adding and subtracting a long int binary number in c - c

I have a long int number which is in binary form.
I want to subtract or add another binary number from this number keeping the data type of destination variable same, i.e long int
How can I do it?
I had a solution in which destination variable was an array of int.
what I tried so far
int main() {
long int binary1;
long int binary2 = 0001;
int i = 0, rem = 0;
int sum[20];
printf("Enter binary number");
scanf("%ld", &binary1);
while (binary1 != 0 || binary2 != 0) {
sum[i++] =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + rem) % 2;
rem =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + rem) / 2;
binary1 = binary1 / 10;
binary2 = binary2 / 10;
if (rem != 0)
sum[i++] = rem;
printf("Sum of two binary numbers: ");
while (i >= 0)
printf("%d", sum[i--]);
return 0;
Here the result is stored as int. I want to store it in long int because I need to use this sum for the next addition operation.
How can I do the next addition operation where sum is one of the operand? sum here is in int, and another operand is in long int.

Store as chars it what you want to do I think
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
long int binary1;
long int binary2 = 0001;
int i = 0, rem = 0;
char sum[20];
printf("Enter binary number: ");
scanf("%ld", &binary1);
while (binary1 != 0 || binary2 != 0) {
sum[i++]=(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + rem) % 2 > 0 ? '1' : '0';
rem =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + rem) / 2;
binary1 = binary1 / 10;
binary2 = binary2 / 10;
if (rem != 0)
sum[i++] = rem;
printf("Sum of two binary numbers: ");
while (i >= 0)
printf("%c", sum[i--]);
return 0;

your problem is that
long int binary1=1011;
will load your variable with 1011 dec which is 1111110011 bin you can use standard addition operator but different load/print operations. If you want to stick to your DCB (decimal coded binary) encoding (similar to BCD binary coded decimal) then you need to rewrite all math operation. I think simpler would be this:
long int bin2dec(long int bin) // DCB -> binary
long int x,m;
for (m=1;m<bin;m*=10);
for (x=0;m;m/=10)
return x;
long int dec2bin(long int dec) // binary -> DCB
long int x,m;
for (m=1;m<dec;m<<=1);
for (x=0;m;m>>=1)
return x;
void main()
long int b1=1011;
long int b2= 1;
long int b3= 100;
long int sum;
sum = dec2bin(bin2dec(b1)+bin2dec(b2)+bin2dec(b3));
// here print the sum or whatever
The point is to convert DCB into standard binary representation before math operations and then convert the result back to DCB for printing.


How do I reverse the order of the digits of an integer using recursion in C programming?

Problem statement :
Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer.
Note: Assume we are dealing with an environment that could only store
integers within the 32-bit signed integer range: [ −2^31, 2^31 − 1]. For
the purpose of this problem, assume that your function returns 0 when
the reversed integer overflows.
I'm trying to implement the recursive function reverseRec(), It's working for smaller values but it's a mess for the edge cases.
int reverseRec(int x)
return x;
return reverseRec(x/10) + ((x%10)*(pow(10, (floor(log10(abs(x)))))));
I've implemented non recursive function which is working just fine :
int reverse(int x)
long long val = 0;
val = val*10 + (x%10);
x /= 10;
return (val < INT_MIN || val > INT_MAX) ? 0 : val;
Here I use variable val of long long type to check the result with MAX and MIN of signed int type but the description of the problem specifically mentioned that we need to deal within the range of 32-bit integer, although somehow it got accepted but I'm just curious If there is a way to implement a recursive function using only int datatype ?
One more thing even if I consider using long long I'm failing to implement it in the recursive function reverseRec().
If there is a way to implement a recursive function using only int datatype ?
(and) returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows
For such +/- problems, I like to fold the int values to one side and negate as needed. The folding to one side (- or +) simplifies overflow detection as only a single side needs testing
I prefer folding to the negative side as there are more negatives, than positives. (With 32-bit int, really didn't make any difference for this problem.)
As code forms the reversed value, test if the following r * 10 + least_digit may overflow before doing it.
An int only recursive solution to reverse an int. Overflow returns 0.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static int reverse_recurse(int i, int r) {
if (i) {
int least_digit = i % 10;
if (r <= INT_MIN / 10 && (r < INT_MIN / 10 || least_digit < INT_MIN % 10)) {
return 1; /// Overflow indication
r = reverse_recurse(i / 10, r * 10 + least_digit);
return r;
// Reverse an int, overflow returns 0
int reverse_int(int i) {
// Proceed with negative values, they have more range than + side
int r = reverse_recurse(i > 0 ? -i : i, 0);
if (r > 0) {
return 0;
if (i > 0) {
if (r < -INT_MAX) {
return 0;
r = -r;
return r;
int main(void) {
int t[] = {0, 1, 42, 1234567890, 1234567892, INT_MAX, INT_MIN};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof t / sizeof t[0]; i++) {
printf("%11d %11d\n", t[i], reverse_int(t[i]));
if (t[i] != INT_MIN) {
printf("%11d %11d\n", -t[i], reverse_int(-t[i]));
0 0
0 0
1 1
-1 -1
42 24
-42 -24
1234567890 987654321
-1234567890 -987654321
1234567892 0
-1234567892 0
2147483647 0
-2147483647 0
-2147483648 0
You could add a second parameter:
int reverseRec(int x, int reversed)
if(x == 0)
return reversed;
return reverseRec(x/10, reversed * 10 + x%10);
And call the function passing the 0 for the second parameter. If you want negative numbers you can check the sign before and pass the absolute value to this function.
In trying to learn C programming I programed this question and get some correct results and some incorrect. I don't see the reason for the difference.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h> // requires adding link to math -lm as in: gcc b.c -lm -o q11
int ReverseInt(int startValue, int decimalPlace)
if(decimalPlace == 0) // if done returns value
return startValue;
int temp = startValue % 10; // gets units digit
int newStart = (startValue -temp)/10; // computes new starting value after removing one digit
int newDecimal = decimalPlace -1;
int value = temp*pow(10,decimalPlace);
return value + ReverseInt(newStart,newDecimal); // calls itself recursively until done
int main()
int x, decimalP, startValue;
printf("Input number to be reversed \n Please note number must be less than 214748364 :");
scanf("%d", &x);
if (x > 214748364)
printf("Input number to be reversed \n Please note number must be less than 214748364 :");
scanf("%d", &x);
decimalP = round(log10(x)); // computes the number of powers of 10 - 0 being units etc.
startValue = ReverseInt(x, decimalP); // calls function with number to be reversed and powers of 10
printf("\n reverse of %d is %d \n", x, startValue);
Output is: reverse of 1234 is 4321 but then reverse of 4321 is 12340
It's late and nothing better does not come into my mind. No float calculations. Of course, integer has to be big enough to accommodate the result. Otherwise it is an UB.
int rev(int x, int partial, int *max)
int result;
if(x / partial < 10 && (int)(x / partial) > -10)
*max = partial;
return abs(x % 10) * partial;
result = rev(x, partial * 10, max) + abs(((x / (int)(*max / partial)) % 10) * partial);
return result;
int reverse(int x)
int max;
return rev(x, 1, &max) * ((x < 0) ? -1 : 1);
int main(void){
printf("%d", reverse(-456789));
unsigned rev(unsigned x, unsigned partial, unsigned *max)
unsigned result;
if(x / partial < 10)
*max = partial;
return (x % 10) * partial;
result = rev(x, partial * 10, max) + (x / (*max / partial) % 10) * partial;
return result;
unsigned reverse(unsigned x)
unsigned max;
return rev(x, 1, &max);
int main(void){
printf("%u", reverse(123456));
when using long long to store the result all possible integers can be reversed
long long rev(int x, long long partial, long long *max)
long long result;
if(x / partial < 10 && (int)(x / partial) > -10)
*max = partial;
return abs(x % 10) * partial;
result = rev(x, partial * 10, max) + abs(((x / (int)(*max / partial)) % 10) * partial);
return result;
long long reverse(int x)
long long max;
return rev(x, 1, &max) * ((x < 0) ? -1 : 1);
int main(void){
printf("%d reversed %lld\n", INT_MIN, reverse(INT_MIN));
printf("%d reversed %lld\n", INT_MAX, reverse(INT_MAX));
I am assuming by reversing an integer you mean turning 129 to 921 or 120 to 21.
You need an initial method to initialize your recursive function.
Your recursive function must figure out how many decimal places your integer uses. This can be found by using log base 10 with the value and then converting the result to a integer.
log10 (103) approx. 2.04 => 2
Modulus the initial value by 10 to get the ones place and store it in a variable called temp
Subtract the ones place from the initial value and store that in a variable called newStart.
divide this value by 10
Subtract one from the decimal place and store in another variable called newDecimal.
Return the ones place times 10 to the power of the decimal place and add it to the function where the initial value is newStart and the decimalPlace is newDecimal.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int ReverseInt(int startValue, int decimalPlace);
int main()
int i = -54;
int positive = i < 0? i*-1 : i;
double d = log10(positive);
int output = ReverseInt(positive,(int)d);
int correctedOutput = i < 0? output*-1 : output;
printf("%d \n",correctedOutput);
return 0;
int ReverseInt(int startValue, int decimalPlace)
if(decimalPlace == 0)
return startValue;
int temp = startValue % 10;
int newStart = (startValue -temp)/10;
int newDecimal = decimalPlace -1;
int value = temp*pow(10,decimalPlace);
return value + ReverseInt(newStart,newDecimal);

convert a decimal number to string in c

I need to redo printf for a projet, so I actually have a problem with the conversion of float.
I managed to convert almost everything but for the number 1254451555.6
I got an issue: I got 1254451555.59999.
I think it's the calculation to keep the part after the . that doesnt work.
nbr = ((n - nbr) * 100000000);
I tried different things but I haven't managed to fix it yet.
Do you have any idea?
int getlenghtitoa(long long n, int nbase)
int i;
i = 0;
while (n >= 0)
n /= nbase;
if (n == 0)
break ;
return (i);
float ft_nbconv(float n, int i)
while (i-- > 0)
n = n *10;
return (n);
int ft_power(long long nbr)
int i;
i = 1;
while(nbr > 10)
i *= 10;
nbr = nbr / 10;
return (i);
char *ft_conver_f(long double n)
char *dest;
int i;
int a;
long long int nbr;
int power;
nbr = (long long) n;
i = getlenghtitoa((long long )n, 10);
if (!(dest = malloc(sizeof(char) * (i + 8))))
return (0);
a = i;
i = 0;
power = ft_power(nbr);
while (a--)
dest[i++] = ((nbr / power) % 10) + '0';
if (power != 1)
power /= 10;
dest[i++] = '.';
nbr = ((n - nbr) * 100000000);
power = 10000000;
while (a++ < 5)
if (a == 5)
if ((((nbr / power)) % 10) >= 5)
dest[i++] = ((nbr / power) % 10 + 1) + '0';
dest[i++] = ((nbr / power) % 10) + '0';
power /= 10;
dest[i] = '\0';
return (dest);
Most decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly as binary fractions. A consequence is that, in general, the decimal floating-point numbers you enter are only approximated by the binary floating-point numbers actually stored in the machine.
That's why when implementing a printf, the only way to really be able to convert a floating number to a 2-seperated-by-point integers, is by using the precision factor and rounding manually.
If you are not required to implement the precision, the default is 6.
(Precision is the number of places to print after the dot (and it's rounded)).
And that's what's missing in your implementation.
Let's call the digits before the dot the ipart and the digits after the fpart .
nbr = ((n - nbr) * 100000000);
This should be
nbr = ((n - nbr) * 10000000); // 7 zeros
// nbr is now equal to 5999999
if (nbr % 10 >= 5)
nbr = nbr / 10 + 1;
nbr = nbr / 10;
This way, you get 7 digits after the dot, see if the last one is higher than 5, if it is, you add +1 to nbr (after dividing by 10 to make sure nbr has 6 digits), if it's not, you just divide by 10.
One more note about this rounding method, It will not be able to carry the rounding from the fpart to the ipart .
what if you want to print 3.9999999 ? It should print 4.000000. That means that can't just convert the ipart to a string from the beginning, because sometimes rounding the fpart will add +1 to your ipart
So think about creating a function ltoa for example that takes a long long int and converts it to a string, complete the piece of code about rounding i just gave you to make sure rounding can be carried to the ipart , then convert the whole thing to string using something like
dest = join(ltoa(ipart), ".", ltoa(fpart)).
A couple more notes, your function does not handle negative numbers.
And your int ft_pow can be easily flooded, so consider changing to long long ft_pow

reverse an unsigned int number causing overflow

Enter a unsigned int, reverse it and see if its' still in range, if it is, print the reverse number, if not, print your number is out of range
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main() {
unsigned int a = UINT_MAX; // 0xffff
printf("max unsigned int = %u\n\n", a);
unsigned int x = 0;
printf("please enter any unsigned int,\nit will show the reverse number if it's in range\n(enter 10 digit only)\n\n");
while (scanf("%u", &x) != EOF) {
//printf("x = %u\n", x);
// above %d will print each UINT's binary oder, ex: enter 4294967292, x = -1
// if change %u, it will print entered number, ex: enter 4294967292, x = 4294967292
unsigned int temp = x, result = 0;
int m = 0;
while (temp > 0) {
unsigned int digit = temp % 10;
if (result > 429496729) {
m++; //if reversed 9digits is already bigger 429496729,
//then 'result = result * 10 + digit', it will have over flow problem.
result = result * 10 + digit;
temp /= 10;
if (temp == 0) break;
printf("m=%d\n", m);
if (m >= 1)
printf("out of range\n");
printf("result is %u\n", result);
return 0;
You never return the reversed number, all you return is the final (rightmost) digit.
And your function doesn't "return itself", it returns the result of calling itself, which is not the same.
Your test for overflow is incorrect because you compare the unsigned int result with a value that is larger than the range of this type, so the test always fails.
There are 2 ways to check for overflow:
taking advantage of unsigned arithmetics, you can compare is the result is smaller than the previous result.
alternately, you can compare if result is larger than UINT_MAX / 10 or if it is equal, if digit is larger than UINT_MAX % 10. This method works for all integer types, unsigned and signed.
Here is the modified code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main(void) {
unsigned int x;
printf("max unsigned int = %u\n\n", UINT_MAX);
printf("please enter any unsigned int,\n"
"it will show the reverse number if it is in range\n"
"(enter 10 digit only)\n\n");
while (scanf("%u", &x) == 1) {
unsigned int temp = x, result = 0;
int overflow = 0;
while (temp > 0) {
unsigned int digit = temp % 10;
if (result > UINT_MAX / 10
|| (result == UINT_MAX / 10 && digit > UINT_MAX % 10)) {
overflow++; // the result will not fit
result = result * 10 + digit;
temp /= 10;
if (overflow)
printf("out of range for unsigned int type\n\n");
printf("result is %u\n\n", result);
return 0;
Thanks for your answer, much appreciated!
1. Regarding to "compare if result is larger than UINT_MAX / 10 or if it is equal, if digit is larger than UINT_MAX % 10. This method works for all integer types, unsigned and signed."
Is (result == UINT_MAX / 10 && digit > UINT_MAX % 10)) necessary?
I assume input below digits
(reminder: only enter digit within UINT_MAX)
unsigned int 4294967295 (10digit), reverse will be 592769492(4) /out
unsigned int 4294967294 (10digit), reverse will be 492769492(4)
/out range
unsigned int 4227694924 (10digit), reverse will be 429496722(4) / in
unsigned int 927694924(9digit), reverse will be 429496729 / in
the closest input is 3927694924 i can think of, and it will fit (result == UINT_MAX / 10 && digit > UINT_MAX % 10)) / in range
However, I've done the same for signed int, please see the code at below, but im not sure how to apply your method of signed int:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main(void) {
int x;
printf("max int = %d\n", INT_MAX);
printf("min int = %d\n\n", INT_MIN);
printf("please enter any integer within -2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647,\n"
"it will show the reverse number if it is in range\n"
"(enter 10 digit or less)\n\n");
while (scanf("%d", &x) == 1) {
int temp = x, result = 0;
int overflow = 0;
while (temp >= INT_MIN || temp <= INT_MAX) {
int digit = temp % 10;
printf("temp is %u\n", temp);
printf("result is %u\n", result);
if (result > INT_MAX / 10 || (result == INT_MAX / 10 && digit > INT_MAX % 10)) {
overflow++; // the result will not fit
if (result < INT_MIN / 10 || (result == INT_MIN / 10 && digit > INT_MIN % 10)) {
overflow++; // the result will not fit
result = result * 10 + digit;
temp /= 10;
if(temp == 0) break;
if (overflow)
printf("out of range for int type\n\n");
printf("result is %d\n\n", result);
return 0;

Bitand function in C

I want to make a bitwise AND computation over integers, but without converting them to binary numbers. For example, I have a integer "10111" (it is integer, not binary) and another integer "01001". I want bitwise AND of these numbers without converting them to binary and then making bitwise AND. I know it is not bitwise what I ask, but I want something similar to this. I know it can be interpreted initially as binary, converted to decimal and then do bitwise AND, but I do not want that. I want something like this:
int a;
int b;
int temp;
double result;
temp = a & b;
while (result != 0) {
if (result % 10 == 1)
result /= 10;
int length = floor(log10(abs(a))) + 1;
result = count / length;
return result;
I want this to check similarity of the Bag of Words(from natural language processing, string of 0s and 1s). I am importing Bag of Words in Monetdb, Column type should be Integer (Not string). If I have for example "10111" and "01001" in the Integer type cells, I want to get "00001" and fraction 1/5, because only 1 positions matches.
Thanks in advance
Might be a bit bulky, but it kind of works) You can optimize it yourself. I hope that I get you correctly.
IDEOne demo
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int weirdAnd(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
unsigned int result = 0;
unsigned int coef = 1;
while (a && b) {
result += ((a % 10) && (b % 10)) * coef;
coef *= 10;
a /= 10;
b /= 10;
return result;
unsigned int weirdOr(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
unsigned int result = 0;
unsigned int coef = 1;
while (a || b) {
result += ((a % 10) || (b % 10)) * coef;
coef *= 10;
a /= 10;
b /= 10;
return result;
int main(void) {
// your code goes here
unsigned int a = 10110;
unsigned int b = 10011;
printf("%u and \n%u = \n%u\n\n", a, b, weirdAnd(a, b));
printf("%u or \n%u = \n%u\n\n", a, b, weirdOr(a, b));
return 0;
10110 and 10011 = 10010
10110 or 10011 = 10111
The problem is that and works on bits only, and it does not care if the input numbers are given in decimals, octal, hexadecimal, or any other way. To force and to work correctly, you must give it an input in 'binary', that is, only ones and zeroes. To do so you need to grab each digit of the input numbers as if they are binary digits.
The following works as expected:
#include <stdio.h>
int cheap_pow (int base, int exponent)
int result = base;
while (exponent-- > 0)
result *= base;
return result;
int main (void)
int a = 10111, b = 1001 ;
int result, factor;
printf ("BAD: %05d AND %05d = %05d\n", a, b, a & b);
printf ("GOOD: %05d AND %05d = ");
result = 0;
factor = 1;
while (a | b)
result += factor * ((a & 1) and (b & 1));
factor *= 10;
a /= 10;
b /= 10;
printf ("%05d\n", result);
but you must be careful when defining your inputs. When written directly into your source code, a value b = 01001 will be interpreted by the C compiler as octal (base 8), rather than decimal; and it will have the (decimal) value 513. It's just a Rule of C.
If your input comes from elsewhere, you don't need to take this into account – except when you use a standard function such as strtol, where you should carefully read the documentation because it does the same thing:
If base is zero or 16, the string may then include a "0x"
prefix, and the number will be read in base 16; otherwise, a zero
base is taken as 10 (decimal) unless the next character is '0', in
which case it is taken as 8 (octal).
An additional note is this program only will work in the range for signed int, that is (currently) up to 10 "binary" digits. If you need some more, you could switch to a larger type; but beyond that, you are better off with a not-numerical solution and use a character strings throughout.
int a, b;
int tmp = a & b;
int res = 0;
while ((tmp != 0 &&) (tmp / 10 != 0)){
int dig = tmp % 10;
res = (dig == 1)? ++res: res;
tmp /= 10;
Try this.

Any decent way of printing out floats and doubles with commas?

I'm working on a program that regards with currency. Ive been finding a solution to display money values decently like this:
9,999.99 USD
Remember when assigning a certain variable with a value (money), you musn't insert commas.
double money=9999.99;
And when accessing it;
printf("%.2l USD",money);
Which will output:
9999.99 USD
This is not what I want, especially on bigger amounts exceeding the hundredth, thousandth, millionth, or even billionth place value.
Now I can't find any solution than printing out the desired output directly on the printf.
Which is undesirable with many variables.
Can anyone help me out?
Please take a look and printf manual page taking note of the following bit:
*"For some numeric conversions a radix character ("decimal point") or thousands' grouping character is used. The actual character used depends on the LC_NUMERIC part of the locale. The POSIX locale uses '.' as radix character, and does not have a grouping character. Thus,
printf("%'.2f", 1234567.89);
results in "1234567.89" in the POSIX locale, in "1234567,89" in the nl_NL locale, and in "1.234.567,89" in the da_DK locale."*
This can be changed by the function setlocale
There is a function, strfmon which might be able to help you
First, don't use floating-point types to represent money because normally floating-point types are binary and as such cannot represent all decimal fractions (cents) exactly, further these types are prone to rounding errors. Use integers instead and count cents instead of dollars.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
unsigned long long ConstructMoney(unsigned long long dollars, unsigned cents)
return dollars * 100 + cents;
void PrintWithCommas(unsigned long long n)
char s[sizeof n * CHAR_BIT + 1];
char *p = s + sizeof s;
unsigned count = 0;
*--p = '\0';
*--p = '0' + n % 10;
n /= 10;
if (++count == 3 && n)
*--p = ',';
count = 0;
} while (n);
printf("%s", p);
void PrintMoney(unsigned long long n)
PrintWithCommas(n / 100);
n %= 100;
putchar('0' + n / 10);
putchar('0' + n % 10);
int main(void)
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(0, 0)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(0, 1)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(1, 0)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(1, 23)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(12, 34)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(123, 45)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(1234, 56)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(12345, 67)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(123456, 78)); puts("");
PrintMoney(ConstructMoney(1234567, 89)); puts("");
return 0;
Output (ideone):
If you're using the standard library, there's no way to do this -- you have to write some code that does it by hand.
I would recommend multiplying the value by 100, casting to integer, and printing the digits with separators as needed -- it's much easier to handle individual digits on an integer.
The following code, for instance, will fill a char * buffer with the string representation of the value you have:
void formatString (double number, char * buffer) {
if (number < 0) {
*buffer = '-';
formatString(number, buffer + 1);
unsigned long long num = (unsigned long long) (number * 100);
unsigned long long x; // temporary storage for counting the digits
unsigned char digits;
for (x = num / 1000, digits = 1; x; digits ++, x /= 10);
// counts the digits, also ensures that there's at least one digit
unsigned char pos; // digit position
for (pos = 1, x = 100; pos < digits; pos ++, x *= 10);
// reuses x as a value for extracting the digit in the needed position;
char * current = buffer;
for (pos = digits; pos; pos --) {
*(current ++) = 48 + (num / x);
// remember 48 + digit gives the ASCII for the digit
if (((pos % 3) == 1) && (pos > 1)) *(current ++) = ',';
num %= x;
x /= 10;
*(current ++) = '.';
*(current ++) = 48 + num / 10;
*(current ++) = 48 + num % 10;
*current = 0;
