I try to implement slatejs package to my react app for creacting my custom editor,it works great,but hot-reloading stops working.
it stops when I do import into some component.I use webpack-dev-server+react-hot-loader
Firstly I supposed that the reason was my custom app settings ,but it didn't work for https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app
and for https://github.com/davezuko/react-redux-starter-kit too
As I can understand slatejs package uses browserify,maybe this is the reason,but it shouldn't have an effect cause it's just a package and webpack settings for react-hot-loader exclude node_modules
Thank you!
I solved this issue,I don't know why but it helped.
const { Editor, Raw } = require('slate') // this import works with live-reload
import { Editor, Raw } from 'slate' // this import doesn't work with live-reload
React app production build stopped working. The generated chunk can not be loaded, because the output of the build generates the following line:
instead of:
google.maps.LatLng(85.02070771743472, -178.48388434375)
Package versions:
react: 18.0.0
#react-google-maps/api: 2.12.0
Tried solutions, which did not help to fix the problem
Changing the version of google maps to 3.47, 3.48, 3.49
Downgrading the version of the #react-google-maps/api
Is there a solution to fix this problem? What could possibly cause this change of constant value during the production build?
Row in codebase
We managed to locate the issue, but not the root cause. We were importing a component
import { MenuItem } from 'sharedComponents/Page/UserSignedMenu'
from the file:
export const MenuItem = styled('a')`
some styling
The solution was to not import the component, but copy it to that file where it is used. It is a dirty fix, and violating the DRY concept, but solving the production build.
We tried to not use the styled component, just a simple div:
export const MenuItem = <div>test</div>
But did not help.
Im trying to store my nft metadata to ipfs using nft.storage (Reactjs)
When I import the library as explained in their docs I get this error
enter image description here
I read a similar error online for web3storage library and that it is probably a webpack version issue, but there is no solution. Any ideas?
This is how I am importing it:
import { NFTStorage, File } from 'nft.storage'
Exactly as shown in the docs.
Since there's insufficient info on how to deal with this out of the box, this is how I resolved it. It worked fine.
Go to node_modules/nft.storage directory.
Make sure you have ipfs-car/dist/esm/blockstore and ipfs-car/dist/esm/pack. If not, install ipfs-car with npm i ipfs-car. Copy ipfs-car/dist/esm to nft.storage/src.
Inside nft.storage/src, update the ipfs-car import statements in the following files like so:
Inside platform.web.js, update to this: import { MemoryBlockStore } from 'ipfs-car/dist/esm/blockstore/memory'
Inside lib.js, update to this: import { pack } from 'ipfs-car/dist/esm/pack'
Inside token.js, update to this: import { pack } from 'ipfs-car/dist/esm/pack'
This solved my problem.
Crude but works.
importing pack from built version should also work but crude as well...the package doesn't work at all without doing these, they should update it...I will send a pull request later on.
import { Web3Storage } from 'web3.storage/dist/bundle.esm.min.js'
I just upgraded Create React App to 5.0.0 (which upgrades to webpack 5) and it's working fine. Some relevant tips here.
I'm building a react component library (using typescript and styled-components) and I want to reuse as much as possible code between the two targets (web and native).
I have a folder called styled, and inside that folder, I have two index files: index.ts and index.native.ts.
Inside the index.ts I have: export { default as styled } from 'styled-components'; while in the index.native.ts I have export { default as styled } from 'styled-components/native';
I know react-native uses index.native.ts instead index.ts during the build process when it is available but I really need to make the IDE (vscode) to understand that, I mean, when I'm building a Button.native.ts the statement: import { styled } from '../styled' should import from the .native barrel and the ctrl + click should let us to the .native file.
I don't know if there is a configuration to change the default import file used as a barrel, I already tried to search in the typescript documentation for some react-native preset but I didn't find anything.
It is not related to TypeScript, it is an open issue on VSCode GitHub page. Still doesn't have any solution.
Even I didn't find solution on react native vscode plugin.
By my understanding you are working on RNW, so it is not a correct expectation that VSCode understand by Ctrl+CLICK your meaning is Web or Native side.When it works in development and production so forget about opening right code by click.
I am using a boilerplate Ignite Bowser and I am trying to add Knob Addon to storybook, but so far I cant make it to work.
On the story, I added a decorator like the following code:
storiesOf("Button", module)
.addDecorator(fn => {fn()})
However, when trying to add: "#storybook/addon-knobs/register" Im failing at it.
Some help would be nice.
Project Overview
When running on React Native you need to install knobs from the on-device
Create a file named ./rn-addons.ts
Add the following import on the file:
import '#storybook/addon-ondevice-knobs/register'
Then in your file storybook.ts, you import that rn-addons:
import './rn-addons'
I am new to React but have used React Native pretty extensively.
Basically I'm struggling with something that I expect is pretty simple and common.
I want to use an NPM package bootstrap-grid-only-css (https://www.npmjs.com/package/bootstrap-grid-only-css).
I have installed it and its available in the node_modules folder. My issue is trying to import it into the app.js file.
I have tried
import { 'bootstrap-grid-only-css' } from "bootstrap-grid-only-css"
import { 'bootstrap-grid.min.css' } from "../node_modules/dist/bootstrap-grid-only-css"
Have also tried
const bs = require('bootstrap-grid.min.css');
none of which seem to work. all error.
Can anyone advise the correct method of import please?
Thanks very much.
If you are importing css file, then do not include file name after import
import "../node_modules/dist/bootstrap-grid-only-css"/bootstrap-grid.min.css
Just like:
import 'react-tabs/style/react-tabs.css';
Its quite simple to add bootstrap to your react application. you can follow below steps according to React Docs Adding Bootstrap
As first step you need to add bootstrap to your project via npm install.
npm install --save bootstrap
you can add bootstrap version behalf of bootstrap in above code.
Then go to src/index.js file and import Bootstrap CSS and optionally Bootstrap theme CSS in the beginning adding below line in index.js
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
Then delete all custom css write inside the scr/App.css
Then checkout adding bootstrap code inside the App.js file.It should be worked properly.
If you want go through this video How to import bootstrap in react application you will understand how does it easy.