Changing the address of an element in a char* array? C - c

Code first:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void test (char* word)
char y[20] = "hlajwoma";
word = &y;
int main()
char* words[3] = {NULL};
words[0] = "LOL0";
words[1] = "LOL1";
words[2] = "LOL2";
printf("%s\n%s\n%s", words[0], words[1], words[2]);
return 0;
So what i want to do here, is you can see that i have an array of char* called words. This array stores the memory address of the elements. I choose words[1] to be edited, but it doesn't work.
Can you point me to some directions please?

One problem you have is that arguments are passed by value, basically meaning that they are copied into local variables in the function. Changing a copy will of course not change the original, and also local variables goes out of scope and cease to exist once the function returns. You usually solve it by using pass by reference, which doesn't exist in C but can be emulated with pointers. So you need to pass a pointer to the pointer as the argument, and use dereferencing in the function to change the value.
However that leads us back to the whole "local variable" thing, and how they cease to exist once they go out of scope. Since you want to make the pointer point to the local array y that pointer will no longer be valid once the function returns and using the pointer will lead to undefined behavior.
The actual problem is that you call your function doing the "modification" before you do the assignment. Once you fixed the above problems you should probably change the order you do things.

You are reassigning to words[0] after the function call. So, whatever it's supposed to modify, wouldn't work.
However, your "modification" isn't correct to start with.
With this statement
word = &y;
you are modifying a pointer word that's local to test() function. If you want to modify the content, you can use strcpy(). However, what you pass to test() is an address of a string literal which can't be modified.
In order to modify the pointer, you have to pass a pointer to pointer. But you can't assign the address of a local variable to it (which would lead to undefined behaviour).
What you probably want to do is something like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void test (char **word)
char *y = "hlajwoma";
*word = y;
int main(void)
char* words[3] = {NULL};
words[0] = "LOL0";
words[1] = "LOL1";
words[2] = "LOL2";
printf("%s\n%s\n%s", words[0], words[1], words[2]);
return 0;
char *y = "hlajwoma";
assigns the address of the string literal "hlajwoma", which has static storage duration, to y.
This is totally different from:
char y[] = "hlajwoma";
in which the string literal is copied into the array y. Thus array y is local to the function test().

words[1] = "LOL1";
Is a char pointer to a constant string.

If I understand your question correctly, you want your function to be able to modify the array words. In other words, I take that you expect the output to be the following:
If that's the case, then what you want is your function to receive a pointer to the array, and use this pointer to make the second element point to another string.
However, you'll run into a second problem, which is trying to make the pointer in main point to a string that only exists during the lifetime of test(). That is, when you have a code like this:
void test (char** word)
char y[20] = "hlajwoma";
*word = y;
The variable y is created by the program in the dynamic memory region when test() is called. When it finishes running, that string no longer exists. And if you stored its address in any pointer, that pointer now is invalid. You can simply make it point to a string literal, which exists during the whole time your program is running.
Another problem with your code is that you are calling test() first and then modifying the array. Even if test() works perfectly, whatever it do is being undone. So we change the order of that as well.
So you can simply do this instead:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void test (char** word)
word = "hlajwoma";
int main(void)
char* words[3] = {NULL};
words[0] = "LOL0";
words[1] = "LOL1";
words[2] = "LOL2";
printf("%s\n%s\n%s", words[0], words[1], words[2]);
return 0;


Why can I return `int` after a function but not `char *`?

I'm a newbie to C. I had extended the question from the previous question: Strange behavior when returning "string" with C (Thanks for all who answered or commented that question, by the way.)
Pretty straight forward:
Why can this work:
#include <stdio.h>
int func() {
int i = 5;
return i;
int main() {
But not this:
#include <stdio.h>
char * func() {
char c[] = "Hey there!";
return c;
int main() {
From the previous question, logically the int i should not exist too because the function has returned, but why can it still be returned while char c[] cannot?
(It seems to be duplicated from "Pointers and memory scope" but I would like to know more about what is the difference between returning an int and a char *.)
Problem is not returning char *, it is returning something that is allocated on stack.
If you allocate memory for your string rather than pointing to function stack, there will be no problem. Something like this:
char * func() {
char c[] = "Hey there!";
return strdup(c);
int main() {
char* str = func();
printf("%s", str);
It is important to mention that in both cases, you are copying a value and in both cases copied value is correct, but the meaning of copied value differs.
In first case, your are copying an int value and after your return from function, you are using that int value which will be valid. But in 2nd case, even though you have a valid pointer value, it refers to an invalid address of memory which is stack of called function.
Based on suggestions in comment, I decided to add another better practice in memory allocating for this code:
#define NULL (void*)0
int func(char *buf, int len) {
char c[] = "Hey there!";
int size = strlen(c) + 1;
if (len >= size) {
strcpy(buf, c);
return size;
int main() {
int size = func(NULL, 0);
char *buf = calloc(size, sizeof(*buf));
func(buf, size);
printf("%s", buf);
return 0;
Similar approach is used in a lot of windows API functions. This approach is better, because owner of pointer is more obvious (main in here).
In the first example the return value is copied. In your second example you're returning a pointer, which will point to a memory location which no longer exists.
In the first case, you return the int value 5 from the function. You can then print that value.
In the second case however, you return a value of type char *. That value points to an array that is local to the function func. After that function returns the array goes out of scope, so the pointer points to invalid memory.
The difference between these two cases is a value that you use directly, versus a pointer value that no longer points to valid memory. Had you returned a pointer to memory allocated by malloc, then the pointer would point to valid memory.
You are trying to return pointer to local array, which is very bad. If you want to return a pointer to array, allocate it dynamically using malloc inside your func();
Then you must call free() on caller side to free up memory you allocated when you no longer need it
In the first example, you return an int, and the second you return a pointer to a char. They both return in exactly the same manner, it is just a matter of understanding the stack and how values are returned.
Even though i was declared in the function and is allocated on the stack, when the function returns it returns the value of i (which is basically copied, so when i falls off the stack the value of i is still returned.)
This is the exact same thing that happens to the char * in the second example. It will still be a pointer to a char, and it returns the 'copied' value of c. However, since it was allocated on the stack, the address it points to is effectively invalid. The pointer value itself has not changed, but what it points to has.
You would have to dynamically allocate this to avoid this situation.
The return value of function is returned by copy. In the first example, you get a copy of the integer variable from the function. In the second you get a copy of the char pointer, not a copy of the string.
The pointer references the string data that has automatic storage, so is no longer valid after the function returns. The space becomes available for use by other code and many be modified - any attempt to access it has undefined behaviour.
The point is, it is a pointer that is returned, not a string; in C a strings (and more generally arrays) are not a first-class data types.
Depending on your needs there are a number of valid ways of returning the string data; for example the following is valid:
char* func()
static char c[] = "Hey there!";
return c;
because here although the local variable goes out of scope the static data is not destroyed or de-allocated, and any reference to it remains valid.
Another alternative is to embed the string in a struct which is a first-class data type:
typedef struct
char content[256] ;
} sString ;
sString func()
sString c = {"Hey there!"};
return c;
Or more conventionally to copy the data to a caller buffer:
char* func( char* buffer )
char c[] = "Hey there!";
strcpy( buffer, c ) ;
return buffer ;
I have omitted code to mitigate the possibility of buffer overrun above for clarity in this last example, such code is advised.

Changing the value of a string with a pointer in C

I was trying to change the value of the string t_string by passing a pointer of the string to a function and then changing the value of that pointer in the function.
The output I am receiving is the original string "Hello".
Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!
#include <stdio.h>
#include "string.h"
void editString(char *theString);
int main() {
char t_string[] = "Hello\n";
char *s = t_string;
printf("The string after: %s", t_string);
return 0;
void editString(char *theString){
theString = "Good Bye\n";
In C, parameters are pass by value. What you're doing is changing the value of the local variable theString to point to a string literal. That local variable change is not reflected in the calling function.
To change what theString points to, use strcpy. That will follow what theString points to (i.e. the array in main). Note however that the array isn't large enough to hold the new string, so if you do that you will write past the end of the array and invoke undefined behavior. So you need to make the array large enough to hold either string.
int main() {
char t_string[20] = "Hello\n"; // enlarge array to hold either string
char *s = t_string;
printf("The string after: %s", t_string);
return 0;
void editString(char *theString){
strcpy(theString, "Good Bye\n"); // use strcpy
Array designators are non-modifiable lvalues. So you can not change an array such a way.
In this statement
char *s = t_string;
there is created a new object with the name s that is initialized by the address of the first character of the array t_string.
In this call
there is created a copy of the value of the argument that is assigned to the function parameter.
You can imagine the function definition and its call the following way
void editString(/*char *theString*/){
char *theString = s;
theString = "Good Bye\n";
So even the argument s is not changed by the function. That is at first the local variable theString initialized by the value stored in the argument s and then this local variable is reassigned by the address of the first character of the string literal "Good Bye\n".
Neither the array t_string nor the pointer s defined in main were changed in the function.
If you want to change the array you have to assign its characters individually for example by using the standard string function strcpy declared in header <string.h>. The array has to have enough size to accommodate the new string literal.
For example
#include <stdio.h>
#include "string.h"
void editString(char *theString);
int main( void )
char t_string[10] = "Hello\n";
char *s = t_string;
printf("The string after: %s", t_string);
return 0;
void editString(char *theString){
strcpy( theString, "Good Bye\n" );
Take into account that according to the C Standard the function main without parameters shall be declared like
int main( void )

This program is giving output "abc" for both p and c, but how?

When pc is assigning cdefg, why it is printing abc. when it goes to fun it is assigning pc= ""cdefg"
void fun(char *pc)
pc = malloc(5);
pc = "cdefg";
int main()
char *p = "abc";
char *c = p;
printf("%s %s\n",p,c);
The reason your program does what it does is that the assignment of pc in fun has nothing to do with assigning p in main. The pointer is passed by value; any changes made by fun get discarded.
If you would like to assign a new value inside a function, do one of three things:
Pass a pointer to pointer, or
Allocate a buffer in the caller, and pass it to the function, along with buffer's length, or
Return the pointer from the function, and assign in the caller.
First approach:
void fun(char **ppc) {
*ppc = "cdefg";
fun(&p); // in main
Second approach:
void fun(char *pc, size_t len) {
if (len >= 6) {
strcpy(pc, "cdefg");
char p[20]; // in main
fun(p, 20);
Third approach:
char *fun() {
return "sdefg";
char *p = fun(); // in main
Your program has other issues - for example, malloc-ed memory gets leaked by the assignment that follows.
Try this instead. It actually updates the original pointer, rather than assigning to a copy which is then left dangling:
void fun(char **pc)
*pc = malloc(6);
strcpy(*pc, "cdefg");
int main()
char *p = "abc";
char *c = p;
printf("%s %s\n",p,c);
It also fixed 2 other problems. The buffer of size 5 isn't big enough for the string plus the string terminator character, and you also need to copy the string into the buffer - assignment won't work.
When the function fun is called, the value of the pointer p is copied. Thus, only the local pointer pc in fun is changed. If you want to change the value of a pointer, you should take a double pointer as argument.
By the way, you do not have to call malloc(3) because the string "cdefg" is already present in memory (in rodata). The instruction pc = "cdefg"; puts the address of "cdefg" into pc. You will loose the address of the memory allocated by malloc(3), it's a memory leak.
When you allocated the pointer again in caller function, the value of pointer variable changed. In order to take this new value to the calling function, you have to pass the address of the pointer. ie: pass the pointer by reference.
There are two things at play here, passing by value and reassigning instead of copying.
If we start with the simple reassignment, take a closer look at these two lines:
pc = malloc(5);
pc = "cdefg";
The first lines assign to pc, making pc point to whatever memory malloc returned. The second line reassigns pc to point somewhere else. These two lines are basically the same as having an int variable i and doing
i = 1;
i = 2;
The first assignment you do is lost because the you immediately make another assignment. To make the memory returned by malloc contain the string "cdefg" there are two things you need to do: The first is that you need to allocate six characters, to fit the string terminator, and the second thing you need to do is to copy the string into the memory:
pc = malloc(strlen("cdefg") + 1);
strcpy(pc, "cdefg");
The second issue is more complex, and has to do with how arguments are passed in C. In C the arguments are passed by values which means they are copied and the function only have a local copy of the data in those arguments.
When you pass a pointer, like in your code, then the pointer is copied into the variable pc, and when the function returns the variable goes out of scope and all changes you made to the variable (like reassigning it to point somewhere else) are simply lost.
The solution is to pass arguments by reference. This is unfortunately not possible in C, but it can be emulated using pointers, or rather using pointers to variables. To pass a pointer to a variable that is a pointer, the type is a pointer to a pointer to some other type, so the function should take a pointer to a pointer to char:
void fun(char **ppc) { ... }
The variable ppc points to the variable p from the main function.
Now since ppc is pointing to a variable, you need to use the dereference operator to access the original variable:
*ppc = malloc(strlen("cdefg") + 1);
strcpy(*ppc, "cdefg");
To call the function you use the address-of operator & to create a pointer to the variable:
char *p = "abc";
char *p - in main function
char *pc - in fun function
are different variables.

Can I use values of array declared as local variable outside of its scope?

Suppose the following simple code:
int main(void){
char *p;
int i = 1;
char str[] = "string";
p = str;
i = 0;
/* Can I use above string by using `p` in here? */
return 0;
I declared a string (char array) as local variable only valid in while{}. But I saved its array address to the pointer p which is also valid outside while{}. Is it okay use the string outside while{} by using p?
If it is okay, why does it work?
Is it okay use the string outside while{} by using p?
No. In the scope of while p is pointing to first character of str. Outside of while there is no str and hence there is no valid memory location where p is pointing to.
You can achieve the desired effect by using static storage class specifier in str declaration
static char str[] = "string";
Outside the while you can use p
printf("%s\n", p);
This is because static variables declared within a block resides at the same storage location throughout program execution.
No, this is not OK. This is what is known as a dangling pointer. If you manage to use the memory before the program attempts to reuse this address, you may still get your expected result. However, if the memory is used again, you will get unexpected results and bugs that are very hard to locate.
Try this as an example, it may not work with all compilers but in Xcode on OS X I get this result:
pa: apples
pa: orange
po: orange
#include <stdio.h>
char *pa;
char *po;
void apples(void)
char sa[]="apples";
pa = sa;
printf("pa: %s\n", pa);
void orange(void)
char so[]="orange";
po = so;
printf("pa: %s\n", pa);
printf("po: %s\n", po);
int main(void)
return 0;
Each function call to apples() and orange() subsequently grows and then shrinks the stack and you can see how the string (either apples or orange) ends up in the same memory location on the stack. But there are zero guarantees that string will be there once it is out of scope. This trick "works" here, but it is very dangerous.
As an additional exercise, try printing the contents of po in main() after the call to orange(), in most cases the string will be gone as the call to printf() overwrites that space on the stack.
str points to the read-only (data) area of the process. You can access (read) that data with p, as well. However, attempting to write to that location will result in segmentation fault.

Am I passing a copy of my char array, or a pointer?

I've been studying C, and I decided to practice using my knowledge by creating some functions to manipulate strings. I wrote a string reverser function, and a main function that asks for user input, sends it through stringreverse(), and prints the results.
Basically I just want to understand how my function works. When I call it with 'tempstr' as the first param, is that to be understood as the address of the first element in the array? Basically like saying &tempstr[0], right?
I guess answering this question would tell me: Would there be any difference if I assigned a char* pointer to my tempstr array and then sent that to stringreverse() as the first param, versus how I'm doing it now? I want to know whether I'm sending a duplicate of the array tempstr, or a memory address.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char* stringreverse(char* tempstr, char* returnptr);
printf("\nEnter a string:\n\t");
char tempstr[1024];
char *revstr = stringreverse(tempstr, revstr); //Assigns revstr the address of the first character of the reversed string.
printf("\nReversed string:\n"
"\t%s\n", revstr);
return 0;
char* stringreverse(char* tempstr, char* returnptr)
char revstr[1024] = {0};
int i, j = 0;
for (i = strlen(tempstr) - 1; i >= 0; i--, j++)
revstr[j] = tempstr[i]; //string reverse algorithm
returnptr = &revstr[0];
return returnptr;
Thanks for your time. Any other critiques would be helpful . . only a few weeks into programming :P
EDIT: Thanks to all the answers, I figured it out. Here's my solution for anyone wondering:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void stringreverse(char* s);
int main(void)
printf("\nEnter a string:\n\t");
char userinput[1024] = {0}; //Need to learn how to use malloc() xD
printf("\nReversed string:\n"
"\t%s\n", userinput);
return 0;
void stringreverse(char* s)
int i, j = 0;
char scopy[1024]; //Update to dynamic buffer
strcpy(scopy, s);
for (i = strlen(s) - 1; i >= 0; i--, j++)
*(s + j) = scopy[i];
First, a detail:
int main()
char* stringreverse(char* tempstr, char* returnptr);
That prototype should go outside main(), like this:
char* stringreverse(char* tempstr, char* returnptr);
int main()
As to your main question: the variable tempstr is a char*, i.e. the address of a character. If you use C's index notation, like tempstr[i], that's essentially the same as *(tempstr + i). The same is true of revstr, except that in that case you're returning the address of a block of memory that's about to be clobbered when the array it points to goes out of scope. You've got the right idea in passing in the address of some memory into which to write the reversed string, but you're not actually copying the data into the memory pointed to by that block. Also, the line:
returnptr = &revstr[0];
Doesn't do what you think. You can't assign a new pointer to returnptr; if you really want to modify returnptr, you'll need to pass in its address, so the parameter would be specified char** returnptr. But don't do that: instead, create a block in your main() that will receive the reversed string, and pass its address in the returnptr parameter. Then, use that block rather than the temporary one you're using now in stringreverse().
Basically I just want to understand how my function works.
One problem you have is that you are using revstr without initializing it or allocating memory for it. This is undefined behavior since you are writing into memory doesn't belong to you. It may appear to work, but in fact what you have is a bug and can produce unexpected results at any time.
When I call it with 'tempstr' as the first param, is that to be understood as the address of the first element in the array? Basically like saying &tempstr[0], right?
Yes. When arrays are passed as arguments to a function, they are treated as regular pointers, pointing to the first element in the array. There is no difference if you assigned &temp[0] to a char* before passing it to stringreverser, because that's what the compiler is doing for you anyway.
The only time you will see a difference between arrays and pointers being passed to functions is in C++ when you start learning about templates and template specialization. But this question is C, so I just thought I'd throw that out there.
When I call it with 'tempstr' as the first param, is that to be understood as the
address of the first element in the array? Basically like saying &tempstr[0],
char tempstr[1024];
tempstr is an array of characters. When passed tempstr to a function, it decays to a pointer pointing to first element of tempstr. So, its basically same as sending &tempstr[0].
Would there be any difference if I assigned a char* pointer to my tempstr array and then sent that to stringreverse() as the first param, versus how I'm doing it now?
No difference. You might do -
char* pointer = tempstr ; // And can pass pointer
char *revstr = stringreverse(tempstr, revstr);
First right side expression's is evaluavated and the return value is assigned to revstr. But what is revstr that is being passed. Program should allocate memory for it.
char revstr[1024] ;
char *retValue = stringreverse(tempstr, revstr) ;
// ^^^^^^ changed to be different.
Now, when passing tempstr and revstr, they decayed to pointers pointing to their respective first indexes. In that case why this would go wrong -
revstr = stringreverse(tempstr, revstr) ;
Just because arrays are not pointers. char* is different from char[]. Hope it helps !
In response to your question about whether the thing passed to the function is an array or a pointer, the relevant part of the C99 standard ( states:
Except when it is the operand of the sizeof operator or the unary & operator, or is a string literal used to initialize an array, an expression that has type ‘‘array of type’’ is converted to an expression with type ‘‘pointer to type’’ that points to the initial element of the array object and is not an lvalue.
So yes, other than the introduction of another explicit variable, the following two lines are equivalent:
char x[] = "abc"; fn (x);
char x[] = "abc"; char *px = &(x[0]); fn (px);
As to a critique, I'd like to raise the following.
While legal, I find it incongruous to have function prototypes (such as stringreverse) anywhere other than at file level. In fact, I tend to order my functions so that they're not usually necessary, making one less place where you have to change it, should the arguments or return type need to be changed. That would entail, in this case, placing stringreverse before main.
Don't ever use gets in a real program.. It's unprotectable against buffer overflows. At a minimum, use fgets which can be protected, or use a decent input function such as the one found here.
You cannot create a local variable within stringreverse and pass back the address of it. That's undefined behaviour. Once that function returns, that variable is gone and you're most likely pointing to whatever happens to replace it on the stack the next time you call a function.
There's no need to pass in the revstr variable either. If it were a pointer with backing memory (i.e., had space allocated for it), that would be fine but then there would be no need to return it. In that case you would allocate both in the caller:
char tempstr[1024];
char revstr[1024];
stringreverse (tempstr, revstr); // Note no return value needed
// since you're manipulating revstr directly.
You should also try to avoid magic numbers like 1024. Better to have lines like:
#define BUFFSZ 1024
char tempstr[BUFFSZ];
so that you only need to change it in one place if you ever need a new value (that becomes particularly important if you have lots of 1024 numbers with different meanings - global search and replace will be your enemy in that case rather than your friend).
In order to make you function more adaptable, you may want to consider allowing it to handle any length. You can do that by passing both buffers in, or by using malloc to dynamically allocate a buffer for you, something like:
char *reversestring (char *src) {
char *dst = malloc (strlen (src) + 1);
if (dst != NULL) {
// copy characters in reverse order.
return dst;
This puts the responsibility for freeing that memory on the caller but that's a well-worn way of doing things.
You should probably use one of the two canonical forms for main:
int main (int argc, char *argv[]);
int main (void);
It's also a particularly bad idea to call main from anywhere. While that may look like a nifty way to get an infinite loop, it almost certainly will end up chewing up your stack space :-)
All in all, this is probably the function I'd initially write. It allows the user to populate their own buffer if they want, or to specify they don't have one, in which case one will be created for them:
char *revstr (char *src, char *dst) {
// Cache size in case compiler not smart enough to do so.
// Then create destination buffer if none provided.
size_t sz = strlen (src);
if (dst == NULL) dst = malloc (sz + 1);
// Assuming buffer available, copy string.
if (dst != NULL) {
// Run dst end to start, null terminator first.
dst += sz; *dst = '\0';
// Copy character by character until null terminator in src.
// We end up with dst set to original correct value.
while (*src != '\0')
*--dst = *src++;
// Return reversed string (possibly NULL if malloc failed).
return dst;
In your stringreverse() function, you are returning the address of a local variable (revstr). This is undefined behaviour and is very bad. Your program may appear to work right now, but it will suddenly fail sometime in the future for reasons that are not obvious.
You have two general choices:
Have stringreverse() allocate memory for the returned string, and leave it up to the caller to free it.
Have the caller preallocate space for the returned string, and tell stringreverse() where it is and how big it is.
