Adding constant in the results from a multiple SQL Server join - sql-server

I have four tables to join and I need to identify which table the data is coming from in a column within the results. I join Tbl1 to Tbl2 using left outer join. I join Tbl1 to Tbl3 using left outer join and same with Tbl1 to Tbl 4. SerialNo is the key field I join all tables by. The results needs to indicate which table the data came from. For matching results between tables I want the right table to be identified. For example, in my sample tables I want to show that Tbl2 is in the results for those records where SerialNo is ABC123, DEF987 and HJK321.
Because of how the data will be extract from the database I'm unable to initiate a stored procedure so I'm planning on having a view to pull the data from, unless I can utilize a temp table in the process.
*Hostname* | *SerialNo*
Laptop1 | ABC123
Laptop2 | DEF987
Desktop1 | WER987
Desktop2 | YRT848
Desktop3 | YTT876
Laptop2 | HJK321
*Location* | *SerialNo*
MS | ABC123
CO | DEF987
CA | ZYC342
AZ | XYZ789
IN | HJK321
What I'd like to see in the results...
*Hostname* | *SerialNo* |*Location* |*RecordOrigin*
Laptop1 | ABC123 |MS |Tbl2
Laptop2 | DEF987 |CO |Tbl2
Desktop1 | WER987 |NULL |Tbl1
Desktop2 | YRT848 |NULL |Tbl1
Desktop3 | YTT876 |NULL |Tbl1
Laptop2 | HJK321 |IN |Tbl2
I tried creating an additional table for RecordOrigin information, but I wasn't able to join to the other tables correctly.
I'm should also note that I'm not able to edit the data in, or change the structure of, the source tables tables (i.e. Tbl1, Tbl2, etc.).

You can use a case expression to see if a table is returning a column or not like so:
, t.SerialNo
, l.Location
, RecordOrigin = case
when l.SerialNo is not null
then 'Tbl2'
else 'Tbl1'
from Tbl1 as t
left join Tbl2 as l
on t.SerialNo = l.SerialNo

I think I might have figured it out by UNION the tables and using DISTINCT and MAX to remove duplication.
SELECT DISTINCT Hostname, MAX(SerialNo), MAX(Location), RecordOrigin
SELECT Hostname, SerialNo, Location, 'Tbl1' AS RecordOrigin
SELECT Hostname, SerialNo, Location, 'Tbl2' AS RecordOrigin
GROUP BY Hostname, RecordOrigin


Simplify multiple joins

I have a Claims table with 70 columns, 16 of which contain diagnosis codes. The codes mean nothing, so I need to pull the descriptions for each code located in a separate table.
There has to be a simpler way of pulling these code descriptions:
-- This is the claims table
[database].[schema].[claimtable] AS claim
-- [StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis] table where the codes located
-- [ICD10_CODE] column contains the code
[StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis] AS diag1 ON claim.[ICDDiag1] = diag1.[ICD10_CODE]
[StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis] AS diag2 ON claim.[ICDDiag2] = diag2.[ICD10_CODE]
[StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis] AS diag3 ON claim.[ICDDiag3] = diag3.[ICD10_CODE]
-- and so on, up to ....
[StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis]AS diag16 ON claim.[ICDDiag16] = diag16.[ICD10_CODE]
-- reported column will be [code_desc]
-- ie:
-- diag1.[code_desc] AS Diagnosis1
-- diag2.[code_desc] AS Diagnosis2
-- diag3.[code_desc] AS Diagnosis3
-- diag4.[code_desc] AS Diagnosis4
-- etc.
I think what you are doing is already correct in given scenario.
Another way can be from programming point of view or you can give try and compare ther performace.
i) Pivot Claim table on those 16 description columns.
ii) Join the Pivoted column with [StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis]
Another way can be to put [StagingDB].[schema].[Diagnosis] table in some #temp table
instead of touching large Staging 16 times.
But for data analysis has to be done to decide if there is any way.
You can go for UNPIVOT of the claimTable and then join with Diagnosis table.
create table #claimTable(ClaimId INT, Diag1 VARCHAR(10), Diag2 VARCHAR(10))
CREATE table #Diagnosis(code VARCHAR(10), code_Desc VARCHAR(255))
VALUES (1, 'Fever','Cold'), (2, 'Headache','toothache');
INSERT INTO #Diagnosis
VALUEs ('Fever','Fever Desc'), ('cold','cold desc'),('headache','headache desc'),('toothache','toothache desc');
Query to Run
(SELECT ClaimId,DiagnosisNumeral, code
FROM #claimTable
code FOR DiagnosisNumeral in ([Diag1],[Diag2])
) as t
SELECT c.ClaimId, c.code, d.code_Desc
FROM CTE_Claims AS c
INNER JOIN #Diagnosis as d
on c.code = d.code
| ClaimId | code | code_Desc |
| 1 | Fever | Fever Desc |
| 1 | Cold | cold desc |
| 2 | Headache | headache desc |
| 2 | toothache | toothache desc |

T-SQL grouping by either of two columns

I have a table where I hold chat history as follows:
Id From To Text Hour
1 A B Msg_A_B1 00:01
2 A B Msg_A_B2 00:02
3 B A Msg_B_A1 00:03
4 A B Msg_A_B3 00:05
5 C A Msg_C_A1 00:11
6 A C Msg_A_C1 00:12
7 C A Msg_C_A2 00:14
8 D B Msg_D_B1 00:17
I want to create a chat header list from data for a spesific user. The rules are
I want to get the start (first) "Hour" of each chat
and last message of chat for a spesific user
ordered by "Hour" ascending
For example if the user is "A" I want to get
Correspondant Text Hour
B Msg_A_B3 00:01
C Msg_C_A2 00:11
Or for user "B" :
Correspondant Text Hour
A Msg_A_B3 00:01
D Msg_D_B1 00:17
I can possibly do it by using Temporary tables, but I am seeking a simpler and faster solution.
This information might lead to the use of Stored Procedures, but a proper use of Views is also accepted.
What you are missing is a grouping column to mark a chat between A and B as "belonging together" without looking if A or B is the From or the To.
It is your table design, which makes things difficult. Below my suggestion I will add some hints how this might be done better:
Your mockup to simulate your issue:
DECLARE #mockupTable TABLE(Id INT,[From] VARCHAR(100),[To] VARCHAR(100),[Text] VARCHAR(100),[Hour] TIME(0))
--The query
,CONCAT(CASE WHEN t.[From]>t.[To] THEN t.[To] ELSE t.[From] END,'-',CASE WHEN t.[From]>t.[To] THEN t.[From] ELSE t.[To] END) AS ChatID
FROM #mockupTable t
,FindFirstAndLast AS
SELECT cte1.ChatID
,(SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM cte cte2 WHERE cte2.ChatID=cte1.ChatID ORDER BY cte2.[Hour] ASC) AS FirstId
,(SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM cte cte2 WHERE cte2.ChatID=cte1.ChatID ORDER BY cte2.[Hour] DESC) AS LastId
FROM cte cte1
GROUP BY cte1.ChatID
,tFirst.[From] AS FirstFrom
,tFirst.[To] AS FirstTo
,tFirst.[Hour] AS FirstHour
,tLast.[From] AS LastFrom
,tLast.[To] AS LastTo
,tLast.[Text] AS LastText
FROM FindFirstAndLast fal
INNER JOIN #mockupTable tFirst ON fal.FirstId=tFirst.Id
INNER JOIN #mockupTable tLast ON fal.LastId=tLast.Id;
The idea in short:
The first CTE will create a ChatID by concatenating the From and the To in a sorted way. Doing so a message from A to B will get the same ChatID as a message from B to A.
The second CTE will use a correlated sub-query to find the first and the last message id, grouped for the previously computed ChatID.
The final SELECT will use these message ids to join the appropriate rows.
The result is coming with everything you need. It's on you, to put it in the format needed:
| ChatID | FirstFrom | FirstTo | FirstHour | LastFrom | LastTo | LastText |
| A-B | A | B | 00:01:00 | A | B | Msg_A_B3 |
| A-C | C | A | 00:11:00 | C | A | Msg_C_A2 |
| B-D | D | B | 00:17:00 | D | B | Msg_D_B1 |
Some ideas about the desing
I would use
one table Person for your chatting persons.
a second table Chat for a chat with a ChatID.
one m:n mapping table ChattingPerson with JoinTime, a ChatID and a PersonID, both as FKs. Here you can set timestamps like LastAction or mark the status (active, has left, ...)
one more table Message for the messages with time, text, and ChatPersonID as FK.
Your advantages
The opener can explicitly invite more persons (or limit it to one for a person2person chat), or just wait for participants.
Starting a chat creates the row in the Chat table, the first row in the ChattingPerson table to mark the opener, and eventually a first message row.
Following messages add - if not existing yet - a row to the ChatPerson (with a new participant) and the message row.
The ID to the ChatPerson-table will give you the ChatID and the PersonID.
You can filter per chat and/or by person.
There can be separate chats between A and B over the time
You can control the type of chat with a PersonCount-Constraint
You can enforce, that a new ChatPerson can only be added by the opener
You can create certain chat types (like "person2person") with a template
Happy Coding :-)
Let's do it Creating a view:
First let's load the data in table t1:
create table t1 (Id int,[From] varchar(10),[To] varchar(10),Text varchar(100),Hour time(0))
insert into t1 values (1,'A','B','Msg_A_B1','00:01')
insert into t1 values (2,'A','B','Msg_A_B2','00:02')
insert into t1 values (3,'B','A','Msg_B_A1','00:03')
insert into t1 values (4,'A','B','Msg_A_B3','00:05')
insert into t1 values (5,'C','A','Msg_C_A1','00:11')
insert into t1 values (6,'A','C','Msg_A_C1','00:12')
insert into t1 values (7,'C','A','Msg_C_A2','00:14')
insert into t1 values (8,'D','B','Msg_D_B1','00:17')
Then let's create the view
create view vChats
with cte as (
select left([text],len([text])-1) as chat,
from t1 as t
cte2 as (
select chat,
min(hour) as minHour,
max(text) as maxText
from cte
group by chat
cte3 as (select distinct [From] as [User]
from t1
select distinct [To] as [User]
from t1
select c3.[User],
t.[To] as Correspondant,
c.maxText as [Text],
c.minHour as [Hour]
from cte2 as c
inner join t1 as t ON c.maxText = t.[Text]
inner join cte3 as c3 ON c3.[User] = t.[From]
select c3.[User],
t.[From] as Correspondant,
c.maxText as [Text],
c.minHour as [Hour]
from cte2 as c
inner join t1 as t ON c.maxText = t.[Text]
inner join cte3 as c3 ON c3.[User] = t.[To]
After that you can use to get all the communications for each user like this:
select *
from vChats
where [User] = 'A'

Join TSQL Tables in same DB

I want to do a simple join of two tables in the same DB.
The expected result is:
To get all Node_ID's From the Table T_Tree that are the same as the TREE_CATEGORY from the Table T_Documents
My T_Documents Tabel:
| Doc_ID | TREEE_CATEGORY | Desc |
| 89893 | 1363 | Test |
| 89894 | 1364 | with a tab or 4 spa |
T_Tree Tabel
| Node_ID | Name |
| 89893 | Hallo |
| 89894 | BB |
Doc_ID is the primary key in the T_Documents Table and Tree_Category is the Foreign key
Node_ID is the primary key in the T_Tree Tabel
FROM DBName.dbo.T_Documents
inner join TREE_CATEGORY on T_Documents.TREE_CATEGORY = DBName.dbo.T_Tree.NODE_ID
I can not figure it out how to do it correctly .. is this even the right approach ?
You were close. Try this:
FROM DBName.dbo.T_Documents t1
INNER JOIN DBName.dbo.T_Tree t2
ON t1.Doc_ID = t2.NODE_ID
I used aliases in the query, which are a sort of shorthand for the table names. Aliases can make a query easier to read because it removes the need to always list full table names.
You need to specify table names in the JOIN clause, and the columns used for joining in the ON clause.
Your SQL should be:
FROM DBName.dbo.T_Documents d
inner join T_Tree t on d.Doc_ID = t.Node_ID
Remember: you join relations (tables), not fields.
Also, for it to work, you need to have common values on Node_ID and Doc_ID fields. That is, for each value in Doc_ID of T_Documents table there must be an equal value in Node_ID field of T_Tree table.

SQL Pulling the latest information and information from another table

I have a record table that is recording changes within a table. I can pull the data from the first table fine, however when i try to join in another table to add some of its column information it stops displaying the information.
PartNumber | PartDesc | value | date
1 | test | 1 | 3/4/2015
I wanted to include the Aisle tag's from the location table
PartNumber| AisleTag | AisleTagTwo
1 | A1 | N/A
here is what i have as my sql statement so far
Select t1.PartNumber, t1.PartDesc , t1.NewValue , t1.Date,t2.AisleTag,t2.AisleTagTwo
from InvRecord t1
JOIN PartAisleListTbl t2 ON t1.PartNumber = t2.PartNumber
where Date = (select max(Date) from InvRecord where t1.PartNumber = InvRecord.PartNumber)
order by t1.PartNumber
it is coming up blank, my original sql statement doesn't include anything from t2. I am not sure what approach to go with in terms of getting the data combined any help is much appreciated thank you !
this should be the end result
PartNumber | PartDesc | value | date | AisleTag | AisleTagTwo
1 | test | 1 | 3/4/2015 | A1 | N/A
Pull the most recent row (based on Date) for each PartNumber in Table A and append data from Table B (joined on PartNumber):
SELECT A.PartNumber
, A.PartDesc
, A.NewValue
, A.Date
, B.AisleTag
, B.AisleTagTwo
FROM InvRecord A
LEFT JOIN PartAisleListTbl B
ON A.PartNumber = B.PartNumber
) A
WHERE A.DateSeq = 1
ORDER BY A.PartNumber
Are you returning no records at all, or only records with AisleTag and AisleTagTwo as null?
Your sentence "it is coming up blank, my original sql statement doesn't include anything from t2." makes it sound like you're getting records with nulls for the t2 fields.
If you are, then you probably have a record in t2 that has nulls for those fields.
For troubleshooting purposes, try running the query without the WHERE clause:
Select t1.PartNumber, t1.PartDesc , t1.NewValue , t1.Date,t2.AisleTag,t2.AisleTagTwo
from InvRecord t1
JOIN PartAisleListTbl t2 ON t1.PartNumber = t2.PartNumber
order by t1.PartNumber
If you do get records, your problem is with the WHERE clause. If you don't, your problem is with the PartNumber fields in InvRecord and PartAisleListTbl not matching.
Not sure why your's isn't working... is date in both t1 and t2 by any chance?
Here's it re factored to use a inline view instead of a correlated query wonder if it makes a difference.
Select t1.PartNumber, t1.PartDesc , t1.NewValue , t1.Date,t2.AisleTag,t2.AisleTagTwo
from InvRecord t1
JOIN PartAisleListTbl t2
ON t1.PartNumber = t2.PartNumber
JOIN (select max(Date) mdate, PartNumber from InvRecord GROUP BY PartNumber) t3
on t3.partNumber= T1.PartNumber
and T3.mdate = T1.Date
order by t1.PartNumber

Query in SQL Server with multiple join tables

I have 3 tables:
Table Position:
KodePosition | NamePosition | UserLogin
0037 Master A winz\alfa
0038 Master B winz\beta
0043 Master C winz\carlie
Table UserBackup (PJS):
KodePosition | UserOrigin | UserChange | StartDate | EndDate
0037 winz\alfa winz\carlie 10-10-2014 17-10-2014
Table History:
IdHistory | KodePosition | StartDate | EndDate | User | Comment
19F5FCFC 0038 14-10-2014 14-10-2014 winz\beta i not agree...
19F5FCFC 0043 15-10-2014 15-10-2014 winz\carlie i agree...
I want to display data like this :
Name | Date | Position | Comment
winz\beta 14-10-2014 Master B i not agree...
winz\carlie 15-10-2014 Master A i agree...
Description :
please note the data in Table UserBackup(PJS).
if StartDate in Table History between StartDate and EndDate in Table UserBackup(PJS) and also the same UserChange with user, and then get NamePosition from Table Position by KodePosition of Table UserBackup(PJS).
For now, I have a stored procedure like this, but doesn't display the data I need.
A.IdHistory, A.StartDate, B.NamePosition, B.UserLogin, A.Comment
History as A
left join
Position as B on A.KodePosition = B.KodePosition
A.IdHistory = '19F5FCFC'
order by
A.StartDate asc
Please help me guys... Thanks...
If you want to ask three tables, you can do it like this (sorry for not using your data, but I dont understand the connections of them(or your explanations)).
SELECT a.Column1, a.Column2, b.Column1
FROM table1 AS a
LEFT JOIN table2 AS b
ON a.Column1=b.Column1
SELECT c.Column1
FROM table3 AS c
INNER JOIN table2 as b
ON b.Column1=c.Column1
WHERE c.Column2 LIKE 'MyTarget%');
You got to think in two SELECTs, dont try to put everything in one. Btw. most DBs dont support multi Joins.
Without more information about what you are trying to do, this is a little bit of a stab in the dark...but based on your description, I believe you are trying to first filter the rows in the UserBackup(PJS) table based on whether the corresponding History.KodePosition record falls within the StartDate and EndDate of the corresponding UserBackup(PJS) record. Then, based on the returned KodePositions, you want to retrieve the related records from the Position table. I'm not sure this is the complete picture of what you are looking for, but hopefully this gets you further along:
;WITH cteData
AS (
SELECT u.KodePosition, h.IDHistory, h.StartDate, h.Comment
FROM UserBackup(PJS) u
INNER JOIN History h ON h.User = u.UserChange AND (h.StartDate >= u.Startdate and h.StartDate <= u.EndDate)
SELECT c.IDHistory, c.StartDate, p.NamePostition, p.UserLogin, c.Comment
FROM Position p
INNER JOIN cteData c ON c.KodePosition = p.KodePosition
