Linked Server Provider Shows Not Showing in both SQL Server Instances - sql-server

I have two instances installed on my test server - a SQL Express instance and a SQL Developer instance.
I‌ just installed Oracle Db drivers (for an Oracle Db 11g instance) so that I can link to an Oracle Database using Linked Servers. The new provider ‌‌(OraOLEDB.Oracle) successfully shows in the SQL Express instance. So I'm able to successfully set up my linked server under that instance.
H‌owever, the provider doesn't show under the SQL Developer instance which is where I really wanted to use it.
Since the provider shows under SQL Express, I know the drivers are installed and presumably installed properly (e.g. right bit version, etc...)
H‌ow do I the provider to show under SQL Developer as well.

select ##version
on both instances. Most likely you will find that one SQL instance is 32 bit and the other is 64 bit. The Oracle Driver "bit version" has to match the sql instance "bit version".


SQL Server 2019 cannot see Oracle 12.2.0 OraOLEDB12.dll in Providers list

My SQL Server 2019 Enterprise is up and running on a Windows 2019 Core vm. Connections to SQL Server databases are A-OK.
I have installed the OLEDB driver OraOLEDB12.dll via the oui.exe in the
I checked only the Oracle Provider for OLE DB in the Component Name list.
It created the appropriate TNSNAMES.ORA file from the info I provided.
The installer added the appropriate paths to the environment var PATH.
After restarting the Windows 2019 Core VM, and reconnecting SSMS v18.8 to the SQL Server I could not see the provider in the Server Objects, Linked Servers, Providers list.
So I ran regsvr32.exe and got back DllRegisterServer in OraOLEDB12.dll succeeded. So I restarted the VM again, and reconnected to my SQL Server and still no joy.
What am I missing here? I've search through lots of google links, on StackOverflow itself and am finding the same results, path issues, registry issues, 32/64 issues. Our Ent SQL Server is x64, our SSMS locally is X64, the Oracle driver is x64.
Did you try to install more than one Oracle client? Oracle OLEDB driver can exist only once (i.e. once each for 32-bit and 64-bit).
Version of Oracle OLEDB driver must match exactly the Oracle client.
Maybe have a look at my Oracle Connection Tester, this may give you an indication whether your Oracle OLEDB driver is properly installed.
My apologies, I did indeed install the 32 bit driver when I thought I was installing the 64 bit.
Have deinstalled (as Oracle calls it) the previous and am moving forward with the correct installation.
Again, my apologies for wasting time.

LocalDB Separate Install Connection String

Our tool uses SQL Server 2012 LocalDB to store data. This as installed by the MSI, not full express. Users recently moved to new machines using other applications that connect via SQL Server 2019.
My understanding is that installing SQL Server LocalDB on top of an installation of SQL Server 2019 shouldn't cause an issue, being as how SQL Server Express installs as a named instance by default.
My concern when I look at connection strings, however, is that mine doesn't identify the server instance quite in the way I've seen recommended, only the Data Source:
Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=True;AttachDbFileName=C:\Database\Database.mdf;Connection Timeout=10000
This does connect, in case there's doubt. But referencing, I see recommended this:
Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=C:\MyFolder\MyData.mdf;
In my mind, Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0 is already a clear designation of the instance, but I'm unsure what happens when SQL Server Express installs after SQL Server.
What should I look out for? Do I need to replace Data Source with Server? Will I need to change any part of (localdb)\v11.0 to account for the order SQL Server Express has been installed in compared with SQL Server?
Updating the connection string by replacing 'Data Source' with 'Server' works. The question still remains, how will LocalDBs installing second affect what follows Server=?

Configure remote connections without sql server installation?

We have an application called IpSwitch Whatsup and it's installed in a machine that I can connect to remotely as administrator. This is all in our intranet.
We need to connect to the sql server database being used by IpSwitch Whatsup, but this particular machine doesn't have sql server installed. On the other hand, in sql server configuration manager there is indeed a sql server installation for whatsup (the entry says SQL Server (WHATSUP)).
So, two questions:
How does one go about in connecting to this database? I'm pretty sure I know the name of the database and I already know the server name and instance, so I would like to connect to this DB from a sql server installation in another machine.
How does one configure a sql server installation to receive remote connections if it doesn't have sql server installed?
For the first question, you just type in (or browse) the appropriate instance name and authentication options using SSMS - which is the GUI tool used to manage sql server instances. Note - the term "sql server installation" can mean different things so it is not a useful reference.
As for the second question, review the information here. Note that any task you do in SSMS can be done via tsql - you can see the appropriate commands using the script button in the SSMS dialog windows.
And you can also (and probably should based on these questions) install SSMS on the same machine as your server instance so you can do "anything" "anywhere". Now would probably be a good time to review your disaster recovery options (and start backing up your databases regularly).

SQL Server 64-bit ODBC Connection to 32-bit Pervasive SQL v10

I am using the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2016 Express, trying to connect to a 32-bit Pervasive SQL v10 database. I am setting up a Linked Server in SQL Server via ODBC connection, but I am receiving this error that has given me a lot of pain in the past:
The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
I had a similar issue not long ago trying to connect to a Microsoft Access database, but with help here I was able to obtain the 64-bit ODBC driver for Access. However, there does not seem to be one for Pervasive v10 at all, only for PSQL v11+, which does not help me in this case.
Previous question: SQL Server Linked Server to MS Access - DSN Architecture Mismatch Error
So if anyone has a suggestion for connecting to a 32-bit client from a 64-bit SQL Server installation, when there does not exist a 64-bit ODBC driver for this client, please let me know.
One of the suggested solutions was to use an OLEDB link instead (but no details provided on this, and I'm not sure how it would differ from the linked server I am already trying to create, which is already using OLEDB).
There was also mention somewhere of installing an entirely separate 32-bit SQL Express client, and chaining an additional ODBC link to point to the first one, but I would rather avoid all that overhead if possible, especially since this is a production server that is already running Sage 50 in addition to our own software and web services with SQL Server...
Other details: The client that is built on Pervasive SQL v10 that I am trying to connect to is Peachtree 2017 - Sage 50. This is all running on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.
More reading here:
Thanks for the comments! After further investigation... it looks like this IS actually PSQL v11, not v10. Now, I'm not sure why the 64-bit ODBC driver is not already installed... but I am looking into this now...

How to view a list of databases under server in SQL Anywhere like we do in MSSQL

I am very new to SQL Anywhere. I have been working MSSQL for a long time.
So in MSSQL, if we need to see the list of database under server, we can see that under Server Explorer.
How can I do same in SQL Anywhere?
I have just installed SQL Anywhere 16 and have no idea how to find Server name etc.
There should be a program called "SQL Central" (scjview.exe) that was installed with SQLAnywhere server. Run that and you should be able to see the servers.
