Code to insert node at last position in C programming language - c

I am writing a code on linklist in C programming language. When I am using an online compiler my code is working fine but when I am using Codeblock to run the code, the code is not working. I am posting the code kindly provide me solution. My code is to add node in a linklist on the last position.
struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* Head;
void insert(int);
void print();
int main()
Head = NULL;
return 0;
void insert(int a)
struct Node* temp1=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp1-> data = a;
temp1-> next = NULL;
if(Head == NULL)
Head = temp1;
struct Node* temp = Head;
while(temp->next!= NULL)
temp = temp->next;
temp-> next = temp1;
void print()
struct Node* temp2=Head;
while(temp2 != NULL)
printf("%d \n", temp2->data);
temp2 = temp2->next;

Here is how you can achieve what you want to do.
I suggest you to use a top-down approach when programming.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int info;
struct node *next;
struct node *Insert(struct node *, int);
void Print_List(struct node *);
void Remove_List(struct node *);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct node *head;
head = NULL;
head = Insert(head, 10);
head = Insert(head, 20);
head = NULL;
return 0;
struct node *Create_New_Node(int);
struct node *Head_Insert(struct node *, int);
struct node *Queue_Insert(struct node *, int);
struct node *Insert(struct node *, int);
void Print_List(struct node *);
void Remove_List(struct node *);
struct node *Insert(struct node *top, int elem)
if(top == NULL)
top = Head_Insert(top, elem);
top = Queue_Insert(top, elem);
return top;
struct node *Create_New_Node(int elem)
struct node *new_node;
new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(new_node != NULL)
new_node -> info = elem;
new_node -> next = NULL;
return new_node;
struct node *Head_Insert(struct node *top, int elem)
struct node *new_node = Create_New_Node(elem);
if(new_node != NULL)
new_node -> next = top;
return new_node;
struct node *Queue_Insert(struct node *top, int elem)
if(top != NULL)
if(top -> next != NULL)
top -> next = Queue_Insert(top -> next, elem);
struct node *new_node = Create_New_Node(elem);
if(new_node != NULL)
top -> next = new_node;
return top;
void Print_List(struct node *top)
while(top != NULL)
printf("\nInfo : %d\tAddress : %u\tNext link address : %u\n", top -> info, top, top -> next);
top = top -> next;
void Remove_List(struct node *top)
if(top != NULL)
Remove_List(top -> next);
top -> next = NULL;
Sample output :
Info : 10 Address : 39149584 Next link address : 39149616
Info : 20 Address : 39149616 Next link address : 0


I want to delete node from singly linked list using only one local pointer variable, what error in this code section?

I want to delete node from singly linked list using only one local pointer variable in C, the debugger stops on the free(cur) of the delete function without any error, but it runs normally in free(cur->next), why is this? What error in this code section?
struct node
int val;
struct node *next;
typedef struct
struct node *header;
} List;
void add(List *pList, int val)
struct node *new_node = malloc(sizeof pList->header);
if (new_node == NULL)
new_node->val = val;
new_node->next = pList->header;
pList->header = new_node;
void delete(List *pList, int val)
struct node *cur = pList->header;
if (cur != NULL)
if (cur->val == val)
struct node *temp = cur->next;
//debug stop in free(cur) without any error,why?
cur = temp;
while (cur->next != NULL && cur->next->val != val)
cur = cur->next;
if (cur->next != NULL)
struct node *temp = cur->next->next;
// run normally, why?
cur->next = temp;
There is a problem in the add function: you pass the size of a pointer to malloc instead of the size of the node structure. A safer way to always pass the correct size is this:
struct node *new_node = malloc(sizeof *new_node);
As coded, the memory allocated is too small and you have undefined behavior when you initialize the structure, writing beyond the end of the allocated block.
There is another problem in the delete() function: you do not update pList->header when you free the first node.
Here is a modified block:
struct node {
int val;
struct node *next;
typedef struct {
struct node *header;
} List;
void add(List *pList, int val) {
struct node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(*new_node));
if (new_node == NULL) {
new_node->val = val;
new_node->next = pList->header;
pList->header = new_node;
void delete(List *pList, int val) {
struct node *cur = pList->header;
if (cur != NULL) {
if (cur->val == val) {
pList->header = cur->next;
} else {
while (cur->next != NULL) {
struct node *temp = cur->next;
if (temp->val == val) {
cur->next = temp->next;
cur = temp;

How to make to linked list in C?

Using two linked lists or something similar, I want to add "ABCD", then I want to get "ABDC".
I'm not sure if my code is right, I'm a noob in C.
The code should have pointer and malloc. I made it like this:
struct Node
char data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* newNode(char data)
struct Node* node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
node->data = data;
node->next = NULL;
return node;
struct Node* constructList()
struct Node* first = newNode(1);
struct Node* second = newNode(2);
struct Node* third = newNode(3);
struct Node* forth = newNode(4);
struct Node* head = first;
first->next = second;
second->next = third;
return head;
void printList(struct Node* head)
struct Node* ptr = head;
while (ptr)
printf("%d -> ", ptr->data);
ptr = ptr->next;
Your code is fine as shown, though it lacks error handling (and why are you using char to store integers?).
Do make sure you free() the nodes when you are done using them, eg:
void freeList(struct Node* head)
struct Node* ptr = head;
struct Node* next;
while (ptr)
next = ptr->next;
ptr = next;
I would suggest changing constructList() to use a loop, eg:
struct Node* constructList()
struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node **ptr = &head;
for (int value = 1; value <= 4; ++value)
*ptr = newNode(value);
if (*ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
return head;
You could then generalize constructList() to take an array of integers, or a string, as input and loop through that input adding a new node for each value. For example, try this:
struct Node
char data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* newNode(char data)
struct Node* node = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if (node)
node->data = data;
node->next = NULL;
return node;
void freeList(struct Node* head)
struct Node* ptr = head;
struct Node* next;
while (ptr)
next = ptr->next;
ptr = next;
struct Node* constructList(const char *str)
struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node **ptr = &head;
char ch;
if (str)
while ((ch = *str++) != '\0')
*ptr = newNode(ch);
if (*ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
return head;
void printList(struct Node* head)
struct Node* ptr = head;
while (ptr)
printf("%c -> ", ptr->data);
ptr = ptr->next;
struct Node *list = constructList("ABCD");

What is the problem with this piece of code?

I am writing for deleting the last node of a doubly linked list. But, every time this function is giving me segmentation fault when I have 2 or more than 2 elements in the list.
void deleteEnd()
struct node *ptr;
printf("\nList is empty.First add some numbers");
else if(head->next==NULL)
head = NULL;
ptr = head;
while(ptr->next != NULL)
ptr = ptr -> next;
ptr -> prev -> next = NULL;
Normally, when you are deleting a node from a linked list it is a good practice to pass a reference to the first node of the list as an argument of the function. In your case you are not showing us where the head is coming from, and I think that it could be quite a useful info, and I bet that the error hides there.
That is how the implementation could look like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
// insert end node: this is for testing purposes
struct node *insertEnd(struct node *head, int value) {
struct node *ptr, *new_node;
ptr = head;
new_node = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new_node->data = value;
new_node->next = NULL;
// The list is empty
if (head == NULL) {
head = new_node;
return head;
// Non empty list
while (ptr->next != NULL) {
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr->next = new_node;
return head;
// delete end node
struct node *deleteEnd(struct node *head) {
struct node *ptr, *preptr;
ptr = head;
preptr = NULL;
// The list is empty
if (head == NULL) {
printf("The list is empty. Nothing to delete.\n");
return head;
while(ptr->next != NULL) {
preptr = ptr;
ptr= ptr->next;
if (preptr == NULL) {
head = NULL;
else {
preptr->next = NULL;
return head;
int main(void) {
struct node *llist;
llist = NULL;
llist = insertEnd(llist, 10);
llist = insertEnd(llist, 20);
llist = insertEnd(llist, 30);
llist = deleteEnd(llist);
llist = deleteEnd(llist);
llist = deleteEnd(llist);
return 0;
It is always a great idea to maintain a global variable head and update it after every push/pop. See this:
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node *start = NULL;
struct node *deleteEnd(struct node *start)
struct node *ptr = start;
printf("\nList is empty!!!");
return start;
else if(ptr->next == NULL)
start = NULL;
return start;
while((ptr->next)->next!=NULL) //by doing this you dont have to maintain a prev pointer
struct node *temp = ptr->next;
ptr->next = NULL;
return start;
Hope this helps!!!

segmenation fault error in my linkedList -C

I put together a few pieces of code to make a linked list that adds to head(Has a special function) and in the middle(also special function).
my problem is, i need to provide the program with numbers and insert them as nodes in my LINKEDLIST. However, my display function(to display the tree of nodes) gives back segmentation fault and so does just taking values in without any display function.
I'm fairly new to malloc so i suspect the problem is there?
struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
/*Inserting head-Node*/
struct node *insert_head(struct node *head, int number)
struct node *temp;
temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(temp == NULL)
printf("Not enough memory\n");
temp->data = number;
temp->next = head;
head = temp;
return head;
/*Inserting inside a list*/
void after_me(struct node *me, int number)
struct node *temp;
temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(temp == NULL)
printf("Not enough memory\n");
temp->data = number;
temp->next = me->next;
me->next = temp;
void display(struct node *head)
struct node *moving_ptr = head;
while(moving_ptr != NULL)
moving_ptr = moving_ptr->next;
int main()
int index;
struct node *head;
struct node *previous_node;
scanf("%d", &index);
while(index > 0)
/*allocating in List */
if(head == NULL)
head = insert_head(head,index);
if((head != NULL) && (index <= (head->data)))
struct node *temp;
head->next = temp;
temp->next = head;/*TRY INSERT HEAD FUNC.*/
if((head != NULL) && (index > (head->data)))
previous_node->data = index-1;
scanf("%d", &index);
I suggest as follows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
//aggregated into one place
struct node *new_node(int number){
struct node *temp;
if(NULL == (temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp)))){
printf("\nNot enough memory\n");
temp->data = number;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
struct node *insert_head(struct node *head, int number) {
struct node *temp = new_node(number);
temp->next = head;
return temp;
void after_me(struct node *me, int number){
struct node *temp = new_node(number);
temp->next = me->next;
me->next = temp;
void display(struct node *head){
struct node *moving_ptr = head;
while(moving_ptr != NULL){
printf("%d", moving_ptr->data);
if(moving_ptr = moving_ptr->next)
struct node *insert(struct node *me, int number){
if(number <= me->data){
me = insert_head(me, number);
} else {
me->next = insert(me->next, number);
} else {
me = new_node(number);
return me;
void release(struct node *list){//Of course, you will be able to replace a simple loop(e.g while-loop).
int main(void){
struct node *head = NULL;
int index;
while(1==scanf("%d", &index) && index > 0){
head = insert(head, index);
return 0;

Linked list (sorted insertion)

this program creates a sorted list and then inserts an element such that the list still remains sorted. I think the logic is ok..but the program doesn't print the new list formed.Here is the code. what is wrong?
struct list {
int number;
struct list *next;
typedef struct list node;
void create(node *);
void print(node *);
void sortedInsert(node **);
main() {
int user_response;
node *head;
head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
printf("Look at your creation!! A linked list!!1 heheheh...........\n");
printf("Do you want to experience some \"sort\" of thrill?\n1 for yes..\n");
if(user_response == 1) {
printf("Look at the marvel of linked list...\n");
else {
printf("Ha\n tired fellow,lack of ambition!!!\n");
return 0;
void create(node *head) {
printf("Enter a number,-999 to stop\n");
if(head->number == -999) {
head->next = NULL;
else {
head->next = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
void print(node *head) {
if(head->next != NULL) {
else {
void sortedInsert(node **headRef) {
node *new_node;
node *prev_ptr = *headRef;
node *dummy_ptr = *headRef;
int key;
printf("Which value do you wanna insert\n");
new_node = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
new_node->number = key;
while((*headRef)->next != NULL) {
if((*headRef)->number >= key) {
prev_ptr->next = new_node;
new_node->next = *headRef;
*headRef = dummy_ptr;
else {
prev_ptr = *headRef;
*headRef = (*headRef)->next;
