SQLite performance advice for .net - database

I am using SQLite in my application. The scenario is that I have stock market data and each company is a database with 1 table. That table stores records which can range from couple thousand to half a million.
Currently when I update the data in real time I - open connection, check if that particular data exists or not. If not, I then insert it and close the connection. This is then done in a loop and each database (representing a company) is updated. The number of records inserted is low and is not the problem. But is the process okay?
An alternate way is to have 1 database with many tables (each company can be a table) and each table can have a lot of records. Is this better or not?
You can expect at around 500 companies. I am coding in VS 2010. The language is VB.NET.

The optimal organization for your data is to make it properly normalized, i.e., put all data into a single table with a company column.
This is better for performance because the table- and database-related overhead is reduced.
Queries can be sped up with indexes, but what indexes you need depends on the actual queries.

I did something similar, with similar sized data in another field. It depends a lot on your indexes. Ultimately, separating each large table was best (1 table per file, representing a cohesive unit, in you case one company). Plus you gain the advantage of each company table being the same name, versus having x tables of different names that have the same scheme (and no sanitizing of company names to make new tables required).
Internally, other DBMSs often keep at least one file per table in their internal structure, SQL is thus just a layer of abstraction above that. SQLite (despite its conceptors' boasting) is meant for small projects and querying larger data models will get more finicky in order to make it work well.


database design for large number of users

which one is better a or b:
a). 7 tables for each user e.g. user7 messages, user7mail etc.In this case if we have 1000 users the there will be 7000 tables.
b). 7 tables e.g. messages, mails etc. all the messasges or mails of every usr will be on same table.
in this case for 1000 users we have only 7 tables.
In most cases, on modern hardware and with reasonable tuning, your database should be able to support tens of millions of records without too much pain, as long as your data really is relational. If you're searching for text, or storing hierarchical data, or storing documents, or running reports, there are alternative options (e.g. NoSQL).
Where at all possible, stick with the orthodox way of using relational databases; that means normalization, query tuning, using caches and throwing hardware at the problem.
Only once you've proven you have a performance problem is it worth looking at more exotic solutions. Within RDBMS world, that might mean partitioning the data (sorta kinda similar to your "table per user" idea). Alternatively, you might jump to NoSQL.
The problems with your "table per user" strategy is that you gain almost no benefit when querying by index (on a modern RDBMS, searching a table with 1 row or a table with million rows when hitting the index makes almost no difference for finding the data). For actions that don't hit the index, you should see a decent gain - but that's usually a sign you're not really relational in the first place...
It makes developing the client application rather error prone, and more complicated than it needs to be, especially when creating moderately complex SQL queries (e.g. multi-table joins) - and tuning those queries will become much harder as a result. You won't be able to use the tools available to manage database queries (e.g. ORM tools), as these are all based on the "standard" relational model.
The biggest problem is changing the database - if you have to add an attribute to "message", you have to repeat that change over 7000 tables. You'll either spend a lot of time writing custom database management scripts, or have a human being repeat the same thing thousands of times (and make hard-to-spot mistakes).
Case B will be much better, just make sure that your users have a user_id type field that increments automatically, and link your tables together via that ID e.g.
user_id email
1000 hello
This will improve lookup speed because you do not have to iclude functionality to choose a specific piece of data from a search of 1000's of tables (in this case it would be searching columns of tables until it found the right table with the right column, it would be ludicrous)
but if you are searching a specific table (e.g. you only need messages) only 1 table will be included in the lookup, much faster and easier to manage all the tables at an admin level.
but and even better idea would be 1 table with several columns, say a 'communications' table which could be like
user_id email messages
1000 hello hi

Database design: one large table versus several smaller tables

I have to create a database to store information being sent and received to / from a 3rd party web service portal. There are about 150 fields of information to be sent though I can remove about 50 of those fields by normalising (there are three sets addresses that can be saved in an address table, for example). However, this still leaves a table that could potentially have 100 columns.
I've come up with two ways of handling this though I'm not sure which to use:
1. Have a table with 100 columns and three references to an address table.
2. Break it down into maybe 15-20 separate dedicated tables.
Option 1 seems the quickest as it involves the fewest joins but the idea of a table with 100 columns doesn't feel right.
Option 2 feels better and would break things down in to more managable chunks but it won't save any database space and will increase the number of joins. Pretty much all the columns in the database will have a value and I cannot normalise these columns any further.
My question is, in this situation is it acceptable to have a table with c.100 columns in it or should I try and break it down over several tables for presentation?
Please note: The table structure will not change over the course of it's useage, a new database would be created for a new version of the web service portal. I have no control over the web service data structure.
Edit: #Oded's answer below has made me think a bit more about how the data will be accessed; it will really only be accessed in whole and not in part. I wouldn't for example, need to return columns 5-20 on a regular basis.
Answer: I accepted Oded's answer based on the comments after he posted it helped me make my mind up and I decided to go with option 1. As the data is accessed in full then having one table seems the better solution. If, for example, I regularly wanted to access columns 5-20 rather than the full table row then I'd see about breaking it up into separate tables for performance reasons.
Speaking from a relational purist point of view - first, there is nothing against having 100 columns in a table, if they are related. The point here is that if after normalizing you still have 100 columns, that's OK.
But you should normalize, and in the process you may very well end up with 15-20 separate dedicated tables, which most relational database professionals would agree is a better design (avoid data duplication with the update/delete issues associated, smaller data footprint etc...).
Pragmatically, however, if there is a measurable performance problem, it may be sensible to denormalize your design for performance benefit. The key here - measureable. Don't optimize before you have an actual problem.
In that respect, I'd say you should go with the set of 15-20 tables as an initial design.
From MSDN:Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server :
Columns per nonwide table: 1,024
Columns per wide table: 30,000
So I think 100 columns is ok in your case. And also maybe you need to note(from same link):
Columns per primary key: 16
Of course this is only in the case if need data only as Log for a service.
If after reading from service you need to maintain data -> then normalising seems better...
If you find it easier to "manage" tables with fewer columns, however you happen to define manageability (e.g. less horizontal scrolling when looking at the table data in SSMS), you can break the table up into several tables with 1-to-1 relationships without violating the rules of normalization.

PHP Geek needs Database Design Assistance

Like most developers I think I am always striving to create the most optimal code and database schemas.
However - Ive got the feeling, that Im over engineering my database schema that I want to create.
I have a web app that, in a short space of time, will hold a lot of users. The users are in the form of customers, suppliers, system users. Its in an industry where it likely to grow rapidly.
In previous schemas I have those users separated in different tables.
However, I am now thinking of going down the route of having one table called: PEOPLE.
There will be these tables:
Contact Details,
They are related via PivotTables ie:
My Question is this considered good/bad design.?
Am I over thinking, over engineering a simple setup.
The table People will grow exponentially and will hold ALOT of data - and other tables will relate to it.
I would really welcome opinions.
Will my design scale to 100 thousand records and maintain moderate speed.? * will initially start with 1000 records and will likely grow to approx 100,000 in 1 year.
For users that can log-in, and maybe are traced (last login, failed password retries) it is optimal to have a small table and maybe a separate table for writing (distinction between reading and writing data).
Any table with people in general has a tendency to collect a tremendous number of fields. Functional distinctions kept in different tables keep the data tidy, indexing on a suppliers table is nicer/maybe more optimal, as are changes to supplier data. SQL JOINs are manageable, and could be done with SQL views.
So I would go for a thin base table People and 1:1 tables SupplierPeople, SystemUsingPeople and so on. And consider which changes do happen: how often tables are updated, inserted into, being read.
Also consider having to modify the database scheme, adding a field.
If you're only worried about the scalability of your solution, 100K records is not a particularly large number, subject to some (important) assumptions.
Modern database software (I assume you're going to use MySQL as you say you're a PHP hand) running on modern hardware can easily handle databases with millions of records, as long as you have a well-designed table layout, and can use indices.
Your design - linking "people" to "contacts" and "residences" can use primary/foreign keys to join; that should easily scale to your requirements.
It's worth considering the likely queries you're going to be running, though - I'm guessing you will need to be able to search "people" by name, or by address, or by city, or by last contact date etc. This suggest you may need free text searching - once you get to large numbers of records, using where name like '%Jones%' can be slow.
You may also want to consider archiving/history strategies - do you need to store the history of someone's residences (so you can find out where they lived when they placed the order)?

Database design--billions of records in one table?

Let's say you're creating a database to store messages for a chat room application. There's an infinite number of chat rooms (they're created at run-time on-demand), and all messages need to be stored in the database.
Would it be a mistaken to create one giant table to store messages for all chat rooms, knowing that there could eventually be billions of records in that one table?
Would it be more prudent to dynamically create a table for each room created, and store that room's messages only in that table?
It would be proper to have a single table. When you have n tables which grows by application usage, you're describing using the database itself as a table of tables, which is not how an RDBMS is designed to work. Billions of records in a single table is trivial on a modern database. At that level, your only performance concerns are good indexes and how you do joins.
Billions of records?
Assuming you have constantly 1000 active users with 1 message per minute, this results in 1.5mio messages per day, and approx 500mio messages per year.
If you still need to store chat messages several years old (what for?), you could archive them into year-based tables.
I would definitely argue against dynamic creation of room-based tables.
Whilst a table per chat room could be performed, each database has limits over the number of tables that may be created, so given an infinite number of chat rooms, you are required to create an infinite number of tables, which is not going to work.
You can on the other hand store billions of rows of data, storage is not normally the issue given the space - retrieval of the information within a sensible time frame is however and requires careful planning.
You could partition the messages by a date range, and if planned out, you can use LUN migration to move older data onto slower storage, whilst leaving more recent data on the faster storage.
Strictly speaking, your design is right, a single table. fields with low entropy {e.g 'userid' - you want to link from ID tables, i.e following normal database normalization patterns}
you might want to think about range based partitioning. e.g 'copies' of your table with a year prefix. Or maybe even a just a 'current' and archive table
Both of these approaches mean that your query semantic is more complex {consider if someone did a multi-year search}, you would have to query multiple tables.
however, the upside is that your 'current' table will remain at a roughly constant size, and archiving is more straightforward. - {you can just drop table 2005_Chat when you want to archive 2005 data}

Pros and Cons of massive table that controls all data flow with stored procs

DBA (with only 2 years of google for training) has created a massive data management table (108 columns and growing) containing all neccessary attribute for any data flow in the system. Well call this table BFT for short.
Of these columns:
10 are for meta-data references.
15 are for data source and temporal tracking
1 instance of new/curr columns for textual data
10 instances of new/current/delta/ratio/range columns for multi-value numeric updates
:totaling 50 columns.
Multi valued numeric updates usually only need 2-5 of the update groups.
Batches of 15K-1500K records are loaded into the BFT and processed by stored procs with logic to validate those records shuffle them off to permanent storage in about 30 other tables.
In most of the record loads, 50-70 of the columns are empty through out the entire process.
I am no database expert, but this model and process seems to smell a little, but I don't know enough to say why, and don't want to complain without being able to offer an alternative.
Given this very small insight to the data processing model, does anyone have thoughts or suggestions? Can the database (SQL Server) be trusted to handle records with mostly empty columns efficiently, or does processing in this manner wasted lots of cycles/memory,etc.
Sounds like he reinvented BizTalk.
I typically have multiple staging tables corresponding to the input loads. These may or may not correspond to the destination tables, but we don't do what you're talking about. If he doesn't like to have a lot of what are basically temporary work tables, they could be put into their own schema or even a separate database.
As far as the columns which are empty, if they aren't referenced in the particular query which is processing BFT it doesn't matter - HOWEVER, what will happen is that the indexing becomes much more crucial that the index chosen is a non-clustered covering index. When your BFT is used and a table scan or clustered index scan is chosen, the unused column have to be read and ignored or skipped, and this definitely seems to affect processing in my experience. Whereas with a non-clustered index scan or seek, less columns are read, and hopefully this doesn't include (m)any of the unused columns.
Normalization is the keyword here. If you have so many NULL values, chances are high that you're wasting a lot of space. Normalizing the table should also make data integrity in this table easier to enforce.
One thing that might make things a little more flexible (other than normalizing) could be to create one or more views or table functions to present the data. Particularly if the table is outside your control, these would enable you to filter the spurious crap out and grab only what you need from the table.
However, if you're going to be one of the people who will be working with (and frowning every time you have to crack open) that massive table, you might want to trump the DBA's "design" and normalize that beast, and maybe give the DBA the task of creating some views and/or table functions to help you out.
I currently work with a similar but not so huge table which has been around on our system for years and has had new fields and indices and constraints rather hastily tacked on Frankenstein-style. Unfortunately some other workgroups rely on the structure as gospel, so we've created such views and functions to enable us to "shape" the data the way we need it.
