Zeppelin - How to directly display a pie-chart after creating it through REST API? - apache-zeppelin

I have a requirement where I want to create a pie chart or another chart through the Zeppelin Notebook REST API, and then open up that notebook with directly displaying that pie-chart without any user interaction.
I can create the notebook with the desired visualizations, but when the notebook is opened, it always displays data in table mode, and user has to click on pie-chart button or the bar-chart button to see the visualization. How can I bypass this click, and open the notebook directly with the pie-chart visualization?

It will be available in version 0.8.0.


Use sign-in option on excel Ribbon by Manifest.xml file

How can I use sign-in features on excel ribbon. So that after successfully sign-in all buttons on ribbon will change according to our requirements.
Is it possible with Manifest.xml file or do I need to use some another mechanism?
I am using React.js for creating taskpane on right-side of excel. This taskpane is opened after clicked on ribbon button and this ribbon button is coming after addin the manifest file to insert addin option.
Attaching this Pic for step by step process, Which I need in Excel Ribbon
What you want to do in your screenshot cannot be done at this time with Office Web Add-ins. The enabled/disabled status of buttons cannot be changed at run time and the names of buttons cannot be changed at runtime. Microsoft is working on adding that feature.

CefSharp - How to get feedback if clicked an inputfield?

I'm new to CefSharp. Right now on one side I'm using cefsharp on my server to get an image/screenshot of my off-screen-browser. On the other side I have the client that is requesting and interacting with this image.
So clicking on the image, getting the coordinates and transfer that information to cefsharp to perform the same interaction, works well. But now I'm sitting in front of an login-screen and want to click the inputfield.
So clicking works, but now I want to spawn a keyboard, so I can type sth into the inputfield. How can I get feedback that I clicked into an inputfield?
My project is setup in Unity, C#.

"Form region" for calendar views in outlook add-in

Overview: I would like to show a "form region" when calendar is selected in Outlook. I also would like to show some custom HTML content in the reading pane (or any pane like task pane adjacent to main calendar pane).
Are API add-ins allowed for Calendar views in Outlook?
Are & custom form regions allowed for Calendar views in Outlook?
Would it be possible to show Custom form region here in Calendar's reading pane when no specific time is selected in the calendar?
Would it be possible to show Custom form region here in Calendar's reading pane when specific appointment type is selected in the calendar?
Create a task pane instead - see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa942864.aspx and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb296010.aspx.
Takes panes can be displayed both in explorers (that is what you need) and inspectors (similar to form regions).
Unfortunately it's currently not possible to open an Outlook Add-In in 'Calendar/meeting view' using the 'new' office add-in model. It's only possible to open it in Mail Read or Compose mode and Appointment/meeting Read or Compose mode where a single item is opened. Maybe you could create a UserVoice for this?
OfficeDev UserVoice

ExtJS load views dynamically for dashboard widgets

In my ExtJS 4.2.1 Application I have a dashboard screen where Im showing some charts and grids.
I have been requested by my client to allow the user to add custom widget (from a static collection of widgets) so the dashboard will only show the widgets that the user wants to have.
So I have to create the widgets dynamically depending on some JSON that I will send from server when the user logins. But i have no idea how to implement this.
The process that the user will follow will be the following:
On my dashboard view I will have 4 panels (table layout).
Each panel will have a tool (gear icon).
The user clicks on this gear icon and a window will be shown with a list of available widgets he can assign to that panel.
The user selects the widget that he wants to add to the selected panel and he pressed the button "Apply".
On button clicked event the preferences will be saved on database.
The next time the user logins in to the app, the preferences will be loaded into the initial JSON so the widgets can be loaded into each panel.
Does anyone have implemented this kind of approach?
I will try to explain for a single panel then u can extend/use that on multiple panels(may be using tbl layout). Say we have some charts view files already created(for this ref charts tutorial on extjs docs), The charts files should have a config (custom config) through that we will pass the real time/dynamic data requied by the chart.
So For first time we will allow user to select chart/widget options from list we we will create chart/widget on its select event as well as save the name of the widget or any other extra settings provided in that widget along with user details in database.
Next time when user logs in we have to retrieve the widget name etc from db and create a widget dynamically on page laod event and display.
Hope this clarify your understanding.

Is there any way to open new tab(or popup, or window) with certain html content in silverlight?

I have a grid filled with some data in my silverlight4 app.
I want to have "Show this as html" button for the grid.
I can generate the html, export it to savefile dialog, but that's not what i need, because in this way user has to perform more actions, like:
click 'export'
enter filename
wait for download
find file open it in browser
Is there any way to create tab, or window, or popup with certain html content in it? (so it would be like
click 'show as html'
Thanks in advance,
The problem is that you can't save it anywhere locally without user interaction (or elevated privileges).... so don't save it locally.
I can think of two options:
Write the data back to the server
Open a normal popup web browser window, pointing a generated temp HTML page.
To open another HTML browser window from Silverlight you can use HtmlWindow.Navigate specifying _blank as the target type.
Use the ability of Silverlight to execute any Javascript to open a popup with the content.
From Silverlight you can use ScriptObject.Invoke to execute arbitrary Javascript.
