ionic1 wait http response of next view before load it - angularjs

i'm using ionic to create an application who retrieve data from api through http request when I change view I see the view before the data of the controller totally loaded :
How can I load data of the next controller to only see the final result :
here the button who start the change of view :
<ion-item class="item-thumbnail-left item-icon-right" ng-repeat="inscription in inscriptions" ng-click="loadActiProfil({{inscription}})" href="#/app/activite">
thank you in advance

You shouldn't wait for your HTTP response to start the navigation transition, on a UX perspective. ionic provides a service called $ionicLoading which allows displaying and hiding a spinner (with a black&transparent backdrop). You may use it to make your user understand that he/she's supposed to wait. But enough with my personal opinion.
Regarding your need:
Do not use href to change the current state, you'd rather use ui-sref, as it's supposed to be done using angular-ui router (which is, of course, ionic's router too). NB: ui-sref expects a state name and not an URI (for instance, "app.home").
Use your method loadActiProfil to programmatically switch from the previous state to the new one only once your data is available, thanks to the service $state and its method go (ie: $state.go('app.home') will take you to the state app.home)
TL;DR: if you need to switch the current state programmatically, then use $state.go(stateName), not ui-sref (nor href).


Cordova - Angular - <select> tag open a new view

I have an Angular/Cordova app and I'm trying to figure out how should I handle the HTML SELECT tag. What I would like to do is to open a new window with all the options in a list, the user picks one and returns with that value.
The problem is when I do that I lose all the data I had in the first screen as I am closing it when I move to the second one.
I am using Angular's UI.ROUTER. One thing, which I am not too convinced to do, is to save all data entered into StateParams, and when I return, place it back.
What would be the best approach?
It really depends on the use case. If you need to be able to "deep link" to the view where a link loads the view with the pop-up active then using ui-router and stateparams makes the most sense. If deep linking isn't a concern and the user must always select something then you can just use a service/factory/value/provider in order to share the data between the controllers during the lifetime of the app.

Maintain the values in Angular Views

I am new to Angular.js and i am facing problem in maintaining the JSON feed values in the view.
I am using different routers and when i launch the app it loads the home.html which in turns calls the homeCtrl and make an HTTP call and binds the data using ng-repeat ( in home.html ). If user clicks on the list item to brings them to detail.html ( kind of detail page ).
Now the problem i face is , on the detail page when user tabs the back button - the app goes to home.html and the homeCtrl again hits the webservice and bind the whole data once again. Which i feel is unwanted as the JSON datas was already collected on the 1st time page load itself.
How can i preserve the old data when user move back forth between different views so i no need to hit same call over and over.
Thanks and sorry if its really basic stuff.
How can i preserve the old data when user move back forth between
different views so i no need to hit same call over and over.
If you use the $http service to make the requests use the cache: true option to use the default angular cache as explained in the docs:$http#caching
Here an example:
$http.get(url, { cache: true}).then(...);
You can also define your custom cache object through the $cacheFactory service:$cacheFactory
If you want some more complete with expiration, size limit and other cool stuff try angular-cache:
Hi I think that you need is create a factory or service;so in this way the controllers shared data between them.
Here's an example

is it right to do using ui-router to activate menu items. Any advices to help me understand this?

What I did is:
When a menu item is clicked, a action will be done, like deleting a user, sending emails to a group, etc. To this end, for each menu item, I define a ui-router state, and use the state url to activate the state via sref. I thought that a menu action is just a UI component for user to let users to do something, which is just a state of UI.
I was advised that I was using ui-router in a wrong way as a state url can not identify an action. For example, to delete a group of users, the state url can not tell you what group of users have been deleted.
In short, I agree with your manager while being an angular newbie myself. Angular routes are designed for managing different views of your app. I.e. define a route and corresponding view template for each view. If you add application logic into the routes, your application structure gets quickly a mess and difficult to keep clear.
To me it is much more natural that the views are managed by the routes, and each action in each view is handled by the controller of that view. If the actions grow "big", then it is worth refactoring parts of the controller into separate services. If you require some sort of "dynamic HTML" depending on the action, e.g. bootstrap modals are handy for doing that within the current view (see
E.g. in my current project, I don't actually manually edit the routes at all but let yeoman angular generator to do that for me free of charge - i.e. I instantiate each new view in my dev.env using the following command (more info on this from
yo angular:route myNewView
More info on angular philosophy can be read from angular documentation for developers:
You should probably be doing this actions via a method on $scope.
$scope.deleteItem = function (items) {
// which is the same as:
$scope.deleteItem = Service.delete;
<a ng-click="deleteItem(item)">Delete This Item</a>
Having it in the URL just seems wrong. I mean what does that look like?

AngularJS redirect without pushing a history state

I'm working on an AngularJS app that has a catch all route (eg, .when('/:slug', {...)) which is necessary to support legacy url formats from a previous (non-angular) version of the app. The controller that responds to the catch all tries pulling a related object, and, if not found, redirects to a 404 page using the $location.path method. This works at getting the user to the 404 page, but when the user hits back in their browser it takes them back to the page that forced them to the 404 page in the first place and they end up being unable to escape the cycle.
My question is if there is 1) a better pattern for handling this situation, or 2) if there is a way to reroute the user that doesn't force a history push state in the browser?
You can change the url without adding to the history state, found here under "Replace Method". This is effectively the same as calling HTML5's history.replaceState().
I haven't found that it's possible to change the view without changing the url. The only method to change the view, that I've found, is to change the location path.
The normal operation of the route system is for the $route service to watch for the $locationChangeSuccess event and then begin loading a route. When it's done loading the template, performing the resolve steps and instantiating the controller it then in turn broadcasts a $routeChangeSuccess event. That $routeChangeSuccess is monitored by the ng-view directive, and that's how it knows to swap out the templates and scopes once the new route is ready.
With all of the above said, it may work to have application code emulate the behavior of the $route service by updating the current route and emitting the route change event to get the view to update:
var errorRoute = $route.routes[null]; // assuming the "otherwise" route is the 404
// a route instance is an object that inherits from the route and adds
// new properties representing the routeParams and locals.
var errorRouteInstance = angular.inherit(
params: {},
pathParams: {},
// The $route service depends on this being set so it can recover the route
// for a given route instance.
errorRouteInstance.$$route = errorRoute;
var last = $route.current;
$route.current = errorRouteInstance;
// the ng-view code doesn't actually care about the parameters here,
// since it goes straight to $route.current, but we should include
// them anyway since other code might be listening for this event
// and depending on these params to behave as documented.
$rootScope.broadcast('$routeChangeSuccess', errorRoute, last);
The above assumes that your "otherwise" route doesn't have any "resolve" steps. It also assumes that it doesn't expect any $routeParams, which is of course true for the "otherwise" route but might not be true if you use a different route.
It's unclear what of the above is depending on implementation details vs. interface. The $routeChangeSuccess event is certainly documented, but the $$route property of the route instance seems to be an implementation detail of the route system given its double-dollar-sign name. The detail that the "otherwise" route is kept in the route table with the key null is possibly also an implementation detail. So with all of this said, this behavior may not remain functional in future versions of AngularJS.
For more information you could refer to the ng-view code that handles this event, which is ultimately what the above code is trying to please, along with the event emitting code that I used as the basis for the above example. As you could infer from these links, the information in this post is derived from the latest master branch of AngularJS, which at the time of writing is labelled as 1.2.0-snapshot.

Backbone.js: How to utilize router.navigate to manipulate browser history?

I am writing something like a registration process containing several steps, and I want to make it a single-page like system so after some studying Backbone.js is my choice.
Every time the user completes the current step they will click on a NEXT button I create and I use the router.navigate method to update the url, as well as loading the content of the next page and doing some fancy transition with javascript.
Result is, URL is updated which the page is not refreshed, giving a smooth user experience. However, when the user clicks on the back button of the browser, the URL gets updated to that of a previous step, but the content stays the same. My question is through what way I can capture such an event and currently load the content of the previous step and present that to the user? Or even better, can I rely on browser cache to load that previously loaded page?
EDIT: in particular, I'm trying something like mentioned in this article.
You should not use route.navigate but let the router decide which form to display based on the current route.
exemple :
a link in your current form of the registration process :
<a href="#form/2" ...
in the router definition :
"form/:formNumber" : "gotoForm"
// the code to display the correct form for the current url based on formNumber
and then use Backbone.history.start() to bootstrap routing
