Method Not Allowed Error after redirecting in AngularJS - angularjs

So what is going on is I have integrated the PayU payment gateway in my angular app. It has a success and failure url to which it gets redirected to according to the payment response. Now those urls are client's url where the client receives the response from PayU after payment success/failure. It is sent as a POST with few query parameters that are to be parsed.
Now the problem is that since the request is a POST request on a localhost url(with the same port on which I am already running the app), the console says that 'Method is not Allowed'.
The success url is http://localhost:8005/#!/payment/success
My app is running on http://localhost:8005 (which is the same).
Now I tried to define the url in app.js so as to receive the response as follows -
but it doesn't work.
when I am redirected to the url(http://localhost:8005/#!/payment/success) after payment, I am getting that 'Method Not Allowed' error.
The same url is working with GET request though but it cannot be a GET request as it is a response from third party so cannot change it from POST to GET.
So can anyone please help me with how can I overcome this thing or a work around maybe?


405 HTTP error after being redirected from payment gateway

we are using Vercel for making development fast .
in our react app , after payment page when payment redirect to our given url it gives 405 http error, how can we handle this?
I finally found the problem , it is coming from PayTabs's side
followings are the logic they are handling wrong:
when nothing is received from callback url , they should not redirect us with given redirect url
when we are giving an invalid callback url it make a GET request to given redirect url
when we are giving an valid callback url which returns 200 to them it make a POST request to given redirect url which is not supported by browser.
This error happens when your page does not use next js serverside rendering. I had same issue but solved it by converting the page from a static page to a server rendered page using getServerSideProps

Can a POST request be redirected as another GET request

I am working on a react application, where there is a need to send the object parameters inside a body because of confidentiality. So I am making a POST request from the react app client-side to the backend server like this
.post('htps://', {
data: password,
.catch(function (error) {
After making this POST request there is a preflight request with "method = OPTIONS" and "URL= 'htps://'" which java-backend-server responds with status_code=200.
After the above preflight request, java-backend-server addresses the POST request and instead of sending a response the java-backend-server respond with a GET request (i.e redirect) as for example:, requestMethod=GET
And in response to the above GET request, the express app responds with status_code=200
But immediately after this GET request, there is a preflight request with request Method=OPTIONS and having the same URL as above i.e, requestMethod=OPTIONS
and for this above OPTIONS request express server responds with a status_code=204 which means that the client doesn't need to navigate away from its current page...this is something prohibiting my app to make a final redirect i.e after the backend server responds with a GET request, my react app is not able to make a redirect even search engine does not update the redirect URL which is
So, here Is this even possible? I am assuming that the preflight request after the GET request prohibits the client side to be able to make a final redirect. Can someone please help me with this scenario
I am not sure if I understand your problem correctly but what you can do is send a post response which will which will indicate client to redirect to specific location.
This can be achieved by sending response with status code 302 and location in header (location:redirect_url)
For more info :-

$http & JSESSIONID with Glassfish

I have a backend using Java which produces JSON for the services, which client will need to login/be authenticated using cookies based (JSESSIONID in Java).
I manage to receive JSESSIONID from server, however concecutive $http.get from client does not include previous generated JSESSIONID which I supposed to be automated handle by $http ?
The case:
Step 1
When I tested my login page using $ using valid user id and password, I can get an expected result from my server, I can get a generated JSESSIONID from the server, i.e.:
set-cookie:JSESSIONID=0a624257d0f704840bf6d8c8cc31; Path=/tmh-web; HttpOnly
(pls refer to screenshot in Response Header)
after call Login & been auhthenticated screenshot
Step 2
After been authenticated, when tried to call another URL service which requires authentication, I got an error: "403 Forbidden"
And I suspected this is because $http does not send the JSessionID it has received on Step 1.
(pls refer to screenshot in Request Header, there is no JSessionID has been sent back to server)
call next service which requires authentication
Has anyone experienced this problem with Java as the backend server ?
Use / for path attribute of the cookie.

Communication with an API

I have a Symfony2 API and an AngularJS app which consumes it.
I'm facing a problem when trying to connect a member. It should work like this :
The client sends a POST request to the API, on the route /api/public/users/connection. The content of the request is a JSON object like this : {"username":"qzdqzd","password":"qzdqzdc"}
The server verifies the request and send back either a 400 response, with a body containing the error message (such as "This username does not exist."), or a 200 response, with the API key in the content to be stored in a cookie.
I'm facing a very strange problem. I have two instances of the API : one in my computer, in local, and the other one on the web ( When my AngularJS code is configured to request the local API, it works as expected :
It's in french, but you can see in red the error message.
But when I change my AngularJS code to request the distant API, with the same request, I receive a 400 error code, but with no content in the response. Plus, Firefox tells me that I have a CORS problem.
I thought at first that I misconfigured CORS on the server, but! When I try to do the exact same request with a dedicated browser addon (RESTClient in my case), it works perfectly :
So I start to think that the problem could be caused by AngularJS. The request seems valid, and seems to work as it do in RESTClient, but AngularJS doesn't receive anything.
I'll be grateful if someone has a clue.

CakePHP: post data disappears after redirecting to login page

When I test submitting my form (by the post method) with a logged in user, it sends data correctly, but when I am not logged in, it redirects to the login page.
But this if statement in beforeRender() of app_controller.php returns false:
if ($this->RequestHandler->isPost())
In fact, $this->data is empty. Where is the problem?
Yes, indeed. POST data cannot be retained through a redirect. The HTTP protocol simply doesn't allow for it* and CakePHP doesn't do anything to work around this limitation. The browser sends a POST request to the server, the server responds with a 302 Found redirect with a Location header, the browser issues a GET request to the given Location. The browser does not send the POST data again.
See Stack Overflow question Post data again after authorization for a manual workaround.
* HTTP allows it using a 307 Temporary Redirect, but no browser seems to implement this correctly.
