I want to create 2-d arrays dynamically in Perl. I am not sure how to do this exactly.My requirement is something like this-
#a =([0,1,...],[1,0,1..],...)
Also I want to name the references to the internal array dynamically. i.e. I must be able to refer to my internal arrays with my chosen names which I will be allocating dynamically.
Can someone please help me on this.
It sounds like you want a tree/hash of arrays. Use references to achieve this.
Example of hash of array of array:
$ref = {};
$ref->{'name'} = [];
$ref->{'name'}[0] = [];
$ref->{'name'}[0][1] = 3;
This could be dynamic if required. Make sure you initialise what the reference is pointing at.
Example array of array references:
my #x;
$x[$_] = [0..int(rand(5)+1)] for (0..3);
You probably have some kind of loop?
for (...) {
my #subarray = ...;
push #a, \#subarray;
You could also do
for (...) {
push #a, [ ... ];
If it's actually a foreach loop, you could even replace it with a map.
my #a = map { ...; [ ... ] } ...;
Teaching myself swift, so complete noob here, but I'm far into a project and just know there must be an easier way to achieve something.
I have a 2D array:
var shopArray = [
["theme":"default","price":0,"owned":true,"active":true,"image":UIImage(named: "defaultImage")!,"title":"BUY NOW"],
["theme":"red","price":1000,"owned":false,"active":false,"image":UIImage(named: "redImage")!,"title":"BUY NOW"],
["theme":"blue","price":2000,"owned":false,"active":false,"image":UIImage(named: "blueImage")!,"title":"BUY NOW"],
["theme":"pool","price":3000,"owned":true,"active":false,"image":UIImage(named: "blueImage")!,"title":"BUY NOW"],
["theme":"line","price":4000,"owned":false,"active":false,"image":UIImage(named: "lineImage")!,"title":"BUY NOW"],
["theme":"neon","price":5000,"owned":false,"active":false,"image":UIImage(named: "lineImage")!,"title":"BUY NOW"]]
Where I simply want to create a function that runs and search for all the "owned" keys and make them all "false".
How do you search and replace in Arrays / 2D Arrays. More specifiaclly, what should the func look like?
Thank you!
You don't have a 2D array, you have an Array of Dictionaries.
You can set all of the values for the owned keys by iterating the indices of the Array and updating the values:
shopArray.indices.forEach { shopArray[$0]["owned"] = false }
That is the functional way to do it. You could also do the same operation with a for loop:
for idx in shopArray.indices {
shopArray[idx]["owned"] = false
You could do something like this to loopthrough the array replacing the approriate element.
var i = 0
for x in shopArray {
var y = x
y["owned"] = false
shopArray.remove(at: i)
shopArray.insert(y, at: i)
i = i + 1
or you could use a while loop to do the same with less code lines.
var y = 0
while y < shopArray.count {
shopArray[y].updateValue(false, forKey: "owned")
y += 1
There is proably somthing doable with .contains, but I'm not sure you need that toachive the result you mention above. Play around in a play ground in xcode and try a few different options without doing anything that might cause issues in your project.
In Go (golang), is it possible to define a map from strings to arrays, and in each array element I want to store a slice. Like this:
var data = make(map[string][2]Slice[]float64)
Then I want to retrieve my data, something like this:
floatValue0 = data["string-key"][0][#]
floatValue1 = data["string-key"][1][#]
data := map[string][2][]float64{"golang": {[]float64{3.14, 3.15}, []float64{3.12, 3.16}}}
In Perl, I've always been confused about how to cleanly assign multiple local variables from array entries.
I use the following syntax in subs all the time, so I'm somewhat familiar with it:
my ($var1, $var2) = #_
but other variations of this confuse me. For instance, I have the following code that works:
for my $ctr (0 .. $#matchingLines) {
my $lineNo = $matchingLines[$ctr][0];
my $text = $matchingLines[$ctr][1];
Where "#matchingLines" is an array of two-element arrays.
I wish I could convert the last two lines to the obvious:
my ($lineNo, $text) = $matchingLines[$ctr];
That of course does not work. I've tried numerous variations, but I can't find anything that works.
Just dereference the array ref:
my ( $lineNo, $text ) = #{ $matchingLines[$ctr] };
Check out Perl Data Structures Cookbook for additional examples.
It sounds like you have an array of arrays. this means that the inner arrays will be array references. If you want to allocate them to vars then you need to derference them.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #matchingLines = (['y','z'],['a','b']);
for my $ctr (0 .. $#matchingLines) {
my ($lineNo, $text) = #{$matchingLines[$ctr]};
print "#Array index: $ctr - lineno=$lineNo - text=$text\n"
this produces the output
#Array index: 0 - lineno=y - text=z
#Array index: 1 - lineno=a - text=b
Perhaps I have made this more complicated than I need it to be but I am currently trying to store an array that contains, among other things, an array inside a hash in Perl.
i.e. hash -> array -> array
use strict;
my %DEVICE_INFORMATION = {}; #global hash
sub someFunction() {
my $key = 'name';
my #storage = ();
#assume file was properly opened here for the foreach-loop
foreach my $line (<DATA>) {
if(conditional) {
my #ports = ();
$storage[0] = 'banana';
$storage[1] = \#ports;
$storage[2] = '0';
$DEVICE_INFORMATION{$key} = \#storage;
elsif(conditional) {
push #{$DEVICE_INFORMATION{$key}[1]}, 5;
}#end foreach
} #end someFunction
This is a simplified version of the code I am writing. I have a subroutine that I call in the main. It parses a very specifically designed file. That file guarantees that the if statement fires before subsequent elsif statement.
I think the push call in the elsif statement is not working properly - i.e. 5 is not being stored in the #ports array that should exist in the #storage array that should be returned when I hash the key into DEVICE_INFORMATION.
In the main I try and print out each element of the #storage array to check that things are running smoothly.
#main execution
print $DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[0];
print $DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[1];
print $DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[2];
The output for this ends up being... banana ARRAY(blahblah) 0
If I change the print statement for the middle call to:
print #{$DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[1]};
Or to:
print #{$DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[1]}[0];
The output changes to banana [blankspace] 0
Please advise on how I can properly update the #ports array while it is stored inside the #storage array that has been hash'd into DEVICE_INFORMATION and then how I can access the elements of #ports. Many thanks!
P.S. I apologize for the length of this post. It is my first question on stackoverflow.
I was going to tell you that Data::Dumper can help you sort out Perl data structures, but Data::Dumper can also tell you about your first problem:
Here's what happens when you sign open-curly + close-curly ( '{}' ) to a hash:
use Data::Dumper ();
my %DEVICE_INFORMATION = {}; #global hash
print Dumper->Dump( [ \%DEVICE_INFORMATION ], [ '*DEVICE_INFORMATION ' ] );
Here's the output:
'HASH(0x3edd2c)' => undef
What you did is you assigned the stringified hash reference as a key to the list element that comes after it. implied
my %DEVICE_INFORMATION = {} => ();
So Perl assigned it a value of undef.
When you assign to a hash, you assign a list. A literal empty hash is not a list, it's a hash reference. What you wanted to do for an empty hash--and what is totally unnecessary--is this:
And that's unnecessary because it is exactly the same thing as:
You're declaring a hash, and that statement fully identifies it as a hash. And Perl is not going to guess what you want in it, so it's an empty hash from the get-go.
Finally, my advice on using Data::Dumper. If you started your hash off right, and did the following:
my %DEVICE_INFORMATION; # = {}; #global hash
my #ports = ( 1, 2, 3 );
# notice that I just skipped the interim structure of #storage
# and assigned it as a literal
# * Perl has one of the best literal data structure languages out there.
$DEVICE_INFORMATION{name} = [ 'banana', \#ports, '0' ];
print Data::Dumper->Dump(
What you see is:
'name' => [
So, you can better see how it's all getting stored, and what levels you have to deference and how to get the information you want out of it.
By the way, Data::Dumper delivers 100% runnable Perl code, and shows you how you can specify the same structure as a literal. One caveat, you would have to declare the variable first, using strict (which you should always use anyway).
You update #ports properly.
Your print statement accesses $storage[1] (reference to #ports) in wrong way.
You may use syntax you have used in push.
print $DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[0], ";",
join( ':', #{$DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[1]}), ";",
$DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[2], "\n";
print "Number of ports: ", scalar(#{$DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[1]})),"\n";
print "First port: ", $DEVICE_INFORMATION{'name'}[1][0]//'', "\n";
# X//'' -> X or '' if X is undef
In an earlier question I asked how to initialize a Perl hash using slices. It is done like this:
my %hash = ();
my #fields = ('currency_symbol', 'currency_name');
my #array = ('BRL','Real');
#hash{#fields} = #array;
Now let's imagine a more complex hash, and here is how it is initialized:
my %hash = ();
my $iso = 'BR';
$hash->{$iso}->{currency_symbol} = 'BRL';
$hash->{$iso}->{currency_name} = 'Real';
print Dumper($hash);
This results in the following:
$VAR1 = {
'BR' => {
'currency_symbol' => 'BRL',
'currency_name' => 'Real'
Now the question would be: how to initialize this particular hash using the splice method?
The perllol documentation's Slices section covers array slices:
If you want to get at a slice (part of a row) in a multidimensional array, you're going to have to do some fancy subscripting. That's because while we have a nice synonym for single elements via the pointer arrow for dereferencing, no such convenience exists for slices. (Remember, of course, that you can always write a loop to do a slice operation.)
Here's how to do one operation using a loop. We'll assume an #AoA variable as before.
#part = ();
$x = 4;
for ($y = 7; $y < 13; $y++) {
push #part, $AoA[$x][$y];
That same loop could be replaced with a slice operation:
#part = #{ $AoA[4] } [ 7..12 ];
Extrapolating to hash slices, we get
#{ $hash{$iso} }{#fields} = #array;
You know it's a hash slice because the “subscripts” are surrounded with curly braces rather than square brackets.
First of all, since your hash is declared %hash, it would just be $hash{ $iso }. $hash->{ $iso } refers to a slot in the hash pointed to by $hash, which may or may not be pointing to %hash.
But once you have that, you can do the following:
#{ $hash{ $iso } }{ #fields } = qw<BRL Real>;
But as levels soon get complex, it's better to forgo the autovivification luxury and do the following:
my $h = $hash{ $iso }{blah}{blah} = {};
#$h{ #field_names } = #field_values;
Relocatable pointers within the hierarchy of hashes makes it easier to write anonymous accesses that also allow for easy slices.
$hash{$iso} is going to be a hash reference. You replace what would be the variable name (without the sigil) in a simple slice with a block containing the reference, so:
#{ $hash{$iso} }{#list}
See http://perlmonks.org/?node=References+quick+reference