Autocomplete stopped working on SSMS 2016 - sql-server

Autocomplete stopped working some while ago for me. Intellisense seems to be otherwise working.
I tried everything mentioned here:
Tools >> Options >> Text Editor >> Transact-SQL >> IntelliSense, and
Enable IntelliSense is selected
Refreshed IntelliSense local cache: both Edit >> IntelliSense >> Refresh Local Cache or the CTRL+Shift+R keyboard shortcut to refresh
Enabled statement completion: please go to Tools >> Options >> Text Editor >> Transact-SQL >> General, and checked on Auto list members and Parameter information boxes
Rebooted SQL Server Management Studio several times
Checked that shortcut "CTRL+Space" is enabled for "Edit.CompleteWord" in Text Editor in Tools >> Options >> Environment >> Keyboard
I have problem only with option:
For each opening query window, please go to Query >> Intellisense Enabled
which is greyed out all the time:
I do not know, whether it is connected to my issue, but it might be.
So, how do I enable Autocomplete again?

it worked for me after pressing Alt+(Right Arrow)

I would recommend to forget about this issue and install 17.1 instead It is stable, free, looks beautiful and has more nice features than 2016.

Had the same problem: I did all the above mentioned. Solved it finally by disabling the SQLCMD Mode (which was activated)!

IntelliSense stopped working for me, due to offline databases. After bringing them online again, IntelliSense worked again.

My issue was solved by: Edit -> Intellisense -> Refresh Local Cache

I tried all the suggested solutions but nothing worked then I realized it didn't effect the query windows that was currently open.
Simply opening a new query window solved it.

SSMS version 18.12.1
I found that Intellisense was failing on an existing large SQL query window with many lines of different queries contained within.
I took the suggestion from Rikard Askelöf of opening up a NEW query window, and Intellisense started working to auto complete the table names after I put a DOT after the schema name in a new query line.
I finally found the problem was caused by this:
My large original query window had some "errors" in it from me pasting row data, and not commenting it out. I'm guessing Intellisense was getting so confused it just gave up.
Once I went through my query window and commented out all of the lines that had RED error's indicated by the scrollbar on the right, Intellisense works once again.

Invalid Linked Server Credentials
There is one additional case that I have seen. Took quite a bit of trouble to diagnose!
If the Server has a linked server and the credentials are no longer valid.
Autocompletion on objects freezes the cursor for a few seconds, then control comes back with no objects listed.

My issue was solved by: Edit -> Intellisense -> Toggle Completion Mode


Issues trying to get keyboard command to work in SSMS

I read [here] that you can put select top 1000 * from in tools > options > keyboard > query shortcuts and it should be able to pull the top 1000 of a dbo you've highlighted. This doesn't seem to work for me. When hitting the bound hotkey, in my case ctrl+3, while highlighting a dbo in my query, nothing happens.
I'm using SSMS 17.9.1 via royal TSX (RDC connection).
Any thoughts that could be preventing this from working for me?
EDIT: I went to to make sure that ctrl+3 was registering correctly, so it's not an RDC issue, best I can tell.
I figured it out. I just needed to save the query, close it, and open it back up. Must have been an SSMS error? Not too sure, but it works now!

MongoDB compass not initializing

I am trying to install MongoDB compass, however, my screen is getting stuck at initializing screen. Please help me as I really need help here. Here are the entire details: -
OS - Windows 8.1 64bit
Powershell version - 4.0 (I also tried to change the execution policy remote assigned. but that also didn't help)
MongoDB server version - 4.2.0 stable (tried MSI version)
MongoDB compass version - tried both (1.23beta version and 1.22 stable version)
I have also tried to install and uninstall multiple times.
Could anyone please help me? Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried adding this path C:\Windows\System32\wbem to your user Path variable?
I also had the same problem on Windows 10 and this has resolved my issue.
I found the fix there:
Step by step instruction for less experienced Windows users:
Kill all running Compass instances using Task Manager (i.e. Ctrl + Shift + Esc, then find running instances, if any, and kill them with right click and End task)
Right click on This PC and then Properties
You should be in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System
Click Advanced system settings link on left pane
On System Properties window go to Advanced tab
Click on Environmental Variables button closer to bottom of the page
Select Path in top list window (User variables)
Click Edit button located below that list window
Click New button to create new entry on the list
Paste C:\Windows\System32\wbem and click OK.
Another OK on Environmental Variables window
And another OK in System Properties window
Now you can try to run MongoDB Compass application again.
Hey thanks for the blog mention 😄, hope it worked. I faced the same issue while use MongoGUI so I figured out the way to fix it with help of environment variables.
To know more about environment variables you can read this blog, I referred to this to get more clarity on such kind of issues

Copy/Paste, Delete option not working in SQL Management Studio

I was trying to copy and paste some queries and noticed that the paste option is not working. After that I realized that my copy, paste, delete and next line option is not working at all. What will be the reason for this issue.
When you press the Ctrl key, the text editor is looking for a mouse click to "Go to Definition".
Tools>Options>Text Editor>General> Uncheck "Enable mouse click to perform Go To Definition"
(or you can change the modifier key to something you use less often if you want to continue using this feature)
What, exactly, are you trying to copy, and from where? For instance, if you're attempting to copy and paste tables, views or stored procedures (etc) in the Object Explorer, you'll have no luck.
For most of these items, you should be able to right-click, select "Script [Table | View | Stored Procedure ] As > CREATE TO > New Query Editor Window", then run the script.
Unfortunately(?), SSMS isn't as easy going as Microsoft Access, there's definitely a little work involved.
just experienced the same situation in SSMS v18.5!
Also wasn't able to paste/copy code in the Query's Window.
After playing around and restarting the App it wouldn't work.
I did not have issues copying/pasting in all other applications.
Then I found a solution myself by simply thinking about how to "re-init" the engine of Copy/Paste in SSMS:
Go to: Tools | Options | General | Check "Apply Cut or Copy to blank lines when there is no selection".
After applying the "fix" you should be able to copy/paste again! You may reset the checkmark later.
Hope you other guys have the same luck!
Edit: A few hours later the Copy/Paste again was not working and the fix did not work. I found out that a separate instance of Visual Studio had the same copy/paste problem. So it may be either a Windows 10 or .NET problem.
A reboot helped me in that case.
I encountered this problem too, and got a message saying my pc was out of memory. This could be caused by too many apps being open or too many background processes running.
Simply restarting the pc resolved the problem.

pgAdmin 4 v3.0 Query Tool Initialize Error

I recently got a new laptop and downloaded pgAdmin 4 v3.0. Before now, I had been running pgAdmin 4 v2.0 with no issues. However, now whenever I try to open the Query Tool (just by going through the drop down Tools menu), I receive the error message "Query Tool Initialize Error". The Query Tool worked for two or three queries after the initial error message, but has been returning the error message whenever selected in the days since then. I am able to create and edit tables and views, but only by right clicking the icons on the left-hand side of the screen. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling pgAdmin to no effect.
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
Query Tool Initialize Error
In Ubuntu 16.04 I updated my pgAdmin 4 version 2.1 to 3.0 and saw the same thing when attempting to open the Query Tool through the drop down menus. While this is not a fix, instead of browsing to I changed the URL to http://localhost:5050. Then I was able to use the Query Tool via the drop down menus.
Edit: What I did was edit the
pgAdmin4/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pgadmin4/ file by
updating the line:
DEFAULT_SERVER = 'localhost'
Now when I open pgAdmin, the Query Tool works accordingly.
Try resetting your layout, under the File entry in the top menu. I suspect that there's something in the layout settings saved under v2.0 that's incompatible with the v3.0 release.

SSRS Deployed reports have disabled parameters in IE, and those without parameters just return a blank screen

I have a set of SSRS reports developed in Visual Studio Data Tools that are used for several clients.
For one particular site, each report will work perfectly in 'Preview' mode in Visual Studio, however when I deploy them and attempt to run them in IE all of the parameters are disabled/greyed out. I also tried to put in a set of default parameters to see what would happen and when I click 'Run Report' I do not even get the 'Loading' image and the report is just blank.
I have checked the IE security settings and have reset them, and also added the report web page location in to trusted sites which unfortunately hasn't made a difference. One thing I have also noticed is that when I try to view Developer Tools in IE, it also just shows a blank white screen.
I've searched online and found a couple of old posts on various websites with a similar issue but none that were ever resolved, and now I am not sure how to proceed.
More info that might be useful:
The client are using IE 11, it is a terminal server style setup with around 8 or 9 users logged on.
The report I am testing with has 2 date parameters first, and two multi-valued parameters (I have tried other reports but with the same issue)
The client recently moved servers and the reports worked fine before, although it was a fresh install of the report so I don't believe there would be any old settings that could be causing it?
Any help greatly appreciated :)
In SSRS, report parameters can be inactive when the report is generated from a snapshot. Removing this option is as follows:
Navigate to the report in SSRS
"Manage" the report from the drop down.
Select "Processing Options" from the left menu
Is "Render this report from a report snapshot" selected? If so, switch
to "Always run this report with the most recent data" option.
Run the report to determine if parameters are now active.
If this fixes your issue, you may need to switch from the snapshot option to the Scheduled Cache option available under the left menu link "Cache Refresh Options"
For one particular site, each report will work perfectly in 'Preview' mode in Visual Studio, however when I deploy them and attempt to run them in IE all of the parameters are disabled/greyed out.
If that is the case, and a previous version of the report was already on the SSRS report server, what you can do is delete the report, and upload it again. There is some kind of cache for the parameters, that causes that if you modify the order of them, some get disabled, and the only way I have found to get rid of it is to delete the old report from the server.
For me this worked:
Open IE
Go to Settings->Compatibility View Settings
Add the URL of your report server.
You could be experiencing an old bug which was reported a long time ago in a connect item:
SSRS Weird Parameters Order Bug (parameter grayed out)
The official Microsoft answer on this subject is:
Currently this behavior is per design. However we will consider this
behavior improvement in a future release of reporting services The
only workaround at this point is to change the order of the
Are the parameters on the RDL file set to visible, like below:
Just going to add this as an answer, because it solved the issue for me;
Delete the report on the server & deploy again.
What happens is that you completely remove the report and thus also its parameters. When you deploy a report its parameters their default values do not get overwritten in case it didn't have a default the first time you deployed.
