MiniZinc join arrays of variables by index - arrays

I have a MiniZinc program with 3 arrays of variables of the following form:
array[NbLines] of var Domain: vars1;
array[NbLines, NbRows] of var Domain: vars2;
array[NbLines, NbRows] of var Domain: vars3;
I need to specify my search variable order in the following way, but I did not success to correctly construct my array. There is the MiniZinc like code:
varsOrder = [[vars1[i]] ++ row(vars2, i) ++ row(vars3, i) | i in NbLines]
MiniZinc indicates that arrays are not allowed in array comprehension expressions. How should I do?
Thank you for your help.

As you have noticed, you cannot concatenate arrays like this. What I can think of are two approaches, though the first is not exactly what you want.
1) use array1d(array)
You can flatten matrices (2d arrays) with "array1d" like this:
solve :: int_search(vars1 ++ array1d(vars2) ++ array1d(vars3), first_fail, indomain_min, complete) satisfy;
However, this is not exactly the same as what you write above, but it's way easier than the next approach:
2) Make a master array and insert all the elements in the proper positions.
int: totLen = ...; % the total length of all the arrays
array[1..totLen] of var Domain: all;
You have to do a loop to insert all the elements in the exact position you want in the "all" array. However, I leave this as an exercise. :-)
Then the "all" array can be used in the labeling:
solve :: int_search(all, first_fail, indomain_min, complete) satisfy;


Julia: Questions about array where the dimension is not determined

I have two beginner's questions:
(1) I want to reshape an array, but dimensions come from a vector which can be a variable. For example,
A = ones(120,1)
b = [2,3,4,5]
I can write
C = reshape(A,2,3,4,5)
But in case b can vary, I want something like
C = reshape(A,b)
This code works in Matlab. Is there an analog in Julia?
(2) I want to slice a high-dimensional array, while keeping the dimensions flexible. In the example above, I fix the last dimension:
etc. The problem is to find an efficient way: For an array of any dimensions, I can always fix the last dimension and extract values.
Any help will be highly appreciated!
(1) C = reshape(A,b...)
(2) EllipsisNotation.jl provides a .. operator, so C[..,1] does what you want.
And there is C[ntuple(x->:, ndims(C)-1)..., 1] for (2) if you don't want to install a package.

How to convert vectors to arrays in ECLiPSe (CLP)? (or Prolog)

I have to solve Sudoku puzzles in the format of a vector containing 9 vectors (of length 9 each). Seeing as vectors are linked lists in Prolog, I figured the search would go faster if I transformed the puzzles in a 2D array format first.
Example puzzle:
puzzle(P) :- P =
I'm using ECLiPSe CLP to implement a solver. The best I've come up with so far is to write a domain like this:
P[1..9,1..9] :: 1..9.
and a converter for the puzzle (parameter P is the given puzzle and Sudoku is the new defined grid with the 2D array). But I'm having trouble linking the values from the given initial puzzle to my 2D array.
( for(I,1,9),
( for(J,1,9),
Sudoku[I,J] is P[I,J]
Before this, I tried using array_list (, but I kept getting type errors. How I did it before:
( for(I,1,9),
( for(J,1,9),
A is Sudoku[I],
When my Sudoku finally outputs the example puzzle P in the following format:
Sudoku = []([](_Var1, _Var2, 8, 7, ..., 6), [](4, ...), ...)
then I'll be happy.
I tried again with the array_list; it almost works with the following code:
( for(I,1,9),
X is Sudoku[I],
Y is P[I],
array_list(X, Y)
The writes are there to see how the vectors/arrays look like. For some reason, it stops at the second iteration (instead of 9 times) and outputs the rest of the example puzzle as a vector of vectors. Only the first vector gets assigned correctly.
While I'm sure the answer given by jschimpf is correct, I also figured out my own implementation:
X is Sudoku[Count],
array_list(X, Y),
NewCount is Count + 1,
Thanks for the added explanation on why it didn't work before though!
The easiest solution is to avoid the conversion altogether by writing your puzzle specification directly as a 2-D array. An ECLiPSe "array" is simply a structure with the functor '[]'/N, so you can write:
puzzle(P) :- P = [](
You can then use this 2-D array directly as the container for your domain variables:
sudoku(P) :-
P[1..9,1..9] :: 1..9,
However, if you want to keep your list-of-lists puzzle specification, and convert that to an array-of-arrays format, you can use array_list/2. But since that only works for 1-D arrays, you have to convert the nesting levels individually:
listoflists_to_matrix(Xss, Xzz) :-
% list of lists to list of arrays
( foreach(Xs,Xss), foreach(Xz,Xzs) do
array_list(Xz, Xs)
% list of arrays to array of arrays
array_list(Xzz, Xzs).
As for the reason your own code didn't work: this is due to the subscript notation P[I]. This
requires P to be an array (you were using it on lists)
works only in contexts where an arithmetic expression is expected, e.g. the right hand side of is/2, in arithmetic constraints, etc.

Concise way to create an array filled within a range in Matlab

I need to create an array filled within a range in Matlab
Obviously I can create a loop to perform this action from scratch but I wondering if there is a coincise and efficent way to do this with built-in matlab commands since seems a very common operation
If I use linspace the operation is weird since the spacing between the points is (x2-x1)/(n-1).
This can be handled simply by the : operator in the following notation
array = from:increment:to
Note that the increment defaults to 1 if written with only one colon seperator
array = from:to
array1 = 2:6 %Produces [2,3,4,5,6]
array2 = 15:2:25 %Produces [15,17,19,21,23,25]

Extract one Logical variable from several Elementwise-Conditions in multidimensional arrays in Matlab

What is the most elegant way to reduce elementwise-conditions in multidimensional-arrays to one logical variable in Matlab? I need this for a big project with a lot of if conditions and assertions. In the Matlab documentation about logical arrays and find array elements there is no satifying solution for this problem.
For example, a logical variable myBool is true iff there are two ones at the same position in the matrices A and B:
A = [0,1;0,0]
B = [0,1;1,0]
My preferred solution so far is:
myBool = any(A(:)==1 & B(:)==1)
But it doesn't look like the shortest solution and it doesn't work with array indexing.
A shorter but not very readable solution:
myBool = any(A(B==1))
The biggest problem is that for higher dimensional arrays the functions like nnz() only reduce the order by one dimension without the colon (:), but with the colon it is not possible to index a part of the array...
Firstly, if you use matrices of class logical, then you don't need to test for equality to 1.
Indexing aside, the best approach would be:
bFlag = any(A(:) & B(:));
If you need indexing, you have two options. You can use a small vectorising anonymous function:
fhVec = #(T)(T(:));
bFlag = any(fhVec(A(rowIndices, colIndices) & B(rowIndices, colIndices)));
alternatively, you can use linear indexing:
vnLinearIndices = sub2ind(size(A), rowIndices, colIndices);
bFlag = any(A(vnLinearIndices) & B(vnLinearIndices));

addressing cell arrays of structures

I have following cell array:
How can I easily get an array of nft.x values, i.e., [1 2 3] in this case?
use cellfun
>> cellfun( #(x) x.nft.x, res )
Use comma-separated lists (a very powerful feature in MATLAB):
v = [res{:}];
v = [v.nft];
v = [v.x];
Of course, this only works if all structures have the identical fields. If not, you'll have to resort to a loop or something similar, for instance:
cellfun(#(x)x.nft.x, res)
the latter may seem a bit more elegant, but it's definitely much slower for a larger data set.
res{:} creates a comma separated list of structs, and [res{:}] concatenates them into an array. Accessing a field of an array of structs again results in a comma separated list, hence the additional concatenation, field access and yet another concatenation.
