onClick not being called ReactJS - reactjs

Before downvoting, I've been through plenty of other solutions on SO around this same issue and can't find an answer that resolves this issue.
I'm having trouble trying to get the onClick attribute to fire off my function, here's a piece from the problematic component:
constructor() {
this.state = {
submissionFormCount: 0
this.addToSubmissionFormCount = this.addToSubmissionFormCount.bind(this);
<div className="row">
<div className="col s12 m12 l12">
<h5 onClick={this.addToSubmissionFormCount} style={beatSubmissionStyles.colorize}><span>(Plus) </span>add another beat</h5>
addToSubmissionFormCount() {
submissionFormCount: this.state.submissionFormCount++
I'm rendering the app from an Express server using 'react-dom/server'
Here's how I am rendering the component:
exports.beatSubmission = (req, res) => {
const appString = renderToString(<App type="beatSubmission"/>);
body: appString

I think you're only rendering your react components on the server side. The reason I think this is because of the following code you've copied:
exports.beatSubmission = (req, res) => {
const appString = renderToString(<App type="beatSubmission"/>);
body: appString
You're rendering the component to a string and shipping the string to the frontend as static HTML. While this will indeed give you properly rendered markup, it will result in a non-interactive app.
To have click handlers work, you also need to compile your JS, and include it for use on the frontend like this:
renderToString(<Html assets={webpackIsomorphicTools.assets()} store={store}/>));
There are a few ways to do this. You can manually add a script file with your JS pre-packaged for the frontend in your template or you can use Webpack Isomorphic Tools.
I suspect you read a react tutorial that lead you down the isomorphic (server/client side rendered) path. You can run react on the server, the client side or both. Running it on both takes some work, but results in an app that "feels" faster.

I can't see any problem with the code. However, the only thing that comes to my mind is if you're rendering the <h5> in a function of some sort, maybe mapping and array for example. If so, you need to define var self = this in the render function before the return, then use self.addToSubmissionFormCount.
P.S. I don't recommend using onClick handler in <h5> tag

Change your h5 into an anchor tag. So replace:
<h5 onClick={this.addToSubmissionFormCount} style={beatSubmissionStyles.colorize}><span>(Plus) </span>add another beat</h5>
<a onClick={this.addToSubmissionFormCount} style={beatSubmissionStyles.colorize}><span>(Plus) </span>add another beat</a>
You can style your anchor anyway you want afterwards. For example if you want to not have a cursor when hovering then add cursor: none

You should not mutate the state of react.


React: is this an acceptable way to add event listeners to a functional component?

i'm working on my first app using react and i want to attach a event listener to a component. I know theres a lot of ways to do this but i came up with this one:
function loginHandler () {
alert('Hey, you clicked me!');
const Header = () => {
return (
<header className="header">
<nav className="home-navbar">
<a className="home-navbar__link home-navbar__logo" href="/">Notepp</a>
<a className="home-navbar__link" href="/">About</a>
<a onClick={loginHandler} className="home-navbar__link home-navbar__login" href="/">Sign in with Google</a>
I don't want to transform this into a class component and create loginHandler method because this is just a simple nav component and i feel like it would somehow complicate thinks a bit. I'm also not sure on how to use hooks although i heard they are very useful. Of course i'm would separate my loginHandler function into her own file but i just want to hear from more experienced developers first. Now this being said i have actually 2 questions.
Is this okay to do?
On the lessons i took from React, the teachers always used class components and onClick to pass event listeners to components, and i decided to create my own app before learning hooks so...
Should i use onClick to handle events?
People always say its best to separate markup from interactivity and i agree with them, and seeing as onClick is at its core (i think) an HTML event handler, i'm a bit suspicious of them (don't wanna hurt my imaginary good practice points right?). Thanks in advance for your help.
Of course, your code is fine, React itself encourages using functional components (with the addition of hooks, memo, ...).
This is almost an exact copy of the code in the official React documentation for Handling Events:
function ActionLink() {
function handleClick(e) {
console.log('The link was clicked.');
return (
<a href="#" onClick={handleClick}>
Click me
I'd suggest at least going through "Main concepts" of the official documentation, before developing your first application. It also has a section on Function and Class Components.
The only remark I could make about this code is that if the onClick will take you to a different screen, then you might look at something like react-router so the URL changes as well.

React global click track handler

I am new to react and working on a legacy codebase. Am wondering if we can write a global button click handler for click tracking.
The jQuery equivalent of this would be something like,
utilities.js :
var subscribeForClickTracking = function() {
$( "button" ).click((event) => { console.log($(event.target).html()) })
$( "p" ).click((event) => { console.log($(event.target).html()) })
In all the html files, will add reference to utiliies.js and this snippet of code.
$(document).ready(function () {
I have surfed about this and reached similar so questions, like
Higher Order React Component for Click Tracking
and https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-track-user-interactions-in-your-react-app-b82f0bc4c7ff/
But these solutions involve modifying the button's implementation, which would lead to huge change. (For a html form with 50+ buttons).
Is there an alternate approach to achieve something similar to the above jQuery approach.
Thanks in advance.
No, you can not do that. The reason is that React prevents you from doing global things to avoid side effects.
I think the proper React way would be to create your own Button component.
First create a new component :
export default Button = (props) => <button ...props />
Then, you can import and use Button instead of button in any component.
Then in your Button component, you can override your onClick method like this :
onClick={() => {
// doWhatYouWantHere;
However, as React is JavaScript, you can still use vanilla JavaScript to attach an event to every button

How to refresh the facebook like url in reactjs (using facebook-sdk CDN)

I am using Facebook's like button as generated by facebook's like button configurator. However in order to get facebook-sdk to finish loading before the Like button, I had to use something called react-load-script and make a my own wrapper component for the like button html I got from the configurator.
my like button
class Like extends React.Component {
state = {
facebookLoaded: false
handleFacebookLoaded = () => this.setState({
facebookLoaded: true
FacebookSDK = () => <>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
async defer crossOrigin="anonymous"
render() {
return <>
<this.FacebookSDK />
? <div class="fb-like" data-href={this.props.url} data-width="" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-size="large" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true" />
: null}
In my code all the script loading stuff actually happens in App.jsx, but I moved it into one class just to show a simple version.
This part seems to work fine, the issue lies when changing the url passed to data-href.
I checked the react dom in the browser and the data-href is actually being updated properly, however this does not affect the actual url that is being used by the like button, unless I do a full page refresh. I'm assuming this has to do with how the data-href is being used by facebook-sdk. (edit: after testing I'm not sure anymore)
I've found many questions about this on Stack Overflow, however none of them seem to be based off the CDN version of facebook buttons
From what I understand, the div containing the href needs to be placed out and back into the DOM in order for the facebook-sdk to detect a change, but I don't know how to do this in react without a full page refresh. Also I'm not certain this is even the right solution.
-- Update --
I just noticed something else that seems like useful information. If I navigate to the page with the like button, then it doesn't show up. It will only show up if the page refreshes. I tested it by moving the part that loads the script into the like component (like in the example shown above) and that didn't change the behavior at all.
-- more experimenting --
I wrote an event handler that takes all the facebook related jsx out of the dom and back in (by toggling a button) However when all the code goes back into the dom (both jsx and html), the UI for the button does not come back. I'm really now sure how this is possible as I'm literally reloading the script and everything facebook related so this should be equivalent to a page refresh no?
I fixed the issue thanks to misorude. The part I was missing was calling window.FB.XFBML.parse(). I didn't realize I could access FB the same way using the CDN. If anyone is looking for a react solution here is the working code:
class Like extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
url: props.url,
handleChangePage() {
let likeBtn = document.createElement('div');
likeBtn.className = "fb-like";
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-href", this.props.url);
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-width", "");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-layout", "button_count");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-action", "like");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-size", "large");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-show-faces", "true");
likeBtn.setAttribute("data-share", "true");
let likePanel = document.getElementById("like-panel");
this.setState({ url: this.props.url });
componentDidMount() {
render() {
if(this.props.url !== this.state.url)
return <div id="like-panel">
? <div className="fb-like" data-href={this.props.url} data-width="" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-size="large" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true" />
: null}
I moved the CDN out of this component so that it only loads the sdk once for the whole app.

React - pass props/state to rendered HTML string?

In my React app, I have stored a text template as an HTML string on the server which is passed up to the client to be rendered. Is it possible to render this HTML string in such a way that it can access it's parent component state/props? I've tried using dangerouslySetInnerHTML and ReactDOMServer.renderToString(), both of which render the string as HTML, but render {props.text} as a literal string, rather than a reference to the component's props.
For example, on the server I have stored:
<div>Welcome to my app</div>
<div>Have fun</div>
And the component
import React from "react"
import { connect } from "react-redux"
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return { state }
WelomeBody = (props) => {
return (
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{"__html": props.state.welcomeMessageBody}} />
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null)(WelomeBody)
but this results in:
Welcome to my app
Have fun
Is there a way that this can be rendered so as to access the value of props.message, rather than just rendering it literally?
If what you have in mind is to send down a React component (in JSX syntax) from your server to your client and have the client somehow rehydrate/compile it into an actual, working component, this is not achievable that easily.
When you build and bundle your React app, only components that are statically referenced/imported in your application at compile time can be used at runtime on the browser.
So, in order to dynamically render a component from a template and embed variables into it, your choices are:
Render it into final HTML on your server, send down that HTML and have a simple React component perform dangerouslySetInnerHTML for it. But, like you've already observed, that content has to be the full HTML code, no templates, variables, JSX, etc. Everything is string and HTML at this point, no more processing.
Alternatively, send down a Markdown document and have a Markdown component parse it into HTML and display it.
Create a sophisticated component that can receive a string, parse it, tokenize it, substitute values in it, etc. Essentially, create your own template-processing component that can read a template (the string sent down from your server) and embed the appropriate values into it.
A simple solution (to substitute values into a template) would be:
function Filler(props) {
let html = props.template;
Object.keys(props).forEach(key => {
if (key !== "template")
html = html.replace("{" + key + "}", props[key]);
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: html}} />;
and use it like
<Filler template={"<h1>Hello, {firstname} {lastname}</h1>"} firstname="John" lastname="Doe" />
But again, this is far from a full-fledged actual React component.

React onTouchStart not firing

I am trying to implement a swipe feature in ReactJS, but before I even really dive in, I cannot seem to get the onTouchStart event listener to work. I have looked online but most answers are outdated, or do not address my question directly. This link is where I got the most information thus far, but it still falls short of my question and some of the answers are outdated. What's the proper way of binding touchstart on React JS?
I went down to creating the simplest form of the functionality and included that code below. I was trying to console.log when onTouchStart={this.swiped}> occurs. On a side note, if I change the listener to onClick onClick={this.swiped}>, this works immediately.
class App extends React.Component {
contructor() {
this.swiped = this.swiped.bind(this);
swiped() {
render() {
return (
onTouchStart={this.swiped}>Swipe Me
Also, I have added the CSS style cursor: pointer to the element. I also tried adding
componentWillMount: function(){
But according to the React blogs, React.initializeTouchEvents is no longer required.
This seems so trivial and something that should be really simple to implement. What am I missing? My goal is to implement this without an external library. Here is a link to Codepen where I was trying to implement this.
This works for me. Maybe the issue is that you're not testing it on a real device?
class App extends React.Component {
contructor() {
swiped = () => {
render() {
return (
<div className='swipe-card' onTouchStart={this.swiped}>Swipe Me</div>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('App'))
I realized that Daniel was onto something. So I do not need to be testing on an actual device, however, when using Chrome, you will need to use their device toolbar to simulate a mobile device for this to work.
