React.JS react-create-app backend same port - reactjs

I am new to React.JS and using react-create-app to setup the project.
I am wondering is there a way to use the same host and port to response for API requests, (the server serves both front-end and back-end, like in Django).
The doc mentions about this but does not go into details.
By same host and port I mean I only need one terminal and run npm start once.

If there is only for development you can simply add
"proxy": "http://localhost:8000/"
to your package.json.
This will proxy your API queries from React to your other app working on another port (there 8000).
After you finish, you need to build production code (npm build command), which result is an index.html which loads builded js and css bundles.
From Django you need only point your IndexView to this file (you can do this as TemplateView, but maybe simpler is only render like there:
class IndexView(View):
def get(self, request):
index = open(str(settings.BASE_DIR.path('build/index.html')), 'r')
return HttpResponse(
Then only use your API from React - from this point both will work on common port.
Back to development mode - you can also configure your Webpack to build your app everytime you save changes and only run them from Django (or Rails, or Node, or whatever is your backend), but I prefer to use proxy, which keep both apps in their native contexts until you finish development. One disadventage of this solutions is that you need always run both apps simultaneously.
Some usefull info and soultions about this I found there:


Does npm server is necessary for ReactJS with django on production?

I have developped the application with DJango + ReactJS
when in developpment,
$python runserver
$yarn start
which launche the two servers on localhost:8000 and localhost:3000
However in production environment, I need to launch two servers??
When I use webpack before I run two server in developpment environment, but in Production just building in advance and use only on one server uwsgi
Could run under one server directly, I'll share other ways too.
Have your yarn build done and serve under Django's static files + listen for js/css/image assets. Now about your routing, you need to capture frontend routes such a way that (when direct url is entered), Django responds back static assets itself.
The downside in above is that your APIs' urls have to be following some pattern which won't interfere frontend URIs (routes).
Running two servers + CORS
Pack your react build with expressjs and serve it with some production grade server like pm2/ could use nginx + static files too but to tackle routes issue (of React), you'll need to tweak nginx to listen to not only "/" but also other routes in frontend.
Now, calling django APIs, do enable CORS config to support calling APIs from your React site.
Can also use serverless to send your static files + CORS behind the scenes.
If you're not having access to root of server, would need extra one to spare in former case. Otherwise to spin up a frontend + backend process in same server machine won't do much weight.
Good luck!

Getting development build of React to communicate with backend with NGINX

I have an application that uses React for frontend and Perl for the backend.
The previous developer created an NGINX config file that handles the communication between the built version of the React code and the backend with no issues.
However, since NGINX is configured to work with the built version, I have to do npm run build every time I want to see the changes I made on the frontend side and interact with the backend.
I was wondering if it is possible to configure the NGINX file so that I can just use npm start to see my changes. Can this issue be resolved by making modifications to the NGINX config file or is the NGINX config file irrelevant for the development build and I just need to modify the backend code to get it working with npm start?
I am unfamiliar with both Perl and NGINX services. So, I am not sure which part I need to focus on. Furthermore, I had some trouble communicating with the backend on development build (npm start) with no NGINX config file.

How to merge React App and Express App to deploy on single project?

I recently create Express and MongoDB API and after that, I connect that API to my React Application successfully and which is running well. But one situation occurring during deployment now I need to deploy both projects separately means I need two hosting plan for them. So, I want that both project running on the same host. Is it possible? and How?
A build of any React application creates (unless webpack-dev-server is used to compile it) the output which consists of static files: script bundles and .html file(s) that reference the bundles in <script> tag.
Those files can and should be copied to Express in production build. Then you have one server on one host. When React application runs inside a client (e.g. browser) it gets everything including .html files, script bundles, API responses from the single source: Express backend/server. Which by the way excludes any possibility of getting CORS issues so many people are asking about here on SO.
Example, e.g. a boilerplate project that demonstrates all that.
If you execute commands:
git clone
cd crisp-react
yarn install && yarn start:prod
and then point your browser to localhost:3000, you will have React app running inside your browser and it got everything from one single Express backend.
crisp-react has two subdirectories: client with React client app and server with Express backend. The build command copies the build artifacts from one subdirectory to another. So you can even rename or delete the client subdirectory after a build, it won't affect the Express backend.

React web is not working properly after build (related axios api)

I use
"webpack": "3.8.1" ,
"react": "^16.5.2"
when start to yarn start app is working
but after the yarn build and serve -s build, not to call api. (but react-router is working)
In other words, it does not work for the http request. After the build
But as a yarn start, http request runs well.
(I use proxy in package.json. front-end is react, backend is spring boot)
I suspect your issue is like this. When you are developing you are using a proxy setup in your package.json as you have stated in your question.
When you have this proxy setting, webpack dev server will proxy your request from the client to the server. This is what allows you to leave the baseurl off your request in the app. In other words, because of this proxy you can simply write /api/endpoint/.
When you build and serve using the serve module however, webpack dev server is no longer the one serving your app the the browser, which means there is no more proxying requests from client to server. This means you are making a request to just /api/endpoint/ which means there is no server actually getting your request.
Without actually changing your react code to use the full url including the base url in requests, you would need to actually have the server be responsible for serving the build folder to the web statically. By doing this, your /api/endpoint will point back the server that served the app which is also your api.

Angular 2. Development in a sub local domain

I'm working on an Angular 2 project. I need to use restful services that cannot be exposed as CORS (the local setup is a docker container that emulates the live server), thus I need to create the angular project under the same domain.
Lets say the local domain is that already has a main web site at the root.
I was asked to build an angular 2 admin section in a sub directory (say /admin) so that it can be accessed at
When the project is done it will be easy to just copy the build in that subdirectory and have it working.
The problem is while developing it.
I'm using ancular-cli with ng serve but the site is served at localhost:4200, not the same domain, thus CORS issues.
I've tried changing it using the arguments --host and --port but the ones I need, obviously, are already used by the main site.
The partial solution was to use ng build --watch --base-href /admin/ --deploy-url /admin/ and configure outDir in anglular-cli.json to built the site in the proper location, but even if --watch is correctly rebuilding on every file changes, the browser is not refreshed as it is with ng-serve.
Unfortunately changing the server to support CORS is not an option. It is a docker container that uses JAVA as server that I'm not able to edit. Furthermore the versioned code is constantly updated by other developers.
I would like to know if it is possible to manage such a situation in a better way, mainly if is possible to serve the angular project under a local domain name while developing.
