Watson, types of condidions - ibm-watson

I have one example.
I create some intent inside Watson Conversation, and I want to knows how I can do some condition for it?
Watson: Hi, tell me your number
Me: 99999-9999 (and have some regex inside advanced conversation flows, i check wih context variables in the case is number and works fine)
The conversation will only continue if he enters the 9 numbers correctly.
I try it:
check image

Use a regular expression to parse the input and extract the number using syntax similar to
then have a dialog node condition based on the number extracted.


Can't get Logic App Contains to work with array or comma separated string

I'm trying to look for specific keywords inside of text from a for each loop.
var text = "The lazy fox jumped over the brown dog."
var keywords = "fox,dog,sun";
If true, I want to do something with the text. If false, I want to ignore the text.
Does anyone know how to use an Array filter, Function, Select, Condition or inline code to check for this? If so, specific examples would be great.
By the way, I have a C# function that handles this extremely well in an ASP.net Core app.
This doesn't work.
The Condition is always false after the for each loop even after changing the settings and parallelism to 1.
Azure Logic App Condition does not work in loop if based on changing values
Thanks in advance!
There are so many ways to achieve what you need. Here are the 3 options that came to my mind within a minute.
The first one does use a For each loop, but I wouldn't recommend using it as it's not very efficient.
The For each parameter looks like this:
The Condition parameter looks like this:
The second option is much easier - no need for a loop, just filter the array straight away, then you can check whether it's empty or it has some items:
The Filter array parameters look as follows.
The split function is identical to the one used in option 1.
If you know JavaScript, you might decide to use regular expressions in inline code instead, e.g.:
Then you'd just need to check the output of the inline code. JavaScript code used in the example above:
var text = workflowContext.actions.Compose_text.outputs;
var keywords = workflowContext.actions.Compose_keywords.outputs;
return text.match(new RegExp("(" + keywords.split(",").join("|") + ")", "gi"));
My personal preference is option 2. However, please note that all 3 options above would find "sun" in text "The weather was sunny" even though there's no word "sun" in the text. If you do need "sun" to match only word "sun" - not "sunny", "asunder" or "unsung" - then go for option 3, just use a different, more complex regular expression.
One of the workaround would be use of Condition Connector. I have initialized the sentence in a string and then used Condition Connector which will be checking the conditions.
Finally, In the true section you can add the connectors accordingly.
Placing a Compose behind the for each loop and referencing the Output in the Condition is what finally worked for me. I used the toLower() function in my Compose. The Compose looks like this.

How to verify words one by one on a locator in Robot Framework?

I am still a bit new to the robot framework but please rest assured I am constantly reading its User Guide. I am a bit stuck now with one test case.
I do have a list of individual words, that I need to verify on a page, mostly German translations of field labels if they appear correctly or are found in an element at all.
I have created a list variable as follows:
#{GERMAN_WORDS} | Benutzer | Passwort | Sendung | Transaktionen | Notiz
I have the following locator that contains the text labels on the webpage, and the one I need to verify:
I would like to check every single word one by one from the list variable, whether they are present in the locator above.
I did create the following keyword for this purpose, however I might be missing something because it calls the entire content of my list variable, instead of checking the words from it one by one:
Block Text Verification
[Arguments] ${text_list_variable} ${locator_to_check}
Wait Until Element is Visible ${locator_to_check}
FOR ${label} IN ${text_list_variable}
${labelTostring} Convert to String ${label}
${isMatching} = Run Keyword and Return Status Element Should Contain ${locator_to_check} ${labelTostring}
Log ${label}
Log ${isMatching}
Exit For Loop If '${isMatching}' == 'False'
I am getting the following output for this:
'xpath=//*[#id="generalAndIncidents:generalAndIncidentsPanel"]' should
have contained text '['Benutzer', 'Passwort', 'Sendung',
'Transaktionen', 'Notiz']' but its text was.... (and it lists all the
text from my locator)
So, it is basically not checking the words one by one.
Am I doing something wrong here? Is this a bad approach I am trying to do here?
I would be grateful if anyone could provide me some hint on what I should do here instead!
Thank you very much!
You've made one small but crucial mistake - the variable in this line here:
FOR ${label} IN ${text_list_variable}
, should be accessed with #:
FOR ${label} IN #{text_list_variable}
The for-in loops in RF expect 1 or more arguments of the looped over values, and the # expands a list variable to its members.

How do I select whether the routine continues based on the participant's response?

I want to create an experiment in PsychoPy Builder that conditionally shows a second routine to participants based on their keyboard response.
In the task, I have a loop that first goes through a routine where participants have three options to respond ('left','right','down') and only if they select 'left', regardless of the correct answer, should they see a second routine that asks a follow-up question to respond to. The loop should then restart with routine 1 each time.
I've tried using bits of code in the "begin experiment" section as such:
if response.key=='left':
elif response.key!='left':
But here I get an error saying response.key is not defined.
Assuming your keyboard component is actually called response, the attribute you are looking for is called response.keys. It is pluralised as it returns a list rather than a single value. This is because it is capable of storing multiple keypresses. Even if you only specify a single response, it will still be returned as a list containing just that single response (e.g. ['left'] rather than 'left'). So you either need to extract just one element from that list (e.g. response.keys[0]) and test against that, or use a construction like if 'left' in response.keys to check inside the list.
Secondly, you don't need to have a check that assigns True to continueRoutine, as it defaults to being True at the beginning of a routine. So it is only setting it to False that results in any action. So you could simply do something like this:
if not 'left' in response.keys:
continueRoutine = False
Lastly, for PsychoPy-specific questions, you might get better support via the dedicated forum at https://discourse.psychopy.org as it allows for more to-and-fro discussion than the single question/answer structure here at SO.

IBM Watson - Sys-number does not get 0

in this case, I want to use sys-number to get numbers sequence, and this number can start with 0. But, if the user types 034234342342, the sys-number does not recognize the 0, just 34234342342.
Have any Contorn Solution for this? In this case, to get all number?
This is one Regex condition inside Conversation flow and I want to use sys-number to get the ALL number if the user types "My protocol number is 034234342342".
And sys-number will be the new condition and get the complete number.
If not have how to do it with sys-number. Please, try answer to me how to do that in this user case.
Check my example:
My try it out:
You should be able to use #sys-number to detect that number. Failing that you could do:
find() allows to find any occurrence, while matches() is a full line match.
Capturing you can use:
<? input.text.extract('\d{11}',0) ?>
That also allows group capturing.
Other then this you won't be able to capture preceding zeros with #sys-number.
Also if you put the checks directly into the JSON, then you need to escape out the \ with \\.

How to select options based on character user input stored in an array in C?

I may have worded that strange, but if you need clarification I can provide it. I'm a complete noob to coding and am learning to use C language.
I have printed out a menu of options for the user to select. The user input is read and stored into a character array. I then printed out the string back to the user. So far everything works to this point.
My issue is selecting an option based on this character input.
I tried using strcmp inside if-else statements but never get the correct output.
Can someone point me into the right direction?
