Pipe shares between sibling child processes - c

In following code, I want child c1 blocks (via a pipe) until child c2 done (via call pipe_close() in c2). However it does not work. c1 would block forever. It works if I move pipe_close() out of c2 and put it in parent.
Is this because pipes created from parent are not shareable between sibling children processes?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
static void pipe_close(int *);
static void pipe_read(int *);
int pp_main[2] = {-1, -1};
int ppid = getpid();
int pgid = getpgrp();
int pid_c1 = fork();
if (pid_c1 == 0)
{ // in child c1
int cpid_c1 = getpid();
int gid = getpgrp();
printf("[c1][%d][%d] is made, wait pipe ready\n", cpid_c1, gid);
printf("[c1][%d][%d] done\n", cpid_c1, gid);
{ // in parent
printf("[main][%d][%d] created child c1: %d\n", ppid, pgid, pid_c1);
int pid_c2 = fork();
if (pid_c2 == 0)
{ // in child c2
int cpid_c2 = getpid();
int gid = getpgrp();
printf("[c2][%d][%d] is made\n", cpid_c2, gid);
for (int i = 2; i > 0; --i)
printf("[c2][%d][%d] count down %d\n", cpid_c2, gid, i);
printf("[c2][%d][%d] done\n", cpid_c2, gid);
{ // in parent
printf("[main][%d][%d] created child c2: %d\n", ppid, pgid, pid_c2);
int status;
waitpid(pid_c2, &status, 0);
int status;
waitpid(pid_c1, &status, 0);
return 0;
static void
pipe_read(int *pp)
char ch;
if (pp[1] >= 0)
close (pp[1]);
pp[1] = -1;
if (pp[0] >= 0)
while (read (pp[0], &ch, 1) == -1 && errno == EINTR);
static void
pipe_close(int *pp)
if (pp[0] >= 0)
close (pp[0]);
if (pp[1] >= 0)
close (pp[1]);
pp[0] = pp[1] = -1;

It works if I move pipe_close() out of c2 and put it in parent.
That is expected behaviour. A pipe is not fully closed until all references to it are closed. In your code the pipe is created before the fork. Hence both the parent and the child processes have that pipe opened. The c2 child will exit so that closes its references to the pipe. However, the parent process blocks waiting for c1 to exit. Which will never happen because the parent process does not explicitly or implicitly (via exit) close the pipe.


Creating process tree using fork

I'm trying to create the process tree shown in the picture. Basically if the level is even I want to create one child process and terminate the parent process. If the level is odd I wanna create two child processes and then terminate the parent process. I have written a program right now but I think it's so hard to visualize what process tree my program is actually creating. I've written some comments to the code to explain how I've been thinking. I also want to output the PID of the bottom children of the tree which my code doesn't do correctly.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
pid_t pid, ppid;
int n, i;
int childstate;
int count = 0;
if(argc != 2){
printf("Wrong number of arguments");
n = atoi(argv[1]);
fork(); //start process 0
for(i = 1; i < n + 1; i++){
if(i % 2 != 0){
fork(); //if odd level start 1 child process
if(getpid() == 0){
kill (getppid(), 9); //terminate parent process
} else {
if(fork() > 0){ //start new process
fork(); //if new process is not a child start another process
if(getpid() == 0){
kill (getppid(), 9); //terminate parent process
if(i == n){ //print pid of leaves (not working correctly)
printf("Process: %d \n", getpid());
return 0;
I also want to output the PID of the bottom children of the tree which my code doesn't do correctly.
Have your processes output the tree in Dot language, and use Graphviz to output the tree.
For example, if you save the following as say tree.c:
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int process(const unsigned int level, const unsigned int maxlevel, FILE *dot)
int status = EXIT_SUCCESS, childstatus;
unsigned int children, i;
pid_t p, child[2];
if (dot) {
/* Output a node for this child, */
fprintf(dot, " \"%ld\" [ label=\"Process %ld\" ];\n", (long)getpid(), (long)getpid());
/* and if not at the top level (0), an edge from our parent. */
if (level)
fprintf(dot, " \"%ld\" -> \"%ld\";\n", (long)getppid(), (long)getpid());
/* No more forking? */
if (level >= maxlevel) {
if (level)
return status;
/* Odd levels create two child processes, even one. */
if (level & 1)
children = 2;
children = 1;
/* Fork the child processes, */
for (i = 0; i < children; i++) {
child[i] = fork();
if (child[i] == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot fork: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
} else
if (!child[i]) {
/* have each child run process() and nothing else, */
exit(process(level + 1, maxlevel, dot));
/* This line is run in parent only. */
/* and wait for them. */
for (i = 0; i < children; i++) {
if (child[i] != -1) {
do {
p = waitpid(child[i], &childstatus, 0);
} while (p == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (p != child[i])
status = EXIT_FAILURE;
} else
status = EXIT_FAILURE;
if (level)
return status;
int dot_process_tree(const int levels, FILE *out)
int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (out) {
fprintf(out, "digraph {\n");
if (levels > 0)
retval = process(0, levels - 1, out);
if (out) {
fprintf(out, "}\n");
return retval;
int main(void)
return dot_process_tree(5, stdout);
and compile and run it using
reset ; gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 tree.c -o tree && ./tree | dot -Tx11
you'll get a nice graphic process tree. (Use dot -Tsvg > out.svg or dot -Tpng > out.png to save it as an SVG or PNG image.) On my system:
Do note that there is no reason why the process IDs should be in the tree order. Although e.g. Linux hands them off in a rather ordered fashion, they can be in any order, even totally random. So do not make any assumptions on the PIDs.
The Dot language itself is simple. The output of the above program is something like
digraph {
"12375" [ label="Process 12375" ];
"12377" [ label="Process 12377" ];
"12375" -> "12377";
"12378" [ label="Process 12378" ];
"12377" -> "12378";
"12379" [ label="Process 12379" ];
"12377" -> "12379";
"12380" [ label="Process 12380" ];
"12378" -> "12380";
"12381" [ label="Process 12381" ];
"12379" -> "12381";
"12382" [ label="Process 12382" ];
"12380" -> "12382";
"12384" [ label="Process 12384" ];
"12381" -> "12384";
"12383" [ label="Process 12383" ];
"12380" -> "12383";
"12385" [ label="Process 12385" ];
"12381" -> "12385";
which should be obvious; nodes are named by the process ID, and [ label="Title" ] sets the text in the node. It is not from the same run as the diagram above, so the process IDs differ.
In Dot, numbers do need to be quoted if used as a name, but if a name starts with a letter, you don't need to quote it. See Graphviz documentation for further details. (The Node, Edge and Graph Attributes page is the one you usually need.)
If you want the level display in each node, use
fprintf(dot, " \"%ld\" [ label=\"Process %ld, level %u\" ];\n", (long)getpid(), (long)getpid(), level + 1);
in process(). (It uses level 0 forwards, with all nonzero levels being child processes, and level 0 being the original process. That's why level 0 returns, and all other levels exit().)
From you description, your basic logic should be:
void fork_loop(int level, int stop) {
if (level > stop) return;
if (is_even(level)) {
fork_child(level, stop);
} else {
fork_child(level, stop);
fork_child(level, stop);
Where fork_child() calls fork(). The child process would call fork_loop(level+1, stop), while the parent would return.
fork(); //if odd level start 1 child process
if (getpid() == 0){
kill (getppid(), 9); //terminate parent process
This logic is wrong: getpid() does not return 0 / fork doesn't return a pid in the child process - it just returns 0 to signify that it is the child process - it can know parent's pid by calling getpid before.
The logic should be:
pid_t child = fork();
if (child > 0) {
// use exit instead of kill! exit terminates this process
if (child < 0) {
... an error occurred in fork ...
The getpid can never be zero. As I mentioned in my top comments, you want the parent to wait on children, not the other way round and too many forks.
Here's a cleaned up version that I think works:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[])
pid_t pid;
pid_t ppid;
int i;
int n;
int pcur;
int pcnt;
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Wrong number of arguments");
n = atoi(argv[1]);
pid = fork(); // start process 0
if (pid != 0) {
n = -5;
for (i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) {
// odd/even level -- get number of children to start
// NOTE: you may need to reverse this if
if (i % 2 != 0)
pcnt = 1;
pcnt = 2;
// get parent pid
ppid = getpid();
// do the forks
for (pcur = 0; pcur < pcnt; ++pcur)
// get current pid
pid = getpid();
// parent should wait on children
if (pid == ppid) {
while (wait(NULL) >= 0);
// print pid of leaves (not working correctly)
if (i == n) {
printf("Process: %d\n", pid);
return 0;

Pipe creation through functions

I was wondering if someone can help me modify my current code....
Currently it creates my process using fork() and takes a pointer to a function which executes that childs code block.
I wanted to play around with pipes and attempt to now have Process Y send its pid to Process X and then i want to send it back to the Main...
Heres what i have currently
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // exit
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
void processX();
void processY();
pid_t addChild(void (*childPtr) (), int fileDes[2]) {
pid_t cpid;
if((cpid=fork()) == 0) {
} else if (cpid < 0) {
printf("failed to fork");
} else {
return cpid;
void processY(int fileDes[2]) {
printf("Child Y[%d] Created of Parent X[%d]\n", getpid(), getppid());
printf("We are now going to write Y PID to process X\n");
pid_t a = getpid();
char buf[1024]; // child reads from pipe() to buffer
close(fileDes[0]); // close reading end of the pipe
write(fileDes[1], &a, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(int));
void processX(int fileDes[2]) {
printf("Child X[%d] Created of parent Main[%d]\n", getpid(), getppid());
int status;
pid_t Y = addChild(processY, fileDes);
pid_t new_val = 5;
close(fileDes[1]); // closing the writing end of the pipe.
read(fileDes[0], &new_val, sizeof(new_val));
printf("Message read with number %d: \n", new_val);
int main() {
int status;
int fd[2];
printf("Main process[%d]\n", getpid());
pid_t root = addChild(processX, fd);
printf("We are going to read from X to Main and then return the Value we got from Y\n");
return 0;
I dont know to create a pipe from Y - X and then X - Main....
Y---->send pid ----> X received Y pid ----- send new info to main --->Main print received data...
My answer i came up with
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // exit
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
void processX();
void processY();
pid_t addChild(void (*childPtr) (), int fileDes[2], int backToMainFd[2]) {
pid_t cpid;
if(childPtr != *processX //prevents the the pipe from main to x from recreating
if((cpid=fork()) == 0) {
if(childPtr == *processX) {
childPtr(fileDes, backToMainFd);
} else {
} else if (cpid < 0) {
printf("failed to fork");
} else {
return cpid;
void processY(int fileDes[2]) {
printf("[PROCESS Y]: Child Y[%d] Created of Parent X[%d]\n", getpid(), getppid());
pid_t a = getpid();
char buf[1024]; // child reads from pipe() to buffer
close(fileDes[0]); // close reading end of the pipe
write(fileDes[1], &a, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(int));
void processX(int fileDes[2], int BackToMainFd[2]) {
printf("[PROCESS X]: Child X[%d] Created of parent Main[%d]\n", getpid(), getppid());
int status;
pid_t Y = addChild(processY, fileDes, NULL);
pid_t new_val = 5;
close(fileDes[1]); // closing the writing end of the pipe.
read(fileDes[0], &new_val, sizeof(new_val));
printf("[PROCESS X]: We got Ys' PID as:%d from [PROCESS Y]\n", new_val);
close(BackToMainFd[0]); // close reading end of the pipe
char buf[1024]; // child reads from pipe() to buffer
write(BackToMainFd[1], &new_val, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(pid_t));
int main() {
int status;
int fd[2];
int backToMainFD[2];
printf("Main process[%d]\n", getpid());
pid_t root = addChild(processX, fd, backToMainFD);
pid_t new_val = 5;
close(backToMainFD[1]); // closing the writing end of the pipe.
read(backToMainFD[0], &new_val, sizeof(new_val));
printf("[MAIN]: We got Ys' PID as:%d from [PROCESS X]\n", new_val);
printf("Send sig kills too Y and root\n");
kill(new_val, SIGKILL);
kill(root, SIGKILL);
printf("Terminate program.\n");
return 0;

read from a pipe is blocked after close writer

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int childs[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int p[2];
if (pipe(p) == -1) { perror("pipe"); exit(1); }
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid) {
childs[i] = p[1];
else {
printf("child %d start\n", i + 1);
char buf[10];
buf[0] = 0;
int r;
if ((r = read(p[0], buf, 9)) == -1) { ... }
printf("child %d read %s (%d), finish\n", i + 1, buf, r);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// if (argc > 1) {
// write(childs[i], "42", 2);
// }
// ============== HERE >>>
pid_t pid;
while ((pid = waitpid(-1, NULL, 0)) > 0) {
printf("child %d exited\n", pid);
return 0;
Output with comment:
child 1 start
child 2 start
child 3 start
child 3 read (0), finish
The next line is displayed after 2 seconds
child 2 read (0), finish
The next line is displayed after 2 seconds
child 1 read (0), finish
I do not write to the channel in the parent. Closing it, I want to give a signal to the child that will be waiting in the read.
It seems that there is a following. Сhild N expected finishes reading from the result 0, it's ok. Children 2 (N-1) and 1 are locked in a read to a child 3 is completed. Then the child 1 is similar will wait.
Why lock occur?
Child processes inherit open file descriptors from their parent. Your main process opens file descriptors in a loop (using pipe, keeping only the write ends). Child 1 inherits no descriptors (except for stdin/stdout/stderr); child 2 inherits childs[0] (the descriptor going to child 1); child 3 inherits childs[0] and childs[1] (the descriptors going to child 1 and 2).
read on a pipe blocks as long as any write descriptor is still open (because it could be used to send more data). So child 1 waits (because child 2 and child 3 still have an open write descriptor) and child 2 waits (because child 3 still has an open write descriptor); only child 3 sleeps and exits. This causes its file descriptors to close, which wakes up child 2. Then child 2 sleeps and exits, closing its file descriptors, which finally wakes up child 1.
If you want to avoid this behavior, you have to close the open file descriptors in each child:
else {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
printf("child %d start\n", i + 1);
The write ends of the pipes are getting inherited by the children.
Since filedescriptor are ref-counted, the write end is only considered closed if all references to it are closed.
Below is your code, slightly refactored, with a fix added:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int children_w[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int p[2];
if (0>pipe(p))
{ perror("pipe"); exit(1); }
pid_t pid;
if(0> (pid= fork()))
{ perror("fork"); exit(1); }
if(pid==0) {
/* Fix -- close the leaked write ends */
int j;
for(j=0; j<i; j++)
/* end fix*/
printf("child %d start\n", i + 1);
char buf[10];
buf[0] = 0;
int r;
if ((r = read(p[0], buf, 9)) == -1) { perror("read");/*...*/ }
printf("child %d read %s (%d), finish\n", i + 1, buf, r);
children_w[i] = p[1];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// if (argc > 1) {
// write(childs[i], "42", 2);
// }
// ============== HERE >>>
pid_t pid;
while ((pid = waitpid(-1, NULL, 0)) > 0) {
printf("child %d exited\n", pid);
return 0;

Wait() runs twice?

In my code below, I'm running a parent process which forks off into two child processes. After child(getpid());, both children exit with a status.
However, when I run the parent process, it somehow always decides to run the parent section twice (sets two different pid values), and I just can't get it to run just once. Is there a way to make wait stop after getting one value?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void child(int n) { //n: child pid
printf("\nPID of child: %i \n", n);
//random number rand
int randFile = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY);
int r;
if(rand < 0)
printf("ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
else {
unsigned int seed;
read(randFile, &seed, 4); //&rand is a pointer, 4 bytes
int randClose = close(randFile);
srand(seed); //seeds rand() with random from /dev/random
r = rand();
if(randClose < 0)
printf("ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
//range between 5 and 20 seconds
r = r % 20;
if( r < 5)
r = 5;
// printf("\n%i\n", r);
// sleep(1);
printf("\n child with pid %i FINISHED\n", n);
exit( r );
int main() {
int parentPID = getpid();
int child0 = fork();
if(child0 < 0)
printf("ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
int child1 = fork();
if(child1 < 0)
printf("\nERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
if(getpid() == parentPID)
//if children
if(child1 == 0) //using child1 as child-testing value b/c when child1 is set, both children are already forked
int status;
int pid = wait(&status);
if(getpid() != 0) {
if( pid < 0)
printf("\nERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
if ( pid > 0 && pid != parentPID) {
printf("\nPID of FINISHED CHILD: %i\n Asleep for %i seconds\n", pid, WEXITSTATUS(status));
return 0;
The parent is doing:
int child0 = fork(); // + test if fork failed
int child1 = fork(); // + test if fork failed
First you only have the parent.
After 1st fork you have the parent and the 1st child, both at the same execution point, so just before the next fork.
So just after that the parent re-creates a child, and the 1st child creates its own child (and will act like the parent).
You have to use if/else so that you are sure that the child don't fork. i.e.:
child0 = fork(); // add check for errors
if (child0 == 0) {
// the 1st child just have to call that
// here we are the parent
child1 = fork();
if (child1 == 0) {
// the 2nd child just have to call that
You can do that differently, of course, this is just an example. The main point is to not call fork() within the child.

Synchronization of parent and child with SIGUSR signal in C. Make parent and child read one after the other

I have created a two way communication between parent and child processes using two pipes. Parent and child write data and I was able to make them read the data from each other. Parent writes numbers 1 to 5, and child writes numbers from 6 to 10. But I want parent to start reading data the first, and then reading continues in this order switching from parent to child until all the data are read: 6,1,7,2,8,3,9,4,10,5. I have tried to synchronize the reading with SIGUSR1 but when the parent is reading for the second time the program stops. I have searched a lot to find where the problem can be, and tried some tips and alike working examples, but nothing seems to help. Here is my code:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
void paction(int dummy)
void caction(int dummy)
int main()
int pfd[2];
int pfd2[2];
pid_t cfork, pfork;
if (pipe(pfd) == -1 || pipe(pfd2) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"Pipe failed");
cfork = fork();
signal(SIGUSR1, paction);
if (cfork == -1) {
printf("Fork Failed\n");
else if (cfork > 0) { /*parent process*/
int numbers[] = {1, 2,3, 4, 5};
int numbers2[] = { 6, 7,8, 9, 10 };
close(pfd[0]); /*close read end, write and then close write end*/
/*write part*/
int limit = 5;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
printf("Parent sends: %d\n", numbers[i]);
write(pfd[1], &numbers[i], sizeof(numbers[i]));
printf("Child sends: %d\n", numbers2[i]);
write(pfd2[1], &numbers2[i], sizeof(numbers2[i]));
/*read part/////////////////////////////////////////*/
int temp;
int reads = 5;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < reads; j++) {
read(pfd2[0], &temp, sizeof(temp));
printf("Parent gets: %d\n", temp);
kill(cfork, SIGUSR1);
kill( cfork, SIGUSR1 );
else { /*child process*/
signal(SIGUSR1, caction);
int temp;
int reads = 5;
int j;
pfork = getppid();
for (j = 0; j < reads; j++) {
read(pfd[0], &temp, sizeof(temp));
printf("Child gets: %d\n", temp);
kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
return 0;
My output looks like this:
> Parent sends:1
> Child sends:6
> Parent sends:2
> Child sends:7
> Parent sends:3
> Child sends:8
> Parent sends:4
> Child sends:9
> Parent sends:5
> Child sends:10
> **************************************************************
Parent gets:6
> C************************************************************
> Child gets:1
> P*************************************************************
> Parent gets:7
And here is when it stops.
If someone can help me I would really appreciate it because I really want to know where the problem is, and since I am a beginner in C programming and processes!
Thank you in advance
printf() is not an async-safe function. Calling printf() in both normal code and a signal handler will cause undefined behavior. In particular, printf() may need to take a lock on the output-stream, while taking locks in signal-handlers is very inadvisable (risk of self-deadlock).
Maybe it is a bad idea to use signals, but I had a task in which it was assigned to use SIGUSR1. I solved the issue by adding:
static struct sigaction pact, cact;
/* set SIGUSR1 action for parent */;
pact.sa_handler = p_action;
sigaction(SIGUSR1, &pact, NULL);
After the parent was assigned the first action, it worked fine.
Thank you:)
