IF option in sqlite returning syntax error [duplicate] - database

I need to create a temp table (which is a copy of Employees table) in a SQLite database, provided the table by the name of 'Employees' exists. There are only 2 columns in Employees table - EmployeeId (integer) and EmployeeName (varchar(100)).
Is there any way to implement the above using SQLite SQL?
Pseudo-code for intended SQL, which does not work in SQlite is as below. I hope there was something as powerful as the pseudo-code below in SQLite.
--if Employees table exists then create a temp table and populate it with all
--rows from Employees table
CREATE TEMP TABLE tempEmployees if exists Employees as select * from Employees;

SQLite has almost no control logic; as an embedded database, it is designed to be used together with a 'real' programming language.
You could just try to copy the data, and ignore the errors:
c.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE tempEmployees AS SELECT * FROM Employees")
However, this would also suppress any other errors.
A better idea is to check explicitly whether the table exists:
c.execute("SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='Employees'")
if c.fetchone():
c.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE tempEmployees AS SELECT * FROM Employees")


create table and assign table names from a select query in sqlite

I have a select query that returns a single column. Is there a way in sqlite to create a new table using the results as column names?
I tried this but it did not work.
CREATE TABLE newTable (SELECT nameCol FROM oldTable);
SQLite does not support dynamic SQL so this is not possible.
The best that you can do is construct the SQL statement that you can use to create the table by using your preferred programming language:
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(nameCol) FROM oldTable) ||
');' AS sql;
The above query returns 1 row with 1 column with a string like:
CREATE TABLE newTable (column1,column2,column3);
See a simplified demo.

T-SQL table creation in source

I'm starting a new SQL Server Azure DB from scratch. I want to establish a strong source control so I want to be careful in how I create all my tables.
What is the best method to check if the table exists and only execute my CREATE TABLE statement if it does not exist yet? I'm working with passing dynamic SQL to a stored procedure that checks for the tables existence, but that is so limiting. There has to be a preferred way to do this out there. I mean I could preface every query with:
FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].j[myTable]') AND type in(N'U'))
CREATE TABLE myTable(....)
But that's pretty repetitive.
More simply:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE Name = N'myTable')
CREATE TABLE myTable .......
Idea: use the more focused sys.tables catalog view, instead of the all-encompassing sys.objects - then you don't have to remember those rather unintuitive type values..... - but yes, that is the safest way to do this kind of code.
As of SQL Server 2016, you can also use the
CREATE TABLE myTable .......
command (which is new - see here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlserverstorageengine/2015/11/03/drop-if-exists-new-thing-in-sql-server-2016/)

Use result of stored procedure to join to a table

I have a stored procedure that returns a dataset from a dynamic pivot query (meaning the pivot columns aren't know until run-time because they are driven by data).
The first column in this dataset is a product id. I want to join that product id with another product table that has all sorts of other columns that were created at design time.
So, I have a normal table with a product id column and I have a "dynamic" dataset that also has a product id column that I get from calling a stored procedure. How can I inner join those 2?
Dynamic SQL is very powerfull, but has some severe draw backs. One of them is exactly this: You cannot use its result in ad-hoc-SQL.
The only way to get the result of a SP into a table is, to create a table with a fitting schema and use the INSERT INTO NewTbl EXEC... syntax...
But there are other possibilities:
1) Use SELECT ... INTO ... FROM
Within your SP, when the dynamic SQL is executed, you could add INTO NewTbl to your select:
SELECT Col1, Col2, [...] INTO NewTbl FROM ...
This will create a table with the fitting schema automatically.
You might even hand in the name of the new table as a paramter - as it is dynamic SQL, but in this case it will be more difficult to handle the join outside (must be dynamic again).
If you need your SP to return the result, you just add SELECT * FROM NewTbl. This will return the same resultset as before.
Outside your SP you can join this table as any normal table...
BUT, there is a big BUT - ups - this sounds nasty somehow - This will fail, if the tabel exists...
So you have to drop it first, which can lead into deep troubles, if this is a multi-user application with possible concurrencies.
If yes: Create the table with a name you pass in as parameter and do you external query dynamically with this name.
After this you can re-create this table using the SELECT ... INTO syntax...
2) Use XML
One advantage of XML is the fact, that any structure and any amount of data can be stuffed into one single column.
Let your SP return a table with one single XML column. You can - as you know the schema now - create a table and use INSERT INTO XmlTable EXEC ....
Knowing, that there will be a ProductID-element you can extract this value and create a 2-column-derived-table with the ID and the depending XML. This is easy to join.
Using wildcards in XQuery makes it possible to query XML data without knowing all the details...
3) This was my favourite: Don't use dynamic queries...

How I can save all the names of my tables into a new table from sql?

I have a huge database in Sql-Server and I need to get all the names of the tables into one new table that I have made. This can be done?
I appreciate your help.
The new table has the fields ID, TableName, Status. Id is the identity and status for now will be 1, not null
Use this query below to get all tables name from your database
SELECT name FROM sys.tables
Then you can do a insert query like -
insert into newtable(name) select * from sys.tables

how to update table(new_DB) from old table(old_DB)

What I have:
1 table(table is in both DB's)
2 databases(currently used + archived from last year(old))
"ID" is the primary key for the table.
my issue:
archived database table has rows in it that is not present in the currently used database table. Can anyone tell me how I go about updating the currently used database table from the old database table(i.e. insert * unique rows from old database table into new database table)
It sounds simple enough but wanted some advice before proceeding as I DO NOT want duplicate rows, I just want to throw the rows in the old table(that IS NOT present in the currently used database table) into the new one(copy only is fine).
I hope I explained clearly enough.
Insert rows from the new table only if row with same id not exists in old table:
insert into old_table select * from new_table nt
where not exists (select 1 from old_table
where id = nt.id)
(Specifying columns, both inserted and selected, is nice - but I'm lazy here...)
You can usually address tables from other databases by prefixing the database name: new_db.foo_table or old_db.foo_table. This way you can look for rows in the old table that have no duplicates in the new table:
select *
from old_db.foo_table as old_foo
where not exists (
select 1
from new_db.foo_table as new_foo
where new_foo.key_field = old_foo.key_field
-- add more comparisons as needed
Then you can use the insert into new_db.foo_table select ... syntax to put the records into the new table.
Use LEFT JOIN filtering NULLs in target table. I think it will be faster
