Retrieve and rank cluster size - retrieve-and-rank

will there be any impact of ingested contents when we do resize of cluster size of Retrieve and Rank service from 2 units to 4 units?
Also how can we get current index size of RnR cluster?

You can get the index size by submitting a GET to /v1/solr_clusters/{solr_cluster_id}/stats
There's more info about this API at (including the way to invoke it if you're using one of the SDKs)
As for impact of resizing - no, as far as I know that should be fine.


Why am I sometimes getting an OOM when getting all documents from a 800MB index with 8GB of heap?

I need to refresh an index governed by SOLR 7.4. I use SOLRJ to access it on a 64 bit Linux machine with 8 CPUs and 32GB of RAM (8GB of heap for the indexing part and 24GB for SOLR server). The index to be refreshed is around 800MB in size and counts around 36k documents (according to Luke).
Before starting the indexing process itself, I need to "clean" the index and remove the Documents that do not match an actual file on disk (e.g : a document had been indexed previously and has moved since then, so user won't be able to open it if it appears on the result page).
To do so I first need to get the list of Document in index :
final SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*:*"); // Content fields are not loaded to reduce memory footprint
query.setRows(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // we want ALL documents in the index not only the first ones
SolrDocumentList results = this.getSolrClient().
getResults(); // This line sometimes gives OOM
When the OOM appears on the production machine, it appears during that "index cleaning" part and the stack trace reads :
Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at org.noggit.CharArr.resize(
at org.noggit.CharArr.reserve(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.ByteUtils.UTF8toUTF16(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readStr(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readStr(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readObject(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readVal(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readSolrDocument(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readObject(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readVal(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readArray(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readObject(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readVal(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readSolrDocumentList(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readObject(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readVal(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readOrderedMap(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readObject(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readVal(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.unmarshal(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BinaryResponseParser.processResponse(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient.executeMethod(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient.request(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient.request(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest.process(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient.query(
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient.query(
I've aleady removed the content fields from the query because there were already OOMs, so I thought only storing "small" data would avoid OOMs, but they are still there. Moreover as I started the project for the customer we had only 8GB of RAM (so heap of 2GB), then we increased it to 20GB (heap of 5GB), and now to 32GB (heap of 8GB) and the OOM still appears, although the index is not that large compared to what is described in other SO questions (featuring millions of documents).
Please note that I cannot reproduce it on my dev machine less powerful (16GB RAM so 4GB of heap) after copying the 800 MB index from the production machine to my dev machine.
So to me there could be a memory leak. That's why I followed Netbeans post on Memory Leaks on my dev machine with the 800MB index. From what I see I guess there is a memory leak since indexing after indexing the number of surviving generation keeps increasing during the "index cleaning" (steep lines below) :
What should I do, 8GB of heap is already a huge quantity heap compared to the index characteristics ? So increasing the heap does not seem to make sense because the OOM only appears during the "index cleaning" not while actually indexing large documents, and it seems to be caused by the surviving generations, doesn't it ? Would creating a query object and then applying getResults on it would help the Garbage COllector ?
Is there another method to get all document paths ? Or maybe retrieving them chunk by chunk (pagination) would help even for that small amount of documents ?
Any help appreciated
After a while I finally came across this post. It exactly describe my issue
An out of memory (OOM) error typically occurs after a query comes in with a large rows parameter. Solr will typically work just fine up until that query comes in.
So they advice (emphasize is mine):
The rows parameter for Solr can be used to return more than the default of 10 rows. I have seen users successfully set the rows parameter to 100-200 and not see any issues. However, setting the rows parameter higher has a big memory consequence and should be avoided at all costs.
And this is what I see while retrieving 100 results per page :
The number of surviving generations has decreased dramatically although garbage collector's activity is much more intensive and computation time is way greater. But if this is the cost for avoiding OOM this is OK (see the program looses some seconds per index updates which can last several hours) !
Increasing the number of rows to 500 already makes the memory leak happens again (number of surviving generations increasing) :
Please note that setting the row number to 200 did not cause the number of surviving generations to increase a lot (I did not measure it), but did not perform much better in my test case (less than 2%) than the "100" setting :
So here is the code I used to retrieve all documents from an index (from Solr's wiki) :
SolrQuery q = (new SolrQuery(some_query)).setRows(r).setSort(SortClause.asc("id"));
String cursorMark = CursorMarkParams.CURSOR_MARK_START;
boolean done = false;
while (! done) {
q.set(CursorMarkParams.CURSOR_MARK_PARAM, cursorMark);
QueryResponse rsp = solrServer.query(q);
String nextCursorMark = rsp.getNextCursorMark();
if (cursorMark.equals(nextCursorMark)) {
done = true;
cursorMark = nextCursorMark;
TL;DR : Don't use a number too large for query.setRows ie not greater than 100-200 as a higher number may very much likely cause an OOM.

Google App Engine - Search API index growth

I would like to know how can I estimate the growth (how much the size increasez in a period of time) of an index of App engine Search API (FTS) based on the number of entities inserted and amount of information. For this I would like to know basically how is the index size calculated (on what does it depend). Specifically:
When inserting new entities, is the growth (size) influenced by the number of previous existing entities? (ie. is the growth exponential)? For ex. if I have 1000 entities and I insert 10, the index will grow with X bytes. But if I have 100000 entities and insert 10, will it increase with X or much more than X (exponentially, let' say 10*X) ?
Does the number of fields (properties) influences the size exponentially? For ex. if I have entity A with 2 fields and entity B with 4 fields (let's say identical in values, for mathematical simplicity) will the size increase, when adding entity B, twice as that of entity A or much more than that?
What other means can I use to find statistical information; do I have other tools in the cloud console of app engine, or can I do this programmatically ?
Thank you.
You can check the size of a given index by running the code below.
from google.appengine.api import search
for index in search.get_indexes(fetch_schema=True):"index %s", index.storage_usage)
# pseudo code
amount_of_items_to_add = 100
x = 0
for x <= amount_of_items_to_add:
#rerun for loop to see how much the size increased
for index in search.get_indexes(fetch_schema=True):"index %s", index.storage_usage)
This code is obviously not a complete working example, but you should be able to build a simple method that takes some data inserts it into the search api and returns how much the used storage increased.
I have run a number of tests for different number of entities and different number of indexed properties per entity and it seams thst the estimated growth of the index reported by the api is not exponential it is linear.
But the most interesting fact to know is that although the size reported is realtime almost, after deleting documents from the index, it may take 12, 24 even 36 hours to update.

best allocation of memory

I have 200 groups. Each group has 100 devices, i.e. a total of 20000 devices divided into 200 groups of 100 each.
Now when each device gets registered with the server, the server assigns a group id to the device. (100 devices has same group id.) At a later stage the server sends the multicast data with the group id so that the data is received to all the devices having that group id.
The problem is that I need to allocate a single chunk of memory(say 25bytes) for each group to store the data so that all the devices in that group will use that chunk for their processing. My idea is to allocate a big chunk (say 25 * 200 = 5000 bytes) and assign each group a 25 byte block (grp0 points to start address, grp1 points to start+25 address and so on).
Is this the best way? Any other ideas?
For your example, I would use an array.
Provided the number of your clients does not change, allocating a single block is the most efficient way:
You do a single malloc call instead of 100
you avoid the overhead associate with the list that will track every memory block allocation
your data is kept in one piece, which it makes it more easily cacheable by the processor cache, compared to 100 small blocks placed god-knows-where
Said that, probably the difference with just 100 elements is negligible, but multiplied by 200 groups can give you a performace boost (really depend on how you are using the data structure)
In case of a dynamic structure instead (for example, your clients connect and disconnect so they are not always 100) you should use a linked list - which allocates the memory when needed (so you end up with 100 different memory blocks)
As stated by ArjunShankar, you will take O(1) time to ACCESS a device within a group, that's not bad assuming you don't have to process too much to find a specific device (assuming you have to find it). If you're planning to process them simultaneously and the number grows large (or your available memory is limited), you should take a look at some techniques such as disk pagination.

Extent allocation in sequential data sets

I am new to mainframe world and trying to work it up but unable to get one thing that how are extents allocated in data sets.
And please can someone explain it using an example or answer this question
Suppose there is a sequential data sets where primary and secondary are both allocated 1 track.
How many times can this data set request for extent ?
Is the extent allotted to both primary and secondary or only secondary?
And one last question
How does setting or not setting guaranteed space attribute in storage class effects the no of extents that can be requested ?
Thank You
Sequential Data Allocation
A sequential data set with primary and secondary of 1 track each will be able to have 16 extents if it is allocated with one volume
//stepname EXEC PGM=IEFBR14
//ddname DD DSN=dataset,
The above will allocate a dataset that can be 16 tracks big if extend by being written too.
If you replace SYSALLDA with (SYSALLDA,2) it will be able to use 2 volumes so can be 32 tracks of size across 2 volumes
The number of volumes can be overridden by the DATACLASS which can be assigned to an SMS managed datasets
Guaranteed space
Guaranteed space allows you to specify the actual volumes that a dataset will be allocated on when the allocation is SMS controlled, normally SMS will pick the volumes based on the ACS routines
The below jcl will allocate dataset on volume VOL001 if storage class has the DCGSPAC attribute
//stepname EXEC PGM=IEFBR14
//ddname DD DSN=dataset,
// DISP=(NEW,CATLG),vol=ser=VOl001,
Normally the SMS routines are coded so that only specific users or jobs are allowed to use storage classes with Guaranteed Space
Explanation of Storage Class

What is the length of time to send a list of 200,000 integers from a client's browser to an internet sever?

Over the connections that most people in the USA have in their homes, what is the approximate length of time to send a list of 200,000 integers from a client's browser to an internet sever (say Google app engine)? Does it change much if the data is sent from an iPhone?
How does the length of time increase as the size of the integer list increases (say with a list of a million integers) ?
Context: I wasn't sure if I should write code to do some simple computations and sorting of such lists for the browser in javascript or for the server in python, so I wanted to explore this issue of how long it takes to send the output data from a browser to a server over the web in order to help me decide where (client's browser or app engine server) is the best place for such computations to be processed.
More Context:
Type of Integers: I am dealing with 2 lists of integers. One is a list of ids for the 200,000 objects whose integers look like {0,1,2,3,...,99,999}. The second list of 100,000 is just single digits {...,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,...} .
Type of Computations: From the browser a person will create her own custom index (or rankings) based changing the weights associated to about 10 variables referenced to the 100,000 objects. INDEX = w1*Var1 + w2*Var2 + ... wNVarN. So the computations refer to vector (array) multiplication to a scalar and addition of 2 vectors, as well as sorting the final INDEX variable vector of 100,000 values.
In a nutshell...
This is probably a bad idea,
in particular with/for mobile devices where, aside from the delay associated with transfer(s), limits and/or extra fees associated with monthly volumes exceeding various plans limits make this a lousy economical option...
A rough estimate (more info below) is that the one-way transmission takes between 0.7 and and 5 seconds.
There is a lot of variability in this estimate, due mainly to two factors
Network technology and plan
compression ratio which can be obtained for a 200k integers.
Since the network characteristics are more or less a given, the most significant improvement would come from the compression ratio. This in turn depends greatly on the statistic distribution of the 200,000 integers. For example, if most of them are smaller than say 65,000, it would be quite likely that the list would compress to about 25% of its original size (75% size reduction). The time estimates provided assumed only a 25 to 50% size reduction.
Another network consideration is the availability of binary mime extension (8 bits mime) which would avoid the 33% overhead of B64 for example.
Other considerations / idea:
This type of network usage for iPhone / mobile devices plans will not fare very well!!!
ATT will love you (maybe), your end-users will hate you at least the ones with plan limits, which many (most?) have.
Rather than sending one big list, you could split the list over 3 or 4 chunks, allowing the server-side sorting to take place [mostly] in parallel to the data transfer.
One gets better compression ratio for integers when they are [roughly] sorted, maybe you can have a first pass sorting of some kind client-side.
How do I figure? ...
1) Amount of data to transfer (one-way)
200,000 integers
= 800,000 bytes (assumes 4 bytes integers)
= 400,000 to 600,000 bytes compressed (you'll want to compress!)
= 533,000 to 800,000 bytes in B64 format for MIME encoding
2) Time to upload (varies greatly...)
Low-end home setup (ADSL) = 3 to 5 seconds
broadband (eg DOCSIS) = 0.7 to 1 second
iPhone = 0.7 to 5 seconds possibly worse;
possibly a bit better with high-end plan
3) Time to download (back from server, once list is sorted)
Assume same or slightly less than upload time.
With portable devices, the differential is more notable.
The question is unclear of what would have to be done with the resulting
(sorted) array; so I didn't worry to much about the "return trip".
==> Multiply by 2 (or 1.8) for a safe estimate of a round trip, or inquire
about specific network/technlogy.
By default, typically integers are stored in a 32-bit value, or 4 bytes. 200,000 integers would then be 800,000 bytes, or 781.25 kilobytes. It would depend on the client's upload speed, but at 640Kbps upload, that's about 10 seconds.
well that is 800000 bytes or 781.3 kb, or you could say the size of a normal jpeg photo. for broadband, that would be within seconds, and you could always consider compression (there are libraries for this)
the time increases linearly for data.
Since you're sending the data from JavaScript to the server, you'll be using a text representation. The size will depend a lot on the number of digits in each integer. Are talking about 200,000 two to three digit integers or six to eight integers? It also depends on if HTTP compression is enabled and if Safari on the iPhone supports it (I'm not sure).
The amount of time will be linear depending on the size. Typical upload speeds on an iPhone will vary a lot depending on if the user is on a business wifi, public wifi, home wifi, 3G, or Edge network.
If you're so dependent on performance perhaps this is more appropriate for a native app than an HTML app. Even if you don't do the calculations on the client, you can send/receive binary data and compress it which will reduce time.
