Cost efficient algorithm to group array of sets - arrays

Can anyone help me out with some effectively good algorithm to carry out the following task:
I got a file of unique row numbers with an array of integer numbers per row.
I need to check each single row for the values of an array that show up in different rows and put them in one group. Here is an example how it may look:
Row Number; Array of data[...]
L1; [1,2,3,4,5]
L2; [2,3]
L3: [8,9]
L4: [6]
L5; [7]
L6; [5,6]
Based on these input data, I expect the algorithm to produce the result:
Group N; Array of rows [...]
G1; [L1,L2,L4,L6]
G2; [ L3]
G3; [ L5]
P.S the original dataset accounts for hundreds of millions of rows and can contain close to a million of array elements... time efficiency is a concern.

I believe this is equivalent to finding connected components of a graph in which:
The vertices correspond to the initial row numbers
There is an edge between two vertices x and y if there is a common element in the array for x and the array for y
This can be done efficiently using a disjoint set data structure as follows:
MakeSet(d) for each of the data values d (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in your example)
For each row with array A, call join(A[0],A[i]) for each choice of i.
This will produce a set for each connected component. You can then produce your output array by iterating over the rows a second time:
set output to an array of empty lists
for each row r
A = array for row r
id = find(A[0])
Example Python Code
from collections import defaultdict
N=max(max(A) for A in data)
def Find(x):
"""Find representative of connected component"""
if parent[x] != x:
parent[x] = Find(parent[x])
return parent[x]
def Union(x,y):
"""Merge sets containing elements x and y"""
x = Find(x)
y = Find(y)
if x == y:
if rank[x]<rank[y]:
parent[x] = y
elif rank[x]>rank[y]:
parent[y] = x
parent[y] = x
rank[x] += 1
# First join all data
for row,A in enumerate(data):
for x in A:
# Then place rows into sets
for row,A in enumerate(data):
# Then display output
for i,L in enumerate(D.values()):
print i+1,L
Running this code prints the output:
1 [3]
2 [1, 2, 4, 6]
3 [5]


Find Minimum Score Possible

Problem statement:
We are given three arrays A1,A2,A3 of lengths n1,n2,n3. Each array contains some (or no) natural numbers (i.e > 0). These numbers denote the program execution times.
The task is to choose the first element from any array and then you can execute that program and remove it from that array.
For example:
if A1=[3,2] (n1=2),
A2=[7] (n2=1),
A3=[1] (n3=1)
then we can execute programs in various orders like [1,7,3,2] or [7,1,3,2] or [3,7,1,2] or [3,1,7,2] or [3,2,1,7] etc.
Now if we take S=[1,3,2,7] as the order of execution the waiting time of various programs would be
for S[0] waiting time = 0, since executed immediately,
for S[1] waiting time = 0+1 = 1, taking previous time into account, similarly,
for S[2] waiting time = 0+1+3 = 4
for S[3] waiting time = 0+1+3+2 = 6
Now the score of array is defined as sum of all wait times = 0 + 1 + 4 + 6 = 11, This is the minimum score we can get from any order of execution.
Our task is to find this minimum score.
How can we solve this problem? I tried with approach trying to pick minimum of three elements each time, but it is not correct because it gets stuck when two or three same elements are encountered.
One more example:
if A1=[23,10,18,43], A2=[7], A3=[13,42] minimum score would be 307.
The simplest way to solve this is with dynamic programming (which runs in cubic time).
For each array A: Suppose you take the first element from array A, i.e. A[0], as the next process. Your total cost is the wait-time contribution of A[0] (i.e., A[0] * (total_remaining_elements - 1)), plus the minimal wait time sum from A[1:] and the rest of the arrays.
Take the minimum cost over each possible first array A, and you'll get the minimum score.
Here's a Python implementation of that idea. It works with any number of arrays, not just three.
def dp_solve(arrays: List[List[int]]) -> int:
"""Given list of arrays representing dependent processing times,
return the smallest sum of wait_time_before_start for all job orders"""
arrays = [x for x in arrays if len(x) > 0] # Remove empty
def dp(remaining_elements: Tuple[int],
total_remaining: int) -> int:
"""Returns minimum wait time sum when suffixes of each array
have lengths in 'remaining_elements' """
if total_remaining == 0:
return 0
rem_elements_copy = list(remaining_elements)
best = 10 ** 20
for i, x in enumerate(remaining_elements):
if x == 0:
cost_here = arrays[i][-x] * (total_remaining - 1)
if cost_here >= best:
rem_elements_copy[i] -= 1
best = min(best,
dp(tuple(rem_elements_copy), total_remaining - 1)
+ cost_here)
rem_elements_copy[i] += 1
return best
return dp(tuple(map(len, arrays)), sum(map(len, arrays)))
Better solutions
The naive greedy strategy of 'smallest first element' doesn't work, because it can be worth it to do a longer job to get a much shorter job in the same list done, as the example of
A1 = [100, 1, 2, 3], A2 = [38], A3 = [34],
best solution = [100, 1, 2, 3, 34, 38]
by user3386109 in the comments demonstrates.
A more refined greedy strategy does work. Instead of the smallest first element, consider each possible prefix of the array. We want to pick the array with the smallest prefix, where prefixes are compared by average process time, and perform all the processes in that prefix in order.
A1 = [ 100, 1, 2, 3]
Prefix averages = [(100)/1, (100+1)/2, (100+1+2)/3, (100+1+2+3)/4]
= [ 100.0, 50.5, 34.333, 26.5]
Smallest prefix average in any array is 26.5, so pick
the prefix [100, 1, 2, 3] to complete first.
Then [34] is the next prefix, and [38] is the final prefix.
And here's a rough Python implementation of the greedy algorithm. This code computes subarray averages in a completely naive/brute-force way, so the algorithm is still quadratic (but an improvement over the dynamic programming method). Also, it computes 'maximum suffixes' instead of 'minimum prefixes' for ease of coding, but the two strategies are equivalent.
def greedy_solve(arrays: List[List[int]]) -> int:
"""Given list of arrays representing dependent processing times,
return the smallest sum of wait_time_before_start for all job orders"""
def max_suffix_avg(arr: List[int]):
"""Given arr, return value and length of max-average suffix"""
if len(arr) == 0:
return (-math.inf, 0)
best_len = 1
best = -math.inf
curr_sum = 0.0
for i, x in enumerate(reversed(arr), 1):
curr_sum += x
new_avg = curr_sum / i
if new_avg >= best:
best = new_avg
best_len = i
return (best, best_len)
arrays = [x for x in arrays if len(x) > 0] # Remove empty
total_time_sum = sum(sum(x) for x in arrays)
my_averages = [max_suffix_avg(arr) for arr in arrays]
total_cost = 0
while True:
largest_avg_idx = max(range(len(arrays)),
key=lambda y: my_averages[y][0])
_, n_to_remove = my_averages[largest_avg_idx]
if n_to_remove == 0:
for _ in range(n_to_remove):
total_time_sum -= arrays[largest_avg_idx].pop()
total_cost += total_time_sum
# Recompute the changed array's avg
my_averages[largest_avg_idx] = max_suffix_avg(arrays[largest_avg_idx])
return total_cost

Most Efficient Algorithm to Align an Multiple Ordered Sequences

I have a strange feeling this is a very easy problem to solve but I'm not finding a good way of doing this without using brute force or dynamic programming. Here it goes:
Given N arrays of ordered and monotonic values, find the set of positions for each array i1, i2 ... in that minimises pair-wise difference of values at those indexes between all arrays. In other words, find the positions for all arrays whose values are closest to each other. Multiple solutions may exist and arrays may or may not be equally sized.
If A denotes the list of all arrays, the pair-wise difference is given by the sum of absolute differences between all values at the given indexes between all different arrays, as so:
An example, 3 arrays a, b and c:
a = [20 29 30 32 33]
b = [28 29 30 32 33]
c = [10 12 28 31 32 33]
The best alignment for this array would be a[3] b[3] c[4] or a[4] b[4] c[5], because (32,32,32) and (33,33,33) are all equal values and have, therefore minimum pairwise difference between each other. (Assuming array index starts at 0)
This is a common problem in bioinformatics thats usually solved with Dynamic Programming, but due to the fact this is an ordered sequence, I think there's somehow a way of exploiting this notion of order. I first thought about doing this pairwise, but this does not guarantee the global optimum because the best local answer might not be the best global answer.
This is meant to be language agnostic, but I don't really mind an answer for a specific language, as long as there is no loss of generality. I know Dynamic Programming is an option here, but I have a feeling there's an easier way to do this?
The tricky thing is parsing the arrays so that at some point you're guaranteed to be considering the set of indices that realize the pairwise min. Using a min heap on the values doesn't work. Counterexample with 4 arrays: [0,5], [1,2], [2], [2]. We start with a d(0,1,2,2) = 7, optimal is d(0,2,2,2) = 6, but the min heap moves us from 7 to d(5,1,2,2) = 12, then d(5,2,2,2) = 9.
I believe (but haven't proved) that if we alway increment the index that improves pairwise distance the most (or degrades it the least), we're guaranteed to visit every local min and the global min.
Assuming n total elements across k arrays:
Simple approach: we repeatedly get the pairwise distance deltas (delta wrt. incrementing each index), increment the best one, and any time doing so switch us from improvement to degradation (i.e. a local minimum) we calculate the pairwise distance. All this is O(k^2) per increment for a total running time of O((n-k) * (k^2)).
With O(k^2) storage, we could keep an array where (i,j) stores the pairwise distance delta achieve by increment the index of array i wrt. array j. We also store the column sums. Then on incrementing an index we can update the appropriate row & column & column sums in O(k). This gives us a running time of O((n-k)*k)
To just complete Dave's answer, here is the pseudocode of the delta algorithm:
initialise index_table to 0's where each row i denotes the index for the ith array
initialise delta_table with the corresponding cost of incrementing index of ith array and keeping the other indexes at their current values
cur_cost <- cost of current index table
best_cost <- cur_cost
best_solutions <- list with the current index table
while (can_at_least_one_index_increase)
i <- index whose delta is lowest
increment i-th entry of the index_table
if cost(index_table) < cur_cost
cur_cost = cost(index_table)
best_solutions = {} U {index_table}
if cost(index_table) = cur_cost
best_solutions = best_solutions U {index_table}
update delta_table
Important Note: During an iteration, some index_table entries might have already reached the maximum value for that array. Whenever updating the delta_table, it is necessary to never pick those values, otherwise this will result in a Array Out of Bounds,Segmentation Fault or undefined behaviour. A neat trick is to simply check which indexes are already at max and set a sufficiently large value, so they are never picked. If no index can increase anymore, the loop will end.
Here's an implementation in Python:
def align_ordered_sequences(arrays: list):
def get_cost(index_table):
n = len(arrays)
if n == 1:
return 0
sum = 0
for i in range(0, n-1):
for j in range(i+1, n):
v1 = arrays[i][index_table[i]]
v2 = arrays[j][index_table[j]]
sum += math.sqrt((v1 - v2) ** 2)
return sum
def compute_delta_table(index_table):
# Initialise the delta table: we switch each index element to 1, call
# the cost method and then revert the change, this avoids having to
# create copies, which decreases performance unnecessarily
delta_table = []
for i in range(n):
if index_table[i] + 1 >= len(arrays[i]):
# Implementation detail: if the index is outside the bounds of
# array i, choose a "large enough" number
index_table[i] = index_table[i] + 1
index_table[i] = index_table[i] - 1
return delta_table
def can_at_least_one_index_increase(index_table):
answer = False
for i in range(len(arrays)):
if index_table[i] < len(arrays[i]) - 1:
answer = True
return answer
n = len(arrays)
index_table = [0] * n
delta_table = compute_delta_table(index_table)
best_solutions = [index_table.copy()]
cur_cost = get_cost(index_table)
best_cost = cur_cost
while can_at_least_one_index_increase(index_table):
i = delta_table.index(min(delta_table))
index_table[i] = index_table[i] + 1
new_cost = get_cost(index_table)
# A new best solution was found
if new_cost < cur_cost:
cur_cost = new_cost
best_solutions = [index_table.copy()]
# A new solution with the same cost was found
elif new_cost == cur_cost:
# Update the delta table
delta_table = compute_delta_table(index_table)
return best_solutions
And here are some examples:
>>> print(align_ordered_sequences([[0,5], [1,2], [2], [2]]))
[[0, 1, 0, 0]]
>> print(align_ordered_sequences([[3, 5, 8, 29, 40, 50], [1, 4, 14, 17, 29, 50]]))
[[3, 4], [5, 5]]
Note 2: this outputs indexes not the actual values of each array.

Argmax of a multidimensional array along a subset of dimensions in Matlab

Say, Y is a 7-dimensional array, and I need an efficient way to maximize it along the last 3 dimensions, that will work on GPU.
As a result I need a 4-dimensional array with maximal values of Y and three 4-dimensional arrays with the indices of these values in the last three dimensions.
I can do
[Y7, X7] = max(Y , [], 7);
[Y6, X6] = max(Y7, [], 6);
[Y5, X5] = max(Y6, [], 5);
Then I have already found the values (Y5) and the indices along the 5th dimension (X5). But I still need indices along the 6th and 7th dimensions.
Here's a way to do it. Let N denote the number of dimensions along which to maximize.
Reshape Y to collapse the last N dimensions into one.
Maximize along the collapsed dimensions. This gives argmax as a linear index over those dimensions.
Unroll the linear index into N subindices, one for each dimension.
The following code works for any number of dimensions (not necessarily 7 and 3 as in your example). To achieve that, it handles the size of Y generically and uses a comma-separated list obtained from a cell array to get N outputs from sub2ind.
Y = rand(2,3,2,3,2,3,2); % example 7-dimensional array
N = 3; % last dimensions along which to maximize
D = ndims(Y);
sz = size(Y);
[~, ind] = max(reshape(Y, [sz(1:D-N) prod(sz(D-N+1:end))]), [], D-N+1);
sub = cell(1,N);
[sub{:}] = ind2sub(sz(D-N+1:D), ind);
As a check, after running the above code, observe for example Y(2,3,1,2,:) (shown as a row vector for convenience):
>> reshape(Y(2,3,1,2,:), 1, [])
ans =
0.5621 0.4352 0.3672 0.9011 0.0332 0.5044 0.3416 0.6996 0.0610 0.2638 0.5586 0.3766
The maximum is seen to be 0.9011, which occurs at the 4th position (where "position" is defined along the N=3 collapsed dimensions). In fact,
>> ind(2,3,1,2)
ans =
>> Y(2,3,1,2,ind(2,3,1,2))
ans =
or, in terms of the N=3 subindices,
>> Y(2,3,1,2,sub{1}(2,3,1,2),sub{2}(2,3,1,2),sub{3}(2,3,1,2))
ans =

Is there a way to reshape an array that does not maintain the original size (or a convenient work-around)?

As a simplified example, suppose I have a dataset composed of 40 sorted values. The values of this example are all integers, though this is not necessarily the case for the actual dataset.
import numpy as np
data = np.linspace(1,40,40)
I am trying to find the maximum value inside the dataset for certain window sizes. The formula to compute the window sizes yields a pattern that is best executed with arrays (in my opinion). For simplicity sake, let's say the indices denoting the window sizes are a list [1,2,3,4,5]; this corresponds to window sizes of [2,4,8,16,32] (the pattern is 2**index).
## this code looks long because I've provided docstrings
## just in case the explanation was unclear
def shapeshifter(num_col, my_array=data):
This function reshapes an array to have 'num_col' columns, where
'num_col' corresponds to index.
return my_array.reshape(-1, num_col)
def looper(num_col, my_array=data):
This function calls 'shapeshifter' and returns a list of the
MAXimum values of each row in 'my_array' for 'num_col' columns.
The length of each row (or the number of columns per row if you
prefer) denotes the size of each window.
num_col = 2
==> window_size = 2
==> check max( data[1], data[2] ),
max( data[3], data[4] ),
max( data[5], data[6] ),
max( data[39], data[40] )
for k rows, where k = len(my_array)//num_col
my_array = shapeshifter(num_col=num_col, my_array=data)
rows = [my_array[index] for index in range(len(my_array))]
res = []
for index in range(len(rows)):
res.append( max(rows[index]) )
return res
So far, the code is fine. I checked it with the following:
check1 = looper(2)
check2 = looper(4)
>> [2.0, 4.0, ..., 38.0, 40.0]
>> 20
>> [4.0, 8.0, ..., 36.0, 40.0]
>> 10
So far so good. Now here is my problem.
def metalooper(col_ls, my_array=data):
This function calls 'looper' - which calls
'shapeshifter' - for every 'col' in 'col_ls'.
j_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
==> col_ls = [2,4,8,16,32]
==> looper(2), looper(4),
looper(8), ..., looper(32)
==> shapeshifter(2), shapeshifter(4),
shapeshifter(8), ..., shapeshifter(32)
such that looper(2^j) ==> shapeshifter(2^j)
for j in j_list
res = []
for col in col_ls:
return res
j_list = [2,4,8,16,32]
check3 = metalooper(j_list)
Running the code above provides this error:
ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged
With 40 data points, the array can be reshaped into 2 columns of 20 rows, or 4 columns of 10 rows, or 8 columns of 5 rows, BUT at 16 columns, the array cannot be reshaped without clipping data since 40/16 ≠ integer. I believe this is the problem with my code, but I do not know how to fix it.
I am hoping there is a way to cutoff the last values in each row that do not fit in each window. If this is not possible, I am hoping I can append zeroes to fill the entries that maintain the size of the original array, so that I can remove the zeroes after. Or maybe even some complicated if - try - break block. What are some ways around this problem?
I think this will give you what you want in one step:
def windowFunc(a, window, f = np.max):
return np.array([f(i) for i in np.split(a, range(window, a.size, window))])
with default f, that will give you a array of maximums for your windows.
Generally, using np.split and range, this will let you split into a (possibly ragged) list of arrays:
def shapeshifter(num_col, my_array=data):
return np.split(my_array, range(num_col, my_array.size, num_col))
You need a list of arrays because a 2D array can't be ragged (every row needs the same number of columns)
If you really want to pad with zeros, you can use np.lib.pad:
def shapeshifter(num_col, my_array=data):
return np.lib.pad(my_array, (0, num_col - my.array.size % num_col), 'constant', constant_values = 0).reshape(-1, num_col)
It is also technically possible to use, for example, a.resize(32,2) which will create an ndArray padded with zeros (as you requested). But there are some big caveats:
You would need to calculate the second axis because -1 tricks don't work with resize.
If the original array a is referenced by anything else, a.resize will fail with the following error:
ValueError: cannot resize an array that references or is referenced
by another array in this way. Use the resize function
The resize function (i.e. np.resize(a)) is not equivalent to a.resize, as instead of padding with zeros it will loop back to the beginning.
Since you seem to want to reference a by a number of windows, a.resize isn't very useful. But it's a rabbit hole that's easy to fall into.
Looping through a list is slow. If your input is long and windows are small, the windowFunc above will bog down in the for loops. This should be more efficient:
def windowFunc2(a, window, f = np.max):
tail = - (a.size % window)
if tail == 0:
return f(a.reshape(-1, window), axis = -1)
body = a[:tail].reshape(-1, window)
return np.r_[f(body, axis = -1), f(a[tail:])]
Here's a generalized way to reshape with truncation:
def reshape_and_truncate(arr, shape):
desired_size_factor =[n for n in shape if n != -1])
if -1 in shape: # implicit array size
desired_size = arr.size // desired_size_factor * desired_size_factor
desired_size = desired_size_factor
return arr.flat[:desired_size].reshape(shape)
Which your shapeshifter could use in place of reshape

Sorting a cell array?

I have a cell array of numbers but the majority of the cell array is empty for example:
x =
[] [6] [] [4] [] [] [] [1]
I have a matching array y
y = [1, 3,1,5,7,3,1,5]
I want to get the index of the numbers from the cell array x and use them to get the corresponding values from y. So x(2) matches with y(2). I convert x to a array using
x = cell2mat(x);
But the problem is that it returns
x = [6,4,1]
This does not allow me to get the correct index so I can then sort X and then sort Y accordingly so the same indices match up. I tried to use sort that does not work for cell arrays.
Just use y(x); that will return indices 6, 4, and 1 from the y vector.
Note that the order of the returned matrix will depend on the order of the indices in x; if you want to sort x, do it before running y(x).
