URL Type Hierarchy in Adobe DTM - analytics

I'm trying to create a page type hierarchy where I can use it both a page hierarchy as well as props and evars, using the page URL. In a nutshell my URL would look something like this:
The mindset is to take the URL and use a data element to split the URL, and then capture the values into separate data elements that could also be used in a page hierarchy.
var url = "http://www.domain.com/part1/part2/part3/part4"
var parts = url.split('/').splice(2);
var baseUrl = parts[0];
var part1 = parts[1];
var part2 = parts[2];
var part3 = parts[3];
var part4 = parts[4]
My question is, would it even be possible to capture each individual portion of the URL into separate data elements? Or is my approach overkill.

Create a Data Element
The following will create a Data Element that returns an array containing up to 4 elements, depending on how many dir levels there are in the URL.
Go to Rules > Data Elements > Create New Data Element
Name it "hier1" (no quotes).
Choose Type Custom Script and click Open Editor.
Add the following code to the code box:
return location.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean).slice(0,4);
When you are done, Save Changes.
Populate the Hierarchy Variable
Here is an example of populating hier1 on page view.
Go to Overview > Adobe Analytics Tool Config > Pageviews & Content
Under Hierarchy, select Hierarchy1 from the dropdown (this is shown by default).
To the right of the dropdown, in the first field, add %hier1%
Leave the other 3 fields blank.
Leave Delimiter as default comma , (it doesn't matter what you put here).
Note: DTM stringifies the returned array (String(Array) or Array.toString()) from the Data Element, which is effectively the same as doing Array.join(','). This is why the above shows to only put the Data Element reference in the first field, and the Delimiter is ignored.
If your implementation uses a delimiter other than a comma, see additional notes below.
Additional Notes
Populating other Variables
You can also reference %hier1% to populate other variable fields in the Global Variables section. Note that the data element will be stringified with default comma delimiter.
Alternatively, you may consider using Dynamic Variable syntax (e.g. D=h1) as the value, to shorten the request URL. If you are using the latest AppMeasurement and Marketing Cloud Service libraries, this isn't a big deal (the libs will automatically use a POST request instead of GET request if the request URL is too long).
Using the Data Element in Custom Code Boxes
You can use _satellite.getVar('hier1') to return the data element. Note that this returns an array, e.g. ['foo','bar'], so you need to use .join() to concatenate to a single delimited string value.
Using a different Delimiter
If your implementation uses a delimiter other than a comma (,) and you use the same alternate delimiter for all your variables, you can update the Data Element as such:
return location.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean).slice(0,4).join('[d]');
Where [d] is replaced by your delimiter. Note that this will now cause the Data Element to return a single concatenated String value instead of an Array. Using %hier1% syntax in DTM fields remains the same, but you will no longer need to use .join() in Custom Code boxes.
If your implementation uses different delimiters for different variables, implement the Data Element per the original instructions in the first section. You may use %hier1% syntax in DTM fields only if the delimiter is a comma. For all other delimiters, you will need to populate the variable in a custom code box and use a .join('[d]').
Capturing more than Four Directory Levels
Since you are no longer trying to put a value in four hierarchy fields, you may consider pushing more levels to hier1 or other variables.
In the Data Element, change the 4 in .slice(0,4); to whatever max level of dirs you want to capture. Or, if you want to capture all dir levels, remove .slice(0,4) completely.


MFC MDI CMFCPropertyGridProperty adding Array for dropdown list merging MP4 tag data

I need some guidance on how to add a drop down list from an array of data after the read info from the MP4 Tag data is parsed. The mechanism I'm using is 100% operational, this is a creature feature addition. The MP4 tag I'm working with is Genre using the ID3V1 standard. There are 191 choices. The way my app was inherited, there are 2 columns, property/value and multiple rows. All of that works. The Genre tag was setup willy nilly so you could basically type whatever and it would store it. I want to remove that and have the 191 elements in the array to choose from using the drop down list. Part of the loading process is that it will pull in whatever was in the MP4 file. So, I want the user to be able to leave as is (most likely tagged by something that supports ID3V2), or select from the populated 191 elements in the dropdown list.
The object looks like this information.h:
CMFCPropertyGridCtrl m_wndProperties;
The information.cpp looks like this:
void CInformationView::OnInitialUpdate()
// create property grid
VERIFY(m_wndProperties.Create(WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP| WS_BORDER, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, 0));
// get document
CMovieDoc *lpkDoc = GetDocument();
// add properties //Information ORDER Loading <<<<< List shortened Stack overflow question
The way it pulls the data in from mp4.cpp:
// Genre
m_pkGenre = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(_T("Genre"),
COleVariant(AfxStringFromUtf8(lptTags->genre), VT_BSTR));
The pointers in mp4.h:
CMFCPropertyGridProperty *m_pkArtist;
CMFCPropertyGridProperty *m_pkTempo;
CMFCPropertyGridProperty *m_pkGenre;
Now I know that pull downs in the 2nd column (Values) can be done because other tags have simple TRUE/FALSE that can be selected, so that tells me it should be possible to create the drop down list I'm looking to do. An example of the TRUE/FALSE looks like this:
// Compilation
m_pkCompilation = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(_T("Compilation"),
COleVariant((!VALID_PTR(lptTags->compilation)) ? (short)0 : (short)*lptTags->compilation, VT_BOOL));
I've done arrays in C for things like microcontrollers, but not entirely sure if it is the same in C++. I'm thinking it should look like this:
// Initialize Genre Array
const char *genre[4] = { "Rock", "Rap", "Soul", "House" };
The questions are:
How do I create an the array (or does my example above look correct?) to house fixed strings like "Rock", "Rap", "Soul", etc. etc?
How to modify the VALUE row to have the pull down that contains the parsed Genre tag present and then when opened, show the 191 Genre tags where one can be selected to choose from (and ultimately save which is already working).
Actual code, not references to the learn.microsoft.com, the few things I've tried crashes when I try to alter the AddProperties I assume because of the lpkDoc pointers being used.
You should not use a plain old C-style array if you do not have a strong reason to. Use a std::vector instead. You don't even need to indicate the [size].
The same goes for char *. Use a CString or astd::string instead.
const std::vector<CString> = { L"Rock", L"Rap", L"Soul", L"House" };
Don't make your life harder than it needs to be.
for (size_t i= 0; i < genre.size(); i++)
auto gnr= genre[i];
or even better
for (auto it : genre)
Important note: You should not have code about properties in your doc object. You are mixing business logic with user interaction logic. Your code in the future will be a nightmare to maintain.
I do not see your lpkDoc->m_pk variable init'ed anywhere, and I bet those pointers are pointing to no man's land.

How can I filter large amount of JSON in OpenRefine?

I'm using OpenRefine to pull in information on publisher policies using the Sherpa Romeo API (Sherpa Romeo is a site that aggregates publisher policies). I've got that.
Now I need to parse the returned JSON so that those with certain pieces of information remain. The results I'm interested in need to include the following:
These pieces on information all fall under an array called "permitted_oa". For some reason, I can't even work out how to just pull out that array. I've tried writing grel expressions such as
but it never reutrns anything.
I wish I could share the JSON but it's too big.
I can see a couple of issues here.
Firstly the Sherpa API response items is an array (i.e. a list of things). When you have an array in the JSON, you either have to select a particular item from the array, or you have to explicitly work through the list of things in the array (aka iterate across the array) in your GREL. If you've previously worked with arrays in GREL you'll be familiar with this, but if you haven't
value.parseJson().items[0] -> first item in the array
value.parseJson().items[1] -> second item in the array
value.parseJson().items[2] -> third item in the array etc. etc.
If you know there is only ever going to be a single item in the array then you can safely use value.parseJson().items[0]
However, if you don't know how many items will be in the array and you are interested in them all, you will have to iterate over the array using a GREL control such as "forEach":
forEach(value.parseJson().items, v, v)
is a way of iterating over the array - each time the GREL finds an item in the array, it will assign it to a variable "v" and then you can do a further operation on that value using "v" as you would usually use "value" (see https://docs.openrefine.org/manual/grel#foreache1-v-e2 for an example of using forEach on an array)
Another possibility is to use join on the array. This will join all the things in an array into a string.
It looks like the Sherpa JSON uses Arrays liberally so you may find more arrays you have to deal with to get to the values you want.
Secondly, in the JSON you pasted "oa_permitted" isn't directly in the "item" but in another array called "publisher_policy" - so you'll need to navigate that as well. So:
would get you the first permitted_oa object in the first publisher_policy in the first item in the items array. If you wanted to (for example) get a list of locations from the JSON you have pasted you could use:
Which will give you a pipe ("|") separated list of locations based on the assumption there is only a single item, single publisher_policy and singe permitted_oa - which is true in the case of the JSON you've supplied here (but might not always be true)

How to create new line in react table column with lots of data

I am using react table. I am calling a method on API (.NET), which concatenates some fields and now I need to display this concatenated field in react table column.
From API I tried to put /n in the column so that it renders a new line on UI (inside react table). But no luck. Example: I need to display
This field is calculated by adding two numbers 10 and 20. Since the
result is greater than 15 you cannot perform this operation.
In the displayed text, what I want is "Since" should start in a new line in react table.
I tried to put {'\n'} before "Since" but it did not work. Any ideas how to achieve this?
The '\n' escape character does not work in HTML. You have to work with
other HTML solutions like using <br> or divs to get a multiline
implementation working.
You solve this quite easily. when getting the string append a special char like the comma (,) or some other char that you are sure would not be used in your original text.
Then get that string to a js variable in your react app.
let multiLineString = "This field is calculated by adding two numbers 10 and 20. , Since the result is greater than 15 you cannot perform this operation";
let lines = multiLineString.split(',')
let linesHTML = lines.map((line)=><div>{line}</div>);
now render this variable anywhere you want, you will get a multi line string implementation.
Of course the better approach would be to get a json array of values from the back end.

Make variable name using loop and string in PowerBuilder

I am interested if it is possible to make variable name in PowerBuilder using a loop and a string. For example:
long ll_go
string lst_new
for ll_go = 1 to 8
lst_new = "text" + ll_go
lst_new.tag = 5500
So, it should give me variables text1, text2..,.,text8 and I would be able to assign values for them. Let me know if anybody succeeded, thanks in advance
Your description is lacking some term precision.
If you actually want to dynamically create new variables as "variable in a powerscript subroutine or function" this is simply not possible.
If instead you want to create dynamically some new controls statictext or textedit objects in a window or visual userobject this is possible:
use a local variable of the type of the new object you need to create, e.g. static text
make it a live object (instantiate) with create
set the object properties to whatever you need
"attach" the new object to its parent (either a window or a visual userobject - though any graphicobject is possible with using the win32api SetParent function) with the OpenUserObject() method. Note that you cannot simply add it directly to the parent's Control[] array.
you can also keep the object in your own array for later convenience access to the created objects instead of looping on the Control[] array
once the object is attached it its parent, you can reuse the local variable to create another one
Here is an example:
//put this in a button clicked() event on a window
//i_myedits is declared in instances variables as
//SingleLineEdit i_myedits[]
SingleLineEdit sle
int i
for i = 1 to 8
sle = create singlelineedit
sle.text = string(i)
sle.tag = "text_" + string(i)
sle.height = pixelstounits(20, ypixelstounits!)
sle.width = pixelstounits(100, xpixelstounits!)
parent.openuserobject(sle, pixelstounits(10, xpixelstounits!), pixelstounits(22 * i, ypixelstounits!))
i_myedits[i] = sle //keep our own reference
An exemple of values access:
//put that in another button clicked() event
SingleLineEdit sle
int i
string s_msg
for i = 1 to upperbound(i_myedits[])
sle = i_myedits[i]
if i > 1 then s_msg += "~r~n"
s_msg += "edit #" + string(i) + " (" + sle.tag + ") says '" + sle.text + "'"
messagebox("Edits values", s_msg)
As you can see, one practicality problem is that you cannot refer to these controls by constructing the control's name like "text"+2, instead you must access the my edits[] array or loop through the controls and test their .tag property if you set it to something specific.
I do not think that it is possible. Workaround could be an array maybe.
Br. Gábor
I'd see two ways to do this, but they aren't as easy as it seems that you were hoping:
1. Control Array
First method would be to go through the control arrays (on windows, tabs and user objects). I'd create a function that took the control name as a string, then another that overloaded the same function and took control name and an array of windowobject. The string-only method would just call the string/array method, passing the string through and adding the window.Control as the second parameter. The string/array method would go through the array, and for each element, get the ClassDefinition. Pull the name off of it, and parse it apart the way you want it to match the string parameter (e.g. for w_test`tab_first`tabpage_first`cb_here, do you want cb_here to match, or tab_first`tabpage_first`cb_here?). Deal with matches as appropriate. When you find a control of type tab or user object, call the string/array function again with the Control array from that object; deal with success/fail returns as appropriate.
2. DataWindow
What you're describing works extremely well with DataWindows, and their Describe() and Modify() functions. Since you pass these functions only a string, you can build not only the control names, but the values they're set to as you would build any string. In fact, you can build multiple Modify() strings together (delimited by a space) and make a single call to Modify(); this is not only faster, but reduces window flicker and visible activity.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that, since your data isn't from a database, you can't use a DataWindow. Create an external DataWindow, and simply use it with one row inserted during the Constructor event.
As you might guess, I'd strongly favour the DataWindow approach. Not only is it going to perform better, but it's going to provide a lot more flexibility when you want to move on and tag more control types than just static text. (You'll have to do some type casting even with one control type, but if you want to get into multiples, you'll need to start a CHOOSE CASE to handle all your types.)
Good luck,
You can't create a variable name in a script because the variables have to be declared before you can use them. With PBNI it's possible to generate a name the way you describe and then get a reference to a variable of that name that already exists but I don't think that's what you want. If you want to keep track of additional properties for your controls, just inherit a new user object from whatever it is (sle, mle, etc.) and add the properties you want. Then you can place your user object on a window and use the properties. Another approach is to use the control's Tag property. It holds a string that you can put whatever you want in. PFC uses this technique. Terry's DataWindow solution is a good approach for storing arbitrary data.
Yes, and there are more than one way to skin a cat.
Sounds like you have several properties so I'd use an array of custom non visual user objects, or an array of structures. Otherwise you could probably use something from the .NET framework like a dictionary object or something like that, or a datawidnow using an external datasource, where you can refer to column names as col + ll_index.ToString().
SIMPLE Example:
Make custom NVO with following instance variables, plus getter/setter functions for each, name it n_single_field
// add the properties and recommend getter and setter functions
public string myTag
public string myText
public int myTabOrder
// To USE the NVO define an unbounded array
n_single_field fields[]
// to process the populated fields
integer li_x, li_max_fields
// loop through field 1 through max using array index for field number
li_max_fields = upperbound(fields)
for li_x = 1 to li_max_fields
fields[li_x].myTag = 'abc'
fields[li_x].myText = 'text for field number ' + li_x.ToString()
fields[li_x].myTabOrder = li_x * 10
Maybe I'm oversimplifying if so let me know, if there is a will there is always a way. ;)

Pass array as parameter to JAX-RS resource

I have many parameters to pass to the server using JAX-RS.
Is there a way to pass or AarryList with the URL?
You have a few options here.
Option 1: A query parameter with multiple values
You can supply multiple simple values for a single query parameter. For example, your query string might look like:
PUT /path/to/my/resource?param1=value1&param1=value2&param1=value3
Here the request parameter param1 has three values, and the container will give you access to all three values as an array (See Query string structure).
Option 2: Supply complex data in the PUT body
If you need to submit complex data in a PUT request, this is typically done by supplying that content in the request body. Of course, this payload can be xml (and bound via JAXB).
Remember the point of the URI is to identify a resource (RFC 3986, 3.4), and if this array of values is data that is needed to identify a resource then the URI is a good place for this. If on the other hand this array of data forms part of the new representation that is being submitted in this PUT request, then it belongs in the request body.
Having said that, unless you really do just need an array of simple values, I'd recommend choosing the Option 2. I can't think of a good reason to use URL-encoded XML in the URL, but I'd be interested to hear more about exactly what this data is.
We can get the Query parameters and corresponding values as a Map,
public void test(#Context UriInfo ui) {
MultivaluedMap<String, String> map = ui.getQueryParameters();
String name = map.getFirst("name");
String age = map.getFirst("age");
