
scope.setFiles = function(element) {
scope.$apply(function(scope) {
console.log('files:', element.files);
// Turn the FileList object into an Array
scope.files = []
for (var i = 0; i < element.files.length; i++) {
scope.progressVisible = false
scope.uploadFile = function() {
var fd = new FormData()
for (var i in scope.files) {
fd.append("uploadedFile", scope.files[i])
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadProgress, false)
xhr.addEventListener("load", uploadComplete, false)
xhr.addEventListener("error", uploadFailed, false)
xhr.addEventListener("abort", uploadCanceled, false)
xhr.open("POST", "/fileupload")
scope.progressVisible = true
This should be the HTML part:
<div ng-file-select="onFileSelect($files, angular.element(this).scope())" data-multiple="true" ng-list ng-model="csv" id="fileToUpload" title="Select file" ng-change="angular.element(this).scope().setFiles(this)">
<i class="fa fa-upload"></i> {{ 'Import CSV' | Translator }}

Should $bind save child data added in an ng-repeat

Hi I have a problem with $bind, I am binding a model and outputting the models via a ng-repeat. The ng-repeat outputs the stored data and also offers some fields for adding/changing data. The changes are reflected in the scope but are not being synced to Firebase.
Is this a problem with my implementation of $bind?
<iframe id="fpframe" style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 410px;" ng-if="isLoaded"></iframe>
<li ng-repeat="asset in upload_folder" ng-class="{selected: asset.selected}">
<div class="asset-select"><input type="checkbox" name="selected" ng-model="asset.selected"></div>
<div class="asset-thumb"></div>
<div class="asset-details">
<p><span class="asset-filesize" ng-if="asset.size">Filesize: <strong><span ng-bind-html="asset.size | formatFilesize"></span></strong></span> <span class="asset-filetype" ng-if="asset.filetype">Filetype: <strong>{{asset.filetype}}</strong></span> <span class="asset-dimensions" ng-if="asset.width && asset.height">Dimensions: <strong>{{asset.width}}x{{asset.height}}px</strong></span> <span class="asset-type" ng-if="asset.type">Asset Type: <strong>{{asset.type}}</strong></span></p>
<label>Asset Description</label>
<textarea ng-model="asset.desc" cols="10" rows="4"></textarea>
<input type="text" ng-model="asset.creator" maxlength="4000">
<label>Release Date</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="asset.release">
<label for="CAT_Category">Tags</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="asset.tags" maxlength="255">
The Controller: (fpKey is a constant that stores the Filepicker API key)
['$rootScope', '$scope', '$firebase', 'FBURL', 'fpKey', 'uploadFiles',
function($rootScope, $scope, $firebase, FBURL, fpKey, uploadFiles) {
// load filepicker.js if it isn't loaded yet, non blocking.
(function(a){if(window.filepicker){return}var b=a.createElement("script");b.type="text/javascript";b.async=!0;b.src=("https:"===a.location.protocol?"https:":"http:")+"//api.filepicker.io/v1/filepicker.js";var c=a.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];c.parentNode.insertBefore(b,c);var d={};d._queue=[];var e="pick,pickMultiple,pickAndStore,read,write,writeUrl,export,convert,store,storeUrl,remove,stat,setKey,constructWidget,makeDropPane".split(",");var f=function(a,b){return function(){b.push([a,arguments])}};for(var g=0;g<e.length;g++){d[e[g]]=f(e[g],d._queue)}window.filepicker=d})(document);
$scope.isLoaded = false;
// Bind upload folder data to user account on firebase
var refUploadFolder = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child("/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder");
$scope.upload_folder = $firebase(refUploadFolder);
// default file picker options
$scope.defaults = {
mimetype: 'image/*',
multiple: true,
container: 'fpframe'
// make sure filepicker script is loaded before doing anything
// i.e. $scope.isLoaded can be used to display controls when true
(function chkFP() {
if ( window.filepicker ) {
$scope.isLoaded = true;
$scope.err = null;
// additional picker only options
var pickerOptions = {
services:['COMPUTER', 'FACEBOOK', 'GMAIL']
var storeOptions = {
location: 'S3',
container: 'imagegrid'
var options = $.extend( true, $scope.defaults, pickerOptions );
// launch picker dialog
filepicker.pickAndStore(options, storeOptions,
uploadFiles.process(InkBlobs, $scope.upload_folder);
$scope.err = FPError.toString();
} else {
setTimeout( chkFP, 500 );
I also have a service handling the input from Filepicker, this creates new entries in the firebase at the reference that is bound (using Firebase methods rather than AngularFire maybe this breaks the binding?)
.service('uploadFiles', ['$rootScope', 'FBURL', function($rootScope, FBURL) {
return {
process: function(InkBlobs, upload_folder) {
var self = this;
var countUpload = 0;
// write each blob to firebase
angular.forEach(InkBlobs, function(value, i){
var asset = {blob: value};
// add InkBlob to firebase one it is uploaded
upload_folder.$add(asset).then( function(ref){
// wait for all uploads to complete before initiating next step
(function waitForUploads() {
if ( countUpload === InkBlobs.length ) {
self.createThumbs(upload_folder, { multi: true, update: false, location: 'uploads' });
} else {
setTimeout( waitForUploads, 500 );
getDetails: function(ref) {
// after InkBlob is safely stored we will get additional asset data from it
ref.once('value', function(snap){
filepicker.stat(snap.val().blob, {size: true, mimetype: true, filename: true, width: true, height: true},
function(asset) {
// get asset type and filetype from mimetype
var mimetype = asset.mimetype.split('/');
asset.type = mimetype[0].replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});
asset.filetype = mimetype[1];
// add metadata to asset in upload folder
createThumbs: function(ref, options) {
var self = this;
// default options
options.multi = options.multi || false;
options.update = options.update || false;
options.location = options.location || 'asset';
// if pathbase is not provided generate it based on provided location
if (!options.pathbase) {
if (options.location === 'assets') {
options.pathbase = FBURL.LIBRARY + "/assets/";
} else if (options.location === 'uploads') {
options.pathbase = "/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder/";
} else {
throw new Error('SERVICE uploadFiles.createThumbs: options.location is not valid must be assets or uploads');
var generateThumb = function(blob, path) {
filepicker.convert( blob,
{ width: 200, height: 150, fit: 'crop' },
{ location: 'S3', access: 'public', container: 'imagegrid', path: '/thumbs/' },
var refThumbBlob = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child(path);
// can use to create progress bar
if (options.multi) {
// look at all assets in provided ref, if thumbnail is mission or update options is true generate new thumb
angular.forEach(ref, function(value, key){
if (typeof value !== 'function' && (!value.tnblob || options.update)) {
// thumb doesn't exist, generate it
var blob = value.blob;
var path = options.pathbase + key + '/tnblob';
generateThumb(blob, path);
} else {
// getting thumbnail for a single asset
var refAsset = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child(options.pathbase + ref);
var blob = refAsset.val().blob;
var path = options.pathbase + ref + '/tnblob';
generateThumb(blob, path);
So to recap, data is being saved to /users/$rootScope.auth.user.uid/upload_folder and this is being rendered in the HTML. Changes in the HTML form are reflected in the scope but not in Firebase, despite the binding:
var refUploadFolder = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child("/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder");
$scope.upload_folder = $firebase(refUploadFolder);
Any ideas as to why this is? Is my implementation incorrect or am I somehow breaking the binding? Is $bind even supposed to work with ng-repeat in this manner?
Shooting myself for how simple this is, the error was in how I defined the binding. You can't set the binding on itself, you need two separate objects in the scope...
The firebase reference $scope.syncdata loads the initial data and all modifications made to $scope.upload_folder will be synced to firebase.
var refUploadFolder = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child("/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder");
$scope.syncdata = $firebase(refUploadFolder);

kendo ui get id of checkbox when unchecked

i am using kendo ui tree view with check box
i want the check box's id when it is getting unchecked
this is kendo ui mine code
// var homogeneous contains data
checkboxes: {
checkChildren: false,
template:"# if(!item.hasChildren){# <input type='hidden' id='#=item.id#' parent_id='#=item.parent_id#' d_text='#=item.value#'/> <input type='checkbox' id_a='#= item.id #' name='c_#= item.id #' value='true' />#}else{# <div id='#=item.id#' style='display:none;' parent_id='#=item.parent_id#' d_text='#=item.value#'/> #}#",
dataSource: homogeneous,
dataBound: ondata,
dataTextField: "value"
function ondata() {
// function that gathers IDs of checked nodes
function checkedNodeIds(nodes, checkedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (nodes[i].checked) {
if (nodes[i].hasChildren) {
checkedNodeIds(nodes[i].children.view(), checkedNodes);
// show checked node IDs on datasource change
$("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView").dataSource.bind("change", function() {
var checkedNodes = [],
treeView = $("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView"),
checkedNodeIds(treeView.dataSource.view(), checkedNodes);
if (checkedNodes.length > 0) {
message = "IDs of checked nodes: " + checkedNodes.join(",");
} else {
message = "No nodes checked.";
in this code i am not getting checkbox's id when it is unchecked so i have tried this
jquery code
$('input[type=checkbox]').click(function() {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
alert('not checked');
this code is only working in js fiddle but not in my case http://jsfiddle.net/NPUeL/
if i use this code then i can get the number of count but i dont know how to use it
var treeview = $("[data-role=treeview]").data("kendoTreeView");
treeview.dataSource.bind("change", function (e) {
if (e.field == "checked") {
console.log("Recorded Selected: " + $("[data-role=treeview] :checked").length);
what changed i need to do in data source so i can get id
thanks in adavance
If you want to get the id you might do:
$('input[type=checkbox]').click(function (e) {
var li = $(e.target).closest("li");
var id = $("input:hidden", li).attr("id");
var node = treeView.dataSource.get(id);
if (node.checked) {
} else {
console.log('not checked');
What I do in the event handler is:
find the closest li element that is the node of the tree that has been clicked.
the id is in an HTML input element that is hidden (this is the way that I understood that you have stored it).
Get item from dataSource using dataSource.get method.
See your code modified and running here
i made the small change and its working now
function ondata() {
$('input[type=checkbox]').click(function() {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
alert('not checked');
