Update Multiple SSRS Reports in bulk - sql-server

I need to make identical changes to hundreds of reports, and I was hoping to do this via SQL instead of each indvidual report and it's query. I can extract the report query via xml and generate my list of reports, their location, and the query being used. But what I cannot figure out is how to update the report query and then get that updated back into the Catalog? database so that the report itself reflects the changes when executed? I have never seen where this is possible, but maybe someone on here has tried to do this or knows that it's flat out not possible.
I could use SSIS and do this, but I would prefer not to download all the RDLs and then update, and then redeploy/upload the reports. Was hoping to update in place the reports/RDLs.

You shouldn't have to download the RDLs, they should already be in your source control system, and ideally collected and grouped into project(s). If so, you are in luck - you can use the global search/replace capabilities of Visual Studio (BIDS) or Notepad++ to make your change.
If your change was to the structure of the report then you could simply write a quick nasty console app to load the RDL and manipulate the XML structure. But things like the report query are held as free-form text in a node, making it harder to apply mass updates in a reliable way.
You could look to refactor the report queries into stored procedures and/or functions, this will make future updates a bit easier. In any case if you change the report RDLs you've got no option but to republish the modified ones - there's no such thing as an in-place change on the server (having your queries as stored procedures would have avoided this issue).


Tool To Generate Data Migration Script From Table A To Table B In SQL Server

During our SQL Server database deployments, we create a temporary table which contains the new desired state of data for a particular table. We then merge the temp table into the target table (we actually use individual insert, update and delete statements, but that's probably not relevant). The inserts/updates/deletes performed are captured and written out to a log.
We would like to be able to report on what changes would be applied by a deployment, without actually applying them. This is currently done by rolling back the transaction at the end of the above process. This doesn't feel particularly great though.
Now what we are thinking of doing is, instead of performing the changes and rolling them back, we will generate a migration script for the table (generate some SQL code that performs the necessary inserts, updates and deletes). If we want to do the actual deployment, this code will be dynamically executed. If not, the code will just be printed to a log.
It shouldn't take long to put together some code which can generate migration scripts for two specified tables, but I first wanted to verify that there isn't already an existing tool which can do this?
Searching on Google, I can find lots of talk about migrating whole databases, but nothing about generating a data migration script to effectively merge one table into another.
So my question is, does anyone know of such a tool?
There are several data compare tools like:
SQL Data Compare from Red Gate
SQL Server Data Tools
dbForge Data Compare from Devart
Is that what you're looking for?

Reporting Solution for Data Validation Queries

I'd like to get some advice on a reporting situation that I have. I am working in SQL Server. I have a ton of data validation queries that I run against a database. In general, for each query, I return two things -- one is the count of the offending records, and the other is the offending records themselves.
My goal is produce a report that gives the counts of the offending records for all data validation queries (ideally, on one sheet in an Excel workbook) and the offending records themselves (ideally, on separate sheets in an Excel workbook).
How is this best achieved? That is, what technology is best for this situation? For example, in the past, I have prototyped the queries in SSMS, copied them into a Windows batch file (and added code to write the results to separate text files), and called the batch file via the sqlcmd utility (using command prompt). However, I know that other solutions exist (e.g., SSRS). Would something like SSRS be a better tool for this situation? I'm hesitant to go the SSRS route, since I'm only giving metrics on one issue (i.e., counts of offending records) and the rest of the report consists of offending records.
This might get closed because it is a matter of opinion, but SSRS would be a good solution for this requirement. I think SSRS is a good fit if you have the following criteria:
You need to visualize the data in some kind of a table, chart, or graph
You want to send out automated emails every morning / week / month to a group of users (as opposed to just individual consumption)
You want to be able to export the report to other formats (excel or pdf) for additional analysis or sharing.
Otherwise, if it's just for you and you currently don't have SSRS running on the server, save yourself the overhead of running another service and just keep doing it in batch files.

crystal reports "show sql query" - how accurate is it?

The business is wanting new crystal reports to be built within designer only and less database objects, like procedures and views. The aim being for future transparent maintenance. But this is making tasks more difficult for me. I am wondering as to the accuracy of Show SQL Query? I have little control over the actual sql query being run on the server and feel like I am flying blind.
Obviously it makes more sense to build as much of the logic server-side but trying to keep client happy. My latest foray highlights some glaring issues with Show SQL Query:
Multiple table hits not showing! eg: 3 different tables needing to
hit the same base table. I have linked up the base table multiple
times and changed the naming to suit. But the query as shown by
Show SQL Query only mentions one of the 3 tables! Even though the
report is working off all 3 repeated tables just fine.
Nested logic is promlematic. I have to copy and paste into a
text editor, do a bit of formatting to make the sql readable and even
then it just doesn't look right logic wise.
Is there another way to keep everyone happy?

Tools to update tables in SQL server 2000/2005

Is there any handy tool that can make updating tables easier? Usually I got an Excel file with the original value in one column and new value in another column. Then I write a formula in Excel to create the 'update' statement. Is there any way to simplify the updating task?
I believe the approach in SQL server 2000 and 2005 would be different, so could we discuss them both? Thanks.
In addition, these updates usually request by "non-programmer" (which means they don't understand SQL, so it may not feasible to let them do query), is there any tool that can let them update the table directly without having DBAs do this task? Also, that tool needs to limit the privilege to only modify certain tables. And better has a way rollback the change.
Create a DTS package that will import a csv file, make the updates and then archives the file. The user can drop the file in a specific folder designated for the task or this can be done by an ops person. Schedule the DTS to run every hour, day, etc.
In case your users would insist that they keep using Excel, you've got several different possibilities of getting the data transferred to SQL Server. My preferred one would be to use DTS/SSIS, as mentioned by buckbova.
However, another method is by using OPENROWSET(), which makes it possible to query your Excel file as if it was a table. I wrote a small article about it here: http://blog.hoegaerden.be/2010/03/29/retrieving-data-from-excel/
Another approach that hasn't been mentioned yet (I'm not a big fan of letting regular users edit data directly in the DB), any possibility of creating a small custom application for them?
There you go, a couple more possible solutions :-)
I think the best approach is to expose a view on your data accessible to users who are allowed to do updates, and set up triggers on the view to perform the actual updates on the underlying data. Restrict change to only the columns they should be changing.
This technique can work on SQL Server 2000 and 2005.
I would add audit triggers on the underlying tables so you can always track changes.
You'll have complete control, and they can connect to it with Access or whatever and perform their maintenance.
You could create some accounts in SQL Server for these users and limit their access to only certain tables and columns along with onlu select / update / insert privileges. Then you could create an access database with linked tables to these.

Stored Procedures MSSQL2005

If you have a lot of Stored Procedures and you change the name of a column of a table, is there a way to check which Stored Procedures won't work any longer?
Update: I've read some of the answers and it's clear to me that there's is no easy way to do this. Would it be easier to move away from Stored Procedures?
I'm a big fan of SysComments for this:
FROM SysComments
WHERE text LIKE '%Table%'
AND text LIKE '%Column%'
There's a book-style answer to this, and a real-world answer.
First, for the book answer, you can use sp_depends to see what other stored procs reference the table (not the individual column) and then examine those to see if they reference the table:
The real-world answer, though, is that it doesn't work in a lot of cases:
Dynamic SQL strings: if you're building strings dynamically, either in a stored proc or in your application code, and then executing that string, SQL Server has no way of knowing what your code is doing. You may have the column name hard-coded in your code, and that'll break.
Embedded T-SQL code: if you've got code in your application (not in SQL Server) then nothing in the SQL Server side will detect it.
Another option is to use SQL Server Profiler to capture a trace of all activity on the server, then search through the captured queries for the field name you want. It's not a good idea on a production server, because the profile incurs some overhead, but it does work - most of the time. Where it will break is if your application does a "SELECT *", and then in your application, you're expecting a specific field name to come back as part of that result set.
You're probably beginning to get the picture that there's no simple, straightforward way to do this.
While this will take the most work, the best way to ensure that everything works is to write integration tests.
Integration tests are just like unit tests, except in this case they would integrate with the database. It would take some effort, but you could easily write tests that exercise each stored procedure to ensure it executes w/o error.
In the simplest case it would just execute the sp and make sure there is no error and not be concerned about the actual results. If your tests just executed sp's w/o checking results you could write a lot of this genericly.
To do this you would need a database to execute against. While you could setup the database and deploy your stored procs manually, the best way would be to use continuous integration to automatically get the latest code (database DDL, stored procs, tests) from your source control system, build your database, and execute your tests. This would happen every time you committed changes to source control.
Yes it seems like a lot of work. It's a lot of work, but the payoff is also big. The ability to ensure that your changes don't break anything allows you to move your product forward faster with a better quality.
Take a look at NUnit and NDbUnit
I'm sure there are more elegant ways to address this, but if the database isn't too complex, here's a quick and dirty way:
Select all the sprocs and script to a query window.
Search for the old column name.
If you are only interested in finding the column usage in the stored procedure probably the best way will be do do a brute force search for the column name in the definition column sys.sql_modules table - which stores the definition for the stored procedures/functions.
