I would order my search according some field.
For example:
- title
- description
- some field
I would order by title and description. I try QF but this not work in all cases because search only in the specified field. I would to specify a list of field but i don't want exclude other field
Sort by score is the default sort if you don't specify anything. Perhaps you are looking to boost matches against specific field. This can be done using eDisMax and specifying boosts in the list of fields.
For example fl=title^10 description^3 otherfield1 otherfield2
I would like to sort solr documents based on searched term. For example the search term is "stringABC"
Then the order of the results should be
The solr document will contain lot of fileds ex: title, description, path, article No, Product code etc..
And the default field will contain more than one field ex: title, description and path.
So the solr doc will only be returned when the search term satisfied any field from the default field.
Use three fields - one with the exact string, one with a EdgeNgramTokenizer and one with an NgramTokenizer. You can then use qf=field1^10 field2^5 field3 to score hits in these fields according to how you want to prioritize them between each other.
How can i highlight a specif term in a specif field?
For example, imagine the following query:
foo TITLE("bar")
, what i want to achieve is the highlight of foo in all fields and bar only in the field TITLE.
Until now the following has not worked:
Note: In the above example TITLE is re-mapped correctly to a solr field.
Most highlighting parameters supports the per-field parameter syntax:
Seeing as your syntax isn't valid Solr syntax and there is no way it'll know that TITLE("bar") refers to a field named TITLE, you'll have to extract that (or provide) that metadata yourself.
If you're querying different fields and only want to highlight the terms hit in those fields (i.e. if your query had been title:bar to only search for bar in the field title), you don't have to use per field settings, but can set hl.requireFieldMatch to true instead.
By default, false, all query terms will be highlighted for each field to be highlighted (hl.fl) no matter what fields the parsed query refer to. If set to true, only query terms aligning with the field being highlighted will in turn be highlighted.
Note: if the query references fields different from the field being highlighted and they have different text analysis, the query may not highlight query terms it should have and vice versa. The analysis used is that of the field being highlighted (hl.fl), not the query fields.
Finally, after much trial and error, i managed to have this thing working Here are a few snippets:
, notice that if hl.fl fields are separated by , and in my custom fqf field in fq they are separated by +.
I have two fields
text field .. All important fields like category, product name, brand are copied into it.
attributes field .. All attributes are copied into this field.
I have a single search query e.g. "50 mm diameter drill"
I want to search this string in both fields. I am assuming that this will match all products that have drill in the text field.
I want to narrow down the result in case any attributes that match any of 50 mm diameter.
And in case none matches in the attributes field I want to return all documents that match text field.
Edit: I dont want any docs which don't match text field.
I only want that if search is matched to attributes field, and docs are found we return only those docs.
If not found we return all docs which match text field
This is getting a bit tricky and a lot of things depend on your field processing requirements.
You will need to use a combination of field weighting, to rank attributes field higher and edismax minimum match mm
Minimum match allows you to configure how many terms in the query must be hit in order for it to display results. This helps weed out documents that only hit on one term in one field.
Lastly, if you really want to have your own logic in here, you can prepend field with + to make it mandatory. For example +attributes:drill will only return items that have drill in the attributes field.
Whether "drill" will match depends on how your fields are processed, but probably, yes. The easiest way to do this is to not limit by "if not matched here, do this ..", but to score matches in the attributes field higher. You can do this by using qf (if using (e)dismax) together with their weights, such as attributes^20 text which will score any match in attributes 20 times more than a match in text. Any search matching documents with the correct term in attributes will then be scored higher than those just matching in text.
You can also do something similar in the q parameter, where you can weight each term separately: text:drill OR attributes:drill^20.
I'm indexing several different fields in a document using Apache SOLR 3.6.
When I do a search for a term, SOLR returns all the occurrences of the term in each field. However, the same score for all the fields that the term occurred inside the text of the field does not change. For example if USC occurred in the title field, and in the contents field, they both get the same score.
Is there a way to index a document of different fields and have a weighted score based on the type of field within the document?
use dismax or edismax and set the qf (query field) parameter to something like this to give the title more weight than the body.
qf=title^3 body
I want to sort document by relevancy i.e. First all docs having "Burj Khalifa" in title and then in summary field? and sort by publishdate as well. means latest documents must have high score.
criteria is like sort by score with publishdate
http://localhost:8080/solr/select?sort=score+desc,publishdate+desc&q=Burj Khalifa
I think you don't want sorting in this case, as it defines a strict ordering on the result set. Instead, I'd use DisMax with a FunctionQuery (see here to boost newer documents) and the qf parameter to boost the title field.
You'll have to play a bit with the boost values to get optimal results.